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A�t� . S�•=T .. .. .. .. : 4 t ;�f.i , . �� <br /> f t � 1 J <br /> -: �J . ... _ __ � ": l." �L 1. l ..4� -};t,� �y� <br /> . _ .1. � ��Il�l. _ <br /> •. • <br /> ,. •. <br /> .-.� � .� " ... - <br /> . . - . -.-. :_ '. ._. .. _ . __. Q __.�.� � � . .. <br /> .—.. - . . . _ �A� { . 1 . <br /> . . .- . . , - . ��. . V�S -� ���� 1 y i �.r 'n .. .) y7 <br /> . . :., � .. .- '. r <br /> .1b(18i`H88 WYf!ltll tiro IroPtoYeaxnts now w f�l�fkf EtkieA on 1ho D�tBDMY��1�11 etstni�la,aDQYnan�h� ,r <br /> --� melixturas�avarG�(tra�putof.tha ,_A!t�eD1,'MRiC4t3endeC41 �n��t�uicrbeSAyem,�l6p�otlScfUr�q' ., . <br /> U�amim�. AOctthbforegoingisretetreAtoin ��ewrt`ytnsuyme�►d�e`A9D��Y� . , , ,r = <br /> BdRcyAOW6Rp(c%1VBNAFTP9f1u�8ortoweri�loWNilyetitd ttl!w�eupql�crtbYcoitvoY�4�d����ragrgnt - <br /> W 1d�efPndge�'nenlly he�eto��oPropenYig�nyie�llcl+�au�inAd�em�an0e�subJ�toanyencuro�bt�naraAt[CC4r���� <br /> 7HIg gp,�9lppPy INS7RUM8N1'combince unlPortn wvehontf tor mdonel use end nat•unl(orm covaunb Wi�; ;, � ;�� <br /> ." IImltWvazlatlonsbyJprlsdlcdonrocomtiwwaunlformcaudqlnsuum:ntcovcrLigrcalpropuly. ,: _':.. ---`,.' .-;'• • <br /> IINI[�DRMOOVBNAM'8. BortowuonOLendercovenant�nd�groeatollow+: <br /> L Paymcnt otPrincl al oad Interesq Rcpaymsnt�od late CAuga. Barower chill mptI pay wArn due�k . <br /> pdnclpalofpnAlntemstonNwdeOtevldenadbytheNoroandmyprcpsymrntandluechazgradue�iuiduiTwNota- <br /> 7. 6Und�for70xeaand[nsuran�w 55�Wen�oeppIlceEtelawortoawrttunwelvubyLendsr.8ortowu�llp)yto <br /> I.ender on�he day mon�hty paymenu ero due undu tl�e Note,wtll Ne Note b pald In NII,e�um("flmds')tor.(e)ytatly <br /> ----- texce end esasasmcnu whlch msy ettaln prlortry over�hle Sewd Instrument es s Ilen on�M WopenY;(b)ywly leasehold <br /> pnymenu ot gound rsou on Ne Aroperty.ltany� (o) Y�y��or propeny Insutence premlums: (d)ytarty Oood <br /> -- Inamanca Dremlums, if eny; (e)yearly moMgage insurance premlumx Ii eny: md(q any cums pay�ble by Bo�wCr to <br /> --- l.ender.In ncoordanco wi�h thoprovl:tone of paragreph B,In licu of tAepayrxnt of mortgage Insurenoe prcmtum�. These <br /> r� Items ere cetled'Hscrow Itema. I.enCer may,ee any tlme,collect end hold Pu�ds In an emount not to uaed the maxlmum <br />�_--_�� emount a tendcr tor e hdemlty rclatod mortgage loan mey rcqulra for portowuti esaow aaount unAct 1he kderel Re}1 <br /> Esute SenlemencProaQures Aa of t974 ei anended Nom tlme to�Ima 12 US.C.4�1 er r�Q.("R&4PA").unlea�another <br /> �' taw that eppllea to ehe Ei�nd�cus a Iwcr amant. If w.I.cndu may,at any tlme,oollat end hold Amdti In en amount not[o <br /> - „-,y�,s�'� exca4 lAe leaser amount. LenAer mry cadmue the nnrount ot FUndf duo on the buls of cwreet data end reasonabla __ <br />�.