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_• �— "T'�Y.A�d.�/Y� '..r-- .. . . ,,. . '""'"'_ <br /> � '_ ' ,��'`3:1 " . _ _ " __"'�^��__. <br /> f- , 93 �e3�t► �_ _ <br /> , . <br /> - p�yment�,wMeh nro rckired io In Wray� h 7,or change tlw amount oi meh paymrn�e. My excose praceede ovor on _ <br /> -� enfawt ired to pry dl ouittmding l�edneee under Uw Noto end�hi�3ccurl�y lnstrumenr�hell be psld w ths enll�y - <br /> legallY ent�Ie4tAaoto. . <br /> &Fta. Lcader may collat taa md cherga amhoriud by�he Seorctery. � -�Z- <br /> 9. Urounde for Aceelentfon of DeDR - <br /> °�' (a)Defautt. i.ender may.oxcept u Ilmhed Ey rcguleiiona Issued b�tha Secrctary in�he cese of payment detautn, �,:.,-.- <br /> rcquim Immedlnto� ent In full ot ell�ums eecurtd by�hii 8ecudty Inswmcn�iC <br />-�.xst,a (q Dortoxrr dr eu��.�y fel!Ine�o o.�Io hdl��y moo�hl.�sym.n.�ntmn h.:�hie 3ccudty Instrvmcnt pdor . _ -. - - - <br /> ''`' tooronNedueGneol�enaxtmom�ilypnymen4or -�-� ' "� <br /> (U)Bortower defeulte by fatling,for a pc�iod ot�hiny day�,to pertorm eny othcr obligetion�contelned In thle <br /> �� Saurtty InstNmen4 a <br /> (D)HtIO W�thaut(.5redit Approv�l. Lender�hell,lf pmnlued by appllcabie lavi end wRh eAo pdor epproval oi�he <br /> SCCretety reqWro immedlate pnyment in full of ell�he wms«cured by�hia Sceurity inswment if: � <br /> r� (q Ajl or an of the Pro ny,or a benefkiel imercet In s tnui owning ali or pan of the Propeny,le mld or � <br /> .�Sv� othenvlso pensferted(o�her�han by dwtce or dasceaq by No Bortower,end �Zs�`` � � <br /> - (i!)71�e Property u not occupied by�h¢purchaur or grenteo w hit or Mr pdncipal rcaidence,or tho purehaur �'s�' .__-__. <br /> -;�• or grantoe doos eo occupy the Property but hia or her credit hu not bcen approved in �ocordnnce -- <br /> �vhh the requlremenu of�he Secrciary. i '' <br /> ' (c)No Wn{ver. It cireums�ena�occur that would pem�it LuMet�o rcquire immediaro paymem in tull,but Lc�der _- -. <br /> ��` daa nm uiro wchp�ymeme,Lcnder daea not watve ite dghu with rcepcct to wbsequenl evcnw. t+'��f -_ <br /> -�,i (d)Regut�mu of HUD Secmtary. In meny eircum�unces rcgulmiona taued 6y the Secretery willltmit Lenderl ��`t+� __ __- <br /> ��,3 �ighu, itl the case ot payment defaulta, rorcq uIro immedime payment in full end foratose if not oeld. 'Ihia ,`��° � <br /> ,:� Secudty Insaument daa not emhodu�ocelention or foreclosum if no�permhted by rcgulatbna ot�Ac Sceremry. ��Psf�jL �"__ <br /> -_' (e)Mortgage Not[neured. 6ortower egrcea that shmdd thb Sceumy Inammcm end�I�e nae securcd thercbY cwe �� � _'.-------� <br /> 4i� be cligiblofor insurencoundor 1hoNa�ional HousingActwithin ��b0 �Ft!li� - � <br /> ,�i y; dero hueo$Lu�der mcy,a�ite option end notwithstuding�nything in Peregreph 9,requfrc immediero payment in if,f - <br /> �feya_��.. <br /> T4��: PoIl of all aums«cured by�his Sceurity lnstrument. A wrinen stoument of eny euthodzed egent of the Seaetary �N��r +'^- — <br /> �`� dated aEsequent Io from�he datc hereof,dalining to Inau2�hia 5auriry 4� 'f '` <br /> �,,;,;` Inswment ond the nom Becurcd�haoDy,aholl ba deemed rnnclusive proof ot such indigibiliry. Nonvitha�anding �'k�-�_,�a� � - <br /> � E�� thc Pomgoing,�his optium m�y not bo exercited by Lendcr when�he unnvnilability of in:urenco Is solely due ro 7,n'' � -, .. <br /> . a;o� LenderY failuro ro rcmh s mottII�ge inwmnce prcmium ro�he Secrctary. s � +i^,�`-- <br />.,,im:y?