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.�d_ .��.r.;: i. ...�mr'�!_ :clf �.i�_{ .:,.n <br /> _... . ... _. _.... ".i�....':l� l .f�•_ ... <br /> ; � lif.'C�Ff'O'�G�7PFT'^Y•^^'T'�"'"•'-•�,w�— ... _ . ....,.. _- -- -� <br /> :.1_._' � <br /> f: �: �a��� � --- <br /> � condemmttonoraher�ekfn8otenypPUtofihoPropeny.ortorconvoynncelnliouotcondemnetlot��cRbyeAsly�d�nd' <br /> sha11 bo p11d to I.u61u. <br /> - _ In tde ovem ot a totol tnRing of�ho Pmpetty.tho croeced��netl Do opplicd to iho �um�4xiirCd pY YA1q�8Ceutlty <br /> lnsuument.whe�her or na�nen dua wlth eny acaa+�std ro Bonower. tn Ne event ot a pmtal uking ot�he�Hy 1�- <br /> which�ho tair makct vatuo of�he Ikaporty Immediue y heforo tre iaking is eQunl�o orgrtarer thao�ho amount ot e wrtfd. <br /> ,� euuced by�h SxuAry tmtrumcnl hnmediaroly bctoro Ne toking,untoa+Borrowor enA Lender oth<rwiw ogree In wrll(n& <br /> �he�ums«curcd by�hl�Socudty lnawmmt�hail bo rcQucsd by�M amount of�ho yrooeeEe multt�fled 6y�he fotlowing <br /> fractlon: (a)�he totnl amaunt at me surtu acuaA Imme41ae1y 6eforo No tekNg,dtvidsd by(b)�tw(alr ma�kct vaiuo olthe <br />_° Propeny ImmWiatoly boforo the�aklnII• Any Wianco�Aall bo pald to Bortovrcr. tn tho ovcnt ot s pytlal roklng ot�1w <br /> ' Peoperty In whlch tla tafr mnrkM valua of�ho Property immsdiaiely boPoro the iaking b lea��hen the enowt ot tlw�ums ° <br /> �ocurtd immedietoty beforo�he�nkIn� untess Bortowor end LeMCr otlwnvim ag�ea In vrtWng or unlesf appllcaD�o lavi <br /> =!^i o�henvise pmvida.�Ao proxcda eANI bo eppltW to dw aum�sccurcd by tAie Security Intwmmt whetAcr or not tho wm�ero <br /> "' Nen due. <br /> >m It�he Property i�ahmdanad by Bortowcr,or if,aftu nodce Ey Lender ro Bortower�hnt eha condamna ofkr�to mako <br />-_�'? an awud or«ulo a clnfm for divnaga,Bortower t�1N[o arpond a Lcndcr wU6(n 30 daya after tM dato No nodco la given. <br />- °° I.mder i�euthodzed to coltao�onA�PPIY�e ite optton.elther to rcstoraibn or rcpair of t6a Propcny or w the <br />��-�� cum�sccurcdby�hl�3ecudiylnrtNmcn4v�hetherornonhendue. "�-� <br /> Untou Lendor anA Oomuwer oWenvtw agreo in writing,eny epPIicoHm ot piooeeds to principal ehatl not exttnd or <br /> postpono�ho duo deto of�Ao momhly paymenn rcfursd co in paragnWi.+1 and 2 w chonga�he amount of wcA paymcnce. <br />-�.?� ll. Borrorvcr Nat Reteaudt Furbeeronce 0y Lende► tVW a �4Wrer. &unsion of t�o dme torpayment or <br />-.:`�y;y modiflcatlan of emonlzaHnn of the�umv secured by thl�3ecunp�Imtnunent gmnmd by I.cndcr to ony woccasor In Intercat <br /> of Bortower shn0 nnt opcm�o to wkase�hc Iiabiliry of the aip)nal Hortowcr or Barowerb�ucasson in Intercal.I.ender <br /> = �eil not be�cquimA ro commena pmceedinga�gefnat eny iueceesa in Inmrcat or rcfuse to extend tlma[a payment or <br /> - othuwice mndffy mm�nlration of the sum�secured by�hLti Securiry Inxaumont 6y ceawn of any dcmand mada by tho origlnal _. <br /> i� Bonower or Oomowert�ucoesson in interest. Any forhearaneo by Le�or fn exerciaing eny�ight a remedy ihnll nat he a <br /> ±, wefveroforpmchidotdaexerciuofmydghtore+nedy. <br />-"�` 12. Sunrssam anA Assiga�6ound;JoW and Severel Llabili�yi Caslgnero. llw wve�anu end agreemonu ot�hu <br />:�.