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..��:.�ii�� � . . ' � t. � -r:. f! u` - rr+ <br /> '_ � -.r'- r . •�i{ t .�e �..�,.. S- i . �i' i � : � � � , <br /> .t��. -J� I . M1- , . = , �r. <br /> j 'J • ": ' ' ���};���.�� � '�— <br /> : �°� 1�1e law mi spectfy for kWtYtemsAq pe�tqio e�te ot ihe�coperty punutnttp any ppwet j e�10 aonWpW In s . ` ,. <br /> ��,�'rartn��ors entaclna�61t8tcurl4yfostmoxm: Uto�aMa!lr�ons�e►n���ow� ta�: _ <br /> WYl.. t!�U wm�whlch n wout ba duo unAci 1Nt secuilty•WiNmslii and tho Noce oe 7 no aoPeletatoA h�d. - <br /> - - ��)��a�ydeteuliotaiq roov,Ctunbore�eemeetst(o)p�Y �itexpensalneuttWtneNoicingiels6kvdty , <br /> r ineludtng,qul ao!I!m1tedYP,tusonaDie ntro�deya'hia;nnG(�)tAkaf tueA aWon w L6ndu may_�eafonnbJy� - - - <br /> �ulro io pss ro IAA�fie IteA ot�hte 8audry Nstn,nunt,l.endu�dBRte In 0o Properly and 8orrowertobllgetHan td�y Q�o <br /> wma t�cu�Dy We 8ecbtity InaWment ihal) coiltinuo u¢clianged. Upon ttfnatatemenl Dy t3oirowa, ihq Becuci ry <br /> InsWfnent'Ar(d W e oDligetlo�u Karcd herc by�h a 1 1 tt m dn N l t y o f kc Uvo es I f na a o c e Ten tlon ha d aeu rt M, Ho v�av�r,�h l! <br />_ . dghl So rci^a�a�e�hall not-a�pp1y in the cato ofoacolcnLLon wdcrpveg�aph 19. �_-, .. _ .._ , <br /> lY. 8iie of Not! C f iin{e qt3tiiq I3�rv(�e�..'[fid NotO de a potlitl interest N Ne Note(toguncr wiw Nf�Sesudry <br /> Instiumcnt)m�y bo so�d anp or moroJir�er wtlhuui pd0�notico to Hortower. A ealo may re;uic In a chsngo in�ho ent(ty <br /> (tnovm ea IAo Loen Bervtoer")8�at coUCeu monthly poymente duo undenAo Noto end�hf.+8aurity Wuumcm. 74iero elso <br /> may bo ono or moro chEngea ot Q�o Lo�n Bervicer unrclatcd�o a ealo ot tho Naa If�hero h�chenge of the t.oari Suvlar, <br /> BortoWM W�116e Blven written noqae ot Na change in eaordanca wf�h puegeyh 14 a6ove and eppIlcablo taw. Tha notloe <br /> wlll emte the namo end eddrea ot�he newlaan Scrvixr und�ho eddrcaa to�vhich paymenu�Aoutd bo mada 7ho notice will <br /> - et4ocontelnenyoNerinformallonrarylttd6ynppIMebiplaw. <br /> 20. HwrCoue BuDstpnas. Hortowu ehnll nat cause or pemili tho prcsence,uu,disposel,sarege,or rcleaso of aqy <br /> Ha:ardoua SuDs�enco�on or In�ho Nopeny. Horrower ihail not do,nor eliow anyono clu�o d0.enY�h�riB eikcting the <br /> Aopaty ttiat I�in violaqon of eny Bnvimnmcntai Law. 71ro pruWing two sentenaa ahati na¢pp�y ro the prcsena,iva m <br /> uomgo on�he Nnperty ot�matl quantldee otHazerdoue Substenaa thet ue gcneraliy raognlzW to 6e appropriate eo nomid <br /> rcsidential usu eqd to maintcnanco of Ne Property. <br /> iiortower�hnll prompNy Bive I.ender wd�ten natco of my invu8ga8on,claim,demeid.Ia�veWt or other action by eny <br /> - govemmemal or rcgulmory