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( L�'� �.�_ _. . . .. . . . . ... . . __. _. ._` :(... " __. <br /> -n. • . <br /> -� g3. �,o�.�o� ;:�:. <br /> — ' pddoG�that LCnder mpuiRa• 71�o insuronaa eanier provlEing�Aa Insuranco�he110e chossn by Qompwer wblep ro I.endsr6 <br /> approval which cliali not 6o unranwnably witAUeIQ. U Bonower falU to mainteln mverngo descrl6ed ebove,�.enAcYmay,at � <br /> � Ltnderb optton,bbtain coveroge ro prufbcl LcndNb dghti ln Q�b FibDady tn docordanoe wI11�parogtdpA 7. � - : <br /> All tnsutMCe pollcla ana renonale nholl boaoocptnblo to i.�ador and eha11 IneluAe a stendnrd mortgego cLuso. LenQer <br /> - --.- eLeil havo the rlght ro hold�e policie�end rcnewele. it Lender rcqulrca,Qorrower�heli promp0y g(ve�o I.cnder a11 reoefpu <br /> == ot pdd premium�md rcnowal noNcw. In�Ae oveat ot Ios�,Dotrowcr iheil glve prompt notice ro Ihe Insurance cartiu anA <br /> Lrnder. I.endor may make proototlosf if namado promptly by Doiroru. <br /> — Unioss Lender end 0ortowtr othemise�greo In�vriting,inaunnee yroceede�hell be epplled to raro�allon or mpalr of <br /> tha Noporty damaged, if�he rcstorodon or ronair i�eoonomicaliy fwible end I.eaderY eecur(ty i�not lessened. if�he ' ' '"' '— <br /> _ rcuoredon or rcpalr ie not xonomlulty feasi6lo or LenduY eceudry wavld 6e Iasened.�ho tnsumnco procuda et�li bo <br /> -- epp Iled to the eum�«curcd by thli 3ceudry[nshument,whethor or not then dua,wtth any e�eoe�+pdd to Qorrower. It <br />__ = Borrower abandonf the Property,or dooa nat antwu wilhln 30 deya a notico from Lead¢t that�ho Insumnce carric�haa <br /> ���� offerod ro u1t10 a eldm,ehen Lander may aileet�he inaurence prooeedx Londu mey use tho protted�to rcpalr ot restoro — <br /> 3�p1 tM Propeny or�o pay sum+savred by�hls Sxudty Instrumen6 whaher or not�hen duo. 'I1w 36dey pMod wlll bogin when <br /> �� �heno�(cobgIvon. <br /> ,e.� Unlav Lendtt md Borrowcr othenviw agr�w in wtl[ing,eny�ppIlution of procoeda�o pdncip�l eheil not extend or � - �-� �� � <br /> postpone Ihe duo de�e of�ho monthly paymem�referted lo In pazegmph�I end 2 m chango�ho emount ot�ho peymente. It <br /> -� uMer perayaph 21 �ho Propeny ia aoquircd by Lender.BortoworY riBht to eny insumnce policim end pmceede rosuldng <br /> �F�.-y'� from damage ro�ho Property pdor m the ecqulsition chall paa to I.endu�o�ho ex�ene of the aume securcd by this Secudry -- <br />,.�,;,.� Ins�mmcnt�mmcdiately pdor a U�e acquisltlon. ___ <br /> „ 6. Occupnnc�y Prcserradon, Mninteaance and Protection ot ihe Property� BorrowerY Loan Appl(cadon� - <br /> ;�� Leateholdf. Bortower shall attvpy,atablish,and use tfw Propeny m BortowerY principal rcsidenee whhin sixty dayt attu <br /> the exaudon of�hic Saudty Insvument end thdl contlnue�o oxupy�he Property ex Dortowut p�inelpal rosldence for et <br /> �;� teut one ycar aflu �he daee of occupeney, mlw Lender otherwitt egrces in wdtfng, vhich consent ihdl not be �i u �- <br /> ^ umeasonebiy withheld,or unlus extenuatlns circumsnncm exln whlch em beyond Bortower4 