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�g�q������ - <br /> condemnatlon or aher[eking ot eny part of the Property,or tor canvoyance In Ila of eondemne�lon,ere heteby asalgned and � � <br /> shell be pald ro Lender. <br /> tn �he avem of a rotal teking ot tho Propeny. the Drocuds shoU bo opplied ro thc cuma secuad by �hb 9xudly --- <br /> Inftrument,wheiher or not t�cn dua Wieh any exaee paid to Bortower. In the event ot e patliN teking of�ho Propeny in �- �� <br /> . which the feir mukct velue of�ho Propeny Immediately bcforo ehe[ating b equal to or grcatu�han tho emount of Iho wm� <br /> cecuted by ihb Saurtry Inatrumem ImmWlatcly 6efore�ho taking,unlesa Bartowcr ond Lender othcrwise agrce in wtidng, <br /> �ha cums suured by thu Secudty Instmmene chall ba rcduced by the emwm af the procerAs muUlplied by�he tollowing - <br /> . frection: (a)the totet emount ot�he sum�eecured immedlately befon�he�eking,divided by @)qio feir muket value ot the <br /> Propeny immedlately betorc�he�nking. Any balentt shell be pnld�o Dortower. In the event of a panial taking ot the . - . <br /> Ptoperry in which the talr madcet value of[hc Propeny ImmaJietely beforo the�eking ia lesn�han�he emount ot the wma <br /> aecured Immedietely bcfom�he�eklng,unlw Bortowcr end Lcnder othe�wiso egrco in wdtlng or unlesa eppllcable law – – <br /> othenviu providu,�he proceeda�hall be applicd ro�he wms saurcd by thia Security Inswment whGher or no�fie�umo aro � �--- <br /> then due. __ <br /> If tho Propeny la abu�doned by Borrower,or if,efler notice by Lenda to Bortowcr thu�he rnndemnor ofPon ro make —� <br /> an award or cettlo e claim for damages,Borto�ver faila to rcspond ro Lender within 30 deya eRer the daro�he notico i�g(ven, -_ <br /> Lender is authodzed w collat ond apply the procaAs,at fu option,either io rcuorallon or rcpair nf�he Propeny or m the -� <br /> sums eeeumA by�hb Secudty Insuumrn6 whethcr or not tAen due. <br /> Unlcaa Lender and Dortaver otherwfse egra in wri�ing,any applica�on of procceds to principal ahall not oxcend or — <br /> postponc the due data of the momhly payments rekrred�o in pam;rnphs I and 2 or chenge the emount of cuch paymenta = - <br /> 11. Oono�etr Not Released; Por6earana Oy I.ender Not e Wulver. Bxtension of the time tor payment or <br /> modiflration of�mortizetion of the eums cecurcd by this Secudty Inswment gmmed by Lender ro eny successor in Interost a(,�.� <br /> ot Borsowm thall not operate ro release ihe lia6ility of the original Bortower or Bortowerk successon in interest Lender -- <br /> shall not berequtrcd ro eommence proccedinga agains�my suaessor in intt�a�or rofum m extend time Por peyment or m'�:- <br /> o�huwise modify amortizetion of the xums xecurcd by�hie 9ecuriry Inmumem by rcason of ony demand made by the original �q���-'?� <br /> Aortowu or Bortowerh successon in imerea�. Any fo�6emm�ce by Lendcr in exercising any riah[or rcmedy shnll not be e 1o:\�i:- <br /> waiver of or preciude the exercise of any right or rcmedy. �F���°" <br /> 11. Sucaasore and Asstgns Bonndi Jolnt und 3evernl LIebllity;Caslgnero. 