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_ 29_ <br /> g3a��t7C7�� - -- <br /> oic¢!e and Iho eale,Ineludin8 fhe peyment of tha 7Yustee4 hes ectually Incurred,nol to e:aed 3.0 4a of <br /> tAe prjndpal umount of the note et Ihe Iim�of tbe dcdamtion of defnul6 und reatonabia attorn¢�a'tcee as ermltttd -_ -_ -_- <br /> 6r la�vt Ib)to ati�amA steurtd Dy lPl�BccuAtp InstrumeMt eaG(t?any exttse to th�pc+xon ar pxrcnn�Ir$niPy Entbled �_- <br /> to If. <br /> 2L Reconveyonee. Upon payment of ell wm�cecurcd by�M�Sauriry Ins�Nment,Lender�hall rcqunt'tluftce to ______ <br /> rcconvoy No Ptopeny and�hal�eurtcndcr thb Secudty Inswment end nll notee evidcncing dcbt eccurcd by this Secudty __ _- <br /> lnsuument to'Rustee. 7iustee ihnll reconvey�M Property wlthout nartenry anA wi�hout chergo to the percon or persom °�.---°_°. <br /> Iegelly endtled to it• Such percon or persona ehall pay ony r000rdaHon costa. - ____ <br /> 23. SubsNtuta 1►ustee. Lcndcr,at i�a option,may from�imo�o time renwvo iYusue and appofM�cuacuor imttco�o ����--- � - <br /> eny 7tuatee appolntW hercunder by en Inswment rerorded in tha counry in which�hia Socurity Inswmenl is rccorded. <br /> Without conveyanco of tho Property.�ha�uacssor wstce shnil aucoeW w ell �ho ilile, power and du8ea confcrted upon _--_--- <br /> 7tua�ce hcreln and by applicablo law. '__-----_ <br /> Li. Request for Noticea. Bortower rcqueala thet rnples of No noAcea of defaule and�de be sent Io BortowerL addrau - -- -_,- <br /> wNch le�ho Propeny Addrcu. _= --_ <br /> 2S. Rldere to l6Lv Becudty Insirument. If one or more dden ere exocuted by�ortower and iaorded�oguhcr with =°- __ <br /> thia Secur(ry Inswmem,tho covenama end egrcemenu of eaeh such rider shall be inco�pomted into end shill emrnd end -� `--- <br /> supplement�e corewntn and xgrcemenu of�Ala Secudty Inswment as if the riAa(s)wero a pan of�hk Secudty Insuumw[. _ ___ <br /> [Chcck�ppliceble box(te)1 --'�- .- <br /> {d4.'��;==� <br /> �AdJuatabtc Rete Ridcr �Condominium Ridcr �I-0 Family Rider ����,'__- <br /> �Oreduetcd Pa nt Ridcr �Planned Unit Develo mem Rider �Oinceki Pa ent Rider �" - <br /> Y� P Y Ym �n�--. <br /> r.:_...--- <br /> �Balloon Rider �Rete lmprovement Rldcr �Sccond Homc Rider �g%�!`_"-` <br /> :/tlF�'t�(i^.. <br /> �:�t.:�-1... <br /> X Other(�)[spccity]ACKNOUILEDGmENT. Vll GUARIINTEED LOAN RIOEH, RIDER TO f�ORTGAGE/DEED OF 7RUST �ri•�y. <br /> ,'i--:--.�. <br /> �o!t_ <br /> rt{ ,,:,. <br /> DY SIONINd 88IAW.Oortower aaepu end agttea�o the tc�ms end m�rnants mmninod in this Sccurity Insnument r r�.,��,_ <br /> end In eny rider(a)exauted by Bomowcr and rceordcd with i�. •,v�;;;rt,., <br /> /� ��A:�° <br /> WimcSSee: Q�i,�iW�"'1 , �+ +�� <br /> :�;fe;s- <br /> d��...�,' <br /> (Sea1) ��qRSi:^'� <br /> nI�Nlin"i'i Ii. uAGIS -6n,�sr .. �-- <br />- �S eF9qcudry Num r � a- ^ � ��s�F q <br /> ,,'^ �j`�, » <br /> L�E��� �_rc�.i� 7'!`:. r <br /> SUSFIN R. 011UIS / �oomo�er �I`�ra <br />.. Social Securiry Number_SZ(1'80..527 fJ •61:��. <br /> {�C�:;t�.,,c--� <br /> i�r_."--=q',_-. <br /> ��^ <br /> STATBOFNHBItASKA, HIILL Counryss: i�-%":"�'':-�-:�. <br />- "1 Y°lFt::'::�. <br /> �'�S��v..-. <br /> On Nis 7TH dey ot MAY 1993 ,beforo mc.