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9,9.� �.oaet�� _�._.. <br /> pMode tAat Lender requlrn. 7Le insuronoe cartier provlding t�o insuranoo chell6o dwsen by Bortower cub cct ro Lenderb <br /> � approval whkh ihail not be unroesonably withheld. (f Bortowcr telb to melmeln cove�age dxcedhed¢6ove. er may,et <br /> Lender!option.oDmin mvemge to protect Lender!rlghte In�hop�p�rty in ecm�dantt wtth puegreph 7. -.—.-- - _--.:—- <br /> All Insuranco poliotd and reaewaU�hn11 be acaptablo to I.endcr and shell Inctude n standerd mongago cieu:o. I.ender <br /> � ehail hevo ttw rlght to hold the policles md rcno�rat�. ItLenda rtqukes.Bortowor nhdl promply givo to Lcnder all Roelpw <br /> ot paid premluma end renewel notices. In�ho ovent of loss,Bortowcr ehall glve prompt noqce to[he Insurance eartler end <br /> Lender. l.ender may meko proofotlos�Itnot made prompUy by Bortower. ` "- <br /> Unles�Lender and Bortower ahe�wiu agrce in wddng,imumnoo procude shall be epplied to rcstoretlon or rcpatr ot <br /> �he Pro�ny dameged. tf tla restontlon a rcwir ia cconomkally kaslbto and l.enderh suuriry la not lessened. It tho ^--------------- --<•.- . <br /> rcstore�m or rcpatr i�not aonomicaliy/ea+ible or Lendery securtty would be Icuened,Ne Insuranoo prooxd�ihell be _ <br /> epplled to the cums ucurcd by thb 3tadry Inswmen6 whetliu or na then due,with any exow pdd to Bortower. If _,..__-_ .___ . . .. <br /> Bortower nbandons the Propeny,a dna not answer within 30 daya a naia hom Lender ihnt the Inwrence canier ha� <br /> offrred�o sdtlo o claim.�hen Lender ma�colleM�he incurence p�a. Lender mry uw�M procada to�alr or rcstoro __. — <br /> the Pro�y or�o pay ium��aured by�h�Secu�ity Inmument,whuher or not�hea duo. 7fio 36day pedod w II begin whcn <br /> �he not ce Ispivcn. __-- <br /> UnlwLender end Bortower otherwiso agree in wriung,eny eppIication of proceeda�o principal ahe11 not exrond or ----------�-- � <br /> postpone�he due dnte of�Ae monthly paymems refomd ro in paragreplu 1 and 2 or chenge tAe emount of tho payment�. It �""____ <br /> undu paregreph 21 �Fe Pmperty ie acquircd by l.ender,Hortowerh right a eny Insuronce potictes and pmcetda rault(ng �" <br /> from dunege ro th¢Ro rt dor to the e uidtion stull au to Lcndcr to�he extcnt of�he eums scemcd b thta 3ecudt ��"��'� <br /> P� YP W P Y Y �:� <br /> Inmument immedietel pdor to�he ecquisition. r�.- - <br /> 6. Occupancy,YPreswvatlon, Melntenana and Protection of the Propert = 6orrower'e Loan Applicationi �.v._ <br /> I.cestholde. Bortower shall oceupy,esw6liah,and use�hc Propeny u Borto�verh pdne�pal rcsidrnca within siaty daya atta H.;,� <br /> �ho examian of this Securiry Inawmen[ond shnll conNnue to accupy[he Property m Oortower6 pdncipal naidena fm at �=`=k_`=--:� <br /> ` - `-`---- - <br /> Icas� one year after �he dete of occupnney, unless Lender otAerwise egrw in wrihng, which eonsent ahall not be ,�n ._� <br /> unrcasonably witt�held,or unless atenuaring circumsnnea exin which arc beyond 6ortowerti control. Bomower ehall not �}�<. <br />. dutroy,damage or impnir�he Property,allo�v 1he Property lo detedofate,or mmmil weste on�he Propeny. Oortowet chall ;•;f�:%.