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. rz�.:�_, ..� ...+_:.-.:.-• .'. .-»� ..,:°F c� =`°�i; .r.;�::i-,_=s.r„�;-4 .._.. ...�...e......__ .::;;..,_. . <br /> __ .. _.. ____. _ .._ _ -- ..-__ ___'—- ______. ___— ________-_. _..,_ <br />,_ .. -n.-� - <br /> ,� ". <br /> '93�5�"/�4 <br /> periad�Na�Lender rcqufrce. 7Uo Inwranco eartler pmviding ao Insurance�MI16e choscn by Qorcower iuDlxt ro l.endcr� <br /> epprovN which ehall not be w¢sasonnDty wlthheld. It Borrowcr hib�o malnWp covemga dued6td e6ovo,tmder may,et <br /> ; i.mdai opqon,dbuln oavtraga ro pmtut Lenduti righu in th3P�op in ectatdanco w70�parngraph 7. <br /> All Inauranu pollcla end rcae�vab�hall be eaepte01e to Lender e�i�A�hall Includo e��wdard mongage eiause. I.eadu <br /> �hetl�uvo the right ro hold tho policics end renewde. If I.cnOer rcqulrca,Dortowcr ihall promptly gtvo to I.enda dl roroipL+ <br /> � o!pWd pmmiuma end renewal notlxa. N the evmt ot los�,Bortower sliall givo prompt nodce ro O.e Inaunmoo car�ia end <br /> LeMer. t.cndcrmeymekeproototlossitnotmedaprompdyby Darower. <br /> Unleu Lender onA Bortower otherwlao egree In wr�Ung,lnsurence proae0e cheil bo epplied to restoro�fon or repair of <br /> the�ty dama�ed, if ihe mroredon orrepatr U eoonomiully kaslWa and Lendcrb seeurity ie not leasened. [f�ho - <br /> rcstorot on or rcpa r I�not aonomiealiy haaibie or I.enderY�eairity would be leasened,�he Irourence proaeda ths11 bo <br /> eppHed ro No wm�ucurcd by thb Seariry Insuumcnt,whother or not then due,wkh eny cxoea�pald�o Bormwer. If <br /> Bortowar abandom the Propary,or doa not ens�vu�v(thin 30 dryt a nako from l.ender thae�ho Imunnco carder 1w <br /> ofkrcd ro acttle a clatm,�Acn I.endcr may coliect tM Innuance prooeeds. Lender muy uw�ho prorecd+to[¢wlr or reatoro <br /> tho Pro�ny or eo pay�um+saurcd by�h(�Secudty Inswment,whether or mt then due. 71ro 30-0ay pedod wip begin when <br /> the not ce legIveo. <br /> Unles.+l.endu end Botrower othnwise egree in wridng,eny eppIlca�ion of proceeda ro principal ehdl not extertd ot - <br /> postpone Ne dua deto of tho monthly paymenu rokrted to In pangrtphs t tnd 2 or ehenge the nmount of�he ps b. It <br /> under paregrtpA 21 �he Propeny i�ecqufred by I.endu.Borrowal dqht ro eny fnsurence policia end p�resWdng <br /> from demege�o tho Ptopeny pdor to the ncquisidon shall pau to Lende�to�he extent o/the ewu saored by Ihb Secutfty <br /> Insm�men[Immediately pdor Io�he ecqut�lam. <br /> 6. Oceupanep, Preaervatlon, Mainteoance and Proteetkn o! the Property; Borrowerb 4oan AppllcaHoni <br /> I.tasehold�. Bortower ehall occupY.eaublish,and use�ho Properry u Botrowet6 pdnei�residence wlNin sixty day�after <br /> the execution o[tM1ie 3ecudry fnsdument and sfiell contlnuo ro occupy tha Propeny es ortowerb prinolpat reaiduioe tor et - <br /> least one year aftu tho date of occupancy, unlese Lender oNuwise egrcw in writing, whlch consent shall not be <br /> unreasonably�ritMeld or uniw ex�eauating circumatanaa oxiet whieh are boyond BorcowerY mntrol. Bortower she0 not <br /> destroy,damege w impair�he Propeny,ellow IM Property to dmuiom�e,w rnmmit wsste on�he Propeny. Borto�ver shall — <br /> be In d¢fault i(any