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. -'SL t: :'3u1 , . �1 ��.� .. ✓... . . ... .. . ... .. . " <br /> ` . t .� _ '__ " _. ._6 _ <br /> �+ `i <br /> � _�-�� _.rc.�_ .__ _— <br /> � _ ._. <br />___ .::._..r� _.,,'_ _.. <br /> _-= 93- so�soo �..�------__ <br /> � 1. p�y ment o!Prindpal,Intereat�nd laro Chargw Bortowcr shell pay whcn dua the pdncipal ot,and Imere�t on, <br /> �r� tM debt ov(denced by�e Nao md iaio ahuga due unQer�ha Nae. v <br /> �,, � 7. MontMy pnyments of'ihxe�,insurenco and Olher Chargen. Bortower eAa11 Include In cach mon�hly peyment, �� <br /> h�-- toge�her wI�A No Ddncipal and Intcroat a+eet fonh In tAe Noro nnd any lero chugo�.an installment ot any(�)�aue�md � � <br /> �r . - '�`� cpoclW esseumrnu levle+l or to be levied�gains��he Propeny.@)leauhold p�ymcnu or ground rcnu on thc Propcny.end �'�� � � . <br /> �.�5�, (c)pRmlum�tor Insurenco rcqulrcd by Parngmph 4. - <br /> Bach momhly Installment for I�om�(u). N)anA(c) eM1ail ryua! one•twcl�h of tho nnnuel amounta, n+rcasonnbly �1����sr �� " <br /> ! s.�.� atimetod by Lender, plua an amount w(flMent ro mdmnin an addi�lond bdmco ot not moro then onailzth o/�ho y �� ,�, ,y ,- <br /> * - cs�matcd amounu. 'Iho futl ennuol omwm for eaeh fiem�hell bo nccumuiettd by Lender witNn a perlod cnding onc _.-�� u , w �,. <br /> ;�t'� � mon�h beto�e m f�cm would hxome Qclinqumt. Lender ahail hold cho emounu wllected In mut to pay Item�(a).(b)ond Y ,�{��a£��.y„ r-�- <br /> c >�. (c)betoro they beame detinquem. " 'r <br /> '�1� -._ti It at eny dmo�ho total of Ne pnyments hetd by Lender for itcros(a),(b)md(c�toge�her with chc futuro momhty ,t-- *'�' �-', �'�k3` <br /> ' � p menb tor suoh Item� peyable to Lender pdor�a tho dno deto� of iuch ttem+, exaxde by moro then one•six�h�he j-;-�;,�' �' , i +-:. <br /> " � - mntod nntount o! a mem� ufred topn such homs when due.and itWy mentn on the No[e ere cumnt,then Lender �' �� '� {'�` f- ��: <br /> , �` ��I otther rotund the eYiccaa ove one-six� ot�ho asqmatcd redit tho ezceas over one-sixth of�M1e estimeced �r�f 4i' i�' -" �� <br /> t -�k, h paymuits or c L� ; q 3 ,, v, - . <br /> i�=- qr1� payment�to eu6sequem payments by Dortowcr,nt�he opUon of Oortower. Itthe toW of ttw paymenu mado by Bortowa . . - <br /> ' ,{`_y, ior Item(a).N).or(c)i�Inautficient ro pay the Item wMn due.�hen Bortower stull pay ro LeMer eny emoum neaa�ary to i�5a�r s"'r -' ;. <br /> � �,r,t A make up�ho dofldency on or beforo thc daw�he ium becoma due. s}�yy , t , '�; -,;; <br /> ;ae - ��L� qa uud In�hb Saudty Instmme�t,'Secrotary"means the Secraery of HousinQ e�Urban Developmrnt or hi�or her i�8f r,;l t1 - tiR�� <br /> �'_ •� dp� te, In eny ytar in which�he i.ender must pt�y a mongago insumnce premium to thn Sarctery,each momhty payment F _,q �{ p- � <br /> � :;�` �hal�al:o lneludo either: (i) an W[ellment of�he mnnnl mortgege insurena pmmfum ro be paid by I.ender ro�he , ,r � i9 ;: „ <br /> ' ` '�'t' mry,or(ip a monthl eh e iretead oi e man o in:umnce runium if�hi�Sxuri Inswment if hcld b �ho ,�-�!1) 3t,��,..,-Lc. <br /> -�t�r ,i. Sare Y ar6 8a8 P �Y Y �„��r��lw�s 4�:«.