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.�1�' i�a��o�il2.r'��.".,4i Tr.ri, � yl�si .�'°._,��..'rrw'Y�:!'�� ' i�.'��f,....F.}.i i. - . .-. <br /> RT�' i�"c�"S't'�`�£^�'Y�`Xr7 ��'3-� l' "Iflt'fAi�FtllRfY{�.. . ...�w..�.�- _--- .-. .. _ <br /> 93=. �ota��� .._-- <br /> corAcmna�ion or aher taking ot�ny pan ot�ho Propeny,or tM comeyence In lieu ot condemnation,em hercby uslgnW end — <br /> �hell bo patd�o Lender. <br /> !n �he ovenl ot e �oml uking oi�he Propeny.tha pmceodt chall bo appiicd to�ho sunu securcd by thia 9ccudly ` __ <br /> inswmen6 whmher or not�hen duo,wi�h ony eaocss pvlit ro Ilnrtmvar. In thc ecmt of a panial taking of�hc Propetly In __ - -� <br /> wAich�ho feir merket vaiue ot tAa Propeny immcdineoly bcfnro thp u�king is equal ro orgreeter than tha�mount o/tha cum� <br /> ucurcd by thb Securiry Imtrument Immediaeol9 hetoro tIro uxing,unlasa Dortower und Lcnder otherw4ce egrca In w�iling, <br /> tAe cum�eecured by�hie Secudty Inswmem�hell be reduoed by�he nmoum of�ho p�oceeda multiplied 6y�he following �{i;..-_.;.- <br /> (recHon: (a)�he rot¢I emount of�ho eum+eccurod ImmtdiMOl befnm the tn4ing,divided 6y(b)iho fair mmicM valua ot Ihn ='` ` <br /> Fropcny immedi�ioly beforo�he uking Any balraa shnll�e pilA to 6emmver. In tlw cvont ot e partinl tekinp ot iha e�y;:�--_;-_-_ <br /> Ptoperty in which�ho fair medcn value of�he PropMy Immtdlntoiy befnm tha taking B loes�hnn[ho emaun[of U�e sums _ - -- � <br /> cecurcA�mmedisuly beforc the�aklag,unlas Bartaver end Lendtr othttwise agrco in wiitinB or unlnu applica6lo lerv w.;.�. _ <br /> otherwiu provlda,�he pmcceds shtfl be applied la the sums secured 6y thls Security Insuument whmhnr or not tho suma aro � �,�=��: <br /> �hendua. d''-�=-� - <br /> If�ha Property is a6�ndoned by Bormwer,pr if,aflar nMloe by 4cnAer�0 6ormwcr that tho rnndemnor offe�a to mnke �:LL;°,+�- <br /> en sward or�ettle e cleim for demnge�,Bartnwer fnfls ta tos�wnA In Lendtt whhin 30 deye nRer tho daie tho notico la given, - <br /> Lendcr fs eutlwdud to mlieet and eppiy�he pmceeds,e�ite optinn,Niher ia rcamra�ion or rcpdr of tha Pm{xny or to�ho �'_�i"'__�. <br /> cum�ucurcd by thia Seeudty Instmment,whetUer or nat then dao. —� <br /> Unlw Lender end Bortower othernisa egree in�v�itln0,eny epplicaqon of procad+ro principel�hnil not extend or C;_.,.____,, <br />_ postporro the duo date of the momhty paymrnis mPortcd tv in pungmphs 1 and 2 or chenge�ho omount ofsuch paymeme. �iti�.` -- <br /> 11. QorroNer Not Reieatedi Forbmrance By LenAcr Nat a Wnlver. Cxtension of �he timo fw pxyment or 1,S , <br /> modifieatlon of amoniretion of the cums cecurod by�his 9ecurity h�nmmrnl gnmed by Lendcr io eny cucee+sor in imerest `l`r,p;.-� -'—� <br /> o(Bortower�hell no�opemro m rofease�ho Iin6ilhy of eht originnl Rorto�ver or 6ortowerh aucceason in intercct.l.endor F'�'�;eh�-= <br /> shall no�borc uircd ro commenoe mceedin s n einst en suocesor in interest or rcPose ro exund�ime Por payment or F°�`�'='='�- <br /> q P 8 @ Y it,,.'P.:;;1_-- <br /> otherwi=e modify omon{ratfon ot R�e sums secured 6y�his Saumy Innmmrnt by rcnson of eny demand medo by tho original Er�.__�.•_ <br />�= Bortower or Oortower�cuccesso�c in interos�. My fnfieamnce hy Lender in exereising eny dght or rcmedy shull not be a ��<;?,?:Y.':!