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{�_ 4 a„�•�..Y.��...� e - .� _ - _ <br /> � et,the option ot Lendm,tt mortgeyo Insuranoe oovaro�e (in tho emount eod lor�h��o poA���ufrcs) ` ' <br /> �,,�. proWEod tiy en Insurcr approved by LrnAar eg�in 6wom�nvetlablo and Is obtafned.Borcower ehaU pry the prom�ume ,� ,�, ,. <br /> �,�.�A roquirod to mdntain mortgage Insurcnoe in etteot,or w provide e tosv rcserve,unHl the roquiromont br mongage �� ,u <br /> inauronceende 1n aaordance eith any e+dtten sgrament betneen Borto�rer nnd Lender or epplicable lnr�. - <br /> � � 9.[nepeotlon.LanderoNte�gentmaym�kero+son�blaentAesuponendlnspwttonaofthePmparty.LenEorehell ��2T';`-; � <br /> s i f give8orcowarnodae�tthettmeotor prtortoanl�(onepeoftyingroason�bloc�usetortheinvpeotion, � i,_� <br /> e ,, l0.Condemaatlon.The prooada ot any awerd or oleim tor damegee,dircot or oans�uenHel,in oonnootion wlth y.;, y <br /> �� tny oondemmtion or other tekin;ot eny put ot the Property,or tar oonveyance In Neu ot oondemnetion,ero heroby �t � -• A^ �• <br /> � esvigned and ehall be patd to Lender. �A'''��7?���5 <br /> r,�,i� In the event ot�mul takin ot the Pmporty,the proaade shell be npplled to the euma seoured by shis Beourity tt��� �;r � : <br /> � Inetrumont,whetheror not then�uo,a�h sny o:orss paly w Bottowor.In theteqv nt ot a��u hen the mo nt�t the ;�Esx���V�� - <br /> " q wNch tho feir merket value of the Pro ny immedieml betora the teking Is uet to or � <br /> ,� ,-: eume sxurod by tNa BacuAty Inettument ImmeEintely betoro tLe uking,unl�Borcowar and Lender otherwise agreo ,ti '_h `.�1( ,�� <br /> ���/� fn wddng,the suma sxured by thle 9avr�ty fnetrument ehall be rcduad by the amount of the proaeds mulApHed Uy �{�,�,�C"„s l <br /> �� . tho tollawing Gaction:(s)the mu1 emounL o!tho eume securod Immediately betoro the uWng,divlded by(b)the tele �s�r�'�,, ,s <br /> t" ` =- p e rty Immedfauty 6etoro the teklag.Any belenca ehel!bo paid to Horcower.In the event ot a �� "`"` � •- <br /> , , mar�et velue ot tho Pro , ,sa ,r,>lt, <br /> Z t'�'� parNal taking ot tho Properry in wtdoh the telr merket value o!the Propetty immediately betoro the teWng ie l�e than z ' ��F�jh�� r,v, <br /> � �� the smount ot the sums secured immediawly betoro the teking,untess Borcowm end Lender othernise agree in wAting �tt � �L w,� <br /> r% '< ot uniess eppIiaEla lew othorwtse providca, the proaede ehetl bo applled to tha eume secund by thia 9ecurlty a��"�zrF�`%i_a��1 � <br /> `,`,,' n Inetrumenteihetherornotthesumserothandua �Lf;�£�;,t�t` <br /> s��� meteten awstdo rYsettle s�olaim tor damawes, Bo�rrowter faile tobY�nd totLender i hfo 30 ds a�tter the date the �`� s' l�r:�'�t� '"' " <br /> "�"-- noUae(e given,Lendet(e euthorized m ooll�and�pply the prooesda�at i�s option,either m restoretion or rcpeirot ehe „�4 �, �r4�. r :. <br /> i�t � Properry or to thesums secured by thia BecuAty Inetroment,whetha or not thon due. r 7�" � �,�."�� : <br /> <'_� UnleseLenduandBorcoaerotherxlseegrcefnwrlting,eqyapplicationolproccedamprindpalehellnotartendor r�;.�+r:sj�"�� <br /> !,y postpone the due dau ot tho monthly payments roterced to in paragnphe 1 and 2 or ehange the amount ot euch �k�� s�+���kEl�� <br /> �,t<Z{:, PeYments. �if f,j.=r.d��n ' <br /> _ �y�, 11. Borrower Not Relased: Forbannce By Lender Not�Wdver. Brtension ot the time tor payment or �-� j /��, <br />:_-�=t7,,;�' modiflcetion of emoniuAon of the aume sacured by thie Sceurity Inatrument granted by Lender to eny euoassor in �.�.s:�:.r,r�&;,;_�� <br /> '���4� interest ot Borcowor ehell not operate m retease the liability ot the original Horrower or Borrower'e euc«ssore in �,'�"'�'-'��� ' — <br /> -'r,;`p'� intereat.Lendar shall not be requlred to commence proaedings egainst any aucceasor in interc+st or rotuse to enend a�1_n:yj'S�_.$�,;.