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�_ _. <br />� � � _r_� <br />_._.,�4�:� , .. <br /> q(�j�j� , .. <br /> _ .e ���► iViTG7F!�. - -?`��.. +.' <br /> ti <br /> TIXlRI11F�t WP141 atl[ho Improvementt no�v or heceaftor erccted on tho property,end all casCmcnle,eppuneneAoor,, � <br /> __ md 8xnrtea mw or hercaftu n pon ot Gu pnipai�, i,fi iz�in�a�dMe nn4 eCdiilone ehati elso 6o aoVertd Dy ibl�Satrritg '- .'�'.� <br /> tnauumcnt. Alt of t6a taragoing is roterttd ro tn thlr SeaMry InsWmrnt af tha"Pro�[ty, _ - _- <br /> - — COVBNAN7'S that Boirower 1�IewN11y eelaed of tho estnto heruby comeytd and Ass the dght to gront ` <br /> = ertd convey the Pm�y end ihat�ho Propcny b uncncumbcced,cxcept Por encum6rancea ot rccorA. Qortowcr wqrranu anA <br /> _• ..--�� will deRnd genernl y Ure Utla ro tho Propcny egelnst alt dalmi end demn�Ma,wbJM ro any encumbtana�otmnrd. _. <br /> 7ftI9 SECURfl'Y IN97RUM0Ni'combinee unlfortn oovenanro Por nallaul uao and non•unlfonn mvenama wph <br />"'��";"'�' Iimitcdvariatlons by Judsdiaion�o afuqmee e unifoen cecudry Nswmentcovcringrcal pmpcnY. � , <br /> _` =� UNIFORM COVBNANfS. 8ortowerend Lendu covenmt and egree u foliow�: <br /> - �°°; l. Peyment ot Prtndpul ond fntweat�Prepnyment and Lete Charges. Bortowcr�hNl prompflypay whcn Aua tho <br />�`.,i;?�y;� pdndpal of wd intorost on�ho debt ovtdenood by the Noto ond eny prcpayment end lete charga duo undertho Nota. <br /> �-_;.��,� 7. Fhnd�tor'I§�cw anA iosanaoa SubJoct ro appIiuble Inw or to e wrinen wetvu by Lcndcr.I3ortower ehall pay to <br /> "" I.ender on the day momhly psymente nro duo under ttie Noie,undl�ha Noto ta p�id in tull,a num('PWde')tor.(u)yCnrly <br />''^`'�`'� taxu md assasmcme which may attein pdodry ovcr thla Secudty Inawment as�Ilen on tho Proputy;@)yeatly Icasehold <br />-.���"':.;�� payments or gmund mnn on tho Rvpury, If any; (c) ywrly hazord or propeny Inau�azice p�ominms; (d) ear�y flood - <br /> u <br />'��+�'�`' Ineunnce pnmium�, it nny;(e)yeafl yP mongage Inwrence premiume,it�ny; uW(0 eny wma payeblo by ortowu ro <br />�`5�;:���-'.-i, Lendu,in eaordance wl�h t�e provisiom ot paragreph 8,in lieu of thepayment of mortgago Insurence ptemlum�. 7tieso <br />!-'-°= j. itams ua called"Sxrow Itertu." Lender may,et any time,collea end hold F4nA�in m emount not to exoud Ihe maximum <br />�'-�=+�`'`��' amoum e lender for a fcdcreliy rclated mongage loan may require fot BorrowerY ucrow aocount u0du iha tedetal Hssl <br /> . „..j <br />"r;;t�':a�' Bstate Senlemen[Procedurei Act of 1974 ea amended from tima ro time,12 U.S.C.}2601 n uq•("R83PA'),un�esf enoNer <br /> �'�-�+-�� Iaw that app11W ro ihe Wnds�eta a lesser emount. If so,Lender mny,et eny tfmo,wliec[and hold Rmda in en emount not to <br />�%A`!';,:;:�';?` exceed the lesser amount. Lender rnay eatimeie the amount of Wnda due on�ha basis of eumnt Mta end mawnaEte <br /> „� r� ::-- eatimetea of expenditurca of Poturc P.scmN Imms or o�huwisa in accordana with apPIlcable I�w. ---� � <br /> ,��,<� 7Le Amd� shall be hetd in an insfitution whose depostte ero inwred by e fedorel�gency,Instrumeateliry,or entlry <br />-;'4'„t:yr;.', pncluding Lcndcr,If Lendcr is aueh en instlmtion)or(n eny Pedeml Fbme Loen➢ank. l.endet chell npply the Punds to pay <br />'�=�'s;'�;'.: the Curow Items. Lender may na charge Bortower for holding end applying�he F�nde,annuelly enaiyzing the escrow <br /> "�*'d�'�r.. eccoun4 or vedfying �he Cscro�v Ifem�,unleas I.ender pay� Borto�ver Interes�on the Wnds end eppticabla law permtu <br />�-�h�'�i 2'•�< l.ender io m�ke weh a charRe. Howevee Lender mey r utre Borto�ver�o pay a one-Hme chazge for an independtnt rcei <br /> : �,; >; — <br />�-_`{!�v},,.- es�aw tax rcponing cervice used by I.ender in connectlon w th�hia lom,unlw appiicable law provides otherwiu. Unles�an - <br /> ;=�:'r}s'x egrament ia made or appliceblo Inw requira intemst w bo paid,Lendcr sholl not be«qui�ed to pny Borrower eny interest or <br /> ;.`.'t�_M,J, eaming�on Ihe W nda. Bortavcr end I.endcr mey agrcc in writing,Aawever.�hat inmrost sh�ll bepe1d on Ihe I§�nds. I.ender <br />��,;,a;�"s-,i chall give to Bortower,without cherge,en ennual ecconntlng of 1he Mnda,�ho�dng ercdiu and debite�o tho Pond+and tho <br />- '!