agcncy or priwie par[y involring�he Propaty and any Harardow Substuke or Bnvironmemel <br /> -�- Lew of whlch Bortower hua acNal Imowledgo. If Bo�wer Ieuna, m la notificd by any govanmenml a regulatory ---- <br /> �-- auNoriry,that my remorel or ahor rcmedietlon of any Harudow 3uMUnce aftectfng the Proyerty 1�naeuery,Botro�ver <br />--- ehati prompNy uke all neceasery rcmalial ediona In eccordanco wi�A 8nvironmentel Lew. _ <br />�:"59 Aa used In ihia pamgreph 20,"Hezerdom Subsunees'�re thou wbstmcca deMed an tmic or hezardous�ubstencea by __--. <br /> _— 8nvironmentel Isw and�he tollowing eubnencca: genolino,keroscno,o�hcr flammable or�oxtc petrolwm produeu.toxic <br /> `?� pestleidm and hefiicidee,volaiilo wlventa,mateflale wnwining esbestw or formaldehyde,end radioac�ivo matedela. As <br />-�-'il used In thie paragraph 20,"Hnvlronmen�el law"mew federal lavn end lews of�he Judadiciton wherc�h¢Roperty ia located —� <br /> .-� �Ant relaro ro IKaI�,safay or environmemd protection. � __ _ <br /> .-� NONd1NIFORM COVBIJAN7'S. Bortower md Lender funher oovenam and egrco a�folloxn: _ _ <br /> n� 31. Aoaleretton�Remedles. Lender ehatl glve nopce to Qorroner prior to eccelerapon folloMng DorrowerM _ - _ . .. <br />-..,,� Dreuch of an�mvenant or agreement(n thL+Securhy Instrummt(Cut not prlor to ecceteration under peragraph 19 ___- <br />-_„�, unles�applttable law providu otherntse). The noNCa shall specify: (a)the deteuttt(b)the action«quired to cure the =��s� <br /> detauitt(c)e d�te,not less Ihen 30 deye trom the date the notlee te given to Oorrower,by whlch the detault muat be �a.i;�;, <br /> -� cureAi end(d)t6at tullure[o cure�ne aenult on or ireforc[fia de[e speeined in che nmiro mey resuli in acceteraiion oi --- __ <br /> -= the sum+secured by this 3ecurltr Inetrument end sale of the Property. TAe notlm ehnll Nrthtr Intorm Borrowu ot � <br /> the rl6ht to relnMate uRer ecceteratlon and Ihe right to bdng a murt ectlon ro euert Ihe non•e:istena ot e dctault or � ,� . - <br /> '� any other dehnse o1 Oonower to ecceleratlon end sele. If the defauN la not eured on or beforc tht date spedfled in �,�.�;Y ; <br /> _� the notice,Lender at f8 optlnn mer requlre immcdlate parment In full otnll sums eecured by tAb Security Instrument —r?� _ <br /> r' v(thoul furtAer demand and may Invoke lhe power ot aele end eny other remediw permitted Dy epplicaDle la�r. ';1 z(y u .: <br />;_"� Lender ehall be entllltd to mlleN eU apenxea Inwrred In pursuing fhe remedlea provided in thia paragreph 21. �?�'.��;;;ri`��"-' <br /> including,but not Ilmited to,reesonabla uROrneyA feen end cost�of Iftle evldence. ��,�a.,.::,;-:"- <br />-'Sy If�he ower of sele te Inroked,7Yuslce xhnll record a notiee ot defauit In each munty in xhlch eny part of Ihe '''� t � � <br />;,.r� Property IsRowted ond shall nmil rnpiea otauch notice In�he manner preecribed by epplicuble la�v to Oorro�rer and m �:.