- <br /> �i;:i;�".:,.. <br /> weiver of or prcclude the excreisc of eny righ�or mmedy. >•�,->�1•,;._: <br />- 12. Successon and Assigm Boundt J�dnt artd Bevenl Lla6ility:Co•signen. 7Le covenwus and ngreemrn�x of�hla �+'�_..�_;:_ <br /> Security Inatmmem shell bind end beneftt�he ruocawn:end uwigns of Lender and Uorto�ver,subject�o�he provisioni of ;.?s: <br /> parcgreph l7.BorrowerY covenantz and ogmemrn�s xiull be jaim nnd seveml.Any Bortower who eo-aigns�hie Security .¢;S{y�ti:,=;� <br /> InaWment but dces not executt d�e Nrne: (n)ic coaigning ihls Sauriiy Insuumenl only ro mo�gage,gn Y ' �'`"���' <br /> m and convc �hat �:i; .;.d..: - <br />- BortowerY inlorcst in�he Propetty under�he twms o(O�is Sacurity Inswmenr, (6)is not penonally obligned to pay tho cuma �:�.Y.;;;�`�.:. <br /> ' 4 �x<_ <br />` «curcA by thfs Seeurity Instrumenr,and(c)agroes tlu�Lenda end any o�her Bortower may agree Io exund,madify.forbear y,yy��-::,�. <br />._ or make any eccommodetiom wi�h rcgerd w tha ernns of this Security Instmment or the Noto wiihou[ �hn� Bortowert i'ri;���y1;;-� <br /> conunt. 'Z.,?�t$?, -, <br /> 13. Lonn Cho�a. If ehe loan�ccurod b �his Secum Insuument is sub'ect to e luw�vhich uu mncimum lonn ��? ���"� <br /> chnrges,ond thn�la�r�s finnlly ime=prc�ed so�hnilK inlenst or otNer loan charges collected or ro be collec�ed in connw�ion ,;�;��'�3;-"' <br />- wllh�ho loon eatted the pertnittW limitc,ihen: In)any xuce ioan charge seail be�educcd'oy�he omount netcesarj ta r.�uce -,'-"=�'-" -- <br />` tho ciwrge ro ihe rmhted limh:nnd(h)en•sums alrcad collected from Bortower which exceeded permtued liml�a wlll bo '-'1rt?�r�' <br />= rcfundW w Bortower. Lender may choose ro meke�hix mPond by rcducing the prineipul owed under tho Note or by meking a 3-�P?i�7¢yJ:; <br />- dircct payment l0 6ortowec (f rt rcfund rcduces principnl.Ne rcduction will be trceted us e panial pmpoyment wi�hout eny ,-�'vU'!b�:}` <br />- propayment chorge undcr the No�o. �iY``v '_ <br />-- 14. NoHea. Any notice�o Bartower provided(or in ihis Secmity Insaument xhxll be given by dolivering it or by .-.,.:�} � - <br /> m¢fling it by Mt elan muil unless applice6lc law rcquim�uu of nno�her me�hod.'Ihe notice shali be dircctcA ta ihe Rnpeny n� ti+�` ' <br />-_ Addross or ony mher rAdrcss�orro�rer designn�ex by nmice io t ender. Any nmice m Lender chell be given by first clw {?t`:±n';.'.�'`"-' <br />- mafl to Lendcr4 address nn�cd hcmin ar ony aiher addrcss Lendcr designntcs by no�ia ro Oorto�ver. Any natico p�ovidal for '+'c"�r;;�:;'-... <br />_ In �hfe SecurHy Inswmem shall 6e deemed to hnvc been giren w Buvower or Lcnder when given ss provided in ihie f�������y,. <br /> - pnregraPh. o.,:;:�:..::-::; <br />_. 13. Gorerning I.ewi Sererabllily. "ITis 5ccurity Insuumcnl ahnll be govemed by kderel la�v end the law of�he ?3ii,f��°;y'. <br />' Judsdietion in which�ho Ropetty Is loca�ed. In the event ihot any pmviafon or clause of�hia Securiry Insnument or the Note .Y;r s'„>t�,- <br />- eonFlk�s wi�h eppliceble le�v,such conflic�shuli not nfka o�her provisions of�his Security Instmment or�he Note which can ��'"��-- <br /> ':�iJ''Y,;�&.---_... <br />= bo given efket without ihe conllieting provision. Ta ihi�end the pmvisions of�hix Securi�y Insuumem and ihe Nou nrc yi;t;:ir;':"` <br />= dceleredroboseverebla t���`�'�` <br />= l6. Oorro�rtr's Copy. Borto�ver shull he given one confomud copy o(�he Na�e md of�his Security Insuument. p xt _ <br />-- l7. 