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J - - . . <br /> -R���r.,L --.... <br /> _��=•c.-�n�:-�,w�l ----- <br />:=��;°:�; (� a 10�'�� _ .. <br /> `-s-�� eppliaablo law may�peclfy Por rclnstetcmem)betore�alo ot�ha Property punuam�o my powcY�rale contalncd In ihls <br /> �':;,'"i 9 , Sxudty lnitrumen4 or(b)entry ot a Judgment cnforcing�ila Security Inawment. 7Tiaw condltions nre�hat Dorrown: (a) _,—_. <br /> - �=�.-�,'„ � peya LenAor all sums whieh �hen would 6o duo under thia Secudty lnswmrnt end tM Nota es It no eceeleradon had _- _- . <br /> _.� oocuvedt(b)curos my dotault of nny other covenenta or agreemen�a;(c)paya all oxpenue Incurred In enPorcing ihts Securlry <br /> � �' tnu�umenL Including,but not Ilmitcd ro,rwsonable ottomeyi'kea; md(��akea cuch ectlon ee I.ender may mampnnbfy <br /> - . � �mue%ccun:A by� �h1�Sceurlry Inauumurn�t chellurnnHnua�uncl angcda i Uponrorelnsleiem n� by, Bortowu�iU�ls 3e utity� -------� <br /> � � Inttmmant end tho o411gaUoro cecurcd hercby ihall rcmain Nlly effauve as if no accelemion hed occurted. Hmvever,thl� -_ _ <br /> � E;,.' dyht lo minAe�a�hell not apply in tha caso of ncalcrotion under pnmgraPh I7. .-• . <br /> ".='*-�:;;� t9. Snfa of Notei Ch�oge ot Loan 8crv�cer. 7To Noto or a panial intcrest(n�ha Noto(ropcihu wtth tM1i►Sewdty <br />� `.�'�-�^� Giprumanq mp bo cold one or moro time�without pdor notica ro Bortower. A ial¢may rcaul�in a change in the enllty <br />�.-.�-�%?:r�.' (knnwnm ihe'Loan Savittf)that rnliecu momhly paymenta duo under tho Notc end thls 3ccudty Inswmrau. 71xm alsa °-°__- <br />� +�;:;;:;.:;;� mny be one or morc changea of thG Loan Servicer unrciated to a snlc of the Nom. It�here le a change ot the I.oan 8ervicer. ---.. <br /> ;�rj,-.;. Bnrrowsr will 6e giren wdtttn notice ot�h¢chnnge in eccordsnco with paragreph 14 obovo and oppliqblo law. 'fba noNce =__ -- <br /> '�•'f;r.:�� w311•qma�he neme uid addrcs�of the now I.aon Servicer end Ne nddress to which paymenu should be mMe. 71ro natioe wUl- --" <br /> ;°y;�•,;_i j' eleo rnnlein eny olher in[ormatlon requfrcd by eppllceblo Iaw. "�� - �� <br /> .:t��s-z`:,��,- 20. Harardau Subslanea. Borrowcr shnil nm couse m pertnit�hc preaenco,usa.dis{wsal,rtmnge.or rokaw of eny -m- <br /> ��2� Hnavdaus Subswncea on or fo�he Propeny. Bortower dull not do.nor eilow enyone elee�o do,any�hing etfecilng the <br /> �-.y r�� Propeny�hat ia ln viole�bn of any Envtronmcntel law. 7Ln pmcWing two acmences shrJl not appty to�he pmscnoa,uro,or - _ <br /> ��� �(�4� aturogo on ihc Propeny of sm�ll qunntiries of Nezerdous Subs�ancea that arc gencrally rceognized to be eppropAeto ta narmN _- <br /> C , - �= residemial uses and to matnknance of iho Nvpeny. _ <br /> Sa , * Bortowu shall promp�Iy give Lender wdiren notice of any investigntion,claim,demnnd,lawauit or other enion by my _-. <br /> -- govemmemel or rcgularory ageacy m pdvetc peny invotving Nrs Property and nny Hazardoue Su6stwia or Enrimnmenl�l � _ <br /> ,� ��r Law of whicA 6ortower hax actual knowledge. If Bormwer Ieams, ot is notified by eny govemmeniel or mgultttory � � . <br /> � , tU� euthodry,�hat eny rcmoval or other rcmediation of eny Hazardom Subs�nnce nffecting tho Pmperry ia necessery.Bortmver _ <br /> ��,�}c�k, shnll promptly lake aIl necessary rcmedinl ne�iom in ecmrdance with Environmemal Law. ""r�'-��_ <br /> .. 