��u. ` v-� <br /> lhe olher perwne preacrl6ed by epplicoble law. ARer IM1e time requlred by eppllcable lan,7Yasfee ahell give pubilc :��. �'$7 - <br /> --,j notice ot eele to the persanx and In Ihe manner prexcdbed by epplltnbte lew. 7Ynstee,ellhaut demnnd on Rorrower, -77� 'r 1 x� :; <br /> ___^:i shall eei!�he Property ut public auetion ro the highext 61dd¢r at the tlme und ptace and under the termv deafgnated in .,��rs � <br /> :i Ihe noflee oisele in one or more parcela end In eny order7�wtee determinea. 7Yustce mor pastpone aele of ell or uny ' ;;- <br /> - parnl of Ihe Property Ay public announeemenl el Ihe Ilme and place of nny preriowir scheduled seie. Lender or it+ ry3J�.����` ar��- <br /> dealgnee may pmchase Iho Property at eny sele. gy+3�f;+��• �^�- <br /> :� Upon rceelpt of payment of IAe prlce biA,'Itu�lee shail delRer lo Ihe purchaser 7Fncfee'a deed wnreying Ihe "s " ��r -� <br /> , Property. The recileLs in Ihe 7Yu�tce'e deed ehall be prima facie evidence ot the Iruth otlhe stutemen0 mede Ihereln. ��t > <br /> y-�� 7}ustee ahall apply Ihe proceedv of Ihe sxte in Ihe foltoo�ing order: Im ro nll cozls und expensw oiexercLdng 1he poi�•er �� � ' <br /> � xa <br /> _!:� s;�;e11:� ` <br /> ;;y � <br /> �- ,1 ,� <br /> .�1 -��;t.�, �*<,3�?_. <br /> � = <br /> � y�r <br /> .__� ;.,:,,:...:....:.:: <br /> z� „1,�,�,: <br /> � �< � �5 <br /> ,� ,,,. <br /> .sa f . <br />':.'i� Furm WItl 9.90 �ryKC.anNt�v • i 1��.1Zq_: <br /> !ti� ' <br /> ':"� ' Iyr..:,. <br />-l: :� <br /> � T �. �.]• _ .. ,/� NI ��e�r ^.. - t�. <br /> . �S:- _e'i S f/ ..(-. t.s __ _o__ ... r.-.�e�7�'71f:- .r .4p.IsPl - T;i�StiF.l�i'rT ;,i >. J�4�, �;-_ . ..--."n� - - <br /> �.} 1 i . <br /> t; s�.r , _ _ , _ - <br />� -� cii•r"-�- s t.r� :�:.. - �-rfi . . . . -- — <br /> , -. -. - _ -- - _ . - -. - - _- -- -- —_. --- _— <br /> iun T � r ' _ . . . <br /> J� 't4 l{� 1�, � . • _ . . _ - , -. . . <br /> �� - t ' - - . ' _' - . ' <br /> t E._ T �_ �t . . _ . _ _ . . . ' . . . <br /> � q <br /> J : � ' ...: . . <br /> � A {9 ..:I.e� .. . • _ � <br /> �. I �.. l � � � . . -. <br /> .sti- f t' i- '� <br /> y+. - � (•�� - r -�� � . - . . ' . <br /> 1- ] L44a .J -� . i - . . � .. <br /> = 1 Tuy it _': ll - - `; .. . - _ - <br /> yJr� -y _. � 4: �- �� f . 3�-.' - . <br /> �� r ' .t . .!+- ` � �-� _ . <br /> t A -r..j Y 1 �. � �•;�� l µ� -iT . <br /> !1 '' � t7.. r Y� - . t- __ � r�� il j _ _ <br /> ty✓ y V . f 1 <br /> ' a°. ;.+ f .,..... ' , :� _.'� . ... - t. _., .'.l . . .. , .�.t.._ .. 7. . . . ,. . [ , _ <br /> r 4 ,. <br />