•�.y�Vt2�r , es�mstp otexpend{wres of[umro Hscrow ttems or o�herwlu tn aemrdanco wlth appIluble Iaw. <br /> ..::,��,� ' Tha Pond��helt be held In en imtlmtim whose dWaatu a�o Insurcd by a fcdcrN a8ency.Imwmenrallry.or enGty <br />`_°J>.;f, . . (including Leader,if Lender 1�such an InstiNtloN or in eny Pederal Home Loan Benk. l.endu eAall apyly�lw Wndi to pay <br /> + �he BseroSV Item+. Lender may not clurge Bortowet for holdtng end opplying tho F4nd�,ennuelly enalyzing the esttow <br /> ,���- - eaount, or ve�ifying thc P.scrow Items, unlas I.cnder payt Bortowu Interest on �ha Wnds end epptluble taw permtu <br /> d�$?',,��" Lendtt ro meke�uch a charge. Howeru,l.ender mayrcqulrc Dortowu to pay e one-Ume chargo for an Independent rcal <br />-�:�`1 a�ti_;,s�: esteta rox reponing�crvlce used by L.ender in connx�ion�vlih�hla loan,unlec�epp8ceblo law provlde�ahmvlu• Unla�en <br /> -..�pHt,t�,� agament la mode or applicable lew rcqulrce intercs�co be paid.Lcndcr cM1all noc 6c requtrcd ro pxy Bortowcr eny Intercsc or <br /> �'�}�"�+F<; eamtng�on�he Wnds. Bortower end Lcnder may egree in wriGng,however,thet Interut shall be eald on tho Wnds Lender <br />. :cl"¢ll "y <br /> n g���t chell glve to Uortower,wi�hout charge,en ennunl eccountlng of tM hLnd�,ehowing cmdtu end debfta�o the Mnda end Ihe <br />-.;�i�����,� purpose for whleh each debi[lo the Rmds wa+mede. 7Le Wnds erc pledged 4+eddidonal«cu�iry for all eums eecured by <br /> .. , x ��_ �hla3ecuritytnswmCnt. <br /> +�; e� If 1he Wndi �eta Dy l.ender excced tne unouma pemiiiied to bc heid `oy ayyi'�L�e I:::. L.'e�:hall ���:to _. <br /> r<+n��4� Bortower tor�he excess Pond+In eccordance wlth�he raryircmentf ot epplicable lew. If the unount ot�he Pomds held by <br />!�t:;"„�` �9�+ Lender a[eny Ilme Ie not aufticient lo pay�e Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nolity Bortower in writing,ar�d,In <br />+i:t.,�, t�.;t ; mch ase Bortower shell pay �o Lender the emoum neasury ro meke up the defldency. Bortower shall meke up the <br /> �F:?}�� dellclency In no more�han�wolve monthly paymen[s,at Lenderh sole discrc�ion. <br />-::_..`.��•;,r�,i� Upon paymcnt In futl of aIl sums ucured by tMa Saurity Insrcument,Lender shall promptly rcfund lo Borrower any <br />:--:?:?{�A;;� � Fund+hcld by Lcndee If,undcr paragraph 2I,Lendcr shall acqulrc or�cll thc Propeny.Lender,pdor to�c ecquislllon or <br />"-"-� ' `" � cele of�he Propeny,shall apply any FLnds hcld by 4ender at�he�inx ot icqulsi0on or sde ea n raAit egalnst�he eums <br />-'.-?i^;"c�:ti-.- <br /> <,+� :� «curcd by�his Security Instrument. <br /> � '��-f�l�ii, 3. ApDllcetlon of Peymenta. Unless applicable law providea oiherwise, ell payments received by Lender under <br /> '�=�'Y`3���,�'- paregmphs 1 and 2 ahall be epplicd:fin�,to any pmpayment chuges due under�he Notc;uwnd,to amounu payable under _ <br />��!`:��y;�;;���� pamgraph 2•�hlyd,m imerest due;tounh,to principal due and lu�.�o eny late chargea due under ihe No�e. <br />.