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.-f::.L�^-.�i..___. ,. . �_.....�-..W._ .`_ _ __ <br /> ;gso�o���. _= ..- <br /> eppllubla law may epccity for ccinstntcmem)boforo�alo of�ho Vropeny punuem to any powcr of eoie contelned In�hle <br /> Sccurlry Insaumena or(b)enuy ot e judgmmt enforcing thl�8ccudry fnsimmenl. 'Ihom wndiNom ero�hat Qortower. (e) <br /> paya Lender a11 sum� which then �vould bo duo undu ihi�8ecudty tnstNmom nnd ihe Noto ue If no eaeleretlon hed _ ___ <br /> occmrcd;(b)surca eny defeuh ot eny other�venmu ar agr�menn:(c)Dip�all cx�nse�lircurted In entorcing We Becudry <br /> I�awmcat,Ineluding,6ut not llmiled to,reasonebta eROmey�'(a�;and(d) tokc� wch ac�lon e� Lcnder may rcesonebly <br /> � requlro to esauro tha��he Ilen ot thie SecuH�y Iniuumcnl.Lendcrti right�In tho Ptoperty md Bortowerti obUgntlon to pay eho <br /> wma eecured by thb &cudty (nsuumem �Aa1i contlnuo unchonged. Upon rclnsqlcmcnt by 8orto�ver, �hla Secudty <br /> Imuument and tha o611g�tions cavred hercby ihall�emnln Nliy effectivo e�If no occclemtlon hud occurrcd. However,�hie <br /> ' dght ro relnsleta shell not epply in�ho caso of nooelemtlon undcr porugroph 17. ,_ _ <br /> 19. Bal�of Notei Cbanga ot Loan He►vicer. 7Tw Nota or opnttlel INerca in tha Nnro(logcthcr with tNa 9audry <br /> N:trumenq mey bo wld one or moro tima wiihout prlor nofloo la tfartower. A wlo mny resull In a chengo In ehe entity _ _ _ _ <br /> (known m tha"I.oen Serviuf)tMC wticcu momhly paymcme duo under iho Naa and�hl+9audty Inswmem. 7Tiero elso _ .,___ ,_ <br /> may ba one or moro ehanga ot tM1a Loan Servlar unroletcd�o n�elo of�ho No�o. It�hcro la n chanpo of�ho Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrower will ba B���n mi�lon rroAce of�he chango in eccordanx wlt� raph IA e6avo ond opDIlcabio law. Tho nmia —. <br /> will aate the nama end eddrosa ot the now Loan Servloer md the eddro���o w IcA paymem��hould bO mada. 7La noUca wtl! _ <br /> alw conm(n any o�her Informaqon requirod by apPliubla taw. ._____ <br /> 20. Hemrdoua 8ubateneta Bortower shall no�cauw or pe�mit the pmsenca,uso,dispo�al,aarage�or rcleaso of nny <br /> Hezerdom Substances on or in�he Propeny. �omower ehdl nol do,nor nllow nnyono elro tu do,nnylhing e(fectlng�he _ <br /> Propeny tbat 6 in violation of nny Cnvironmm�al Law. 7Lo prcFding�wo centcnce��hall nol npply lo Ihe prescnce.uso.or ___ <br /> swragc on the P�openy of small quenHtlos ot Hazardous Subsmncc+�hat ero genemliy rcmgni:ed ta bo nppropri�w�o normal ��_� <br /> residcntial use�end lo meintenenco of the Property. <br /> Borrower ahell promptly givo Lender wri�ten noeice of eny Inveitigatlon,ctaim,demand.Iow�uit or olher actlon by eny �_��� `- <br /> govemmental or regularory egeney or pdvaro peny Involving tho Propeny onA ony H+zordou�Subsinnco or Cnvironmanlnl _____ _ <br /> l,xw of which Bo�rowa hm nnuil knowlcdgo. I(Bortowtt leams, or la nailt� by any govcmmcNel or rogulntory _ . <br /> ewhoriry.�het eny rcmovnl or other romediation of eny Hezardoua Su6stenee aRa�ing�he Propetly i�necossary,�ortosver _ - <br /> ihall pmmp�ly teke ell neceuery rcmedial ectlons in eccordance with Qnvironmeniol Law. �--{; _ <br /> Aa used In�his parogreph]0,'Hamrdous Su6stencef aro ihox�ubstonces deMed o��oxic or huordoun iubilanee�6y - <br /> Environmemal and�ho following subsienccs: gesoiine,keroscno,mhcr ilammabtc or Iuxic petrolcum producu,toxk ��(�c '-� <br /> pes�icida end herbicide+,vola�ile solvenu,mxtedel�conie{ning asbestm w Pommldehyda and rodioactive ma�edula. As,�,='- <br /> uaed in�hia paragreph 211."Environmental Law mearo fcdcrel lew■md laws of thc udsdictlan whcrc�ho Ro n I�locatod �''����- <br /> 1 a Y ��.,,, <br /> �ha�rele�e Io heelth.