�h!undersigned,e Na�nry Public ,;,y 4 � <br /> dulycommiuioncdandquelifiWtoraddrnunry,peraonellycemc RICHRRD M. OAVIS 11AD SIISIIN R. D11UIS, �*'.`.tt � <br /> HUSBAND RND WIFE ro mt known a bc thc �Y} " <br /> identical rtonKa)whose name(s)ere subsc`ibed ro the forcgoing inswment and acknowicdged�he executlon thereof lo At�i;�,..� . <br /> bo P THEIR voluntary ect nnd dced".',G �\ � n�1 i+.Y <br /> Wlinau my hand and nowial swl et GRAND IS�i/�' `�����/ in seid county.�ho Fry��r Y k <br /> d o ��+ <br /> /a/9b � ' <br /> �'— r,,uywaK . <br /> ����Ol� REQUFS'PFORRECONVEYANCB � }�>�,, :_-. <br /> 'ro rtto . �wa�� r3[a�,` <br />- 71ie undcteign of�he note or notea cccurcd by thia Dced of 7tust. Said note or notes.togaher with ail ��,,,sa;J_,_; <br /> o�her indcbtedncaa securcd by Dced of 7Fust,have bcen paid in tull. You arc hereby dircttW[o centtl said no�e or notes - :,•;�.. <br /> - end thie Deed of 7tuu,which ere delivercd hereby,end to rcconvey,whhout wenenty.ell the estate now held by you under :�;-'�jCS=���,� <br /> Nia Deed of7tust to�he person or persona Iegally entiilcd thercro. �'���?";'" <br /> yc�?-•:�:i;..-. <br /> �.�;; , <br /> . Dete: ._:.__. <br /> 't;:�-;i?;_.'.. <br /> Porm7018 9I90 fPeR�6ojOPORn1 f2.'. }�•-. <br /> , 1.��Y�c:.. <br /> t�y <br /> tii`�y;•,!_i <br /> ��F.��.',.'��� <br /> v.r u14. �}�, r�qi t.t e� .. � �t fi+ :f Fu' �� 3 �r}� l� � L 'i f��� / 1 J l� �, <br /> ; � �. � �i t-uE - r 1 �__ i �f 1. f � :c H� t .. 3� �( 1f_[ 'k�5�iF:����fi- � 1J '� <br /> i.:i.,r� y .3- }!- a is� s .. . - S- .r,� ��� _ � �` s . 'f��1/r" 4 1 s � .`t. .' <br /> ., i.r...- . � .�S�L...o! ses ��,iA\. a�'n�ir�4�r,.Ei tiz� .T`s, i�./,..., � r� e t:�...-`: li�.? �,[l.. d ..,. Y�r. . <br /> 2{j t� i t t . 1 ,1` �_� �4`*u��,'��.._ ._4 �Tr13�1� � <������� �<.stq~x�-y}j`�i.. t'Lts Tl�i � L r _r� Y '_ <br /> r -r r�, ��'` � s e`E7F'� a � _ i,�}��' � d.S�Sr�rf s �+�vT.�.. x �E�ii / -G { . <br /> • � � 1 .+ � � kY f'`<� <br /> �c'� .c� r s .t Y� � et_a � 'i J k t,r - i ��r �X f il� .^.l=� s4»,i2 � f�P , V <br /> .:�'IY °J � �*' 1 � �' � b � �+- � � -'.)3 t J���.� 1�'tP+� { r 1{ t� r'{ i'�t�n.3 � '��} 1r - <br /> - lt .�a i {j- y- �jiF �- ire`°/F -i� ! ..`t ) 5:� 4P `'�� (�1i�iF. �j x�' s�+ <br /> -�.- � � --._. t_� s .._i s � l a ` v�} �tG�.(`✓ 1 3�.' . 51r .-- . <br /> -st V i' v Y"{ ,� _ : ._.._ r iy� ��� � ' ' i � �r{ _ <br /> —.,.r�.. i , � �j �rn �' s h- r�9U -._r' 1 4 5 fi�rt �Y i f ._ �t T �� i ..0 i - a t�: . <br /> �_ - ✓t � _ ��GL' �n� ty _ '� j f � o <br /> � 5 .�, r���n�' �� x�.�...�. A J� 1 r s.e �� _` �Y.,�,v� il fr� �h &.t� � f.�.: <br /> _�+ � ti-_ t �-�r f )Yf i �• - << t+ ��• Y} Y'. ' l �i���:. k > �� ."tixt . <br /> - �< - .-. ,� . �_ _ ,h2y7T, A L _ .} -.� .". � Q . .O� v r _}� �. <br /> "' , �13J .k� �`.2l��7'S �L h�j _ t�H 7 N�� �l �lt' � x F} �A f� .�'t'"�1 - pi�( S i.. Y1 <br /> - .� .__°'"'JSS' . P.�RYIR,. -�i.t � y; �,f iat r y�c ._ i h ��r 5 {: z�� �a a��_i s <br /> wa�v.C1Ya�N. N�F' h �' y "'- . 1t . � � . �� � � .� ��{ >- l,� � jr� <br /> �r� �'5 .. ��-pca�„���?��J _ �A _�_ ds-"_ -_' j ' V_. - � s _ '.}� �_s � J j �vi <br /> . ==m-->-.�.rt.'tiG,�s'..FLlE'i�.l: _ . $ .n � . Yi• .. .. u_ r1�.. . .. ���.r. -.� .:-t, . .....�.- t.�r , .. . . . .. .Y,7t. <br />