� <br /> ��,np� Suretary. 8ech momhly Insteilmrn�of�Ae mortgage inwrena pmmlum ahdl be(n en emount suEticiem ro eaumulate tho � ?�Yt� <br /> -� PoII annuel mongage Insurnnce premium with Lendu one monih p�ior to�he date ihe full ennual mortgago insurance t _ � � _ _ <br /> �3��5 - prcmlum li due�o tAe Secrotory:or it thi�Secudtp Inswmen[is held by�he Secrct¢ry.cach monthly chuge ihall be in an /+iS � ';4 - <br /> :t.9.;h,y` emwnt equal to one•txxiflh of onahalf percent of the outatxnding principal bilana duc on the No[e. > >i: �1, �'ft � . <br /> � If Bortower unders ro Lender tho PoII payment ot ell sums secmed by�his Secudry Inswmrnt.Borcower`e eaount -i j t�1�t� �'r�,k -� <br /> }���}' �r yryy�� ye�{��W��ry�� 6alona rcmaining for ell installmen�s Por itcm�(a),(b)and (c)md any mortg�ge insurenco � � : � yq�y�-,_k--. <br /> . ,Z s`��v� prtmlum Instalimem�he1 L.ender Aa+no1 bccome o6lipated to pay ro thc Saretery.end Lender shall promptly m(und eny ,,;c ,����t ._-- <br /> '�`z�r�' '_ excw Ponds to Bo��rer. Immediawly pdor to a Poreclasum We of the Propeny or its ecquisition by Lenda,Bortowerh ---'�.i,�� _ <br /> i'f� `'% aaount shell De cRdited wi�h eny balena rcmaining for all Inatullmenu Por items(a),@)and(c). - �y`� }y� -� <br /> ���}z.y^j,.- 3. Applicatlon ot Poymenfa All prymcnle undor Pamgroptu I end 2 ahall bc applicd by Lender u tollowa: + j , s . <br /> , , . ��t� Ihe mongege insuronco prcmium ro be p�id by Lender�o�he Secmary or ro�he moo1hly cha��c by�he ��,t���y o-^Ff u .� <br /> "t ` ��a' Sectet instead of the monthly mongago inwrance prcmium; at �:� 'i }` ' ' <br /> � :, 10 eny iaxcs,spafnl assessmenle,leasehold payments or ground rencs,end fim,ftoud and oitrcr hazard V� �'i1 'r �= <br /> *'i x� <br /> 'J'�t'__; nsuranaprcmlums.osrc�utrcd: '`p���'rr`� -_ . <br /> ✓ �rumn In�p{n7eg�I��n�he Nola: -. s'S r ++� ' ' <br /> GY�� s,; ro amorti�ation ohhe pdMipnl o(�he Notc; 4 `�C�:�,�,���'r,�i . <br /> ^�' ' ,to law eharge�duo undcr the Nota � �� � � . - <br /> �',��,?'1 4. R re,Fiood and Oy er Flerard Insurayn. Bortowcr shnll insum all improvemen�s on[la Propeny,whc�hernow $�JS`,��" (�V ��__: <br /> '< ?�' � In exlstena or auysc�uenU ercc�ed,ngeinst un Aasnnis,emuehles,and rnntingencies, includ'vtie fiia for which Lender � 1 �{, _ <br /> ,. -y�. rcqu{ro�insurona. 7 f ils insumnce ahNl 6e mnintxmed in�hc amounts w�d Por�he periads�ha�Le�der rcquim. Bortower �t��r�t � '�5��.t�� ; <br /> .