�_?:-. <br /> be in defeult it eny foReimrc action or pmceeding,whether civil or criminel,b begm ihet in Lenderh goad feith judgment ��;�;;,'�"-- <br /> wuld rcault In forfcimrc of�hc Propeny or othernise matedally impair the Ilen erceted by Ihia Secudty Inawmenl or a.,°.,°=. <br /> Lenderb savrity interest. Bofro�ver may curc such a default and rcinsute,ai provided in par�gnph 18,by caiuing�ho aaion ��+�;'��.';_�_� <br /> or proceeding ro be dismiauA wi�h a ruHng that,in LcnderL goad(eieh deteimimtion,precluda todeiwrc ot No Bomowerh ` ri�q�;-�;' <br /> interest in the Pro n or other mnerial im aGment of the Iien crcated b ihi� Securit Nurummt or Lenderb securi ����ii��::—- <br /> P� Y P Y Y �Y ., .,:,.;; <br /> intercst. Bortower shall elao be in dehule if Bortower, dudng Ihe lonn epplication process, geve matednlly felse or ;:;;�x-:,���_-�-- <br /> inaccum�e informnrion or afeumenu�o Lender(or feiled ro provide Lender wt�h eny maierial infortnerion)fn connectlon wilh �v±�%��i�-- <br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limtted m, rc rcsenta�ions conceming 6ortowerk accupancy ot�ho i?�'l.c��•:'r';=- <br /> Propeny es e prindpal residenca Tf thia Seeudty Instrument f�on s Peuehold,Bortower ahall eomply wlth af:�he provisiom ,�,�t5�r,,;� <br /> cf tN:'.:.. :!Bcr^ :tc tt4c!e ihe Prc ^.� •�le�hald sml tM&^_tZ!!e sl:e!!^a!r.a•=^unles!Le^dc: [e�• -"'+.`-�':-= _- <br /> •- ::::-=yr.:' C-'-�....� e- =o° -- <br /> totA��«S�tec lon�!Lender'� RI hu in the Pro ert. If Bortower fail�w dolm �he covenama end a rcementa f��i`?�-��•�-'�� � <br /> @ D Y P� 8 . r.:� �5�-_ <br /> comeined In �his Security Insnument, or thefc ia a legal p�oceeding thnt may significemly eKece Lendery righta in dw ,';�ir'�"��� _;-- <br /> Pmpeny(auch es a praceeding in bankruptry,proWte.Por wndemneHon or foddturo or ro rnforee la�n or rcgulotiona),�hen ya��'`��F�r`s_�-�__� <br /> Lcndcr may do end pey for�vhntever Ie necessery w prmec[�he vuluc of thc Roperty and Lenderb dghu in iho Propeny. ,�?�!,��`t� n_�§:._. <br /> Lenderh ac�ions may Inciude paying nny mms securcd by e Ifen whfeh haa pdoriry over�hB Securiry Insnumen6 appeedng '=' ��'+'-"2�`=�;�-' <br /> h yar3l:rt.'a: <br /> in caurt,paying rwsonnble etromeys'f«a and entering on the Propeny�o make repain.Although Lender may�ake action ;,;;5::rrt+,i,.- <br /> under�hie pamgreph 7,Lendcr doce not h�ve ro do w. r�-� ;F r["+ ^- <br /> Any nmoum�disbuned by Lender under thia parngmph 7 shatl become eddi�ionel debt of 6orrowar ttcueed 6y�his '�£'� ���rr� r'�_� <br /> Sccudry lnstrument. Unlcss Bortowcr and Lender egrce ro othcr�crtns of pnyment,theu emounb shell bear(mcrest Gom the �•-r,p��y�f}i_;r:_- <br /> date of disbursement ut�he Notc rc�e end shall 6o peyable,wlth inkres4 upon notia from Lendcr to Oorro�rer requesting t�`'?='�:�;t�;`i;:,,--= <br /> a rnt. - hv '� t�'Py . <br /> P�8. Mortgoge Inaurence. If Lender rcquircd mottgage insurnnce m n rnndition of maleing the loen securcd by�hle ` t`�h�� f <br /> Securit Instmmen4 6orrower ahall a �M1e amiums re uimd ro maintain�he mon a e insumnce in effec�. tf, Por en �"��''+�"�;`���`'�°�'-�� <br /> rcawnYthe mortaege insuronce rnverege reyuimd by Lender lopsca or ceases to bc�n effect. Bortower ahell pay the �`,�� i.i':%;'.�'�;r-��� <br /> rcminma re uircd w ob�ain cove�a e wbs�xmialt mvnlent to the mon + insur�ncc reviousi m etfa[, nt a cost �"'"^ ��'z''`�•�- <br /> P 9 8 Y W � B E� P Y � ��;ix•�t��I�-�:a;.:.:_ <br /> au6siantfal� uivalent to ihe ms�io Uortower o(the mon a e insuronce rcriou+l m effat,from an eltemale mon e e 'ifo•.,-t�l},:a, <br /> Y�i 8 8 P Y� 8 B r- ,,. .. = <br /> insurcr npprovcd by Lcndcr. If su6stenif�lly equivelem mongage in:umnce mverage ie no�awileble.Borrower ahall pay�o �,R,i; -' <br /> Lender wch momh a aum cqual to one-iwelflh of ihe ycorly mortaagc insurana premium bcing pnid by Bormwcr�vhcn the �.