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. .. _ <br /> . . . . . , <br />.. ...._- g�°iV/'.7��..• �• -;:�r��..- <br /> _ 7'Op67itBR MTFI e11�ho improvemenu now or hereatta crectW on Ne property.end all eaumenu,eppuRennncee, � _ <br /> — onU ti�wrw now or hercafia e pan of cho propertr. Atl RpTdcemufW mid nJdiqau shell elao bn tavaed by W�SeeutltY ' – <br /> -- Inswmen6 All of Iho forcgoing U rotemb to In Ihb Secudty Inswmcnt ns Iho'froperty.' _ <br /> 80RROWBR COVANAN7'S thel Bo�rower b lewNity cefsed of tho ette[o Aercby oonveyW and hai the righ�w grau� <br /> and convey�he Propc«y and Net tho Property I�uneneumbemA,oxapt for encnmbrance�ot record. Bortowu wamnta mA <br /> wtll dePond generelly tho Iltle to tho Property ugalnst dl clalm�and demand�,subJca to eny encumbranas ot rccord. <br /> 74lI8 3ECUItITY tN37RUM8M' combines un(fomi covemnu for nadon�l usv and non•unftortn covcntnu with <br /> limitcd veriatlons by Judsdlcllon to wnstitu�e n unifortn secudty insuumcnt cove�ing rtal pmpeny. _. <br /> tJNIFORM COVBNAW7'9. Bortower and I.endu wvenan[and egree o follows: � <br /> - 1. Peyment of Prindpal end�nterestl Prepayment and Lete Chargta Bortowcr shall promptly pay when dce U�e <br />-� principat of end interest on�he debt evidenced by Iho Noto and eny prcpayment and lau charges dce under the Nota <br /> -_= 3. FLnde tor'Nxee and[nsurenoe. SubJu[to epplicable law or ro a wriucn waiver by Lcndu.Bartowcr ehnll pay to <br />- �� l.endcr on the dey montAly paymenu ue due under�he Noro,until the Nae ta pild in tutl,a cum("Funda%tor.p)yearly _ <br /> _-— taxa end eawssmenn which may ettein ptlo�iry over�hi�Senutry Instrumem a+�lien on the Propeny;@)yenrly leasohold _ <br /> = paymenn or graund renu on the Propeny. If any: (c) yeariy hazard or propeny i�uunmce prcmiumr, (d) yeaAy Ilaod __- <br /> — insurana premium�. If eny; (e) yearly mon8+8� �n+urantt premiums,if any:and (�nny sum� payable by Bortower to = - <br /> C:-.� Lender,in aaorduice with the provision+of paragraph 8,in IIw of�he prymem of mong�ge insurence prcminm�. 71�eae - <br />_-,.,� Item�nre celled'&cro�v ttenu." Lender may,a[eny flme,wllat and hold Rmds in xn amount not ro amd the maximum __ <br /> __,s' amount a lender for e Rderelly releted mongage loan may require for Bortowerl eurow account under the kdeml Real _. <br /> 8sute Satlement Procedures Act of 1974 os nmended from time m tlme,11 U.S.C.$2G01 rt seq.(`RPSPA"),unles�enother `.-- <br />-;��� law that applies ro�he Punda seu e Iuscr amount. If so,l.ender may,at ony dma eollcet md hold Pund+in an amount not to s- <br />� --= exceed Ihe Icsser emounl. Lender may estimetc the amount o!Punds duc on ihe baai� of cumnt data ond rcuonabie :--� <br /> �� esdmatea of expenditures of future Escro�v Itemf or othenvix in eccordonce with appiicable lew. _ _ <br /> � The Punda chall be hcld in en InsHmtlon whose deposiu arc insmed by a federel agency, (nauumenwlity,or entity �', <br /> ��jJ� (including Lender,if Lender is auch en inslimtloN or in eny Federel Home Loan Bnnk. Lender�hall epply�he F�nds ro pay i : <br /> , `� the Escro�v Rems. L.ender may na chazgc liorrower tor Irolding end applying�he Punda,ennuelly enalyzing Ne eacrow _ _ <br /> aceount,or rcritying the Eurow Items, unlus Lender pays Borrower interest on �he Punds and applice6le lew pertnits <br /> c Lender ro make�uch a eharge. However,Lender may require Bovo�rer ro pay�one-time cherge for an independent rcal �,;�._ <br /> -. �,� eetete tez rcpoNng serviu uaed 6y Lender in connation w0h this loan,unlus appIfce6le law providea otherwiso. UNeaa an h; _ <br /> ', �� egrammt ie mede or epplicable law requircs intercst to be paid,Lender�hall not be requim,�l to pay Bortower eny intcrcal or i�,.: <br /> _n, eaminga on�hc W nds. 6ortowcr and Lender may egrcc in wdtlng,howcvcr,that imercst shall 6e paid on the FLnN. Lendcr <br />;..^.1 l� ahell g(ve ro Bortower,whhout cherge,en annual attounting of�he FLnds,ahowing credi�s and debf�s ro the Punds md the i-.. <br />•.._;ry� purpose for which each debit to the Ponds was mede. The Funds ere ple4ged es edditional cecuriry for ell sums eaurcd by – <br /> ' thlsSecudtylnsimmom. — <br /> - -� if tht Flir$h21G �`.q i.ent.ic e.te.