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c� `;s � {�t ;'- . -s r ' (f"� ' i -�..-e� i _ ,.,� �l - _.� a '.. f}nf 1 � fv:. <br /> (" 5 �, . Y !r 4 '�Y� -�-. �� "{ i � . .. � ` . - (L� h1�1" ;7 � <br /> � � t �. ---� - �. - :i � 5i1- /� � �' i - � 1r.r � ; �: <br /> 1. .� r -_ . . . . . - . _ � �:41A �(��i � . � f � >v .0 � <br /> + � i � i � � �1 . e .-. . . _� � 1� �x� �bf ` � <br /> �� ii �Atd►t1aNdT ttt�cct}{�Ingufuy�p�tqttfiek5�dper�l!•9PtGt(0{)1CYi{100I�AGPQ�SW�l�IU��tJ6Q�nrohfreCYAsetqise�ik�C • <br /> stal�t�t�+tpi4l4�na�; + F,- _ � � � : �, ' ' . — <br /> Tn c�v2+if otd qidf`t aRAt3 �' tGa �jitt`ho�itta_1a.�',���,��w�a+; "• ` •"•°° �- <br /> - 'Gts t .wh�the►pr�ot ,wtt��iy o�t s� ai to tdoq�n in�fiddvqnt qf ic�nTn11�c(q�b(Up �iy U1 ` n�' <br /> ' ���a�r m�rke�vp1 ie�f��pe�Y 4m �ro�y ectaa�he�ating I�cgne1 m.atQtut-e14un Rro amams�wms � a � <br /> p yy chie Baudty�aw�Cr1t Immwi�kl9 p�foro t�d taking,uelo�+iloffo)y�u�Jlf,n tr o�Ae lebeArcaU1 wrftiny� F' <br /> p�e �ml.es4utf,d by tA�BavA�y'lr�Id+meM ahAlOe red Dy tW n�ol did�ntutttD�iW�by"IM5 idlow►nt ' � .� <br /> R9et1o0t (o)Ih6l9tafpmouMOtiheSUmltseuredlmmedint 6atb�a ,etating,dlN e� yN?,Ilwfai" r�Re1v�1uoalthb ��� � ' <br /> �pptty,im.mW latety-befon 1M tqking. Any balaaqo�shal�pafd�o Hortowei .tn ihe ay�n�uP e pulJd±tVn ot pW - - <br /> rty In wfileh�he file m1AceEvaluo ot(hn Prcpeny.i�hmediet4ly 6etoro ehe<eldng 1{feti.Uidn�he mhaup�ot t. �d�4.' <br /> {auMd 1m�Wfine1y Eetoro rAe lakinB;unlelf Aormwer and T.ender aherwiso agrso fn�vrfung o�unieas-apptl�a iiw ' . <br /> olryerwiu provides,uw pioaced+�hait ho npplled to rlw�um��ewrcd by ihb 9audry tn:�nwent wpeihor or not No sume am <br /> tM�idue, ' , <br /> If the Prop�ity le q�andonM Dy Qotrower,or lf,eftcr notiee by Lcndcr a dortow�t�u t�aovc�.�nvnor onen to in�Ce ` <br /> an eward or sth6e n cGka tacdra��:Ekciv�cr[afb to rcsqMd m Lender wt�htn 90 dyn aRer rAa dat�a tC2noNco la givpn� <br /> (.endu b s¢L1wrEzed to coitec�rrA�yir tt» at!u optlon.qlRxr po restaatioo a repaG oP cLa PtbpCRy of.�6¢�'a '. <br /> tutti�axuredDylhf��ryt¢swmeat.�vht�notttv`a�'�n. <br /> Untecs LenEtt md Bortower o�ernise agreo in artittng.eAyeyp11ca�iai of proorad�to prNciyal e6rJ nat eusrA or <br /> poa4qnnetheduedateofttiomanth prymcnu�vhrtedroinp:n�gmphilend2orcAe�ettwertiowtolsa�Lpaymuue. , <br /> Il. Borrower Not Rd t [mrEearance IIy LeaOer Not a Walrer. [intentJon of�ho time Por pAymtnt w <br /> modiflcaqon ot amonization ottho swu eecared by thie Secudry Inswment gianted by t.ender eo any eucceuor G imerost <br /> of Borrowu�hall not operate lo rolease thc Iiabflity of lhe aiglnal Domower or