-�;_,y:��;.,,�,e, 4. Chargei; Ucna. Bortower shall p�y nll taxcs, uussmcnu, chargec, fines end imposl�ioro a�lributable to �he <br /> =:;,y`i(;;�',��( Propcny wMeh mey a�uin prioriry ovcr�his Securi�y lnswment,und Icazctrold paymenu or ground rcnts,if eny. �ortowcr <br />-=.�i�y,',•„�'}�„ ahell pay�hcsc obligationa in the menner provided in paregraph 2,or I(no�paid in�hut munncr.Uortowcr shall pay lhem on _ <br /> ,q� S��{„� i' tlmc dlrcc�ty to�hc person owed p�ymem. Borto�vcr shall promptly fumish m Lendcr all notin:of umounts�o bc paid undcr <br /> ��j�(_.I �hls paregwph. If 6ortower mekes�hese paymems dirccUy.Dorrower shall pmmpily fumish�o Lender receip�s evldencing <br />.._�.ia��.'+1,;=�1 �hepaymcnts. �..� <br /> ��',; Bortower shall promp�ly discharge any lien x�hicli hnc priority uver�his Saurity Inswmem unless Uortower.(a)egrep u�'. <br /> s� __r�t- in wri�ing Io�he paymem of Ihe ohliga�ion securcd Ay thc licn in u manncr aacp�ahlc lo Lender,lb)eomesls in good feith Ihe ��.�: <br /> ��i��� ,,�I� lien by,or detends ngains�en(orcement of�hc licn in.Ie@aI praeedings which in�he Lenderl apinian opero�e�o prcrent the � . <br /> 1 `y���: � enforcemem of�he lien;or(c)secures from ihe holder of�he lien an agreement.atisfanory�o Lender subordinating�he lien �'i-�� <br />.n-���?� ro this Security Inswmem. If Lender de�ermines iha�any patt of tAe Prapeny is+uhjec�to x lien which may anain priority n - <br /> �:t+�}`'�✓'�' ovcr�hie Securi� Inxtniment.Lender ma ive fiorrnxer a no�ice idemif in thc licn. Rononcr shall satisfy the lien or�eke k - <br />`€::.',���i�?..:: Y Y B Y B f:<-,` <br /> one or more of Ihe ac�iona set(an6 ntare�vithin In days of Ihe giving of notica ' <br />���?� '��''�:3' S. Ne�ard or Praperty Insurance. 6ortoxer chall kcep the imprnvcmrnu nox�exia�ing or heren(ier ercctcd on�be "'':' <br />":�'Y;�n:i,�,.: <br /> ,;_��i_���; Ropeny insured agaim�Iou by fire,ha�a�ds induded wi�hin�he tertn'cxcenJed covenge"and any uther ha�rde,including E�_-_, <br /> ���i,��rA:->�Z. , (loods ot 1loodin¢, for which Lender�eyuire+ imurance. 7Li. inwance .hall be maintamed in the amouNs and (or the <br /> ::•�tj��}�i.`';:: �'� <br /> r if• ..�I iam MlE 9N0 �prer:.�/�� I . <br /> f ' 2' <br /> �� i. � <br /> �� i - t% <br /> .+� /�/ <br /> �r f I { . <br /> �f'r�it�' .>bf�^r^ _ _ ". . . . - -- .. _ ._.. - r ,'a.� q ,. _ , . . . .i <br /> ,. � ' .h,�_'t'. <br /> L d,l�A �: . . _ • . <br /> �?i!,:��:5 .� ... - - , . . <br /> , + • <br /> _. ; . ....�. <br /> ------ - - � ... <br />.._'�,{�+ - . - - <br /> r,.{';t_� . . . <br /> - �5.- ,�� � . . <br /> �'i�'. <br />:1•S:r'.: <br /> - •_ir.�:. . <br /> �.,5.."Y�,`�:`' . . . <br /> ' � y',r, .. . . <br /> :�!' <br /><�:A7;��:�.l. . \1'�. . . . . . <br /> {�`h,' �,� . . � _ . " " _ <br /> „i +� . Yt . � - . --� . � � <br /> ) 1'� � ' <br /> � ._ . <br /> �t"f, . -rA. ' . 1 . 'J. . - - '�� <br /> _ .. . �_i..�:.._ � _. -. . . . . . .. u_ . . . . . . .... <br />