�� <br />:.;-_x� Secudry Gia�ument shatl bind and benefit�he successon and assiyna ot Leoder end Oortower,subJoct w tha provislom ot <br /> �'�` pntegmph 17.Barmwerh mvenanu and agrcemenu shall be Joint and saveral. Any Bortower who co-signa�hie Senuity <br />��'�f Insmiment but daa nnt exewte the Notr. (a)is caaigning thia Sauriry Inavumont onty to mongngo,grant and convey that <br />'==%f Bomo�vml inlmoct in thc Propeay under�ho lemu otthi�Secudry Insuument; @)is no�pononel�y oblige�W to pay�hs wm� <br />':��;;; secumA 6y thl�Securiry Inswmenr,md(c)egrca that Lender end eny oiher Oarower may agrco to extend,modity,for6ear <br /> ��;; or maka nny aecommoda�lons wi�h rcgaN to ihe terms of thia Secudiy Innwment or�ho Note wf�hout that Dortowert <br />;f�;,� consont. <br />`;Xr;l 13. Loen Cbargea If the Iwn secured by this Saurity lnnrument b aubject w a law which ceu maximum loon <br />-��:hy;j ohuge�,end�het IaW,la finally interprued so Nat tha inrcrwt or otFier Iwn chnrges colieeted or to bo coliccted in wnnaUon <br />'•'?n�f� ��Ihe Ivan excted ine pc�miiico iimiu.intt�: "ta�iry 6ath lv.3n.hary.t shal;w adcceC 6q!he si.".u.^.::..x:aery to[�no-" <br /> �ho chergo�o�ho pemdned liml4 and(b)nny sum+already wllccted from Borrowcr whfch cxecededpcimiued IImiU will bo <br /> �•��+ rc[unded to 6ortower. L.ender may choou m muke�h(s rcfund by rcducing fie principal owed undor Iho No�e or by meking a <br /> °;��i d(rect payment�o Bortower. If a rtfund rcducu principal,iho rcduction will be treeted m a panial prepaymont without any _-- <br /> :.�.� prcpaymcnt ehugc under�ha No[e. __-_ <br /> %� 10. NoGces. Any notice to Borrowcr provided tor in�hia Security Inswmrn�shnll 6c given by dclivering it or by _ <br /> meiling l�by 6rst cless mail unleu applicoble law requfrcs um of anothar methad.The notice ahall bo dirseud eo�Ao Pmpony <br /> '�' Add[tse or eny other xddrcu Aortower designmes by no�ice�o Lender. Any notice to L.ender shall bo given by fint clea.+ _ <br />,._�� mell lo Lenderl address s�med hercin or eny other address Lender designoiea by no�ice�o Bortower. Any no�ico providcd for <br /> _,(�_� In �hln Security Inatrument shail be deemed In hevc hccn given[o Bortower or Lcndcr when given ai provldW In ih4v - <br /> c� PoreBraPh. <br /> �;- IS. (iorerning I.ex;Sevenbltlty. Thix Security InFUUmcm ahnll 6c govcmed by kdcrel law nnd tho law of tho <br /> - Judsdietlon in which tho Roperty is locmed. In�he event thnt ony provision or clnuu of ihfa Securfty Ins�nunent or�ho Note <br /> �i`='.1 conflicu wlih appliceblo Iew,auch mnflict aholl not uffec�oiher provislonx of�his Security Insnument or the No�e which can - . <br /> -=r fi] bc given etfcet without Ne conlliciing provision. 7b�his end�hc provisions fi�his Sauriiy Instrument end thc Nac arc _ <br /> v>,r� declered to be sevcrablc. � <br /> 16. Borrotrer't Copy. Bortarer shall be given one confom�ed mpy of iAe Note and of�hi�Security Insttument. <br />. ;T.;� 17. 