control. Borrower�ha0 not <br /> -�s� datroy,damagc or impair ihe Property,ellow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commit wesie on Ne Propeny. Bortowtt chell �� R - <br /> , �"' 6e in default if eny foReiture allon or praceeding,whuder clvil or cdminal,is 6egun�het in Lenderk good teith Judgment ''` <br /> �i, cauid rccule In forfatturo of�he Property ar othawiso matedelly impair�ho Iicn cronled by thi� Securtry Incuumenl or �7 �i �. ; <br /> , Lenderk secudry imerca Oorrower mey curc meh a defauit end roinstate,ea providW in paregraph I6,6y causing�he ec8on �iun,�J^�- - <br /> or p�occeding to 6e dlamismd wlth a�uling tha6 in Lendul good fiiih deiertnination,precludca forkiture of the Bolrowerb � <br /> -r"�hr, intue.a in �ho ProP,rty or other materiel impaliment of�he Iien ercated by this Security Inawmmt or Lenderb securiry -- <br /> �r, <br /> i - intermt. Bo�rower ehall elso be in default if Bofrower, dudng �he Ioan applicetion proces�, gave mateddly talu or �`��rr� � - � <br /> " 1^ inattumto infomu�ion or ataremenu Io Lender(or failed to pmvid¢Lender with any matcrtal InPo�meifon)In connection�vi�h �.,1,s, . - <br /> �F;'� �he loan evidencW by �he Nae, including.6ut not limited ro, rcprcttntetions conceming BorrowerL oaupancy ot�he F>,,t <br /> � _. <br /> { ': Pmpeny u+a pdncipalrc:idence. If�his Security Inswment is on a leasehold,Bortower ihell comply with ell the provisbm a'-� -: <br /> `----- af tt�Icas:.. If Barta:�.'er vlrs!a title ta tF�Pr� n••.:�x;�selxld ar,d ihe fr.:�I;�a s�alt rct rer cr�l�Lzr�dzr <br /> �i' • � a !1� a�jiiii .:= -°'-- <br /> -�t). to Ilw mcrger in�vriting. ��.r. ,. .. <br /> .� 7. Protectlon of Lender's Rights fn Ihe Property. If Bortower faila �o peRonn Ihc covenonta and ngreemenu ` - <br /> 4}-. �fscna�w,�ui_- - <br /> wnmined in this Sanrity Instrvment,or �here ia a legal proceeding iha: may iignificantly nf(ect Lenderk dght� in ihe ���,- - <br /> �" : Pmperty(auch ac a proccedi�ig in bankmptcy,probate,(or mndemnation or fodeiturc or ro enforce Iaws or rcgulatlons),then �i�` � -� - <br /> '�- - Lcndcr may do and pay for wheterer ia necessary�o proten the vahie of the Propeny end Lendcrh righ�a in ihe Property. ��r���{,'���f,ri -� <br /> -. ��- Lenderl ac�ions may mduAe poying nny sum�secured by n licn which has priori�y over�hla Savriry Insirumen4 appearing ������ ,_ <br /> ---_�� in eoun,paying rca�onab}r nnomeyi kev nnd cnrcring on iM Propeny m makc rcpairs.Ahhough Lc�der mny tnke uction '`�Z�+-' ���-�� <br /> . ����� under�hla parogreph 7.Lender dros not hnvc�o do xo. K,i �ti ��� `. <br /> -.-ti x�. Any amounu disbmaed by Lender under�hla puagreph 7 shail hecome nddiiionol dcbt of Bortower aecurcd by thin � ��`�` y�;���yi <br /> - Sccurny Insuumem. Unks+Bortower and Lender ngrcc�o ahcr terms of paymen6�hese emoums shall bcnr imercat from ihe i�ziij -- <br /> b �� da�e of dis6ursemem at IAe Nme rme and sholl be paynble,wi�h imercs�,npon noiicc from Lcnder ro Bortower«quesiing ���- ,5 �� t =- <br /> . :% Payment. :,._,,,_-�.a i�,s�•_ <br /> -Sr �: 8. Mortgage Insurenn. If Lender rcquimd mortgage insumnce as o condi�ion of malcing the loan securcd by�his � . : z'{{� � ;�;,� <br /> v�i�.