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_ __. . . . . . . _. _ __.. . , _ .._._ ... ... . . : . . . . :•.�Jy:. . <br /> , ' 9,?���i.Q►��3�i9i " <br /> podod�that Lendenequlrta. 7fia insu�anee cenler provl0ing tAe Niuronca�he116o chwen by Borrower�ublec�to LenQerY <br /> epprovet whlch uh�lt nof ba vnreeanne6ly wttteh!td. If 8m�owet felu to melntflln aivrnga drserib¢d a6ove,7.F.+�drr nay,u - �_- _ - <br /> I.eaderl opHOn,obtdn covemge to prolea Lendub dghu in tho Pcopeny N aaordanco wlth pw�g�npb 7. <br /> All insurnnce polteloa and rcnewab�iwit be accep�abb ro Lender and ihnil Ncluda a itenderd fiortgaga ctauso. LaMu -- <br /> shall have tho right ro hoid ilw poltolca end rcnewate. ItLendor rcqWrc�,Bocrower�hall promptly give�o l.endor alt rcalpta <br /> of patd pttmlwu and ronewal noNaa. in�he ovent ot Iw�,Bortower ehnll glva prompt notloo to�ha insurenoe cazciu anA <br /> Lenda. I.endu mny meke proof of Iwa Itnot mxde prompLLy 6�Dortower. <br /> Unlw Lender end Bortowcr o�herwiso agrca in�vrlting, nsurenoe Rroatd�shall be appliM to�rstomQon or rcpalr of <br /> �he ProDeny demn�ed, If Ihe�eatoradon or rep+tr ie eoo�romlcaiiy tw�bla nnd Lenderti secudry i�not le�sened. If�he .. ...,. . .. <br /> rcatoratlon or repafr b not eoonomically tea�tble or Lenduh ucu�ity would be leasencd,the Insurenoe procads eh�l be <br /> applied ro the�ums acurtd by thie Secudty Insuumen6 whether or not then due,wi�h any excesa paid ro Dortowror. It <br /> Bortower ebandons�ho Property.or doea not answer within 30 dey�a noHce trom Lender�hu the insuranco canier ha+ <br /> olkred ro cenle a clalm,then Lender may collar the insuranca proaeda. Lender may use the pmceeds to rcpafr or rtsroro <br /> �ha Propeny or to pay wme acureA by tht�Sceudty Instrumene,wheeLer or not then dua 7Le 30�day pMod w1U 6egin�vhen � <br /> �he notice lapJ ven. <br /> Unlesn i.endu and Baro�vu o�htnvise agrce In wiipng,any appIicatlon ot proceeds ro pdnclpal shell not axtend w °- --- - <br /> pastpone�he duo d�te of�ho monthly paymena rcferted�o in paregrapha 1 end 2 or chenge the emount of�ho pa ent�. (t <br /> under paregmph 21 �he Propaty la acquired hy Lender,Bomower�dght to ony insurence polides and p�rssulting --- <br /> from damego ro the Roperty pdor ro the ecquishlon shell pass ro Lender ro�he extent of the turtu securrA by this Security <br /> Inserument Immedi�tely pdor ro Ne ecquisf�fon. <br /> 6. Oaupancy, Prcserretion, Metnfeaance and Protection of the Properlyt Oorro�eer'e Lonn Application� � ;_. <br /> I.easeholda Dorrower ahell occupy,esta611ah,and use�he Propeny aa BortowerY pdnofpal ruidence withln sixty dqya eflm <br /> �he exaution ot thB Secudty Inatrument end shall continue ro oavpy the Propenx aa BortowerS pdndpxl rosidence for et _=_-_ <br /> Iwat one ycar afier �ho date ot occupmey. unlesa Lender otherwim egcea m writing, xfiich wnsent ihnli not be �`' "�- <br /> unreasonably wlthheld,or unless ex�enuating Nrcumstarces extat which ere beyond 6orrowerY mnnol. Bortower xhell not "-`• — <br /> deatroy,damagc or impatr the Propeny,allo.v the Propeny to dUedoreie,or commit wasre on the Propeny. Bortower ahell ��' <br /> be In dtfault it any fadaituro ection or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,Is begun�hat in Lenderb good faith judgment •,;,;:'�ti•.�-'. <br /> 14'-Y-.c= <br />- could msult In foAeimre of�he Propeny or aherniu materielly impeir the lien crented by thia Secudty Instrument or �.:;•._,.. <br /> Lendenc�ecudiy In�ercst. Bortower may cure such n defeult and rcinstate,ea provided ln paragraph 18,by causlag the ection «:���'.,�� <br /> or roae4in ro be dismissed with a n+lin thet,in Lenderl ood fai�h duertnination,precluda todeiwro of the Bortowerh Y� '"'``` <br />- P @ 8 B .��ti��rda�<.: <br /> interest in the Propeny or o4�er materiel impairment of ihe Iirn crcated by Ihis Security Imwment or Lenduk aceuflty ,-.rc�;,,�-�'�'�:___ <br />-= inicrest. Bortower shall dso be In default if Borto�ver, dudng the loan application proces�, geve metedally felse or ���f��s ;� <br /> inaccureie Infom�eiion or a�mementa a Lenda(or falled�o provide Lender with eny material information)in comaiion wi�h �j-;. �r �- <br />- the loan avtdeneW by �he Nota including, bm not limited ro, reprcsentations conceming Borto�verb axupancy of�he ;�X*i, ' . <br />� Pro�eny iu a principal reaidence. If�hb Saadry Instrument is on e leauhold,Barro�ver shell mmply with all�he provisinro �t,x,,�._;.:.:-_ <br /> ot ihe leese. If Borroivcr eequiroa tce dUe to�hc Propcny.�he Icaschold and the fee title ahell no�mtr8e unlw Lender egrcea ..l-,:,5,�-•�• <br />