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CCOI1Y6pa0M. Upon paymenl ot ell tum�securcd 6y�hif 9auriry Inshumcn4 Lender shall rcquesl7tustto ro <br /> [econvey Ne Peo0etlY md�fiNl wrrender thf�8aurity Instrument md all notee evldencina ded seeured by this Secudty -- _ <br /> Inspument co 7t�I tc6. 7luita chall romnvcy the Propmty without wacramy end wtehout cl�erge to the penon or pertons - <br /> Iegally enUq to�t. 8 chperton or penon��hall pay eny rccordation costa. - _ <br /> 19 Bu�tttute�ustce. I.tndu.ft iu oyllon,may fmm ume to Ume rcmore'Rusteo and�cpolnt a wcauor wslea =_ <br /> to eny 15ustee appolnted dercundw by en initrument recorded N tho county in whlch�hb 9ecu�ity Instnimmt is recorded. __ <br /> Wlthout convoyanco ot the Propmy,the succoasar nu:lw shell succeed to ail 1he Htlq po�ver md dutica eonferred upon —_ <br /> 7lwtca hereln and 6Y apy�liwbto taw. = <br /> eddrcu ivhiah(a t�he PropNe��Addrcsi�����uuu that copia of�he naices of defeult and sete be cenc to Bortowerh _.._:�-- <br /> ��t_. <br /> Rtdere ro tAb Bavdty Iaitrumeot. If ono or moro dden ero oxecutcd by Ooiro�ver end rccorded mge�her wlih Nb ��"-��! <br /> Secmiry [nstrummt,Ne covenente of weh nuch rider shill he incoryoreted inro end shall emend end cupplement ihe i-,_ <br /> covenanu ond e�cemenU of�his Saurity Instrument m it the rideKa)wero in o pan of thi�Sxudty Insdumem. �'-'_" <br /> IQiukeppliublebox(a�lL �+Ar=�-.. <br /> n.Lg=r_. <br /> �Condominium Rider �draduatcd Paymem Rida n Oro�rNg Pquity Rider -�'��--.` <br /> �`iy:r. <br /> F-ti:.h�:;.:. <br /> ^ -- - <br /> uPlannWUni[DcvelopmcntRider UOther�Spccify� pCKNOWLEDGfAENT ��„�.-;:.-. <br /> r#urt- <br /> BY SIONIN6 DHIAN,Bo��vcr acce is nnd rea ro�he icmu wmained In es 1 �hrou A of this Setudt x'il'' *r;;- <br /> P 88 Pa8 Bh Y ��._ <br /> Inswmen[end In eny riEer(e)execu[ed by Bortower and rarorded with it. '"'r� �,%-- <br /> -.�;r�i?q;'.. <br /> .Ji�r <br /> W�tMlfCl: 1 "e 1°}Yhi. ' <br />. a � J : <br /> ' te Fi:J� . <br /> �$t8�) �F"�7.:A^,},t::�; <br /> - DI E L. CHRISTENSEN �^^�� :�i�i�{��c�i;; <br /> �� . <br /> (Seal) -�fL�°��;�'� <br /> owon<r ;i,`r';jG'`5i4,:�E: <br />. •�;�:�..ty>; <br /> (Seary .;j,,�l�F'.. - <br />, na„%.<. :�; <br /> ��``�'r ° <br />_ _ (Scap �"��,r•4� : <br />.[ �am+er - .::p.,.�"; <br /> ')!?:i.`.'���' <br />� HALL Coumyss: ,.:r:.<:;^;a--• <br />- STATGOFNEBRASKA. +�,f1.:i-ro3��� <br /> :E- <br />= On Ihis 14TH Jny of fMY 1993 ,l,cfnrc mc.�hc undcRigned,a Notary 5��;�?��:;��:��� <br />� Public duly commisRioncd and qualifiad for saiJ coumy.personally camc DIXIE L CHRISTENSEN, A SINGLE ;.j�,;:.Y;;:-, <br /> l:�;;., �_ . <br />- PERSON ;•�.;;:..�.;---. <br />_ ,to me knawn to M thc - <br />= ideniical peraon(s)who�e narne(z1 are eubtcrilxJ to Ihc lorcgoing in5lrument and acAnawicdged the exnulion Ihereof ln 6e ' <;�z;;. <br />_ HER rolumaryna¢nddced. ;���,��..��<:����� <br /> Witness my hend ynd nMnrinl xal it GRAND ISLPND. NEBRf15KA in wid county. �hc ., <br />- daie a(orcaeid. �1\� '% <br />_ • / i�� <br />- � � <br /> � ���.-� �" ��-.-� <br />_ .+�+.�[�i/9t - �.�,a��,. <br /> a1l WIRRYSUn ot kerau <br /> I� 1NWARILMCIEWW � <br /> LL �e_ . �' <br />_ - - - -"�"��;« 1 REQUFSTFORRECONVF.YANCE '�"+:':.: <br /> T07RU51EE: - . - <br />._ 'Ihe undenigned is�hc holdc/of��c note or no�es xcufed 6y this DecJ uf Tius�. Said nutc or nu�c..�oge�her wi�h:JI - _ t_.-- <br /> olher indebtednas ttcured by Ihie Dttd of"Itus�.have becn paid in full. You arc herchy dira�ed w canttl.aid nok or _ <br />- mtes end Nis Deed o("Rua6 which arc delivcrcd hcrcb y,anJ lu rnonvcy.�rithoN wartanry�,all Ih:c•Iatc naw�hcld by��-ou - <br /> - under Nia Deed of ltust ro ehe perwn or persons Icgnlly cNi�icd themto. <br />,= Date: _ i�'-__ . . <br />- rryxe I.�JJ puxo _ <br /> _ _.t_��:.; . <br />:'_ . ;3. <br />_ � ' :.." �`t .. <br /> - . .-+t;_�.. <br />