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<br /> pertods thu Lendor rcquUce. 'Iha inswance curier providing the Inaurance eMll be chosen by Borrower eubJat to I.endcrb
<br />.= epproval which shall not bo unrawnably wl�hheld. If Dorrowor teila to maimain mverx�e deudbed abov0.Lendu may,nt .—._ __.
<br /> -= i.enderb option,obmin ooverege to protca LenderY dghu in�ho Propeny in eccordenca x�th paregreph 7. � �
<br />- AU Insurenw popeies end rcnewai�ehell bo aocepuble�o Lender and�heil include�ctendard mongeaa ciauao. l.endu _
<br /> �heU hava the Nght lo hold tho pollelea and ronewale. If Lender requirw,Bortower ehep prompUy glve to Lender ell rcaipn
<br />_= ot pild premtum�and mnewel notiwa. In the event of losa,Bortowu ehall give prompt no�ice�o the insurence certier end . . --. _.
<br /> Lender. Lender mey milce proof of losa Itnot mede promptly by Dortowu.
<br />� Unless Lender end Bortower othttwlne egree in wridng,Wurence proceed��hall be applicd�o rcatontton or rcpalr of _ -- _
<br />�- �ho Propeny dema�ed, If the rastoreNon or repair la aonomically feesibte end LenderY secudty i� not launed. It Ne =----
<br />-- mstoration or repa r b not economically fea+ible or Lender6 aecurity would bo lessened, the insumnee prooeeds�hell be
<br />_ applied ro the wms ucurcd by thb Security Instrument, whtahu or not then due,with any excess paid ro Bortowee It -- -- ---
<br /> _ Oortower abandoro�M Propeny.or doa not enswer wtthln 30 daya e naice from Lender thu tho Insumnce cartier hm _.�
<br /> _ ofhred to settle a claim,�hen I.endu may collcet the insurenee proceeds. Lender may uce the proceede to rc�r or reatoro '=�'—.
<br /> _ �he Propeny or to pay sums wcurtd by tAia Secudty Intuumcm,whahu or not�hen due. 7Le 30•dey perlod w 116egin when !,"'=��-�- --
<br /> ' the notla bgIven. Q�*��=
<br /> Unleas Lender and Bortower othenviso egrce in wrhtng,eny app8catlon of procads la pdneipel sM1all not oxund or _.
<br /> _ poseponc�he due date of thc mon�ly paymenn�ekmd�o in parxgrephs 1 end 2 or ehange�he emowt of�he payme�iu. If _�-,_-
<br /> ' under ParegraPh 21 the Propeny h ecquired by Lender,HortowerY righ�•+eny insumnce policia end praeeda resul6ng R;;�.. _„:„
<br />= from dunage to the Propeny pdor�o the ecquisiqon chall paae to Lender to�he extrnt of the sums secured by thls Senviry �;;;N=--�; --
<br /> = Instrument immedietel pdor to�he acquisitlon. �,iy,;':::'_:!
<br /> = 6. Oau snc YPrcaervation, Meintenance and Pirotectlon of the Pro erlyi Barro�ver's Loan A Iicatloni ""��""
<br />_ D 7� P PP ;r�•��-„_.
<br /> = Leaseholda. Bortower shall oavpy,astablial�,end uso the Property w Bortowerh pdncipal residena wl�hin cixry dqys nNm S7i�,*_;__
<br /> _ the exeeu6on of this Seeuriry Inmument end cM1all contlnue ro occupy the Roperty as Bortoxrerk princip�l residena fw m �^'-
<br /> = leaat one year efler the da�e of accupancy, untess Lender o�herniw egrcea in wriUng, which consent :Aatl no� be ��:'_r_���-��
<br /> = unreasonably ivi�hheld,or uNw ex�enuaing circumatencea exl�t which are beyond�orrowerl conlrol. Barrower shnll not e'f�=__=:-
<br /> destroy,damage or Imp�ir�he$optrty,allow the Property ro deteriore�e,or wmmit wasro on the Propeny. Uarrower ahall A'sYta+--_•-
<br />��� hc in default if any Podeimro ealon or praeecding,whether civil or edminal,ia begun thu in Lendcrh gaod fei�h Judgment �:� �„ -
<br />'�: could resutt in todefmrc of the Properry or o�herwise metedaliy impair the Iien created by �his Sceudty Inswment or - �{y,;;�.
<br /> _ Lenderg cecuriiy intercat. Dortower mey wre aueh a deteult md rcinstato,as provided in paregreph 18,by ceu:ing the actipn ���lq j ��-
<br /> _ or proecedtng to be dismiased wfih a ruting�he6 in Lenderh good fni�h duertninotion,precluda fodaituro of�e Bomo�verk 4�T� �
<br /> - in�erest In Ihe Property or otha ma�eriel impai�ment of the Ilen cre�ted by this Security Inswmen[or Lendul�aecuflty '�'�f�,'� !.
<br /> - intercat. Bormwcr shall also be in deteult if Bortowcr, durin �he loan a Iica�ian rocesa, gave makdall false or j'"`X`"
<br /> _ ineccum�e InPortna�ion or ctatemenu[o Lender(or failed�o provide Lendc�wi�h ePiry meteriel inPortnetloN in wnn c[ion w3�h [�3� _
<br />�- the loen evide�ed by �he No�e, including, but not Ifmited ro, repraoNa�iona conceming Barro�verk oceupancy of�he e�'�{r� .
<br />= Property as e pdncipal rcsidence. If�his Securiry Inatiument I�on e leuohald,Bortower chall compiy with all Ne provisio�u ��=°°��'�
<br /> llr,...__,...�.-
<br /> = oi[he icasc. ii Borrowcr acquira fa tine ro the Propeny.��c leesehold and me Re titlo snall not mergo uniw i.enau ug�as ° --=__-=
<br />-
<br />