� !0. Reinstntement Borrowcr hae e dgh�to Le rcinsmied if Lender ha+requircd immediatc payment in full because .ta;�rz,.��?��i.�: - <br /> ; 5: of Bortowerti tuituro ro pay m amount duo undor�he�Nate or thia 9ewrt Instrumem. �This dght a Iles cven aIIer i<'•�F,2`�%"+ <br /> y PP E�.t.�.�'�4:�., �,;_,. <br /> -�, forcelosuro praeedings ere Institmcd. 7b rcinsmlc ihe Saudty Instrument. Bortower ah�ll tender in a lump cum all ���i 3-;iv —. <br /> -�.x•i amounu mquircd to-bring Bartowerti eccount cunem includina,ro the extent�hey erc obligallom of Bortower under ehis ���_S�Ct�r�s`_„ <br /> -- Seeudty Insuument,forcclosura Cosla end reesonebiC ula eusiomary attomeyi ices end expenics �zyerfy:*'.�t�w�:` � --� _. <br /> ;;i the forcctoauro proaeding. Upon roin:iatcment by BoROwer,�hia Sccurity lastrumcnt and�he o�ligations�ha�it sa�ma e�����'�;�-+zT.� , <br /> `...;5' chnll rcmnin in ettect ea if Lender hed not reyulrcd Immediaie paymem in full. However,Lender is not required to Petmit � � ,�„� -,.� <br /> �>t•�� yeamOimmWialeiy��prettdinghhepcomnn�amentofe�curtemforcclosnrcp�raceedingrc(i�rcinsa�tmeent8will�prcelude V:fh���k'a'�rv� `. <br /> �''��e forcclosuro on difforoN gronnds in ihe fmum,or(iii)rcins�eumem will edversely affect the pdoriry of Ihe Ilen emated by �15,�'� o-, r,ixs'.� <br /> ���; thisSecudty Inummcnt. � + . -'. <br /> � Il. Oorraver Not Releaud: Forbnarance by [.tnder Nul e �SLlren Cxtension of ihe Ilmo ot poyment or � ���i°��� � : <br /> -r?.� modification of nmorti�ation of�he sums secumd Ny ih�s Security Insvument gmnied by Lender ro eny cuceeasor in intercs� , ,a.� ����;t,{;'�;'_ <br /> E of Borrower shnll not operate m releace tha Iinbility of�he original Bortmver or�o'rower�cutte�mr in imereat. Lender , j�t ?la��'�„�'. <br /> :;- ehdl not ho rcyufmd�o eommencc pracoedinp�ngnins�any succexsor in imcrcst or rcfux ro cx�cnd timc for paymen�or �-� _ t� .�.� � <br /> - �` mhe�wlw mnddy omonizution ot thn sum�:ucurcd by this Securvy Insuument by rcason of eny demond made by �he �'��r�o -, a .'!: <br /> � ! odginnl Butro�ver or 6ofrower4 suaesmm in imerest. Any forbenrmce by Lender in exercixing eny right or rcmedy shall 2r�s (<���j Sx:; <br /> '�/ rt`- not 6o e tvaWerot or preclude Iha exereitt of ony right or rcmedy fj` rdlt t ����`.,._ <br /> A-�,=. 12. Succeasore and Assigne 6ound;Jalnt and Several Llabll(ry;Co•SlRnera. 77ie wvenan4+ond egrtemeNS of �� ,� - tl � <br /> u r �his Secufl�y Instrumem shall bind onJ benefit ihe suctts+ors and nxsign.of Lsnder nnd Durro�ver.subject to the provisions yf s+ 2� e�+ a°;�- <br /> - r *�' ot Perogroph 9.6. 6ofrower�covenams nnd agrecments sh�ll be jaim nnd srveml. Any Uortower who �o-aigas �his y.� ��Si�?�i>> .. <br /> r ; <br /> -- - Securiry InsuumeN M1m doex nol execWe ihe Nnte: (al�hi.Securily Insm�mem only lo mongage,gmnt and u,{;�,(r5i,.'a� <br /> .;_- mnvey tha�Dortowerh intereu in the Prapeny under�he�em�s of this Securi�y Imwmene(b)is no�personally o6liguted to �;vitiE���;���r�r't �. <br /> � •� pay�he sums ucurcd by ihis Security Imvumene nnd�c)ag`ca�hm Lender und any o�her 8ortnwer may agree to ex�end, +,,( !!r,{ e , . <br /> --' madify,forbear or make uny xcommido�inrtc wiih regard ro�he temn nf�hia Secunly Ins�mmem or Ihe Nac�vi�hom Ihnl ,� ++��-.::k�� �" <br /> }�� Borto�venc�onscm. : � � = <br /> •�•:��•rc+ 13. Nolleea. Any notice to 6ortower provided for in�hi,Security Irotmmem.hnll le given by delivering it or by ?