�' shdl slm imum alI improvements on�he Hopeny,�r hei her now in exixience or:u bsequent ly erec�e d,u ge ins�loss b y f l a o dx ��- 4�, f + �"t^� - <br /> ' �4-- ; ta the extent mqulrcd by�hr Secm��. Ail insumnm shell he cartied with mmpanies a�proved by Lender. Tfie in:uronce _;�y i j�_'�'�. '� <br /> ,_��5,;��r�,t.a policlea and any rcnewala ahall be �eid by Lender and shall include loss payable c ouses in fevor oL and in n fortn i - �`. n �c� - <br /> ;_.:1 �tti._ j�'- <br /> it��;; eaep�ablero.Lendcc '��r,. � • <br /> ;-<;}i,;.t;�;;>}� [n the ovcnt of lou. 8orto�rer shall givc Lcndcr immcdintc no�icc 6y mnil. Lendcr may makc pmof of lass If not . !r=,_ . ,.. ,�..,;•�!!E•� <br /> ' made promptly by Oortower. Cach inwranm company conttmed i+hercby amhoriud and dirccted�o meke paymrn�for �,a��, "- �+til - -= <br /> 'u �',`�,, . , auch lou dtrectly�o I.ender,instwd of to Bonower ond�o Lenderjoinqy. All or any pan of the insuronce proceeds may 6e ,,..:; t- ! { . {� �. <br /> %��t,•jr, applied by Lender,at 0s option,ei�her(aI to the reduction af�he indebtedness u�er the Nou nnd�his Secumy Instrument. : -,, _,�;t.;-.,,; 'C- <br /> T_��i`�.��• first to eny delinyuent amoums applicd in the urdcr in Pamgmph 3, und thcn�a prcQaymem of pri�rcipnl,or(b)to�he � r i, i�;�i�` <br /> � �- .� res�oretion or rcpa�r of�he domuged propeny. Any upplicntion of ihe p�ocecds io�he pnncipal shall not extend or postpone i - : �h:i ; <br /> )�k�i t;g the due dote of the monthly piymems whuh urc rckmed m in Pamgraph 2,or changc ihe amount of such payments. Any i�,,' ����'° ,<,�_', <br /> �.ta exttu insurnnce proceeds over nn nmoum rryuiRd to puy nli amstanding mdcMcdness under the Noie and�hix Sauriry �i�� �..,� .. <br /> +-- Inswmene shnll be paid w the entiiy Icgally enl�Ucd lhereto. '� 7�t �i� � . <br /> i3��ri,•; In the evem o(foreclosurc o(ihis Sauri�y Instrwnent or o�her t�arofer af�iele�o the Propeny thm ex�inguisha�he S- +, � � . � � <br /> i�Ju ,-S indebtedness,all right,title and inmrcst o!Borro��er in anA to imurance Yhall pa�.to�he � -� �i-�_, --�� <br /> � �5 S. Oceupancy, Preservalfon. Meintenena nnd Protectlon ot ihe Properlp: Oarroaer's I.onn Appflcation: -� % . �` -_<<;-�, <br /> � _- leaseholds. Horto�ver shelt accup�, es�abiish,and ux thc Propeny n< &mo�reri principal rc+idencc within siary dayc �-- - � 4, �-• <br /> t--` � efier the execwion of�his Securi�y ntitmmem m�d 5hall continue to occupy�he Rupeny ua Uomower'.s principal residrnm �,-. � )}?.,�� <br /> �, 's�'� tor at Iwst one year efler�he do�c of occupancy,unie..the Secmtary detemiine.ihi+rcyuircment wdl cause undue hardship � ti� +�;��;- <br /> }�f��s - .`;� for Bortower, or unlesc extenuminp ciicmn+tanie. ex�u �vhich am hcyond BnRO��en cmnml. 6ortower shnli notity S;'-'�% - <br /> ...y�tr, � Lenders of nny e�lenua�ing circum+mnm. �urtuecr.hnll no�commf�waac or Jr.unp.Jamage m mbstanlinlly change }; � � � � <br />"�''"'��:"�-�:i the Propeny or allmv ihe Propeny�o Jeteriarme,rca.nnable�vear nnd�car�xcepteJ. Lender may m•pec�the Rnpeny i(�he �• `.-_.,, . -, <br />�:��i�,=":-�-`�� propeny is vacnnt or oMndnned or the loan de(nul�. LenJer may iake�inn to pro�ec�and prcxrve wch . <br /> "��'S'�','o.{ vacant ar elmndoned Roperly. Iinrto���er+hall alai he in de(auh if Rnrtoxer,dunng lhc I�cm npplicaiion pr��c.s.