'Ihe mvenants end egreemonts of this A'"``�-�- <br /> Suuriry lnsimment ahell bind end beneflt�he successan md nsaigns of Lender+nd Bormwer,subject ro Ihe pmviaions of �"���` <br /> pnngreph 17.BortowerY covenanes end agrcements sluli be join[ end severel.Any Bortower who co-signs thia Secudly _;�:` <br /> Inswment but daa not execuce the Nae: (a)is co•aigning this Security lnswment onry ro mottgege,grent uW convey that ��*'���_ <br /> Bortowerk imercst in the Propeny unda�he terms of�his Security Ins�mmenC (b)is nnt personally obligated to pay ihe suma �'6`"-" <br /> sceurcd by this Sauriry InswmenC and(c)agrees ihat Lender nnd nny other Bortower may agrce to extend,modify,forbear . - <br /> or m�ke an ettrommodations with re erd to �he �emu of thix Sewrit Inswmrnt or�he Note wi�Aout Ihnt Bortowerk "i''`'�-� <br /> Y 8 Y n_;,-_:: <br /> rnnsent. y <br /> l3. Loan Chargee. It the loan aecured by�his Securiry Inxtmment is su6jec� io a law wliich secs maximum loan i�rx'-. <br /> eherau.and�hat Ixw ts linullr interprcted w Ihet�he iniercxt or Mher loan chnrgec collecled or m be rnllecled in cunnectian :���`� <br /> with�he loan exaed the pemihted limiu,ihen: (a)nny xuch lonn chnrge vhall be reduced by the amount necesaery to reAnce ,",•'^,- <br /> Ihe eharge to ihe permittM IimiL•and(6)any xumc nlready collected!mm 9artower which exceeded permi�ted limiu will be �;F�;=-:- <br /> rctunded to Dartowee Lender may chaose to mxke�his rcGirrcl hy reducing�he pdncipal o�ved under the Note or by mxking a 1,-;_- <br /> dittet payment�o Uorrower. If a rc(und rednces princip�6 ihe rednc�ion will 6e uented as a paninl prcpayment wrthout any <br /> prcpeyment charge under the No�e. "�°7� <br /> 14. Naticea. Any notice a Bonower provided for in this Sceurity Inswment xhali be given by delivering it or by ��'-" <br /> mailing it by firt clatis muil nnless epplicn6le imv requircs uu of enoilier melhod.lLe noiice ahall be direcud to ihe Propeny - <br />- AdJrca ur uny uilrcr aJJ�ea�6utmoc�deaignnlea by �miia lu LenJe�. Any nulicc iu LenJc�ahull I�e given by fi�si dau �"' � <br /> mail ro Lenderl eddres�amud herein or nny oiher udd�exs Lender deeignntex by naiice to Dorto�mr. My no�ice provided For �'z�". <br /> in thii Securi�y Insirument ahall be dcemed to have bccn given �0 8orrower ar Lender when given na provided in thia a:,:: <br /> paregraph. ��;::, <br /> IS. Governing Law; Severebllily. "Ihix Secudiy Inctrument shall hc govemed by kdeml lew nnd�he laa of the t''-- <br /> Judadiaion in which the Prapeny is lucated. in�he evem�hat eny provixion or ciause ot this Securiry Instrummt or�he Nate �;,�'_"-- <br /> conlliux wl�h applicable law,such conilkt shall noi n(ka o�her provisions of this Securiry Inswmem or the Nae which con -� <br /> be gIven etfat wi�how the confliaing provixian. 7U�his end ihe pmviFians of�his Securi�y Instrument ond�he Note nre .. . <br /> dalared to bc cererebla �^;;,. <br /> 16. Oarrover•e Copy. Borto�rer sheil be given one mnfonneJ copy of�he Note und of�his Security Insuument. �'s:t.