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`t l4}��. . . w , ... .-.— .--. . . . . - ' - ._..____ . . _._. <br /> tSrF,_ . ... . .. g3° aIQ�A� - .->� ,,sh_---- <br /> �. 4 <br /> '� • 6..H�cRtd.or Ftopattq Iaovnncv. $oxowet eA�il keep t�ha lnyravemcnq nasf eifstln�m ha6eftee ercotyA on - - <br /> the 9ooperty insumA t�iftis�lom 6y ti h�unds tno uded wlsAtn the term•extende0cp4en�e tr0�ny othet pfutGs,. <br /> — IncluQing tfiaQe ot Ilooding,tor Nhtoh�dw reou�rce ineunnva TfJa tnsgruioe stui!Oo m�intelncE ln tho�mounm <br /> " end{or ihe prrtaM tMt I�ender roquirca 7'A*Insurinae arilar provIding tha fm-uranw ahatl Ee charon bY AortoeCr _ �_ --- _ _ <br /> _=°;� subkct w i/endaVe ipprov�l v�hich ohall rtot be unceaeonaDty wtthheld.It Dorronar tdla m mdntdn oovenYe deactibo0 <br /> — �poda,Lendet msy,�t LendePe option,obUln oover�ge to proteot l,enAePe dpAta in the Pmperty in e000rdtnoe witfi N <br /> ,,�, ��� parageauh7. � - <br /> Ait lneunnoe polioiea end ronewde etuil be eooeyuble w Lcader�nd etiall tnclu4e a aundud mortg�Ye cleuse. <br /> ��,,�"'},'� Lendor ehell tuva the daAt to hotd the poltclee�nd ronewela It I.aderroq uirea Borrower eh�il promptly give to <br /> ,Y, .� -- co�aet ai��oaP�otp�+a promtume ond renerral noNoca In tha ovent ot toss.Horroxa eAell glve prompt notloe to tha �� -�+ � ' �.: <br /> n �nsurenoe cartler end Lender.Lender n1�Y maka proot ot toss tt not m�de pmmpUyhy 8orcower. <br /> �;�` y . Unlese I.onde�ud Sorrown otherwts��qrca in wddn�,ineuranoe prooeeds ehall ba�pplied to nsto»tion or recatr �y'+;- ,. <br /> �, yFi�6"� ot the Proponp the restonaonor repe:r ie eoanomtwtly FeaslAte and Lender'e eecurtry ta not lessenod.Iithe !c�;���� ;; <br /> ������ reatontlon or rcpnlr G not eoonomtceUy lwslbte or Lender'e exuAty aould be lessensd,the inwrenae roaads el�ell be �7'y�p,�,�,,, -: <br /> �„ � L �pptied w the sums sxure�t Dy ttJa Sawity Inatrument,ahatAer or not then due,with eny etce�paIS to „�" �f�'�"r�g,, __,. <br /> Bonowu aDandone tRe Proputy,or doce not onswer rrltNn 30 daye e notice trom Lander thet tM insunnce carcia Aav � .,h,�,� , <br /> y ;�;,, t� otQued to settle u clilm,tAen Lender msy eolixt tAe insurence prooeedi.Lender may use the�pr�eeeds to cepnit or > � � <br /> ,��d,, fi�c�;: r.ewrathoPropercy ortopsyeumesecuredbytAfaBoourttylfnuument,whetherornottAtadue.71ie30'daypotlodwili � r <br /> � , bogin ahen Me qcniee le gtven. 's ��<s�d¢n.�i' : <br /> '���J �Y Unlesa Lendar end Borrowet othwwisa egree(n wrtAn �ny apptfcation ot praceed9 to prtncipal ehell not ertend or � f �� <br /> � post ponetheduedauotthemontNy menteroterrodm�nparo�repl�slend2orchangetheemountotthepnymenta �'�, � ��„ �e�.:.. <br /> a,;� <br /> �� . i� It unduparograph 21 the Property s aoquired by Lender, Honower'e Aght to eny Insuranoe policks end proaade �r�� r� _ <br /> Yn' E,��l� reauiting trom damage to the Property priot to tho aoqotaftlon ehall pass to Lender to the�ta�t o!theeuma seourcd by �,x�� � <br /> ,�, �- thie8ecurhylne[rumontimmediately priortotheeoquisidon. ° <br /> �y7v,, � '�' j„�mxs --: <br /> p a�, +� 6.Ooou �noy,Proservation,Maipunanu tnd Proteotlon o!the Properry;Aarroeor s LomAppliution: ,� <br /> t � - <br /> {'�1,. Lase6olde. rtower ehall oecupy,eatsbNeh,and use the Properry ae Bottowcr's princtpnl reeidence aithln eirty days t�t;,��� �� - <br /> v,+;�,��_,f;; �tter tAe eaecution ot thte Securlty Inetrument end eh�ll oondnue to occupy the Property as Borrower'e principal �, �,� 1 a- <br /> �:r� tesidenro tor etleast one y�r etterthe date ot oocupenoy,unlae Lendu otherHise egreee in writing,wNch oonsent sha11 jf��+ <5'� <br /> �'I'- i1;�� not bo unreasorably witMetd,or unleas ertenueting ciroumatenas exiet whioh aro beyond Borcower's controi.Bottowar � �i'jcp'+� <br /> ti�'- '�, eheil not destroy,damsge or impalr the Proparty,nllow the Property to detortorate,or commlt wnate on the ProputZ. j'��f+.�+ � � <br /> F�'��, �.��` 8onowa ehell ba in detautt it any torteiture eotlon or prooeeding,rhethu civii or criminal,le begun thet in Lender a ,r! ;r� k , <br /> i _£ s,�'t;, goud taith Judgment could reautt in tortalture ot tha Property or othuwfsa meteflatly impe3r the tlen created by thle �< i+�` � _ <br /> , Sxurity Instrument ot Lender'e secutity interest.Horrower may wro such a deteuit end reinatet0. ne provided in �, i,,ys�,�€ s = <br /> 5 ? „�` pangrop� 18, by uusing the action or procading w be dfsmfesed with e ruling that, In Lender'e good talth � �� t�� .y ,.. � <br /> �` �..y;f deutm(nation,precludea todeituro ot the Bonower'e intereat in the Proparty or other materiel impatrment ot the Ilen �{�<`t #(f <br /> 1 •T: CCtBtEd DY tF1I8 27CCUtlty T118IN/I10f1i oC L01�def�e 5wvriiy iniBPa't.B vFi�S:ci s ha t l a lsa�Ir.da tau lt i t E orcoe:sr,du::::g � .�3 �` � <br /> '���t't ;;P the loan epp�fcatlon praoesv, gave materially telse or Ineceurate intormetion or euuments to Lender (or fatled to z .�j�y y --. <br /> r f�, �!•T prov[de Lander with any material Intormation)in connection with the loan evldenad by the Note,fnclud3ng,but not P '%,in _ <br /> � r�';- i, limtted w, represenuttona oonceming Borrowu's occupency ot the Property ea e principal reaidance.II thie SecuAty �����{f�'��('� _ <br /> ;`,��}`}'{J;. ►netfument te on a lusohold,Horrower ehail comply rith e11 the providww o!theleese.It Horcower eoquirea►u title to `"�r a+�'s� ' _ r <br />=.�•'�' � t.:, � the PmpoMy,tM leaselwid end the tw titteehnll not mer unlas Lender e us to the mer er In writin . }Ip•��;i�q;'?},`^"'" <br />.. .,�;l��}. „^ Se $� 8 B ,,JS�yi, ,..t ..�,f,%- <br /> r J' r_, 7.Protation ot LendePs RiyLb ia tAe Ptoperty.It Donower te�is to pu[orm the covensnts end egreemente , �„ , 7+� ,,_ <br /> , ,s ; conuincd In thta 6aurity I�trumrnt,or there�s e legnl proceeding thet map sigmlicantly atfect Lender e righte in tho ,r",�p;,{i tjly'� <br /> s , , wf� Propertr (auch es a prooeeding in bankruptcy, probate, tor condemnatlon or todeituro or to entorce Iawe or >���t�; , i ���„ <br /> '� ,+5���� � reguiationa),then Lender mny do and pey tor whatever is neassary to protect the valuo ot the Proper[y nnd Lendor e �+yy,f ,sr F <br /> � �`� ��� d hta in the Property.Lender'e actionv may include paying any aume secured by n lien whtch hae priority uver this �d?