4"svt;'� As used in this pamg1aph 2(1."Hazardoua Subs�aneea"arc thou subs�ances defined as toxie or hwrdous suM�enae by -: -._ <br /> � urll,?G�L�� Pnvfronmemal Law and the fotlowing subsmneea: gnaoline,kerounc.o�hcr ilnmmeble or�oxic pe�roleum producu,toxic -�-� <br /> z ,+�y��! pecticides end he�bicides,voletile mlvents, meterials cantaining nsbestas or fortnoldehyde,end redioacUve meiedels. As �h :" <br /> , , „'7� uRed in this pa�agreph 20."Environmcntal Law mcam kderal laws end laws of tha judsdiction whem�hc Propeny la IocetW .; <br /> U�)��/S�Y� u ` . <br /> i�3 S}3���• ��� NON�UNIPORM COVENAN7'S e BorrPower and Lcndcr funher rnvenant nnd ngrcc u follows: u � <br /> "�}9��� 21, pcceleration; Remediee. I.ender aAail Ive noilce to Dorrower rior lo aceeleratlon Pollowln Oorrower's �-'�-`-��Y <br />�_��z���Y"�1 r 8 P 8 - <br />`•:ds:�i�`, :}, breach of any wrenant or egrcement in thle Securfty Instrument(but not prlor to eeceleratlon under parograph 17 �3�:,}„=:- <br /> ,��y*�,n��;; unlm appllwble lex prorida othern4u). The nolice�hall epe�ity: (a)the detault;(b)lhe eNion rcquired ro cure the ES:,.u�_'>�- <br /> - deta�Y.�(.)a date,n�;.Ra t:u.30 days from the dat:t�a noN¢Is gi:en ta�:a:e,b;�:hkh the def�ait muri� -`_ �:. <br /> , �� cured;and(d)Ihet tatWre to cure the default on or beforc lho dete specflied in the notice may reauil in ecateretlon ot �" N^" <br /> - •�,-•;;+. the sum�seemed by thls Saurlty Gutrummt end sele of the Property. The notkc chnll Nrther Intorm Qorrocver of �! """' <br />;i_i�i:`-%':1-' �.etav.>;:. <br /> �ri4� .� Ihe right to relnriete after ecceleratbn nnd�ha right to 6rinp n court acqon to attert tho non�ezistence ot e defeult or f _:. <br /> any other dehnse of Sorro�rer to ncceleration end xele. If the default Ls not eureJ on or betore IM1c date speci0ed tn � � <br /> � -°`4ti1; fhe notica I.ender at(ts o tlom m� re vire Immediate a ment In Ntl of all sum�securcd b thtx Savrft InatrameN � s � `�� <br /> --y�; � ' withaut furfher demand and may Invake Ihc power afiale and any ather remedlca permttted by epplicable lem �t ,n�; --� <br />--���t .--,`.�% Lender ahull be entitled to mllect all expensea (ncurred In pursufng ihe retnedlea provided In thB paragraph 21, Y�t._1 ? <br /> , - --� Including,but not Ilmlied tq reaxonoble atlomeyx'fas and cos�n af title evidence. �t - <br /> ����r'`ty): ff�hc power of xele Is Invulted,7Yustee xhall rernrd u noticc uf defeuil In each county in�vhleh eny part of Ihe k � , '_ <br /> t j�,�i, Property L+located and eholl mall�npie�otauch notice In�he mnnner preacribed by eppllceble luw lo Uorro�rer and ro 4,.�r�:_.. <br /> � , - � Ihe other penons preaeri6ed by applicnble lao: A(Ier the tlme required by eppltcable lo�w 7Yustee shell give public ' S��_ ,; <br /> ti; � ',;� notice of sete to the peraons and fn�ha manner pracribed by appllcabie Imv. 7}uslee,irifhout demend on Qorroaer. �`-"'-�- <br /> ' ;F���j�{' shall seil ihe Property al publfc auctton ro the htghest biddcr nt ihc ttme nnd ptaer end under Ihe term+designated in yi�?'