-�! r�.,, . �j?x� __ <br /> imurence coverage lapsed or ceesed to be in effen. Lender will eccep6 ux and rctain ihex paymmis u a loss reserve in lieu �;��f,��}�>r�,., <br /> of mortgxge insurentt. Loss rcserve paymenu mxy no longer be rcquircd,et�hc option ot l.endu,if mongegc insurana r,�, �., �'�� 3��.. <br /> avilbleund�isCObtai�daBortowershell�ththe�rcmumsrercuircdt mcnintain�mortorcinsurencc�neRw�LOgrto rovidea ���:f�v�:�r;'<'�.'�.�;!'.>:- <br /> ,:.` <br /> WY P 9 E 8 P � z a„-r.�:��-. <br /> lass reaerve.umll�he rcquirement for martgege insurance ends in ettnrdance wi�h imy wri¢en agrcement between Borrower C�>;�Yp�+:,-`;',;;';�,-- <br /> andLcndcroroppliceblcla�v. ` t� i�z� } -__ <br /> A Inspecllon. Lender or its agent mey m:Jce rcssonable emries upon md inspections of�he Ropeny. Lender shell ,-�J-_;c� � '� <br /> give Bofro�ver naice at�he time otor prior to en inapec�ion apecifying reasonable cauee for the inspection. r�•'�•�'"u'.=�?V-:�• <br /> !f�;�.S-.�:.:hs.,y.:,°. <br /> l0. Condemnatlon. The procceda of eny eward or cleim for domngcs,dircct ormnscquentiel,im m�nation with ony , ,�r:+;i.�::,..-;--.- <br /> ,.�-. .r.: <br /> SinykFamilY"F+eokMadF}eddkVaUNIFURMINbTRUMENT--Uniformfw<nan� 91f0 rynF�+�J6P✓R�rl "�="�^`'�::+::;:`.`'. <br /> '.i�s.!..�;•....._.:. <br /> w�■ '�`�"'-- A-,.'::�,;-�: <br /> reumum�aeonvwuor�as»i.ia 'zi';:,��_?�;:!'f.�;�.-: <br /> {. <br /> ,.r._,.;«._ - <br /> Ni�v .- <br /> �'��4.1 """'�'i`�-�,i-�v�'° -rl !pJ;� y""v)L,S $ .4"f� �d _ �__.-a � �{t�'X�T t'�t f� � a �' .�• �� 1 <br /> �4 � y YIt !y R 4 -'Y 1 <br /> 1 1ii£ tr j y3fi�13 ��y�f,�(t� a(�i�')yS{ �it � iF U� �i. l`of�)1 t _ � Y7 _ -. �� . Jjc <br /> nCti s.-.�ir fm �� r S +-�� f v. 3�r� ! -�� �d`'f � �+>S>� Jr � - i - '- > -.`� i <br /> - .��. 1] -'7 -�aKY•,y5 Y > YN7� i /.�-.r�-r4 � th� — � � <br /> . - r'�� 1����:f'-?i����{ 3 :��. .. � r_ �^i��+� i �i � i,l r S�$��Z �-. f }2t'. � . <br /> .i- -.<- „S/.s.�l i., ..c,st_ <br /> + - -; t -.�.` -�ti � .:�4•� - . -�pu {� J��4r � ��i1 1 j . ` � d � -1� � t <br /> } .-i. �' * v"nt� 1 atx� y �� � -) tW- t` �' a '�_ y`ik fSi/F}si��m �1i -_-�; r'H .s N'i� �T � ' <br /> � i 4 L �y . 1 . _ _ - c 5 t y � � y tt �" � : . u i �Y 13r <br /> • <br /> � � � ° �� . . � �- ., t c s.� ° `J - . + � _ i s �� - . � <br /> t A " f )S t � GN�. li P4� -l -t 5 .1 yO � S ? ' 1 S <br /> � _' Y S ! t£.G:.� (`e _ �L- t�s �L. M1 ._ s .� 2 -i��� Yki �t.L ' � . <br /> �y _ � r� � � <br /> ,J. Y �� � ��. � � . � 15 -r'�crt f_. � -�. `� � �Td Jr t5 ' 1� '�r . � tj �t�t� � '} �r . <br /> +i >� JaJ :.'� - t ` R '�+:.,�i' 7 i-.'�} �t 1 _,;i . ..�r �t' �r �� � -�1sr i �f � ;� .� �� -� ;T <br /> x . ". N/.i- 1 A� / _{, y. a ti , r�C " 4 � ._ - l � ' . <br /> F -T•t .tt.�34; - .d� k�-:A��y �� .. � y. .Y{ . 7-�t i )�_.- ,f � i_<fj y> t w -1 F � <br /> � -) ti J ' '�' Y � � i �(.� L S- T � +tI h�_=� � � 1 . � t -'i�yYl / '-y�n) �- _�: � si <br /> Y r. ,,,,{"i �F t - �.la - i -O � f}, � Si� ��_�-- <br /> � . _y.:�i"�t ,t.' sr r- _� xx t4e . Y i-= ' t� t. Jri � <br /> < <br /> _ ,k . ; -..:�llt .1,1£ „_ _. { >.- -; �. - t �_. i. x5 : Y � �. �� i , <br /> . <br /> � . .,p ..� � .._ �)j �u, . <br /> - �......�'wK... 1L-:�LdT�lt)^Al�(F l"i. . �--z.a-r r�. . .��'lb. " :-.-.; .. .•_ _ 1 • ,r.� .. . '. 1. .� . IY. .a . <br />