�efety or environmemal prolec�ion. �=�`-' <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVBNANI'S. Bortowcr end Lendcr Nnhcr covcnont nnd agrco ea followc ��'F1'�'(qu-._. <br /> 21, Acaleration� Remedlea. Lender�heil gire notlw l0 6orrower prlor ta accelemtloo tailowing Dorrow¢rb G�:u:;;. <br /> 6reach of any wvenont or agreement In ihia 8ecudty(nstrument(but not prlor to acceteratlon undar poragraph 17 �t*•.�--- <br /> unlesv applttaDle law provldea otM1ernise). The notice ahell epaltys (e)iho detauttt lb)tha octlon requlred lo wre the .%;;.., <br /> defautk(cl e dnta not lesa than 30 deya hom the dete�Ae nofice le g�vm to Borro�rer,by whlch Iha detoull must be �y�,',��,� : <br /> cursd;and(d)that failure to cure Ine aefauit on ar ueioro ihe uaie specified in tho nuiice may ieiuli In niisii�ii��ai �F�.�_,. <br /> tho ams sewred by thb Security Instrument and ealo of Ihe Propertr Th�notla shdl Nrlher Intorm Qorrower of +,.,<�� <br /> the dght 10 relnatete eRer acceleretion ond tho rigAt to bring e wurl aMlon lo assert lhe non•exlstence uf o deNult or ��,.^�?�; <br /> eny other defenxe of Borro�ver ro eccelerotlon nM sule. If tho detaull b not cured on ur betora Ih�dal��pecifitd In y_, _. <br /> tha notice,Lenderat iu optlan mer nqulre Immedleto pnyment In NII of ull eums�ecursd by thL�Reeurlly In�irumenl ; ,_ <br /> HHhout Nriher demand end mey invoke lho po�rer of aelo and ¢ny other rcmedlce permtltcd by appllcabN law. �f ; �- <br /> Lender shall be mtitled to rnllect all expenses Inwrred In puncuing Ihe remedim prorided In thla porogroph 2L (,-� - <br /> irtcl¢ding,but not Iimited ro,rensonn�le m�orneye•tcee and msteof Illle evldence. ?'••���T';�� <br /> If Ihe po�rer of eele ia lnvoked,7YUStce shall rcmrd n notloe of defoult In cuch wunty In�vhieh unr pnrl nT Ihe . <br /> Property Is loceted end ehell moll mplea of auch nolitt In iho mnnner yrescrlbed by aypllcabio Ina lo Borrmrer ond lo �'�:��-- <br /> t6e other persona preaeribed by epplicable laa. ARor t6o Iime rcQulnd by aPplicable Imr,7Yuxtea�hnll glro puAllc �+z,,.%;`..- <br /> notice oisele to the persons and In the manner prcxcribed hy applicable Imr, IYustee,allhoul demnnd on Itorro�rer. �si?y,�_,,. <br /> shall ce0 the Property at public euMbn to Ihe hlgheat bldder at tho tlmr end piace and und¢r 1he ttrm�de�lgnated In �i 1:, <br /> the nottce of sale In one or more parcels and In nny order 7Yustee dalerminei. 7}ustee moy poslpon�eaN of ull or any ���; --. <br /> percel otthe Property by public ennouncemeN ut Ihe Ilme and platt of nny prev�ously echeduled�alo. I.endor or IU �t:;� ;:: <br /> deslgneemaypurchasetheProperty ntenyeele. ;r,,;,._;; <br /> Upon recelpt oP peyment of We price bid,7YUxtee�hall deliver lo the purchaser 7}ustee'e decQ rnnv�ylnp lho �«1„"; <br /> r.�:. <br /> PropeNy. The reeNnlx In Ihe 7}anee'■deed ahnli be prlmu tade evidenee otlhe Irulh ot the etatement�modv therclm �,�„�:_c.� <br /> 7Yustce ehall npply Ihe proceed+of the aele In the Polia�dng order. (al lo all cmG and expenxn of exerc4dng lhe pa�rer ��;;��e-= <br /> r,._,. . <br /> C..r*;•:" <br /> 7��� <br /> 'ti <br /> i:?`'' _ <br /> �'i. <br /> �.`+Y; <br /> •=•:i-:[�. <br /> ...�"y <br /> fMm W2S N90 �ryN�.,Jnp�[n� ' <br />_ ,,,'"_... <br /> �.:t:. '. <br /> --c.y"J'p � - i. r f . . �+ .. - �._ - i � ..x.� � � <br /> Fl�i"7� i-�t � .y,}y'� }���U2 ��{ . ' r -� !v� '�: � t� r� � � . <br /> � Fo4 f �N\f � 41.. u�' i1 fi � � � � r-�- t. iS:, .--� - d i ��. <br /> �y N1 <br /> J'`, ._L 1 �r�,/f�jf rf • dr � � ._t.�-.y y �'�f ( � ��r .1�;�-�..'� -- ,y . <br /> 1r.�, _�,r ..L.�:• z. . <br /> �"o'.`3r 'Yy �-rm- .�_ f�.�+lY '.� 1 -+�- -5 1 1 : .� ��. -_.i `c. ys't. . `fi -t�r � `'t t � �P. ; <br /> r r,� _ .f i-�`Y ✓ �a( � iJ- ' � �rl- .. 5 Sy Sx ! .�. t c <br /> �i.u_. fi ia�s ' �' t�N ��3�5 {.t'� Ft i j� �'� . _! J '� � � ° � . <br /> ev.Y-, ♦ t 3�1�' r 4'-! v s* _� v, [ . 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