¢ave � <br /> ;�_��'";.',� m�lerially falsc or inaccur�le infnmialinn nr +IUicmem. lo Lendcr tar C�iled In preniAe I.cnder ailh any matenal <br />_Yij�_ i.},___ infortnaiion)in cannecuan wilh�he laan rviJenced hy�6e Nole,induding.hui no� Iimi�eJ la,repmunlations conceming <br /> � ,y` BortonerS occupancy o(the Propeny a.a principal re.idenm. If ihi.Securily In•Irumenl i+nn n Iea+eholJ.fiortoaer shall <br /> �)s r . . comply wiih lhe proris�mis nf Ihe Iea�e. If 8urtmrer acyuur.(rr Ihr Rnpen}.�he Ira.ehold and fee li�le shall no� . <br /> _ be merged unlecc Lcnder agrca lo Ihc mcrFcr in�rmmg. <br /> - - �-'.. 6. Chergex to Borru��er nnd Protecilun uf I.ender i RlRhtc in Ihe Propertr. Nartm�rr.hall par all govemmemal � <br /> ;'r��c i��<'���.' or municipal charge:.!nn and impmilim+ih:n art na�included in Paragraph'. Normwer ahall par Ihe�e <br /> Iime dircctly �o ihe eniiiy which i.o�c�+l�he pa�mem. I(failnre tn �uy��ould ad�rruir aff¢c� I.enderi intere.t m �hc <br /> � Property.upon Lenderi reque�t Borto�.cnhall prnmptly fumi.h�n LrnJcr rcr¢�ph c��WenamE�hc.c pa�mem. <br />..- ^� If Borto�ver tails lo make �hne pa��mem�nr Ihe paymem.rtyuireJ hy Poragtaph ?.or fal�m perf�rm any alher <br /> '�``"':;.: corenants and agreemems comaincd in�hi.Secun�y In.lrumcm.or Iherc i.a pnx.edmg Ihat ma� .�gniGcantl��affen <br />.- `.t• . �.�...�.:oh��f��he Rnrcnv�.uvh a.a nnrcedine in hml.�vme�.fur.m�dcmnannn nr lo enfnnc la��+�rt m}ulmiam�. <br /> `����`,;'��'� Ihen Lender ma do md a �vhatcver n uece..a n+ n+laal thc raluc�+!ihc Ho n md LrnJcr:n�h�.m Ihe Prn ny. <br /> � Y P Y O" P P� >' F f'� <br /> ,`:�. "=:� including paymenl ol taaes,ha�ard in+ur+nre:md n�hcr item+mcmioned in P�ragraph_'. <br /> ?� Any miounls disbursed hy Lcndcr unJcr IM1f•Paragraph.hall hcmmc un adduional dcM af Uortu��cr and t+c�ccurcd <br /> t by lhis Sccurily Insuumem. Theu amaum•�hall Mar mtcrt•l from thc Jatc nf,at Ihc No1c rale.:md ol�hc <br /> _ ._,-__. optmn of Lendcr,shali be immcrlialcly due anJ pa)�ahlc. <br /> -- ;-_1',�t.�:� 7. Condemnallon. Thc pfweed�ot an��aw.vd or daim fnr damagc..d�m.�or ann.cyucnt�al.m aunn�unn�+nn mc <br /> �'.-,�__�``.•' eo�emnelion or nther laking of my pan of Ihe Pmpeny,or for mnvcyanar m place nf condrmuau�m.ue herthr a..�gneJ <br /> -;.?�;'.'�:',•` end shall be paid to Lendtt ro the exlenl of the(ull amounl of�hc indeFteJnc..Ihat rcmaim unpaiJ under�hr Nale and Ihn <br /> ��>j};;'- Saurity Inxtrumem. Lender shall epply wch prnared.d+�he mductinn ot�he indchteJne�.umler�he Nn�c a�xi ihi.&cunt� <br /> :i�.�;'��, ,h}' Insirumen6 Tirs1 Io any delinquenl am�wntt applied in Ihe ordcr proviJeJ m Nuagraph 3. anJ �hcn to p^cpa)mem nt <br /> ".�.ri`•• ., i principal. Any epplicelion of lhe proceed� In 1ht principal .hall nal exlenJ or �,.qunu �he due Ja. of ihe momhl� <br /> �.pti�(jy��n. : <br /> � "y � � �N<r:.NN¢r� .�. <br /> U , <br /> _.. . ,i.. ., aar.�F,i?'�..�^.-,.� �.�,.... . . .�r"'." _.. __._. "'-•`p•_.._. _ . . . _ . . . . _. <br />