7YansRr of the Property or e Oenetidel Intereat In Norrower. If nll or nny pan of iAe Property or any intereat in y�_.�1 _ <br /> - -unr=_:'. <br /> '- it Is sold or Imnskrtcd(ar it n bcncficial intercxt in Bortower i5�old or tmnskrced end Oortou•cr is not a numml petson) K:`•:•:`.ti,..,.,,-.,_� <br />= wittrout LefMerk pdor written consent,l.ender mny,m i�s opiion,reyuirc immediate paymem in PoII ot all sums ucured by � " �=�1 <br />- �hi�Sauriry lnsimmem. Howevcr,i6is op�ion shnll not hc cxercixd by Lender if cxcreisc is pmhibited by fedefal law Qs of q,;�- _;. <br />- tAcdatco(thisSauritylnswmrn�. � i�'�" `- <br /> = If Lenda ezercises this opiiun,Lender shali give 8ono:eer no�ice of aceelemtion. 7he nmim sheil provide e period of ,i Yk y_ _ <br /> = not Iw than 30 days from�he dnte ihe notice is delivercd or mailed wi�hin which Borrmrer mus�pay all sums ueured by ihis :��f,�,��-- <br />-= Securlry Imwment. If Dortower fails m pay ihcxe suma prior io thc expirution uf ihis periad, Lcnder mny invoke any ;�;;st�h"_;_ <br /> - remedlup�m iued by thi�Security Inswmrnt wi�ham tunher no�im or demand on Bortoerc "°���"+�-: <br />-= 18. Qorroaer'a Right ro Relnstete. I(Dortoxxr mecis cenain rnnditians. Oorto�rcr sAxll hnvc thc right �o heve ;�jr�:_�.�'-'- <br /> _ entorccmcnt of Ihic Sccuriry In:numcm dixominued at any timc prior to thc endicr oL (u1 5 dayx(at such olher periad as _j 7 �,_; <br /> = SlnakFUnii1-F�onleAhdFlrcdAkAl�rl�N1iQR!NI4S7Rl'MF.AT�VnilormCOVm�nta fA0 lpafeloJcpaS�s� �,!{.;. 1:,.:. <br /> :g*1•:� <br />= y',_�__=,,:. <br />_ '}..:�.... <br />_ J'L':'flv I)-.... <br /> .IY•:`St� _ <br /> T y`�i;;_ <br /> J� •, � , - .� i _' � " r�_'t " n7li``i t > :e :�� .y, .j.4,1 e[ �. ! ;� �tl , Fj5 <br /> .:, - , - . aary,4� .. s i �_-�--��3 �y <br /> � � ; L�t`� -.Sf�n�_� � i_ � 1 �. _y � -i '"e y_ y ' <br /> � r . ,.f ...f jr . :x .t ..-� t '- :i � .�; - 7 � t � _ . x"� _ ' <br /> .' , <br /> •- - ��_ - .✓5.✓.s..._ '—i.l . 't._.__ �_�r .__`' •. . <br /> .. ,r. r -.�.e ....i . i-.-� � ,..r' i- '__ f _. <br /> -1.�� - < f . _..LL �A�.- . i _ � i_ . i'l � -. � t _ _ �r-3/_,f �. � }> Y ` _ i _ _ <br /> i � <br /> � �;ti J 9+� ' i � � �.- 2 Lt r.r �'s - r- ' � Z �� t +e ` (- , <br /> . - S t 7 s � g �f f r- k_ � _ ri r i .. '7�! -� . - r ! . <br /> s +t4.�`T' l:)ris" t2 .� �i/3 V. i- `� YSJ- � n . - a�� �_t . "'' t- � ` � <br /> � J ' r: �r� yta �1 - )�✓f ie'.r � _� �! � -. ��- L �. 5� � � L.:.: <br /> N yl �- ' at pi . s. �x" .a }� y �..7. �i t^! �y 'lzm - Sti 1 r <br /> r )�, i , r <br /> F �f ".11 �s ( <br /> , • t � '� . 1 Y ..� n h'� f- 9 <br /> r < i . .. S . }� �'� s- �r .�,' �i y1- )- qe '� <br /> � .a5 .� . - .e � ' t z _ - � � � Si� r - `�` il } IF i . <br /> � <br /> � -c.- � i� t c �k n , :�� 1 y-!��i' ' +� �.l°y -+h.-F L :-st c� ; .�_ ��' ���+ <br /> 'L� , � -.. z � �:'�7` U �ll ' , f d �. . i t Y s / � 4.. <br /> .--i . . , 7 l �ID . . i - ! t " p <br /> . =- q'' ..t _� -,� � r fJ",, • t .. ) - ' � �_�.��� ', �z `si�+ -:�':i <br /> "`'+��-''} {£- ;F 4 ti Y j i.�l`.F'n A L "�. � '.5��3 ..' ''tt � . _ s � ,?__ i �1[,+''}rA ] � - . <br /> e i �}� x �R i- i ii - - + - �< - : - ^ <br /> . . s - -. s 1 a� ' 'y- - s. <br /> • i4z t afi�ty,�^Yv � - ��-y� ; y � � t ! .y <br /> ...�_ i_ .. .,a L�.a...,.�.-.w_.i�._. . , air__,... ...'Y.�i. ,. z- i .:. „„ �3 : , . .. <br />