�. Security Inswmen6 Dortower xhall pry the prcmiums rcymrcd to maimain ihe mongage insumnce in effece If,for any ' - ��,' �"� _ <br /> �. i� rcason. the mongage insumnce covernge «quircd by Lender lupses nr cea+a to 6e in effeci, Bortower shall pay �he �+ .n i'fti;. i;s �-� <br /> prcmium.v rcquimd �o ob�ain covemge subsumially equivnlent m ihe mongage insurance previously in eftat, at e cost �¢A, ?�ru..�;��i„�_�s;:. <br /> ' mlKUntially equivnient to the cM�m Bnrtmser n(�be mongoge inmrnncr prcvinnaly in e(fttL(rom an oltemnte mortgsFe ' <br /> '�y�',{`� incm.r pppmved by l.ender. If sntntuntinl ly eyuivulem mongage incurance cnve�age i.not nvuilable.Uorrower ahnll pay Io ,� Si�}'�gk;�f f�) < '�� <br /> Lcnder each momh a sum eqml to one•nvclf�h of�hc yeurly mongage insunnce prcmium bcing paid by I3ortowcr when ihe ��4�'�i�`� �?�; <br /> :_.� in.umnce cnvemge IapaJ nr cea.ed to he in eRa�. Lender wili:�ccep6 u�e and m�ain�hex paymems aza loss rcscrve in lieu ���� �+,5�''"++. �- <br /> „; of mangage insurance. Lnes rcserve paymemc mny no langer he«quired,a� �he aptian o(Lender,it mortgage insurence fy�4J{����1['•'--_�;��I i��"- <br /> � rn�roragc(in thc amnunt nnd(or�hc peri�xi�hat Lcndcr rcyuires�pmvided hy�m inwmr appmvcJ by Lcndcr again hecomcs rQ5i�'St�{' �y�A��(;�` � <br /> +-t ;: araiiable und i.obtained.Bortmver shall pay�he premiunn myuired�o maintain mongage inwrnnce in etfec�,or to proride a �l `� ��P5�f�.E � <br /> lal�rcxcrve.upeil Ihe rcyuircnlrnl(or martgage iltwranCC uR»rdtncc wi111 any xT111cn JgRY01cn1 bCl�vecn BoROtver �t��. ��C"-_�`�yi- <br /> and Lcnderor applicuhte la�v. �+i�r 9 p <br /> ` 9. inspectlun. Lender m il.agenl may makc rcdwnable cmne.u�m anJ m�pcaliom o(Ihe Prapeny�. Lender+hall <br /> givt 8nrmwer nnlice al Ihe tine af nr prinr[a an impealion•pecif)mg rearmable r.m.e!nr Ihe impection. <br /> 10. Condemnullua Thc pnwral.o(any:mad or claim G+r dmnagc..Jincl ar�m� connccuon ailh:my � r� <br /> I � <br /> l ��. SmylrHm�h'"FonnkVeetF7tdAie)tatC]IF11Rf11\�1HfN6]T .Imu.mrt.ncmnt. f90 yatrr.�IryNav � � <br /> 1 �- liri Wn�nro 1mn Irc ■ � ��S . . <br /> � <br /> ..��:_� To�N�faCINUSDV)fl:.PqM116D1.1111 �_. .'... <br /> ''`ts � � � <br />, . <br /> �... <br />-. .�.,_�..•;- �--.___. _ <br /> -.. �> >., . . .....,. ?..nr_- .�... ,:.. ,.�s+.-r%rr:` ---" _ . _ . .... � .._r.a. <br />...., _ .,-. . . . ._.. . .... _ _ . . . <br /> . . - ;, _ . ,:�,� , .. <br /> ..i.._ . _ . _ . . .. .� _ . <br />. .'._"�:.. _ . <br />.. �h.,.,s '� . <br /> ':.\'� _ -.---� . : . <br />_ ���n' .�t.' .j . . <br /> �'y� <br /> �_'{���? '4 - . _ . <br /> -��+:t1: ���' - . . <br /> .'.1i�.1i'�f'�,,.-/::� . _ . . . . <br /> h. '. <br /> l ' h. � <br /> � f . � ' � - ,.. - <br /> ��i t <br /> �t -. �` � - . . . . <br /> ro � . --.� - � . . - � • <br /> � <br /> � . .-. . - _ ::�-� ' . .,.. __.' _.-. . . ._i - ' ..� _ . <br /> i <br />