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p� <br /> �,107��1 <br /> TOOA74lHR Ni7'H e�l the Improvcmcnu now or herceRu creeted on tho propeny,and el!eesemenu,opQurtcnana�. <br /> and tixture�now or hereaRer e pan of tM propeny. All rcptaamenn end addltione ehall elw bo covucd by tN�Secudty <br />. hntmmu�4 All oithe foregoing Ia retertxd to in thfs Setudty lnawmrn�ai�hc"Ptoperty." � <br /> BORROWDR COV[iNANf3�hat Rortower Ia IewNliy�eised of iho epeto hereby conrayed and hee Iho dght�o gronl <br /> and convey thc Property end that[M10 Prope�ry b uncncumUcrcd,exapt tor mcumUranas o(rarord. �ortowcr warrenu and <br /> will defend generally�hs thlo to tho Propeny ngalnst ell cleim�and dcmanda,�ubJeci to any encumbrancea ot record. <br /> THIS 98CURiTY INS7RUM8NT combines anifam covenante for neqonal uw and non-unito�m covenanti with <br /> Iimitcd vuiatiom by jurisdic�lon to cons�itute a uniform sccu�iry insuument mvering rcal propcny. <br /> UNIPORM COVBNANTS. Bortower end Lendu covenant end agrco as tollowa: � <br /> 1. Paymeat of Prindpnl anA Intercatt Prepe�ment and Lpte Charga. dorroxror�hell promptly pay when due�he <br /> principal of md intcrcat on thc deb�evldaiccd by�ho Nore and ony prcpayment and Ia�c chargea duc under iAo Nmc. - <br /> 2. PUnda tor'I�cw end(nturnnce. SubJect to ippIlcable law or�o e written welver by Lender.Bortower shall pay�o <br /> Lender on�he day monthly paymenu ero duc under the Note,untll thc Note I�paid in full,a cum('PUndsy for.(a)yeerly <br /> �axa end esseasments whleh may enain priority ovcr ihia Security Inswment u a lien on�he Propony:@)ycerly leaselwld <br /> paymenu or ground «nu on the Propeny, If eny; (e) yearly hewd or propeny insurance prcmiumr, (d) yearly flood <br /> insuranca promiurtu, if eny: (e)yeuly mongage insurenca prcmtume, If eny; end (Q eny iums payable by Bortower to <br /> Lender,in eccordance wilh the provisions of paragraph B,in Iicu of Ihe payment of mongege insuranc¢premlurtu. 7Lew _ <br /> item�are cailed'8urow itema." I.ender may,at eny lime,collect end hold Wnds in an emant not ro exceed�he maximum -. <br /> emount e lender for a federelly rcleted mongego Iwn may requlro for BortowerS escrow eceount under the tederel Real _. <br /> Estete Settlement Rocedurcs Ac�of 1974 as amended Bom time ro time.12 U.S.C.¢2601 er rrq.('RCSPA"),unleae enother .. <br /> lew Net epplira to Ihe Punda ceu e Icsur emoun4 If w.Lendcr may,at any Nme,mllec�and hold Wnds in en amoun[not to <br /> exceed �he Iesur unouN. Lender may estimate Ihe emount o[Wnds •iuc m the I �ais of c�rtc�t dau� �nd mawnable <br /> eatimatra of¢xpendtturea of future Bscrow Items or oiherwise in xcrnrdance wiih applicable law. = <br /> 7Le Wnda shall 6e held in en insliwrion whou depasfu ere insnred by e kdemi ngmcy, inswmentality, or entity ° <br /> (Includtng 4ender,It Lender is such en Institmion)or in any Federel Home Loan Benk Lender ahall�pply tht Flmdi to pay <br /> the Escrow ftems. Lender mny not charge Uorrower far iwlding end epplying the Funds,ennually analyting ihe tserow - <br /> accoun[,or vedfytng the Escrow Items, unlesa Lender pay� Ronower interest on the Punds and appliceble law pemilu -- <br /> Lender ro meke cuch a charge. However,t.ender may rcquirc Bortower to pay a one•dme charge Por en independent real - <br /> atem tex rcporting aerviw used by Lender in connection wilh IAfa Ioan,unless applicable law provides othe�wise. Unless en =- <br /> agrament is made or appl(cxble Imv requires intercat m be paid,Lendcr shall not be requircd lo pay Borto�vcr any Intercst or _. <br /> eaminge on the Punds. Bortower w�d I.e�er may egrce in wriling.Aowever,thet intercst sholl bepnid on the Punda. Lender _ <br /> shall gire�o Hortower,witham cherge,nn ennual accaunting of the Wnds,showing crcAl�a tnd deblln lo the Funds ond the <br /> pmpow for which eeeh debh�o�he FLndx�vax made. The Punds arc pledged as nddi�ional saurity Por ell cums cecured by _. <br />. thb Sceudty InstNmcnt. - <br /> If Ihe I§�ndc heCd by