Bortoxxr§euatuon In Wercat.Lendu <br /> sfiell aot borcquircd to commence proceeding�xgainst any cucccawr in interest ar refuse to ex�end Nmo for payment or <br /> otAenvise modify azoonl:etlon o!eho cums securcd by thi�Sxudry Insuument by rcssnn of nny demand mado by the original <br /> Bortowu or Hortowerti wccesm�e in Imcrost. Any fo�bcamnnt by Lendcr in exerclsing eny dght or remedy sh�ll not 6e a <br /> weiver of or prcciude the oaercise ot ony dght or rcmedy. <br /> 1i Sucoessore end Asslg�u Boundi Jolnt end 8oreral Uabiiiryt Coaignen. 'Ihe coveaenn and egrcemenb ot�his <br /> Secudty Inawment ehell bind end benefit the�uorosson end aai�n ot Lender and Qorto�ver,�ubjxt to Uw provfatona ot <br /> paregnph l7.Dortoo�ttY mvenmta end egr�eemente ehall 6e jofnt end sereml. Any Oorro�vcr who easignt thla Saurity <br /> (nst�ument but daa not oxeeute the Note: (e)is co-aigning thb Secudty Ins�mment only to mort�ege,gtant end wnvoy�hnt <br /> Dortower§fntercst tn�Ae Pmpeny under�he tcrma ot�hia Sauriry InstmmcnC (b)li not pertonal y obligated ro pax tho wme <br /> eecured by�hi�3ecu�iry Inawmenr,and(c)egraa the�Lender end my other Borrower may egrco�o extend,modSly,fo�beu <br /> m make any ecoommada[lons with rcgard �o�he terme of this Savriry Insuument or�ho Note whhout tM1et Bortowerb <br /> conunt. <br /> 13. Loan Chac�q. If the loan secured by�hia Saurity Inawment ia eubject a a taw whlch sns maximum loan <br /> chnrgu.end Ihai law u(inuily i�iicrpiitai�th�t ihe iid2icst H a::Rf IGBii'•h�s ccllat�er to�toAat�in ecr.:xalon <br /> wiih the loan exceed the pertnitted limiu.�hen: (a)eny such loan charge slull be nduced by the emount neoessary�o rMuce <br /> the charge lo the permitted Ilmit;end @)eny aums elrcady rnllated from Oortower whlch exmeded permitted Iimin wiil be <br /> rcNnded to Borto�ver. Lender may chaose�o meko�his rePond by rcducing thr principal owed under�he Nota or by making e <br /> direct payment to 6ortower. Itn refund rcduces principal.ihc rcduc�ion�vill Le tieated w a pnninl prcpaymem wlihout my <br /> prcpayment chvgc under the Note. <br /> 10. Notices. Any no�ice io Bortower provided tar in ihis Saurity Instrumem sha9 6e given by delivering It or by <br /> malling i�by fiRt clnsa mnil unlesti a�licablo Inw rcquircR uu af anrnher me�hod.7Le noiice sAell bo dirated�o�he Property _ <br /> Addrcas or eny other addrw Borrower designmes hy noNce to Lender. Any no8ca to Lender shell be given by first cless <br /> mall to Lenderk eddrcss stutcd hercin or any o�her addrcas Lcndcr designatex by no�ice to Bortowcr. Any noUa provided Por <br /> In �hta Security Insnument shall be decmcd io hnve