{'��� <br /> � � 4 . the notice of selo N one or more purcely and In any order7Yuslce dclerminea. 7}ualee mey postpone sele of ell or eny .. <br /> �'Yq, parcel of the Property by public onnowuement al lhe tfine und pluce otany pre��iousiy uheduled sele. Lender or fls ��yr�-'_„� <br /> � �t,t.: dectQnce may purchose the Property at any salc. �� �+„-; <br /> � °� -� Upon recelpt of pnymmt of the pAce bid.'6u�iee shali ddher to the pwchaser 7tustee'�deed conreying the F ��:' <br /> ��,�,r,��;� Praperty. The recitate In ihe'I�ustn'e deed ahell be prhnn fncle evldence of Ihe Iru1h uf Ihe slatemen4+mode therein. -°_.::.. <br /> vr`: 7Yusteeahall apply the praceeds of the�ele in the folluwing order: IN to all cnsis nnd expensea otexerelsing Ihe pover Ff �qty,;_ <br /> l»J'} �e,/.� <br /> t <br /> �yt ��u4."_ <br /> a1.1.1 fi' N;-. .� <br /> J a : <br /> YJR�I�1�'i ,r4.._ <br /> _°;�`:"r.�, . <br /> :,;� <br /> � �-- =•; i �, _ <br /> ,.2�<(�yt �.<<:: <br /> 3 . y - . <br /> 7 3'_ +-"t(. <br /> , -:il_ _� .j1,Jyir:..: <br /> . .,�._ furm101A 9.90 �pu�v5n/n�+unsi ' <br /> f:.�y'7`:- )t•'-n_-�_ <br /> �:��+i.�aT.' I�.. � <br /> _ - -1�:���' <br /> -,+ -._1,' . <br /> 1 i S f -[f111- ` t r t� s ni At Y�� i'+'o r t t,�-- r� -n . ! � �� a �'? � ...0� � r J <br /> z r.�T .. � IS-..;/rp�t�v Y e� _ f�"�r'dt .t _ � .�ik'� � - /.:.� � x�3� } c �.�"Syz_f ` ' 4`3- t'� . <br /> � t �� 7 rz lrrr� � cY-F�s r ��J f .2. �l `Svi . � � � .. F 3i G-�tltif�ri T _ .� ..�� � 5� fry��j� c� <br /> ��� .r+i ,.t. �14 _i._? .s ( '-i� � :�y4;sF_"F, h� -stii � .,.� _''`1 u �-_ .��nh���.Y t . <br /> .,� _ { .3 Jv Fi y 9"r(^�.SS��;i f � 1.-. .n � �- u?� Y !� 1 � y �v� 4 <br /> �F�.. � cZ �s , x t � ) �f; � Y y }� 'c _� u t . <br /> �r i� �} i{ ��sr��{ r . �ry-t n c ° i � S 'ri�'1 i r� ti�r` _ � z F � ) n i _ <br /> � � r � Kq i� } . :t�e} � i t -I � �{t ��.t. r t � r Y L - ./ � r r�S�¢�(,! � A. � <br /> s•�y- St1}�r'� r !� i l n ti T�f i � tiHa � ��� , S r �r � �'__�t + �>�r � \�.1. � Pr- �Y il :Tr ,�s <br /> u. �.7 ✓ $'FJ�� 4 '� �. F i � e � t _ � i J S � � 'S � t' - � . <br /> �7 7 �.,s t _] J � - 7 . L -1 - t'Sj r f f s <br /> _. . ,i - 3 :.._., a� 7c - k - �'i �u "j . <br /> f i��+',t�y -rr - `�i�.-�yl1.v � f {S�� 1-(.. ,t � ;Y�f ^l �; �f4 ;ti{ -. : �� j . r1 /5�. }T t .i C _ 'f*r 5• . <br /> t� �� <br /> i1}M �Irily " . y Vit{ / tf-�}#1nf `} • ..�.} i �r�.:t_suYC.. S�r1- r ♦ F 1 11 - 'firtt�- )�l)'� }_ , <br /> .r i �" . �f� r . yi�' •t � ri-S!' � .i-��-. � }-.- � 1 _'� . �rS�. .Y�i'�t �y� `" f�r .t?��- ti`f- <br /> s.f��'aF-� � c � -. . t-.i, t - ." � � }F .-r� 'yYt y xr1Ar? - �u ' <br /> Ml!}N I `�� �. J \- ! t � . rh�51 � �f�^ i; ° Lie �-` 1 Yy -.. - . <br /> �� r' a 1 � - , f.! l L � . a' - 4l r 4 �`�F i { �J <br /> — .IA(�` -Fir. , t 3 � .�� Y �- i �� � : T . ;l S�ti -4��� ' �� I� `if �- f � I� <br /> �` _ i :.>r �� �,�a} Y f r i � '" is� ( 5it Vy - .N � 3 �fr�l s -Cr.. :. <br /> ir� t�. 4 � ' y a�t �<li �.- �! 3� � '. . .2�i t _ . r.. <br /> n_rr,,n z� � _ .; l� �x,a , Sv �, .., y �r w.:Tr ri I` f;:r,`-^ - . `'`2 -. �« . <br /> .jgc� . � el � --�Tl' 1 � e j , � -- <br /> .. "r.. . _ . . _ .a. _� __ _ .. -__ _.... . .., , �r .•s- , ..�. �L'a 1�.� ..,1 r�v. .`d .7t �v.`ti� <br />