7Fansfer of the Prnperq or e Beneliclel Interat In dorroirer. If nll or any pun of�Iw Propeny or any imcrsst fn � _ <br /> it is mld or�ronsfened (or i!n 6encflciul intercst in Borto�ver is sold or transfertcd nnd Uorrowcr ia not e natuwl pasoN "`-� <br /> without Lenderh prior wrinen consent.Lender may,nt itz op�ion,rcyuirc immediate paymem in full oi all auma cecurcd by �-'- <br /> 1;� thie Saurity Instrument. However,�his option xhail not 6c exemiad 6y Lender]f cxercine is prohibi�ed by kderel law es of � ._ <br /> the datc of�his Security Inswmcnt. ,:� <br /> �';;�;; It Lender exesises this option.Lender shall give Ooirower notitt of acceleration. The no�iee shull provide a pedod of - <br /> �� not Ieu than 30 days from ihe da�e ihe notice is delirered or mniled witl�in which 9orrnwer must pay nll sumx saumd by�hie <br /> 3y{) � Sccuri�y instmmcm. If Uorrower failx m pay thex tums prior�u �hc cxpim�ion uf ihix period. Lender mny invoke any .. <br /> :: , rcmedica pemiliteA by�his Security In.trument wi�how(unhcr notice or dcmnnd un Uormwcr. �_: <br />�`�';;� 18. Borrmver'e Right to Relnxtate. If Borto�ver mce�s certnim m�di�ioiGS, BoROwer.hnll 6ave ihc right to have �� <br />���--•ti):� � entoreement o(thia Sewrity Irmtrument dixominued nt my�ime prior to�he earlier oL (e)S days(or such oiher period m =; <br />.,,.�, �___� <br /> ,-,� SingkFUmly•-FinnkAlv/fYedOkM�cUNIYURM1�sTRUMENT��UniformCmaunt+ f19U Ipax��lsP�x��1 _ <br /> :.x "'. <br />..�i_� i:.. <br /> } i� - x .-( .;� � �-��I tl t a __ 4 Y�dTlrY•`��;1" sti �J�. .e(f jt 1 � k � ��'� <br /> fvll�[h�LL � � u , ��t3} 4 - `-k 1 . �- .. `{� L 3,.*A�� � - _ ' r s�-r�j��?y1 r J� -k � S - . <br /> .1}t��pei-DY e - -t __�--�rt�; r� t3� J t- -rl r il /r �.�,. � ' f�4yk c- .... � y i . , <br /> . :` F . �.� _' f5�� '���_'ia'�h'�+ � T ,.it r ..��s�,Y n�����t9 � r-h�-fn� ( ,-i":`Z 'h,*f�� <br /> �.u. <br /> � - � ac c. y�� � 5 � �` s >= x (- r f..a:YS`LL.. f� 1� ...._ _ , ! - r <br /> i }-'�• ru 1 53r. N .'`J + } 'F� �o l' � - - {'),._���xt f t 1��,'Lb'll^t v _ f' r r c -.- <br /> -R�r k . __/ �� � ..( ! ��Y �1+� xr ��4,{�S 9ft i.) - ) tC`St'i ��.J�JJ�)af. �! 1 -i � r1 a. - ` 5 �� y I�T `I_. <br /> f -- �i T / .� - p pr t r � tJ'} x lR c�1 �� . -f � t - i. � < '1 t :� <br /> �S LL�� t � N� SS l; � t l .4's ! ' �(i. ' ` (A S4 - i ' �Y/{ t . <br /> � -� --w >a - n r .,� i/V '_f.�l,f"T�i ��7 ,i ' v . � � } t { ,4.-. <br /> � ' z—nlf �'. Yl � .(n . _ �" .iFt�i i ` . �{ "`� : � . _ ._ r . <br /> '� , � �: • y } -.° 1 8 � v. �l licf d i � r _ ( i� - � V i� � 1 J- . <br /> �[ �( i � . --\ i{ .� � i�2 --�-r. �i � �-� T ` chr � -.tq � � .-. ` <br /> ' �' � < _ f t � ' �_A �' ) ' ' v r ' � (1 � S .>:`. <br /> �;i a> � _ Ya. Y_r��-r�yi{�--� ` r �� ,ry�- .� U.�� _ 73-" r ,1 'r `t 35_dI""YS)i`Y '� 3� S 'e'y''_A: <br /> .. Y.t i lA � �- tf 51'_ � 4 - Y tY .fl . .�. �1 ` 1 . . <br /> � � ` :s � . . t � . . � r �t - r. .� f� . t. � �r• . <br /> .,jC lL -r� ; �� � s . s z .'L78 �- - r�� ti � . h _ ?� d'.s�'.' sr N s ..�. <br /> �cF ? . �. 1 - + 3 a . - . r. � si• t. � � �fi,St y .-t I}ll f�..�ti �. 14`!�'f.I i�l lt - . .r.. <br /> .iS, M u.>r '°� }` ! 7'1 9 _- •1 � �S ', w �. /� 5 -�,i�J lx` �L i�.. e <br /> . M'r . - 5 .-i�- - F�C .� x ->. : 1 1 1���- .�_ -'' 45_ .. ,l�i- T. `'R� r'i�'.�� <br /> . <br /> n ..-.— ' ` .:. <br /> -- . , ..ri -i.-_ . .. . -.. _: ... . ....,.. x .l. _. . ,. ..,, ...- . _ . . . . . _ . <br />