�� <br /> 17. 7Yansfer of the Propzriy or o 6ene0clal Interesl in 6orro«er. If all ur anq pan uhh.IRopny or any intcres�in r'",_' <br /> It la sold or tmn:ferrcd(or if n beneficial imerest in 6orto�rer iz uild or imnsferrcJ anJ Dorro�ver is na n naturnl percon) r��",�. <br /> wtthout LenderY rior written consenL Lender ma ,nt itc o �ion,re mre immedime a ment in tull of all sums secured b �""'� <br /> P Y P 4 � P Y Y 1tir:�.�-. <br /> thla Sccuriry IniWmcnt Howcvca�his op�ion shall na�be cxcrcised by L.ender i(exereise is prahibitcd by fedcml law ns of t_-:-:- <br /> ,,,,_: <br /> the date of this Sccudty Inawment. m���-� <br /> If Lender exercises�hia option,Lender xhall give Hortower notice of eccrlem�ion. The no�ice shall provide a periad of �::;:=-"�� <br /> not Iw�han 30 d�ys fram�he da�e�he nmice ic delivered or mailed witliin o�hich Rnrco�ver mmt pay all sums ucumd by this �°-,�-r: <br /> Security Inswment. It Dofrower fails�o pay �hese cums prior to ihe ezpirn�ion of thi. periM. Lendcr may invoke any ,<p�-� <br /> rcmWiea pefmiaed by Ihis Security Inslrvmem wilhout funhrr no�ice nr demand on Dortower. �;�;j;- <br /> 1& Uorroner's Rlght to Relnstate. If Bartox�er mee�x mnain condilionc. Botro�cer shall hare Ihe righl �o have 'S;;;-. <br /> enfotcement of this Sceurily Instrument discnNimieA al any�ime prior w the cadie oC (a)S days(or wch other periad us '�- '� <br /> ;�_;;: <br /> Sin6kFmilr-�Fannle�L<h}eddk�LaCNIFOItNItih7RC�If�T-.L'nifa�mCw<nanu 9.'90 �paRe�.•Jn�af�n �:^r- <br /> �j;i' <br /> , __".-.�-;. <br /> @{�i::%i., <br /> ;w> ;_` i-�.1�.� r � � �� �j-j i ;l�f�R�1 �'l ___i ,tli -.��j� .�t .r� Wi ��4t1{4S�Ifl�"rljdlZ`)Tfz{ . <br /> 1Y7�` - - r . _ }-+1 <br /> z t -i r . `J i�' _ 'i -'` 1 i "s y `^ r _'t ..: tf'�SI a��^�}(4�F��- � t . <br /> t - 3): i--- ') " f ._ T' s - Tl f ' "Ly'�c-�.t(._.." yi,.`..' <br /> X ,.i`.,.... °0.3, (4_ , �. � .s � . -���,. __-�-�"'^.s�'Y=�"ynti=��i'_ <br /> .3. . ti� . s ��.�-. . > - �` � Y ci S�o . J 1 - Y' � .. <br /> _ � � 1 kt '� 1 � r _-. J <br /> -: i r 4f t ! L ' ,. I � - � a }i °45. � . , r���-r- t �.e <br /> ?,l -_.+. k ri L t -��i r} tr is `i F ii_ J w �ii�. � a i:3.�F"�, y . } ._ c � <br /> s t _ �. t. {, � k7 J ��r �_x 7 t ` - � t� �i v ��--�' � r r }` S- � � ' s)' i ' . <br /> �, L y,� � . ^ tir - �,�� . ,.i_�rs � � `t.,r __1`tyr - �,� - -- ;� 2 t,;:t-. p . <br /> ` a}�R � �5 � ' � El ' ~�rr ���4 . y-.. 437�yif� �r�ir_ -4-�'rr.+i7, s - � w f5 <br /> � i e <br /> �h + f?o- �: �L . i: �� i �'� -' tie__ ._ � yr � N� �d�„� fi� ��- �t �4i �:.-•' �` �3. j} C: _i , e <br /> ra� - �� - -,1 a��� . t 4 a{ - � e7 3 ti- ' �I yv i l d <br /> t � yj� )9�� - t } 9j n.-.�� � Jyu _ . r_ { ''..'i:t�r� t� a> > r �t � r. <br /> J _e+rr Sl _ 3irl � .. _ �j � Iio�� �.� Y � �_� .A i.��nt s : �, tAS�Y)z ��., � � ` <br /> ..' � 'I .' � ��'�`tY4 � � �� r�'± 7 jt � �. S`R - ` s_-� ir+>- 7 �Y�Zisr i1G <br /> � l t � � 1 <br /> A��vq � �' r' � .. �y �.y r � -� Y U . �r � <br /> i. _ ,.e '0.�::r , { . . ., i .. ._ �i . . .��z.: n . ., .., i _ �' ..� .�`, _�of u ...:� ctb .,..., t �•�y_�. <br />