���;j•�zc purpuo for whieh each debit to�he Mnd�we�mado. 'ILe Wnd+ero pledged es�ddiHonal aecudty for all surtu acured by <br /> ,� �" Ihie Securiry Inst�umcpt. <br /> � If�he Amds hetd hv Lender exceed the emoums permiucd ro Oe held bp�pDflceble law, [.ender shdl flocount to ____ <br />`-;f-;ii;: Borrower for the exeese I'unds in eceordnnce wiih�he rcquirementa oi applicabio lew. If tlw amount of tho Wnds held by <br /> ''�:'S`'` Landu e�en timo la not sufOcient ro �he Escrow Irema when due,Lender moy so notify Bortower In writing,and,in <br /> _,�,�y��: Y PeS <br />-� ��4f�`���.� defieien� n�o�moro�ha�n�cive mon hl �he e� Lenderh sole diserc�lon.�dcficieney. Borrower thall make up the <br />.,:�..v.'�r Y YPeYm °- - <br /> � -?:��� Upon paymem in NII of nll sums secured by�his Securiry In:wment,l.e�Mer shell promptly refund ro Bortower eny °--. <br />`�'�t`�''"`r Punds hcld Lendec (f,under am re A 21.Lcndcr shdl ac uire or scll thc Pro =- <br />._�,-�,"`}.. yy p g p q perty,4ndcr,pdor to Wn ecqufsition or ___ <br /> \ sale of Ihe Ropeny,shell epply eny FLnds held by Lender al Ihe time ot ecquisidon or salo es n credit egdnst Iho:um� __ <br /> �� �^' •ccurcd by thi�Secudly Inawmcnt. -�. _ <br /> -"^L!r",I 3. Appikatlon oi Paymentn. Unless applicable law provides othernix.dl paymenu received by Lender under P'�-' <br /> �� a'� paregnphs I end 2 shnll bc epplied:8n6!o any�rcpaymcnt cherges due under�hc No[a;«cond,to emounta p�yable under � '' <br /> � @ r-.,. <br /> ,r �'�. paregnph 2;�hird,to Intercat due,fourth,�o princ pal due:end Im6�o my late chugn due under the Nom. w <br /> s �. �� 4. Chergea; Liena. Bortowcr:hell pay all �exea, asxasmenu, chuges,fines end Imposltions ettd6meble lo the ��� .•� <br />.,,�';z__ fz Proputy which may atte(n priority ovcr this Seeurity Insnumem,and Ieesehold paymenta ar ground rcnu.{f eny. Oortower E y.:; <br /> -����?� shall pay these obligetions in thc mmner provided in pamgraph 2,or if not p�id in ihat manner.Dortower shall pey lhem on �,�N�.-; <br />' �'="�'n?�): dme dirccUy to Ihe person owed paymsm. 6ortower shell promptiy Pomi:h w Lendtt ull no�icca otamounu to be paid under q5-_s,:; <br />--'s.-����'�F��� thle pangraph. If Bortower mnkes these paymems dircctly,Bortower shall promply fumish to Lender recelpu evidenc(ng <br /> 1 x�"�u"! thc paymenu. � <br /> "" ;' Dortower ahatl prompily discharge eny lien which hm priority over�his Securiiy Instmmen[uNe�a 6ortawer.(e)�greea � <br /> � �,�� in wflling to�he payment of ihe obligation ucured by the lien in a menner aceepmbk�o I.ender,(b1 comesla in good faith the f r �� <br /> .� - �:� llen by,or deknds egeinxt enforcement of�hc licn in.Icgal praceedings svhich in�he LenderS opinion operate to prcvent the E� <br /> +.� entorcement of the Ilen:or(c)aecurcs from�he holder of�he lien en ngrcemrnt u�isfacrory a Lender subordina�ing�he Ikn � .. <br /> . , <br /> ti,- ±� w Ihis Securiry tnsuumem. it Lender de�emiines that any pan of�he Propeny is subJeet io e lien which mey main pdoriry ��: <br /> r - over�hi3 Secudty Inswmen4 Lender may give Borro�ver a noiice idemifying the lien. Dartower shall sa�iafy�he lien or teke rN:': <br /> �y `� onc or morc ohhc accions ac�tonh abovc�vithin 10 dnys o!�he giving of notice. � ,: <br /> 'i;. S. Heurd or Property Insuranee. Uurtower shnil kecp�he improvcmcnu now existing or hercaRer erccted on the i�-. <br />--'�`�-(�-�'�' Propeny inaumd againsl loss by fire,heurds included within the tenn"ex�ended mrernge'and nny other hurerds,including �r`=__-�. <br /> �- '��}�":�: Ooods or flooding, for which Lender requircs insuronce. This insurence shall be mainiained in the amounts and for ehe -�',: <br /> `:::�. .�,,,.._ <br />- 'f-.;�t ��'- <br /> - F.. <br /> }�. 't Porm703B 990 lp4aln/epoxrtl �, . <br /> r.N <br /> �.2{�ti� �i:::-. <br /> � Y . <br /> � <br /> i . <br /> -( �� <br /> T A� -""''JK��i tS' A��fJ7" i r r'�"r(sTaFr t�A� i T , i a^s� '+ e <br /> t- r � ? r� -1e �. Ji t_ TJ � a > _+� `�- . 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