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._-lJi.i:f--� u 1 ._. {"�i >11J1c:,�a�J{ �. � - !RY+w :�!.+s� ."'� I t� ..... . . <br /> � �. . . ,� a -r< ,,. �°°^� ; , .�..t�AA � . <br /> :j .... I.�. r;i:V/��i..C'_'�•.�.i:.V`.�.u+..h:.� �."e .i.,.eu.� ' __ _ <br /> - . ..__._._.._. <br /> 1: <br /> Y{��-' • gg• � - -- <br />���.� � • � t6.IIotro]rer'�CopY.BorroxateA�llbe�ivopoeeoontormedoopyottheNotoendottNeBeoudtyJrow�m�t ° ° <br /> , � N.7Yl�uaia ot tEe Proporty oe� Bene!ioiil iatereat In Bor� a11 or�ny qrt ot tA4 Pcoperty or any <br /> �,�, inures�In it 1@ eoid oe t naferrod Sor it�6enotfolil�nrorcat In Horrower(s eold or tnns1orred�nd Dorroget is not� <br /> - n�turol�rcon)without da'y Onor ndua�conxnt.Lender ite option,requlro Imr��late p.+Ym�nt ia full ot • --' <br /> 4 oil eume seourcd b thl�uNty Inetrucnent.Nawevat, thfe optlon ehelt not be e:ercieod by Lender It e:orciw ie � .. ,�-�-_ <br /> '<' �£� `� prohiblteAbytedvro�l�wuotthed�teotthie8ocuritytnswmenx �,f;a°y'� �,� - <br /> , Ii Landsr oxere scs tMe bon,Landor s1�a11 giva 8orroNer nodce ot aocoleratton.lrie notice ehall proWde a pulad �- , , ,, <br /> ', �' �* ot nottt�thm 30diys trom�d�te tAe nottoe te dellvoted or malled wit�ln whtoh Dorrower must pey eil wmo secured r �` if { . <br /> , �2 bytMaBxurltyinstrumentSt rcowmfalletop�ythosesume prlortotheeipIrat�onotthieperiod,Lendermayinvoke �„+:,�` ,t,k"'J f� <br /> 1 h „ anyromedirapermlttedbythls8eoudtylnetrumentwlthoutturthornoticoord�mendonHorrowor. �� .' ..,r'�f t`_`�'� _. <br /> „��,5{�[:' t8.Borroeer'�Rifhi`o Relnnnte.It Sortower meets cauln oondltlom 8orcower shell hava the right w hsva M�.�, , �,� <br /> � � entoroemens ot thie 6touiity Instrumene dl000ntinued tt any Ume prlor to the wr�ter at:(�)3 deye(or auoh otherpeHod �t„�yy�'�;, �," -. <br /> � �: ee appItcablo le�v mey speclPy toF relnsumment botoro wIe ot the Pro2erty pureuent w anypoNor ot eele oonufned In z�r ; �,,��+�, ,��,� �. <br /> � t 5�+ thie eeouAty Inatrumenk or�b) entry ot s t�ynont entorotng this BauHty inetrumenc'Il�ose oondiAons are that .f, �5 i ,,s;w. , <br /> * � `�- Horcowor. (e) peya Londor el sume whloh then wouid bo duo under this 8aurity[nauument and the Noro es it no p�J�' J,; fF, .e;in. ,, <br /> d eaeleretlon Aad waurced;(b)curca u�y def�ult ot eny othor oovonants or agrcamonre•(o)pays el!e:penses inoutted 1n k ?y ��� ��' <br /> s� $i .�h- entorcing th(s&curitg Ineteument,inotuding,hut not Ilmited m,reasonablo attomep}tas•end(d)ukea sueh eoflon ae ;;�+?ak��t f^,{iG `n <br /> yl q, C{}' Lendor mny teasonably requiro to essure thnt tho llen ot thie Beeurity Inatrument,Lender�e righte in the Property and s-io a � �' ,.t s e{ <br /> �� v;c� BorrowePeobllgadontopay thesumesaurcdby thleBaurltylnatrumentehellcontinueunohanged.Uponroinetetemrnt �tt��7 ? � � _ <br /> . `S v ' by Borrowet,thie BoauAty Inetrumentand tho obllgsttonesceurcd hereby ehel�mmain tully etteottve m U no ixeluatlon ,�'- , ; ; <br /> s /ti�5y�+ had000urred.However,thtarightwroinetemehnllnotepplylnthecaseotexelentionunderparographl7. `�;'��1S��F��"_; ,.. <br /> ��:`����` 1 9.8�to o f Note;C 6anae o f L o�n 8arv iur.T ho Now or a pert in l intereat in t 6e No te(to�e t hee w i t h t h ls 8 x u d ty ,t !,rs`� ' `,5u.