Lender exceed �he amounu pertniaed �o be held by eppliceble low, Lender ahall eccount to � <br /> Dortower Por�he excess I'unda in accorUance wuh tne reqmremema oi eppiicnbic iaw. ii�he amoum oP tho fvnd+naid by - <br /> Lendcr m my time is not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Rems when due,Lendcr may w natfy Bortowcr in writing,and,in -- <br /> auch c+ue Bortower shall pxy�o Lender the emoum necessary to meke up�he defidency. Bortower sAall make up�he = <br /> deficl¢nty in no morc�han[welvc monthly paymcnu,ei Lendcr4 sole discre�ion. -. <br /> Upon payment in NII of eIl sums secured by this Security[ns�mment,Lender ahall pmmpUy«fund lo Bortower eny <br /> Mnds held by Lender. If,under p�regmph 21.Lender ehall acquire or ceU the Propeny,Lrnder,prior to�he acquisition or = <br /> sele of�he Propeny,shell apply any I1md+held by Lender ai lhe �ime oF ecquisl�bn or wle aa a credit ugetnct the sums _ <br /> saured by�his Saurity Instrumcnt. _ <br /> 3. Applleatlon of Peymenta. Unless appliceble Inw provides otherwise, ell paymem� received by Lender under - <br /> pengrepha 1 end 2 chall be applied:first,to eny prcpayment chnrges due under the No�e;xecond,ro amounu payable under _ <br /> paregraph 2;third,ro intercs�duc:founh,to pdncipal duc;nnd latt,w any lele chargcs duc under�he Note. " <br /> 4. Chargea; l.lens. Bortower shall pay all texm, nsscssmenu,cherges, finea end imposiiione mui6uieble �o �he =� <br /> Property which mey nnain priodry over�his Securiry Insuument,and Ieauhold paymems or gmund renu.if eny. Borro�ver = <br /> ehell pay thcae obligaHons in the manner provided in parngrapA 2,or If not paid in�hat manner,Borrowcr shall pay them on �� <br /> time direcqy to!hc person oweA paymcnt. Oonowcr sM1al l promptly fumish�o Lender ali no�ices of amounu�o be paid undcr _ <br /> thif paragreph. If Borrower mnkes�hese paymenu directly,6orrower ahall promp�ly fumieh to Lender receipla evidencing _ <br /> the paymenta. :. <br />- Bonuwer>6nii VrumpOy JiacLvge nny Iien wLich hnn p�iu�ily uver thia Securily IntlmnKm unless ftortower.(e)agrees = <br /> In wdtlng to the payment of the obtigation securcd by�he lien in a manner naepinble to Lender,(b)contesis in good fofth the _ <br /> Ilen by,or detends against enforcanent of ihe licn in,legal proceedings which in�he Ixnderk opinion ope(a�e to prcvent the <br /> rnPorament of the Iien:or(c)securcs trom�he holder of�he lien an agrcement satisfactory w Lender su6ordinating�hc lien <br /> ro tAis Securiry Inswmem. If Lender deurmines iha�nny pan of the Propeny is au6jec��o a lien which may anain priority - <br /> over this Seturity InstrumrnL Lendcr may give Bortoncr e notice identi(ying thc licn. Borto�ver ahall eetisty the lien or take <br /> one or morc of�he ac�ions se�fo�h ebove within 10 days of the giving of no�icc. = <br /> . S. Hetnrd or Property Insurance. Rorrowcr shail kecp�he improvcments now existing on c�rcafter crccicd on thc _ <br /> Property insurcd egeinst loss by fire,ha�ards included within the tefm"extended mrerage"and any other hazerds,intluding <br /> floode or tlooding,for which Lender requircs insurence. 7his insuronce shall he maintai�rcd in the amounts and for the =. <br /> Form]07d 9�90 t/u�r:nJapa;�r) <br /> `r a �i . . � � .�{Tyf(n'� 1 ._ . �' ; ... � -�.i t+ -/�r _ �v� ,S�^- <br /> V - � r 7.f li . � .. ._ v. . 32e� i v.-- �S �' s . <br /> - -.. �i - f r��� cN - xL r_ �pi . � j! -'♦ <br /> t t' I"t - L �L - � -?i � .{ vy.1F� T �7-.. � * - : s� -� x. . <br /> _.rl ,r, � _: a� � � z� F. .? v� � .W� �� iy -+�r }� i- _.�� � - -.�f <br /> r . <br /> ,..,Z.°. iF �d. ... _� : ,. r..: , ..`:}r i.. ._.,.� 3 :l.-. . �S. •1+� .. - -.. . <br /> bl r+�i� .. __'£I ) _ 4' _ _ ' „ :T��;t.�t 5 ;r � � y � �-1+�.~� ��.yl�. h <br /> � t � )-i?:tY � � - a �.."ri - i � � r � (� � �'2 .. }�r�o{ y _ - � ftt- .. <br /> � tr. ti 9 r r � . - x� j, A}� �- ? -_ � �� �2h _ '' _ s <br /> rcs �• ' � ' f h s •�� i s} _! � � ts Jtt(r � ` �. 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