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'. ,P�S i_ r . . . . .-ry .: � . r r.; } > \y . ; a� _ c r��f�( iY� At .� St i'x�*.,—"— <br /> ._., 1 �-� � :- . �!;ird-- � i ' 1., .�,.�,� .n_l -� r} .-.� � <br /> .�:� -_ . . � : - . . . � v .:_; ..': '_ , .1.�.� � A�n ,r ,y� �: <br /> r :, .- '. - - . :. ' ��i'!YQ }� � � ,: � n._. _. .. <br /> llcaDie tavi ldny eyeNry'!ot�lliwi�ie11�rn�)Lotoro eoi6 ot fho Ytapett ' a.vhilt ro A�Sy poivu qt r,ote bontidnt�i In thTe "!��� `� <br /> uud�y insuumsntt or @)cntyy oi etad�1lnt eniorcfAg�Ns 84cwtty U�mc4R 7uostl caMtUO�i+aro tlylAorrowsr (�) '- , <br /> �{� IR M..o'e�L..ntia-ti .1 ": <br /> �" ' �jt�-Li71QG�AU�S�1 77j��r(j{".URII W611�Q FQ"QitP��-17t{S'.�'V'Uf��}- IL1{I{IIl1M{'HIQ!�M'NOfg!!n..r a`],.'.:7 �:.-" . . <br /> - -� QsCIIR�diro)CWC3p1YdCt1Y1t0�ii�o�tr DOYCt16f1�W�$ft,`t111C111�1i l0��ay�B�IOxpillSl'9�1ICqITC8l11dIdQlC�t1gWl.�fCUi1t,� .- � -_ <br /> tnshumenr,incN ,Em no1 IfmltW td,rcudn�bl0 aitomdy�'ki�t�epA't�telue suoL�lon e,�: +l�S�n+��Y <br /> tcqt�Ifoloassurd atlbolleneftAlsB�urpytnsfiumrm,l.endl�tl�Ig�t{(ntAe'F,roycny,aldQolcoWr� ObligaifoetoD.�y}M <br /> 1Whs eoeute4 6y�{Aii Becurity tnswment gp+lt eonitnue unehin�}W. Upon (4Ns�ato'mSnt Dy�DO�iiq�w�g►,1AI�Se�u�(ty <br /> Insnument aid tia opltghdoe�saurcd�creDy nAaU rcmain PoUy otfatfve as it no acalcrntlon nar!LcCUrtt'C. Howevu��i,' � <br /> rigl�tio� ¢iatp�t� lnot±pyIyin�hacaseo(aopelereNonUnQcrpuagnyh17. a . , .• <br /> i,�• •t4. �i' p�p Cn�nN of Lwe&nker.' 'ILb Note or aputlel Imerast in�he Noro(ro�W�er wieh thi�Baudty �. ,.: <br /> + I � },y`�6.p�d one or more tima wlNout pdor notloe to Qorro�vcr. A mto muy rcautl n q chu�ge In t�rnqty <br /> (.,{���'{ �Z7pan8e3vlaP)tlut oollau momhty paymena duo unAqr tha Notq and tAla SeFUttty Insimmtnt, 'ihero Nso ' <br /> mny bo olwor moru ohuiga of No Loan Servicer unrclatal ta a�e1b of tlm Noro. If thcro b e chango Ot cho Loun Servlocr. <br /> pp�raiyYr wlll bo g�vrn wdttcn nmico o►�he chengo In aocorAenro�vlih pamgnDh 14 eEovo end a pliuble law.•7ho naico <br /> �wil sute�ho namo end nddrcq of�ho new Loan Scrvice►and tho eddres�ro wldch paymenb ihoul be made. TLe notico will <br /> a�to aopfeln any other infortnatlon m�ulrcd by spplicable taw. - <br /> 20. EtWrQow SoDstancea. Bortowcr shell not cause or permit the prcscnco,use,disposnt.�romg¢or re4wda 9t.a�Y <br /> HaraMou�Substanaa on or in�M Propu�y. Bortowu chnll not do,nor nllow enyona elm to daehyNIng eti�cttna ttfr. _ <br /> Ptopeny�Aat la In vlolation of eny Nnv(mnmantal Law. 'I1w preading�wo scnrcncc�shall nmoppiy W tCe peqmoo,uss,ot <br /> storoge on tho Propcny of miall quenHtla otHazudou�Substantts that ero gcnemlly rxognlzed ro Da+�p�apdrnt ao moimaJ <br /> raideeNal ucee and to malmenance of the Propeny. <br /> Bortowcr shell pmmptiy givo Lcndu written no[loo ot eny invoscige�lou,cWm�.d.'man0.iawsut�or otGtt+scLm Dy Pqy <br /> 8ovcmmcmnl or roguletory�gency or pdruo pany involving Ne Ptvperty irA enY Huudous 9s0smnco or F]ivi�oumotaJ <br /> Lew oi wtdch 6ortower hu ecmN Icnowkdge. If Bortowcr[eam�, or[s au¢iflzd GY +qy 5wenunentel or rcgut�oap °- <br /> autkoriry,that my rcmoval or other remediuion of any Hssa�dous Sl�Dstaaoe p1t'e 'ca�,a e�:Aaparry is ncooasary.Oorro�ver <br /> s[isil promptiy teka ell necessary rcmediel�aions in accordmee with 6nvlm�o�mauf law. <br /> A�used in�his paregmph?A,'Hxzardous Substances'ero lhom mbsronxs defined aa laxlc or M=aMava wbslana�by <br /> Bnvironmental Law and tho followlng w6renccs: gazoline.keroseno.oNer flemmabie or�oxfc petrolwm producu,toxfc <br /> pesdcide�end herblcldra,volatile colvenu,matedels mmAning ea6esim or foimnldehydo,end mdioaclivo mate�ial�. Aa <br /> used In Ni�paregreph 20,'Bnvironmenul Lew'mcans fcdernl lawa end la�+s of the jurisdiabn�vhero�ho Prope+ty is locnted <br /> �het rcla�c to hcel�h,eafecy or environmenttl protcetion. <br /> NON•UNtFORM COV8NAN7'3. Barmwcrand Lcnder funhw mvenant and egrec nn tollows: <br /> 2l. Accelnailon� Remediea. Lender sheil g�ve notta ro Oorroxer prtor to accelerotton foiloning Borrower'e — <br />- Dreac6 ot any wvenent or agreement in thia Sceudty Instrument(but not prior to ecceleradon under paragreph 17 <br /> untes�eppllcaDle IeR provides othenrtu). The not(ce�Aall specfty: (u)tAe deteultt(b)Ihe aMtan required to cure tha � <br /> dcf°ulh;:;a date,Oot!m tksu 30 dap from!he dnte!he nutice le glven to!tn�mwer�6y�vhlch the default mutt 60 _-______ <br />� eurcdi und(d)ahat tnlluro to cure the defoa►t on or before the date spaifinl ln Ihe notitt mny rcautt tn eceeteretion of <br /> the aum�aewred by thi�Sceurtty Inctrument end saie oP the Property. 7rie notice eholl Nrthcr InPorm Dorro�rer of ^�^-°��- <br />. Ihe rlgAt to��einstate niter acoeleratlon and the right to bring a rnurt actton lo ascert lhe non•exlatence of n defauit m ��A;`==` <br /> eny other defense of Borroner to accclerellon and anle. I/the dttaait I�not cured on or beforo Ihe dnte xpeclited tn ` . <br /> Ihe noUa,Lender nt fte optton may requlre tmmedlate payment In tull of ail sumv secured by lhU Securlly InstrumeN �,��,. ' <br /> aithout Nrther demand and may Im�oke the po�rer of sele end uny other remedlex permi�tcd by nppitwble law. '4�,, �`- <br />- Lender shall be entltlM to wlicet ali expenses Ineurred In pursuing ihe remcdlce provldeU 6� lhU perngreph El, r_�h<..�;: <br /> including,butnotllmltedto.reasonableattorne a•txsendmstxottftleevidence. `T`���'€.�' <br /> If fhe po�rer of sale b invoked,7}ustee ahall record e notice of defuult In eneh rnunty fn�rhich eny part of Ihe �:�9,;^`��:�� <br /> Pwperty y located and sheil mell mpie�of xuch notice In Ihe manner prescribed by applice6le lew to Qorro�ver and to �As�y��';,_ <br /> �he mher persons prescribed by applieoble laa. After�he tlme requGed by up Ilcnble Imv,lYustee shafl give public -��.��;�;�,._ <br /> ,u. _F�.ii�,;: <br /> noqce oT an7e m the perwn+and in Ihe mnnner prexcri6ed by nppllceble la�r, ucfee.�rtlAout demuod on Qorroirer. ., . <br /> �>e�••:'r�._. <br /> ahell sell ihe Nroperly et pubtic euclton lo Ihe higheat bMder a11ne time and place nnd unAer Ihe terma designated In �}c�,�,�1i:; <br /> the noNce ot seie tn one or morc pxrnls end In ony order 7}uxtee determines. 7Yunee may pasipone snle of nll or eny �{"(`"���:;.'-:=� <br /> pnrttl at Ihe Property Ay publlc ennouneemeni nt Ihr tlme nnd pince ot uny prevtously scheduled sule. Lender or pe �?`���r.�;�, <br /> deaignee mxy purehese the Property et unr xnle. �`..`t�`�":` <br /> Upon recelpt ot payment ot the pdce bid,Truster shsll delirer to the pnrehaxr'Prustee'x dced mnvering Ihe�-`;`,-- <br /> Property. The recfleL+In the 7}ustce'sdeed shall 6e prima fncir evidence of Ihe iruth af Ihe slatements made Iherein. " � <br /> 7Fustee aM1ail apply lhe proeeeds uf ihe sale in the tollov-Ing order: (a)lo nll ca�ts and exprnses of exerc4s�n�Ihe po���er �'���i r�� <br /> _,.,_,i,.-:�ti::: <br /> '.�LG:i{,-. <br /> f:``2-•.. - <br /> :y�'` <br /> :�:,,� <br /> .,.: <br /> ,.�: ,�=:_ <br /> ��+;!.�C <br /> ��.`.r.3.��_� <br /> .,•;r., <br /> Rrtm 101% 9.90 .ryc��..1•q�.e.., - <br /> _ . . . '[:`�� <br /> i'..';:�' <br />.:i-;�7e•r&�'r:.-"„"'..�_:,.,..:-..-.;—•.r-:.•r, �.•v,:..--�.,., . .. . . __..�._.._ �7h.�..;,vc-^'-.,:...�_ . . ,_. ,� - � . . - <br /> �,T� <br /> �:. r � . . ' . . - . " . <br /> } <br /> f <br /> J�� .•t�.� _ " . . <br /> ..r _" "'" "_____' _' __ " ""'" _' __' _ _ <br /> ; ' ��.�_:lfJ -�___ .__'—_ " - . - " <br /> . - rt`. . .. . . . - - <br /> ' 2:.Str:['•,...v : . . <br /> -.-/- �.i::. �.f . - . . . . <br /> >1` •:l, : '_1, ( . _ . _ <br /> -'l��`y i;`._ '_ . ' . <br /> '".y`�-' . - . . . � . <br /> '�rt�� - � -� ' � � - . . ' . . _ <br /> - r ...+ . 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