`°�`': <br /> 5 n� � Inatrument)mnybosoldoneormorotlmeswithoutpAornodcewBotrower.Aaelomeyrcsult nschangeintheentisy �,p�, , 5 _. <br /> ss�,q<r�: (Icnown as tho'Loen 8ervicer')thet oolleate monthly paymentn dua under the Nou and this Secudty Inatrument.There a{�`:%C��,x� ,a s'� ;.- <br /> Rrr �;.. slso may bo ono or moro ehengea ot the Lan Servicer wral eud to a eale ot the Note.It there 1s a eMnge ot the Loan 't�;�'� '^`{ ' - <br /> ra;�,«k�y Servicer,Borrower wiil bo given afltten notice ot the ohenge in eocordance with parogaoh 14 a6ove end npplicable law. �r_:;�1 ,�f�� �c :.;� <br /> ,x�; i The notice will etate the neme and eddresv otthe new Lonn 8orvimr and the addre�m wWch paymente ahould be made. ��{��, � <br /> �1� t'v '� Tlw nodce aill also conuin eny other fntormetion required by applicable 1aw. ��,�j°`' *��� =- <br /> ' ' , !�. ]0.Haaardous Subat�¢cos.Borcowor ehall not cause or rmit the presenca,use,dispaal,atoraga or roleue ot �l��t � . � <br /> ,;7t t r; ihe Prop�enY thet iein vi�olstion ot ny Hnv��m nte�I.ew eThe�noratoeddinng two wnten�hsll not a�pply tohthe presen� ,'�> 1L� �� -_ <br /> � x �'! use, or etorege on the Property ot emall quantitiee of Hezerdous 3ubatenas that nro genernlly recogniud to be ,i �',ty�'t j ,�r ,— <br /> � t approp riauwnormalres(denttelusmandtomaiMenenceottheProperty. � _• ��� ! t <br /> +'h� Burrower ehell promptiy give Lender wd[tan notice ot eny imeatigation,clefm,demend,lewsuit or othx actton by „ _�� r � �fr�� <br /> °> � nny govemmentel or regulatory egency or prlvau perty involvfng the Property end any Harardous Substance or s7 : ,t �,r , �: <br /> ° '°' BnvironmenUl Law ot whfch Dorcower hea ecwal knowledga It Horrower learns,or ie notihed by any govemmente�or �: .s��t � .- <br /> j��+,.,, n-- r� r ? _ <br /> � � •�� regulatory authority, thet eny removet or other romediation ot eny Haxerdous Subsunce atkcting the Property ia i'• l n _ _ <br /> - :! �ary,HnrrowershellprompUvtelceallnec�earvremedielectioneinaaordanceNithHnvironmentalleN. :i'' ^ -.- �� <br /> � j � Ae usal in thfe peragraph 20,`Hezerdom 3ubsfencte'ero thosa substancea detlned ae tonic or hamrdou�aubstances �'��5� ti . _ <br /> � � -�• by Hnvironmenul Lew end the following substances gasoline,kerosone,gothar tlemmable or toxic petroleum pradwte, 5 ��� ,� '-Y . <br /> ',�r> S� maien�Aa uud in hfebpe agreph Y(1,�EEnvironmental I.�ene means�tederell waQand lawa ot tha�unedi t on whero�the .