-�' <br /> ;�:y> time for paymrnt or otherwise modify�mortizetton ot the aums saurcd by thta Security Inatrument by reeson ot eny t � ;'�. $,. _ <br /> _)y,dfi k< demend medo by the odginal IIorrower or Borrower's euccessore in intereat.Any torbearanw by Lender In e:ercieing j;,J ,;�;��� -� <br /> yz,�,° eny dght or romedy ehell not be e waivm ot or prxlude the e:arclae ot any rtght or romedy. x{�,�„7� �;`��=: <br /> °' 12.3uaeoscr:nd Aw-:;n:Baund;lolnt:nd Saetrl Lla4ilil�;Co-elPnas.'Rie w�enmt airl s4.ama:•� � 24 ",'°, - <br /> � '�: ot this 8ecudty Insttument ehe11 bfnd and benetit the euxeasore and assigne ot Lender and Horrower,eubxct to ehe 1' .e����#a�x :. <br /> A_ �� proviafone otparepreph 17.Borcower'e covenentn end egrcemente ahe11 be Joint and severol.Any Horrower who co-signs �x r y� ,� �{ <br /> � ' ' thie Sxurfry Inatrument but does not�secuu the Nota (e) ie co-signing thie SecuAty InetrumeM only m mortgage, +ti= "' �F a• <br /> w�AL i� grent end convey that Horcower's intu�st in the Property under the terma o!thla &ouAty inetrument; (b) ie not {f ��y"���� � ` -_ <br />,,i3���.� personally obligated w p�y the sume secured by thia Security inenument:end (c)egrae thet Iander and any other ;��.,y54;�t�=�+',�;;tt�;. <br /> ,Sy,;_ Borcower may egree to ertend,modity,torbear or make eny aaommodations with rog�rd to the Urme ot thte 8ecurity , �:.,i:v �;��-, <br /> �,�;; InstrumontortheNotewithoutthatDvrrowar'sconsent. r �r+i�• + + : <br /> _�';��,.y,� 13. I.oan C6ugea.It the loan secured by thia Security instrumant ie subject to a law which sete meximum loan ,t,..��:�r`i;;`•t�;�`�-="" <br /> >.�;.4 char ea, end that len ie tinall inW roted so tlut the intorest or other loen cher ea cotlwted or to ba collceted In - ,`:74 i7-- <br /> 8 Y �P 8 - . r . ���� s:_ <br /> conneoHon with the loen exeeed the permitted limite,therc (e)eny auch loan charge ehell be teduced by the emount - - ��:-'r. � <br />'��:i��;i; �:�.c':��s �iE"�J-i::.`�- <br /> � nea�ery to reduce the cherge to tho permitted Ilmit; and (b) eny eume elready allected from Dorcower Nhfch + �>, P�-••,.�;l._�t_;. <br /> -� � e[aeded permitted limite wlll be rotunded w BorroNOr. Lender mey choose to make thfe rctund by reducing the `'� -�y ` <br /> ' -` � pdncipal owed under the Note or by meking e dirat payment to Aorrower.lf e rofund rcduas pdncipal,the reduction " � �t� � : <br /> r>' nill be trcated as e pertial propaymrnt without any prepeyment charge under the Note. .;}'{ � w<`; <br /> a 1'j� 14.NoNces.Any notice to Borroxer provided for in thia Security lnatrummt ehell bo given by delivering it or by ' " -- ✓�i��, <br /> -'�'�' mei�in it b (iret elacs mail unlas a pliceble�ew uires use ot enother method.The notice shell be directed to the � - ! ?�i4:� -� <br /> 'r+���'- Proper8ty Address or any other addtesa Dorrower des�gnatea by notice to Lender.Any notice to Landar ahell be given by �� �r ' <br /> -- _" flret cl�meil to Lander's address eteted herein or any other address Lender designatea by notice to Horrower.Any ��!. ---^rc�r.,:��>`� <br /> -- S�� notice provided tor in thia Security[nstrumcnt eh�ll be damed to have ban given to Borcower or Lender wMn given ' '� -- � <br /> .-' {• esprovidedinthieparogroph. - ' �'`5'i <br /> � -����: !S.Govorniqg Lea;Soverability.Thie Sauriry Inatrummtehall he govemed by tederal law end the leN ot the � � -4�j�r . � � <br />�.i�.;_;;.��` jurisdiction in which the Property ie located.In theevent that any provieion or cleuse ot thie Sceurity Inatrumrnt or the �-' �`�+�:� <br /> -� ?� NotecontlieteNithappliablelew,euchwntlic[etullnotattcetotherprovisionsotthieSecurityinstrumrntortheNato I ' ' =._ <br /> '�'::��;� which un be given eHect xithou�the contlicting provisioa To thie rnd the provisiona ot thie Security Instrument and � - - "" � . <br /> tho Note ere dcelared to be severeble. � � ' <br /> � <br />'`.;i,��,'_` hrm 70i! f/!0 - - . <br /> .�..- �-BBPID�aion.e� �.n�.�e �mmie - . - <br /> ,5t.�,� . •. , � . <br /> -•.,� <br />. ,._. <br /> .':Y . <br /> - '•.i.::t'v�-jr-"L:_?:'._f'%=oi.'>-. ....,.. ._ .. . _ - . :. : : -.r . ' " . . . .. .... . . ... ... ,. . <br /> a.:'. <br />- ��e. - afit..- - .. <br /> �i..�.., ti.q-. _- .. . <br /> ' :u.., <br /> _ '.ti.- .'T,' _ <br /> � �.l .: <br /> � C?, �,� <br /> - ;i <br />. ^!'-t=.'':,�i:.' - . .� . -. - <br /> _ -?t��t;;:.'; .;�:�- � .. . - <br /> ,y . " <br /> . i�r ��` . . ' <br /> r4 � n' . - - . . <br /> � . .S � . . _ ` - . , _ . <br /> j f� �+. 5 . . - _ <br /> 1 A - r <br /> . ..�.?�-? j _ ;.' '. -l. �. . 6 :',� .. :-�'- '. . ._ . � - � � - ... _ i . .. _�..�-�:�.. . -.I . . S ._ . .. <br />