fode(mro eetlon or proceeAing,whether civil ar edmind,is begun�hat in I.enderY good fahh JudgroeN <br /> rnuld rcault N forkituro of�he Propeny or othmwiac ma�eridly impnir tlw Iien crcated by �hl� Security Imtnunen� ar <br /> Lenderl cecudry Intercat. Oortower may curc eueh a deteult and rcins�ete,a+provided in paregreph I6,by eausing tho netlon <br /> or procceding to 6a dismissed with e�uling�ha4 in Lcndcrh good fdtM1 dctertnina�ton,preciudea forPotturo ot tho Dortowert <br /> intercst in�Ae Ropeny or other meredel Impaimient of�he Iicn erca�ed by thli Saudty Instrument or Lender6 secudry <br /> imcrest. Bortowcr�hell ntso 6e in dePouit if Bortower, dudng �hc loan eppflwAon prau�, gave maredelly talm or <br /> Inaccumte informntion or netemanu to Lender(or failed ro provido Lender with any matedal info�me�ion)In connation wlih <br /> �he I m evidencod�� �he Nae, i�luding, bY not Iimited to, rcprcsenretlonn conxMng OortowerY oaupuicy ot tLe <br /> Pro a+a�dnct rcaidona. If thla Saudt Insuument li on�leauhold,Bortower shall comply whh all�M prodsion� <br /> O(t��'..i..'^. l:°.....--s::er:�u4w!t1N:tL 7.��..�n,'•(:j,I�iti i�ixri'vi�wiu'tfN fw tlii8 SFu�i ii�t�i�2P�t iit��eii�.ci�3w dTm - <br /> ro thc merg¢r in wri�ing. <br /> 7. Protection of Lender'e Righta(n the Properry. If 6ortower feils ro pedomi tAe covenanw end egrecmenu <br /> rnntalned in thfe Secudty Insnumem,or�herc I� � Iegal proceeding �hot mny dgnificanqy effx� Lendert righu in qw — <br /> Ropeny(such as a p�oceeding In bank�uptcy,probate,for rnndemnn0on ar fodefturc or ro enfo�ce lewi or rcgulaHaw),theo <br /> Lendcr mny do and pay for whetcver ia neceasery�o pratcct�ho vilue of�Ae Property and LcnderL dghu in�M P�oporty. — <br /> Lendorh netlons muy inelude paying any surtu securcd by a Ifen whieh hm priority over�hb Seeurity Inswment,eppearing —�- <br /> in cm��,paying teasonnhle eunmey�•faa and entering an�he propeny to meke repein.Ahhough Lendar may teke ecHon ° <br /> under Ihl�paregreph 7,Lcndcr docs not harc to do so. — <br /> Any omouma disburscd by Lender undcr thia partgreph 7 ah�ll bccome addi�ional dobt of Bortower securcd by this .<�' <br /> Sccudty In:tmment. Unleu Bortower ond Lcndcr agrcc w othcr temu of paymen4 ihajc emounu shall beer imerea�from�Iu - - <br /> detc oidisbufacmem et the Note mte md xhall be payable.with imercat,upon noiicc Gom Lendcr to Bortowcr requcsting <br /> %Ymem. F` <br /> B. Mortgege Inanrance. If l.ender rcquircd mongage insuronce m a condhton of making the loan ueurcd by�his ``-� <br /> Security Inswmenl.Oortower shell pay�he premiums rcquircd to mnimain ihe nmrtgap,e insurance in eRett. If,for eny �'- <br /> rceson. the mortgege inaumnce covemge required by Lender lepxs or ceaxes ro be m effat, 6orrower chnll pny �he r:'� <br /> prcmiums rcquircd io o6tain mve�age substan�inlly equivalent w�he mortgege insurence prcvtousty ln effect, a� a eost - <br /> aubnnntiolly equivelent ro the cwt�o Bartower of�he mongnge lusufance prcviously in etfa�,from en altemata mortgnge !