�iF�: artmc;:r.t:�rtoilt:A cc �M!d 6y a¢plkaW.e lav:. Ltr.N[shal! �^^un4 t� ° <br /> Bortower for the excass Fundc in nccordence with�he rcquiremems of applica6le Inw. If�he amount ot the Fund�hcld by <br /> I,;;`;j Lender m any cime ia not snfOdent�o pay the&crow Itcros when duc.Lendor may so notify Bortnwer in writing,and,in - <br /> auch case Borto�vcr ahall pay �o I.ender�hc amount neccasary �o mekc up �hc dcRciency. 6olrowcr shall make up the <br /> �y� defidency in no morc�han uvelve momhly payments,at Lendert sole diccretion. _ <br /> ,; Upon payment in full of aIl sums recurcd by�his Security Instrument.Lender ahell prompily rePond to Bofrower any <br /> _�y� Fund+held by Lc�cr. If,und�r pxnornph?i 1 ender.hnll acquire or.cll the Propeny.Lender,pdor�o the ecqui:itlon m = <br /> sele o!the Propeny, ahall npply any Wnds hcld by Lender a[�he�ime of ecquuition or snle as a crcdil ageinst ihe suma _ <br /> '�°� aecured by ihis Secudty Instrumem. -- <br />�=`����� 3. Applitallon of Paymentx. Unless applicnblc law provides oihenvise,nll payments rcceived by Lender under a- <br />-'=�'+� paregrepha I nnd 2 sholl be applicd:finL�o eny prcpaymem chnrges due under�he No�e;scmnd,to nmound payable under = <br /> --� paragraph 4;tlilrd,ro intercs�due:fourth,to principal due;nnd lu6 m ony la�c characs due under�he No�e. ' - <br /> +^�. 4. Cherga; Llena. Bortowcr s6e11 pay all mxes,assessmenu,chargcs,Mes und imposi�ions attributebit to the F�_ <br />,_,,;,,. Propeny whkh nuy nttnin priority over�his Seari�y Inswmcn6 and Icuchold pnymems or ground renu,if any. Bortower �,� <br />;,;,'?, shall pay�hexc obligations in the mnnncr provided in parngmph 2,or if no�paid in thnt manner,6orto�ver sholl pay�hem on --�- <br />-..if+��, time dlrccdy to�he percon owed paymrm. Burtowcr shnll promptly fumish�o I.cndcr ull no�iccs of amounts�o bc paid under Ft?',' <br /> �;,.�� �his parngmph. If Dorto�ver make�ihete paymen�s dircctly.Bortower shall promptly fumish �o Lender maip�s evidencing ��' <br />'.;:;y.� thepaymems. �_,�- <br /> ' l Bortower s6a11 promp�ly discharge any licn which hoc priori�y over�his Security Insuumem unless�ortower.(a)agrees `��: <br />-'r:i,I in writing to 1he paymem ot Ihe ubligalion secured Ay ihe lien in a manner accepin6le to Lender,(b)mmests in gaod faith the t-;--. <br /> =.�,i� lien by,or deknds agnins�en(orcement of ihe licn in.Icgal proceidings which in�he Lenderi opinian opernte to prcvent�he [��-. <br /> ' enfo�cement of Ihe lien;or(c)xcurcs from�he halder ot Ihc lien an ngrcemenl salis(nctory Iu Lender subordinming the lien �.:-. <br /> '. ) to this Secumy Instrumem. If Lendrr Jetemiine.thai uny pan of�he Propeny i.+uuject to a lien which may nuein priority _ <br /> over ihis Stturity Inxuument Lendcr may give Borro�rcr n nn�icc idcntifying�hc lien. 6urtower shall setisfy�he licn or�akc <br />�-,`�}�� one or morc of�he actionx ul tonh nMvc wilhin I II days of�hc giving of no�ice. ��"�� <br /> _,.,,;� 5. Na�rd or Properiy Insurnnce. 6ortowcr+hall kccp�he impmvcmans now ezi.�ing an c�rcaftcr crecmd on Ihe j._��;- <br /> Property insurcd egainst lass by firc.hvarJ�induJed wilhin�he�emi`exicnded coverage"and any ocher hmards,ineluding L� <br /> ❑oodt or Flooding. (or which LcnJcr rcyuira in.urancc. 'lhiti insurancc.hall h mainbincJ m Ihc amounls and for Ihe �f ' <br />�..�i.� i:: <br /> :. � „ . <br /> kbrm WS8 1.90 iNR�:.�InyXn� ��: - <br /> . ` • <br /> �,• <br /> .��'_ �' <br /> � <br /> .-e-._.s r.. :..r.' " - .. � -, _. - .. . 'J. � . .. " _ " ' <br /> : -. T-1 T.r.. ��f:_ . .-c:' . . . .. . . _� •� . ' . . '�� i. -. . : �.��i:.. .. � �. . <br /> �:_ <br /> '� � t.' _ _ _ . . - . <br />. :-.i��''. .. _ . . . <br /> .;�V i <br /> � - ___ --_- __ _ ' "__' .. ' <br /> .� <br />. �^„ _. " . __ , r�i.� - . . . <br /> .!' <br /> .. _ . .,,_ . . . . . <br /> . .',f .. • ' � , � . <br /> ��,`i: - �° . .. . . " . _ <br /> -_rf-. _ ' . . � . . . . ' . <br /> � - <br /> t _ _'1 . ' 1 _ . ' . _ ' ., ' _ ;_: . _ ' <br /> , ) '.; . ; - . . ' _ . . " ' _ <br /> .. . _ t <br /> �� , -..: ..5 f . .- . .. , ) <br /> .. . ' .�. _ . .'� _ -. <br /> " <br /> ..... .. . . ' > . .. t�.� c . � : • -r' . . . J .. .. . . <br />