��ii�5��`s���� _. <br /> :. Property ielocetedthetroletetohealth,sateryorenvironmentalprouotion. `�` , � F�'' - -- <br /> "• NON-1JNIFORMCOVSNAKfS.DorrowerendLenderturthercovenantendegreeestallows „ i� �� �� -' <br /> ;'� 21. Accelention; Remediea. Lender ahail glve aotico to Dorrower pdor to accelorotion follaving ,,y; ' �•�t - <br /> Domower s 6reac6 of say oovemnt or aareement 1n l6fa Secudty Instrument(but not prlor to�calenlion _.�r y, .s,u,_: <br /> �i ��. underpangnphl7untesa�ppIlublel�wprovideeotherwise).T6000ticeeLallepeclty:(�)thedo►ault;(b)the �•F� + � <br /> >>'�„ �otion requitod to oute t6e de6ult; (c) � date, aot lees th�u 30 daye trom the dato the ootice ie given to �:I;;-) ` �t'�;��.�ji�� <br /> Borrower,by vhic6 the detault muet ba cured;and(d)thn teiluro to curo tho doteult oa or betoro t6e dato � �t ,,��_''��� <br /> `yai epecitiod in tho aotiu may ronult in eccoleration of the eume sccured by thia Security iaetrument and s�io of '�a�;, ��}�"�`i`` <br /> the Praporty.The notiw e6a11 turt6or intorm Dorrmvor o!tho Aght to roiastoto efter nccelorsNon end t6o � �j� �- ,si .. <br /> � right to 6ring�eourt�etion to�ssert the non-exisronee ot e def�ult or eny othor detonse o►Dorroner to ',. r - - ;'" ' <br /> } - ,� , aceelerotlon�nd eale. If ihe dof�ult ie not cured on or bototo tho dete apecllled in the nodee. Lender,�t ite � •'� ! - -�., � <br /> „ optioa, may require immodiato p�yment in full oi all sume secured 6y thb Saurity Ipetrumoet without �- • ..� -,;,1�s �:� <br /> - � �..{.j� furt6or demnnd �nd m�y lovoko tho powor of aala and any athor remediea permittod by sppticable I�w. '. <br /> �. Leador shall bo ontiticd to collat oll oYpcnsea incurred in purauing the rcmediw providod in thie paragroph ` `�s� ;. �, <br /> �: - . 21,Ine�uding.butnotlimitedto,re�aombleattorneyi tus�ndcoateoftitloovidenco. - �,-: . <br /> If t6e po�ser of eelo is invokod,Truatce shell record s nodco ot dcfault in oach county ia tvhich�ny part of r'. - �- ;�: .: <br /> �c• --� tho Property ie locatod aad ahell mall eopies o►such notico in the menner prucribed by appliuble I�n to �� " , t;.., �.-;.��•`� <br /> IIorrower and to ihe other penooe Proseribed 6y appHcablo lew.Aher tho time requircd by applieable Isw, � {:��:t's•1:;,-., <br /> ��� Ttuctao chell glvo ublic notico ot eilo to t6e penona and in tho manner prescribed by appItcabic len.Trustce, •?-�!;�:� <br /> " � ' . nithout domand ou Borro�sor,ahall aell tho Proporty at publie eucNon ta tho hlahest bldder at the tlmeand �� �"- � <br /> �- - � plau and undor the terma deaignated in tho notiee of eale in onc or muro parcola xnd in any ordar Truitce .. .-- <br /> . determtues.Trusteo mey postpono aalo of all or any parcel of tha Property by public announcement at the ' <br /> - timo and plaw ot any provioualy ac6edulcd sale. Lendor or its dcaignce may purchasc thc Property at my <br /> silo. <br /> ' - iam�0Y! i/90 <br /> � $�—BHWEIu�ouo� r.�.s.� e In1�Y�c - <br /> � ] .)��• . <br /> ` _ _. <br /> - ,..,�-�,:; <br /> .•i,��':^ '(�' • <br /> .. � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> V ' <br /> . . � <br />