��`�; �� �s,�r. <br /> ttt s rt. +1�� 8 i� j.��� /� rYR�4�.1'; <br /> , Securitr Inserumem,appeaAng in cour[,peying reesonable attomeye'tas and entedng on the Property to meke repefre. �,�E �� , <br /> � «'�' Although Lender may talce action under thia paregnph 7,Lander does not hava to do so, i %t� F;' '�a-� <br /> - �;;�f.��'."' Any amounta diabursed by Lender under thia paregraph 7 shell buome nddiNonsl debt ot Borcower secured by thie ����5;!��t�?fi f»h��;+�� <br /> ���� ,� a`�. Savrity Inatrument.Unlees Horrower end Lender egra to other terme ot payment,thae emounta shall bear interest ' �";+,j' �n° •° '' <br /> =- trom tM dete ot diebursement et the Nota nte end ehall be payable,with interest,upon notice irom Lender to Horrower �F�yg 1����` ',"_ <br /> y° s S?L requ$Nng peg�joaunaco.It Lender required mongage insurence ee n condition ot meking the loen secured by thin �,':r'z' ;�r i�r`u`:' <br /> M <br /> � '� -� Secutityinatroment,DorcowerehellpaythepromiumsrequiredtomilnuinthemortgageinsuranuineHect.If.foreny , ,-�r �;y t'�"- <br />..,,,",,..,. _�f:�*. reason,tha mortgege ineurance coverega reqmred by Lender lapses or ceases to ba in ettcet.IIorroxer shell pay the s.,?{,i��, �',_ }??_%�_ <br /> `�i 1 -;r premiume required to obuin coverage substantially equivalent to tho mortgage insurence proviously in eftect,at e cost , �_„-� �� _; ;-.�. <br /> 5- .� -:}� su6etnntielly equiwlrnt to the cost to BorroNer ot the mongage imurance previously in ettcet,trom an altemate r ,- � <br /> �, ' '+'�� mortgage inwror epproved by Lenda. It substentially equivalent mortgage insurance coveroge is not evailable, �' �� - -�'''� �r,�.�� <br /> :,.�,�-r._ .t3 _,.�� „ <br /> ��+e•.�3!; Borrower ahall pay to Lender each month a sum equel to one-tweltth of thc yearly mortgage inaurenee premium being � , <br />- `'�=�;'-���'"��?�; paid by Borrower rhen the irmurenx covaage lepsed or ceated to be in ettect.Lender wi11 aaept,use and mtain these - . <br />_��_��.�.,;�;:=''�.� peyments as e losa reserve in lieu ot mortgege inaurana. Lasv reserve paymenta may no longer be roquired, - � <br /> ,:Yi:. .:t� <br />;1j ..:i;;`.<;:,, <br /> -'t:,::�� .-.�:. h�m 10i� l/1D <br /> "-'`1i:`�'4`} �—BflOVElmovoi r.�.a.i e . <br /> � Wtlne <br />°:IEL;:.•_.:,;�f:', <br /> .., ... ,.. - � <br />._.;:?;;`r..• _. <br /> �°.. i -. ... _._...,,-:.. _' ' <br /> ..;.., ' _...._.,. . .. _.. ,. ... . . . .. . <br />."fii.:.....":'. ..r�_.,��_�._�.Y....__ . . <br /> ..;;; .i.(;I:`^;%;. .' . <br /> :'_+f`:.� •. '-�: " . , <br /> * '1' ' <br /> �it_ "'`I�._ .__._ ___ ' . _ <br /> �,'.�'�:':`-i•:.:u� <br /> rV ��� <br /> —,r-�.,•+� - _ �-. � . <br /> ;?�{� :`hY . . " <br />. '.�•.�i . . <br /> j.t p'i: � . - <br /> ( �-�1'i'� .. � . <br /> j 1?'�::;q..;:.,� : : � . _ . . . <br /> , <br /> 1 r + h _ . . - _ . . <br /> r r ! % " � <br /> �; � . <br /> : y' <br /> rc� ' � - ' ' .:,_� <br /> _ , , . --.. . . , _ <br /> ._ . . . . . ;,_ _ r,.._ . .. . . ... . ....__ __ ,.___.__. .. .. . . _. .. . ._. _ ._ . <br />