�y�i-���,_5,,.,,.:�. <br /> `- 14- meiling il by fint clms mail unlcsa applirnblc taw reyuirc�uxc nf:mothc:mclhuJ. Thc ndicc.hall bc direcicd lo�he -!�� }1���� +� ,,_� <br /> -;;± Ropeny Addrcss or my other eddrcs+ nunmcer de�ign:��c,M1y no�ice�o LenJer. Any nntice�o Lender shall 6e given by tf'-�,�� { � (,�; <br /> ' � (�st clau mail lo Lcnder��cd hcrcin ur anp nddmss LcnJcr dcci@na�n hy nmicc m Uovau�cr. Any notice � ��J�+�jFf _ <br /> ',r'��Ii Pmvided tor in ihic Security Imtrumcm+hull M dccmeJ m hu�r ha<n givcn�o Hom,w�cr or Lcndcr whcn Firen n.proviAcd .:�j}:!��'j/l::•,�:�...:..._.�_: <br /> m this para$raph. = • . <br /> - �:. 14. 6orerning I.ew; tiererebillty. 'Ihi•Securily Inammem�hall M g����rmed hy Fidcral la�v and the law of lhr �-:;��-�. <br /> � )uricdielion in�vhich the Propetty i�Iexaled. In Ihe errnl�hal an��provi.iou or clan.e af�hi.Se.uril•In+uument or 1he ` -�' <br />:i.•r.;' ) r y 5 ]�,...�L� . . <br /> � Note cnnflicix with apPIicaM1le law.wch can0icl .h.11 nol affect aiher prm��hi.Se.urily In.lmnuM or Ihe Nnle .�_e-s:,., � <br />-':i:ti:; whieh cnn!+c givcn cffccl wilhoat�hc cnnlliaing prmi.iuu. li,Ihi.cnd iFw n(Ihf.ticcurii)�In+uumcN and�he :";';: ` . <br /> --i ' Noteamdcclercdto6r.cvcraM.. ?`��?�(��-� <br /> � -i IS. BorrowerkCap�v. 6nrrm�cr.h:dllxFncnoncannfonncJcnp)�wflhf.tinvri�) ' - <br /> 16. Assignment af ReNS. Bortnuer nnrnndf�innal Ir a..iguvmd uanacn��.I.enJer ali thc rtm,and rerenuc+of Ihe � <br /> Roperty. Bntmwcr au�hnriin I.cnJcr nr Lcnda:agem.iacoilcenLc ra•m.:md rr�cnue•anJ h.rehv d�rca.cach Icnam ot � <br /> �hc Pmpeny m pa��ihc rcnh m LcnJtr nr LcnJcrl ak•cnn. flowc� In LcnJcr'.no�rcc m Rartm�er o(R�,rtnwer: . . <br /> -�`�'� brcach o(any cnvcnam or agrtrmcm nuhc Se.unl� lu.uvmcm.Hurtnxcnh.Jl aulltcl:md rearot all rcnh and re�cnuc.n( ! <br /> '.t_` �hc Hopcny as wqcc Inr!hc Mncftl uf I.cnJcr and Bnrtm:tr. '1 h�.a..�gnmtm o(rcn�• ah•oimc a..�gnmtnt <br />, -� and not an msigmncm fnr uddninn�l.ccuntr onlr. E <br /> I(Lender givn nnlice of hreach In Iinrtnorr: �al all nni.reccned h� {tortm.rr.hail h hclJ hr Bortu�.er a.w.�ee <br /> -„�jt..�] (or benefii of Lender nnly. lo M applrcJ�o t0e wm.uavrtd h�- Inr.lecunit In.irumenr. iu�i.cnuc� .i�aii i.-c��idt ti 6: ' <br />.. -�'{ co11M nnd reteivc all nf�he mnh nf�hc Pn��nt:anJ h9 c:n'h�cnant n(�he{topcn� .hall pay nll renh duc:mJ nn�a�J in � <br /> �,;� Lcnder or Lcndcr�agcm an Lcndcr��rnncn dcmanJ�.�Ihc�rnanl. ! <br /> Bortowet ha�wt c>c�m:J ::.} prinr u..i�nmcm ol�hc rrni.and 6a•nnl anJ ��ll nul �itnnn am xi �ha� ��oulJ � <br /> ` pmvent LenJer(mm it.righf,undcr�hi.1'.�ra�!rapL I/+. <br /> - Lcndcr�hall nrn bc reywmJ In cmcr upm.IaAc aununl nl .rt nuuu�m di. fto�m hlort nr allrr gn mg nnuac of . <br /> `.-' h <br /> '��?�% brcach�0 6o�rowcr. Ha�.crcc I.cndcr nr a Judirialh .q,pumcd rt�rncr ma� Jn�n al:m) I�mc Ihcm i.a brca.6. Am <br /> � ' opplicalion of rtm.•hall nol aurc ur w�:!�rc an)dc(aui�or m�aLJatc any o�hcr ngh�ar rtm�vl� nf Ladcr. "Ilii.a,ugnm.m <br /> "��,;.;; of�hc Pmpcn��+hall�cmiinaec xLen�hc Jeb�v vrrd hc�hc Sccurnr In.uumem�.pend m 4dl <br /> _ ;'��':. <br /> '':i'� ��.IJ�n.en, i <br /> -y'" <br />_...;_. • . <br /> -:1`.l <br /> �. <br /> ,. <br />','S�''� .. <br />: .t� -.� ,. --.._.. . _.. <br />