-+' <br /> insurcr upproved by Lendec If:uM�antially equivalent mortgege insuronee coverege h not evailabk.Bortower ahell pay to w�- <br /> Lender cach month a sum equel ro onc•�wclflh of thc yeorly mortgege insumncc prcmium bcing paid by Uortowcr when thc � <br /> insurontt rnvemgc lapsed or ceased ro be in ef&ct. Lendcr will occep6 uxe end mtain these paymenis as e lose reserve in Ifcu Y;.�: <br /> at mongagc insurantt. Loz+ttaen�e paymen�s may no longcr M rcquired,e��hc option of Lcndcr,if mongnge insurena •- <br /> mvcroge Un ihe omount and Por iM1e period�hat Lendcr rcquires)provided by en insurcr eppmvcd by Lendcr egain becomp t„ <br /> availeble end is obtained.Bortower shall pay�he prcmiums¢quired ro maimain mongage inwronce in efkct,or ro provide e -"- <br /> lass recerve,until�he reyuircment for mongege insurance ends in�ttnrdanm wi�h any writren agreement between 6o'rower [�r±` <br /> end Lendcr or appliaAlc lew. ' <br /> 9. Irmpetifon. Lender or i1s agem may mnkc rcnwnable rniries upon ond inspections of�he Ropeny. Lender shNl `" <br /> give Bortower notice at the time of or prior to nn inspection Fpecifying rcasonahle cause tor�he inapection. 6�-�.; <br /> l0. Candemnatlon. 'Ihe praceeds of any ewnrd or clnim for damages,dirca or concequemiel,in connection wi�h my °- <br /> Sin IrPomd F1nnkAfaUFYeddlt�fa<UNIY0RI111tiStRPMEM- � `"� <br /> E T-- UnifamCmenanu 9/90 lpoxe•oJ6puxr+l p <br /> (ien We edxu tnm lec■ n : <br /> fiWeGC1fAD61�R1WOtA11N�1-0Ot ��._` <br /> F:..: <br /> P" <br /> �.-: <br /> � -.1 �X{t s S \• i�.- �� 1� J� --i�i`r��rey �Ykr�{�?7 #t� �'_`t-n f . <br /> ��i 4. i ` l -.._� 1 � � l f��i��'�i 1 4Y� � ' 1 _� <br /> 4'k4l8^�4- }'1i� c � " �c �', �i r - tt 1V � i'V`-'�t f . r <br /> L �Y- v� � r -e 4�. i _i.. ,ral` - �.-�-� �./e n �` y�{ �7 . <br /> _�.;1r.s�r2n�X�Ei'��� r y�v . �.I��Y l� �=' ��� ..!! � ..Y���i�t.,;J.-IS" �.f.:' - .,l• i . �-.:� t� <br /> xY .i �Ct� - � ��i iS �f��/k i t {f( s �x C� �kPU3 r � �[G,,riry � _ n .. y . <br /> w. �</n,< r �f `j i t s�/drr ` '�'j)J,�� f.tsi•iA` F�Y p�t`,t� � F rrl 'f r,. <br /> s . � r � Yf # fd _i� rr e� � { g � t � r <br /> tY�i)�4r3. - .Tj�t`;3)4 --- iY � ; 9``'�' rl� � � F �f f � •"j`���Y .rj� S{1 ���!F�' � -� 5 <br /> ��1.�, i y - r �� t.v AFt � J ` ?�. � �r �7�,� .. t S t I _ii � s- ��1�iy� �f ir i�j�- •�C�rTt <br /> y r'i� sY ,Y�lt+.S} v-; li�} �� ri J � t - 5,n �� � � j � 1, - Y s� ���J�}� F- > � s _" <br /> i <br /> � _ y� ._ _- �I - � 1�-- _ : � - �;{�� �__.� � <br /> z }L�n, l � 1 .! t f ) ..' �,lS75 j f h t � OL! a5 'i' - 51! L. � f / . c � : V <br /> j �v( .� { . � . i _ . "`� F .- � �;_-'' � � <br /> t l � f ,,.. �n 4Y Y'� � . 'N„ `y_f3_ �,`> _:� � _p��)t �S �yt � i} <br /> ar.`' t_ �- - ,�, i �.v� e si �. . a �R t t � , \ t � ] �_ . + �u . Cc <br /> '� � ✓ .!.-+` i �, ;.. t� i . . c .yy s s� �1 n i < �3Z�� - .3� P - .n <br /> �." if .'Fa .si ��J�i ..f 51�4� � - i � d � �.�} rr �x� � � ir -��' +-0 .`' �S _.} ' <br /> KY F� Li� � . -- ir° . y� -. Y �r� n:- . 3 ✓ 0_h- 1! �- -'F ' <br /> / J � � �54ry t }' 1 iA <br /> n �`3,. ; i t�t u N'jS �i ,> •`f �.. j :�• Zt ssS rs. � {Lff) S . ���7 j5 4fO7a _,{ : <br /> /(f � , i l .. t i_� . t� 4 _ t i s�.. '.>v n - .F 'fj - - { <br /> -�j�� �.. _ i.>��{ tt" f t c r1-_- +3♦ 6� . _. ..( - <br /> ., m-.. - . .. . -.,7. . , . r '�i': . . , .-d::` � .�.�� -.i �,.. -. _ ... <br />