been giren to Uonower or Lender when given as provided In �hla <br /> pamgmph. _ <br /> IS. Governing Le�r; Sererabllity. Thia Seari�y Insimmem shall be govemcd by fcdcral luw and Ihc Iaw of�hc = <br /> judadkUon in which�he Propeny is locotcd. In ihe evem�lint any prorision or clnuse of�his Sewrity Insnument or the No�e --. <br /> con0ic�a with applicublc la�v,such conFlict.hall not aRcct o�hcr provisions of�hi+Sccuri�y In+trumcnt or�hc Nofe which cm = <br /> be given efkct�vithout ihe con0ictins pmvisian. To ihis end the pmvisiom of�his Securi�y Inswment and the Note arc = <br /> declercd in be uvcraLlc. - <br /> 16. Borro�ver'a Cnpv Rorm�ver�hnll Ae givcn nnc confonned mpy of�he Note nnd ot�his Security Insuument. - <br /> tl. 7Yonskr ot Ihe Propert,r or n Ueneliciel Intereat in Borro�rer. If ull or any pxn of ihc Pmpcny or nny inurcst in _ <br /> it is sold or tronsfemed[or i(a l+cncficial inrerc+t in 8orroner ix +oW or inmtcmd nnA Borto�rcr is not a nmuml permn) <br /> wi�hom Lenderk prior written concem.Lender may.:n iu op�iun, rcyuirc immeJime payment in full of oll suma ucured by :_; <br /> this Security lnsuumcnt. However,ihi•option.hall nnt Ac cxerei.eJ by t.endcr if excreiu i.pmhibi�cd by fedeml Inw os of - <br /> the date of�his Sewrity Ins�rumem. _ <br /> If Lender exereius�his np�ion.Lender.hall gi�r Rartou�cr no�iie of aader.nion. The nolice ahall provide¢period of - <br /> not lesss thnn 30 Jay.(rom Ihc daic thc nnlirc i,Jclircmd or m�iied��ilhin��hich Onrtaecr mu.l pay:Jl sumx secmcd by Ihis �, <br /> Sccurily Inxtrumcnt. If Bam+wcr fail. la ���•m... +um. prinr ta Ihc cxpir.ninn of IM1i.�riid. l.cnJcr may invokc any F� <br /> rcmedits pemiillcd by Ihia Stturity In�wment withnm furthcrnnlicc ar drmanJ nn Onmmcr. '� <br /> 1& UoITmre�'+ RIRhI lo Relnslnie. If Barto�ccr nrcch.cnain rnndiiiom. Iiarto�ccr +hall hare Ihc righl lu harc - <br /> cnfurccmem nf�hi.Sccurity Inannncm di,rnminucd a�.nn Gmc prior�n Ihr carlicr nL tal 5 day.h�r wch nlhcr periuJ m <br /> ::: <br /> tiinplcluml}..Fennie\LeFrMdieNecl\IFOR]II\S7Nf\1F.\T -Indnnuab.rnam. YAO rryic�f.qnN�rn �_- <br /> 1 <br /> �r .--'.-e�r �r . . _ .. . .. . . .. _. .. e.. . . - __ :,J.:nt r-.a-i_�- o -'l7'k'� l�f�Y�:�:. ��,,;.:: <br /> ;: _ ' , . .. --� [ �: :Il _ <br /> , „ � � . . - �... <br />_.;.-.1. . _. �. f.;;. <br />. .: :,_ _.. _ . �. - _. . _ 1:. .�.�I.�__ <br /> Y :: 1 _ . - - . . . <br /> i:t' :f. <br /> %i:' <br />_1•.5:�._' _ ' _ _ <br />= - ,+:2_. �.i� . ' . .. . . . °.'ty' . <br />- . . � . -'�� . . <br /> i � �- <br /> t _ . . + <br /> i � * <br /> a. . . . . . ....C .. . . . . . . ' _ ' . . -ti . ..c_t -. . . _.._. <br />