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_ =1 i n'r�`��'rs�c .,y.���;Y; . -,d:i i . . �(.�'i9$"y �"_`ff�3p . _ ._ . � }r._n �d. _ _-. <br /> '_ ' ..n' . u. ..,-`�'�,.�• �*-. �'l�'-^'�P �'rr,r,a .•1'�' — _. - __ <br /> 1 a.S]�� ' _'—"' <br />__v-- 93= ao.�rt� --_- .-_ <br />' �%�=�+ 7'008THHR Wl7i!all the improvemcnro now or herceRcr erccted on tho propcny,end nll tasemcnu,eppurtenance�. <br />__---�� and flxturw now or htmaRu n part ot�he prope�ty. All rcplaccm�u end additlom sh¢II alw 6e covercd by this Saud�y <br /> —� ln�rumrn�. All ot�he[orcgoing Is refeired m tn- �A(a Secwity Irowment as tha"Prop:ny." : . ���.. <br /> �'�"� UORROWBR COVBNANTS�hae Bortower ie IawPolly solaed of iho cataro hercby comeyed and hm tho dght to grnnt <br />-'fx;;;�_�, and convey�he Proper�y and�hat the Propeny b unencumbered,exupt for encumbrenoa of rarord. Borrower�vartonn end = <br />-_ �>�"_� will defend gceenily eM rttle to�he Propeny agalns�ell claimf end demand�,cubJec�lo my encumbroncea ot roco�d• __ <br /> ------ <br />..��-�.9>� 7ffIS 3HCUR17'Y INS7TtUMHNT oombince unitomi rovenanu for natbmil uu end non•uniform covcnaN� w� <br />. ..._:•�_,,., <br /> -�•.-�_--��� Iimtted variaUons by Judsdiaion to mnsUmro e unifoim secudry instrument covering rca propeny. <br /> ��-'� UN(FORM COVBNAM'3. Oortower and Lendu covenmt md agrco a+toltowt: � - <br /> L,. 1. Paymenl of PrindDal end Intereati�peyment and Lata Chargee. Bortowcr�ha11 promptly Pay when due thc <br /> ° pdncipaI of and intemst on Nc deb�eWdcnad by�ho Notc�nd any prcpayment end letc churgee due undcr�he Notc. --� ---- <br /> 1`- 3. PWnda tor 1L:ea end Insurana. SubJceuo appIicable lew or to a wrt�tcn w�iver 6Y Lender,Uortowcr�hell p�y to <br /> Lendu on tho day monthly payments ere due undu the Note,until the Notc la paid in NII,a�um("Mnds")[or.(e)ytarly <br /> �, ;�11- texw and asscumenu which mey uia[n pdodty over thls Saurity Insuument e�a Iicn on the Propeny;(b)yearly Icaschold -__ <br /> - -- paymcme or gmund rcnts on ihe Pro�eny, it eny; (o) yearly hvard or propeny insumncc prem�umr (d)yeerly flood _--_._ _ . <br /> '��'-`'�3?T' insurance prcmiume, if eny: (e) yurly mongage insurence premium�,if my; and(0 enY sume payabie by Bortowu ro <br /> �,�;_,i. t.ender,in accordonce with the provisiom af pawgrnph B,in 1{eu of thepayment of mortgage insurenee prcmtums. 7LCSe --��, <br /> j {tertu ere ca11W"Bscm�v Item�" Lender eny 8me,coilea and Mld P�nds in an amoum not to excced�he maxlmum ; -- <br /> y�� amount a lender for a federolly related mongege loan mey require Por 6ortowerh escro�v account undu�he ftderal Rql <br /> � `�- Estete Settlement Woccdurcs Act of I974 as amended from time ro time.12 U.S.C.�2601�r seq.('RESPA'7,unlcss nnother . -. <br /> `;4"�;%•� law that eppliea w�he Wnds sc�a e laser amoum. If ao,Lender any Oma collat ond hold I�und+in an emoum not to = _ <br /> -=�. i��-.;r <br />�.-•.,z.-.:r.•._�. excced thc lesser emonnt. Lender may esumate ihe omoum of Wi� due on the basis of curtem dna end reasomble ____ _ _ <br /> �,.+'� estimetes of expendimrex of fmurc Eurow Items or otherniu in acmrdance with appI Ica61e Iaw. <br /> �6r;��,'�� Ttw Fi�nda sAall be held in nn institutfon whose deposits are insured by a federel egency, inswmentelity, or rntity � � ' <br />-=�;�jj��f` (includtng l.ender,if Lender ia xuch xn insti�mion)or in eny frderel Hnme Loan Bnnk. Lender ahall appty the FLnds to pny .�_y_ <br /> -�L_'��, the 8scrow Itema. Lender may na charge Barroo•er for holding end npplying the I'unde,annuelly anelyzing the escrow ��tF _;__. <br /> _,.ENr,i� nccoun6 or verifying the Eurow I�ems, unlcss Lender payx BaROwer in[ercat on �he Wnds xnd applitable law pertniu � <br /> -;";'s`�� I.ender m make such a charge. However,Lender may reqmre Bonower to pay a ono-�ime charge Por en independent renl �•:y,_��:_;: <br /> K�-__:� esmta tex rcponinp scrvice used by Lender in connec�ion�rith�his loan,unlaa appliceble lex•providea othenviw. Unless en �z +u�� <br />---.;<r'�1 egrcement is made or appliuble law requircs interest io be paid.Lender ahell not 6e rcquired to pty Borto�ver uny intercst or � ,.,, <br /> �� -�`�" cemingn on the I�nds. Borto�nwr nnd Lcndcr may egrce in wriiing.howcvcr,the[imcrcat chall be paid on thc FLnds. Lendcr �`j,;:'T.`�;,. <br /> r j�f����'� chell give lo Borro�ver,wi�hom cherge,on annual eccouming of ihe Ponda,ahowing crcdits and debits w Ihe FLnds und the y��'ns 3 ;- <br /> r i,l: <br /> r�7:. puryou for which eech debit to Ihe I'unds was mada The W nds me pledged es edditionel secudq for all sums securcd by ,' S 3:-, <br /> k'�� 't` �hisSceuritylnawmenc «��n�'i:� <br /> ` r'"�._ 1!th� FY.^.d�MM N; Ltr.d^_r e!!cc!d IM emm!m. pe�mi�ied m he held by epplicable law.Lender ahall eceount to �� '. <br /> ''�>; Bortower tor Ihe excess Funds in eccordance wi�h the requBemem:ot nppliwbte law. If the amount of the Wnds held by ---- <br /> kir¢ Lender et any�ime in not sutficlem to pay�he Escrow llems when due.Lender may ao no�ify Bortower in writing.enA,in '4^ ��5���_ <br /> !!�,'�j auch ase Bortower ahnll p�y to Lender the emount necessary�o make up the deficiency. Bortower ahall meke up �he � . �:. ... <br />�--i>`�1` detieicncy in no morc thnn�welve momhly paymenu,at l.ender5 sote dixcretioa St�>x=:�;;_�. <br />:'s�.;`'"f' Upon payment in full ot all cums xcurcd by thix Securiry Insuument,Lender ahall promptly rcfund �o Oortower nny t1':�;� r'y�,-�; <br /> ��s il� Punda held by Lender. If,under p�regraph 21,Lender ahall ocquire or s¢II�he Propeny.Lender,prior m�he acqaisition or ;�� �ti,�.�=: <br /> �'. t".`I sele ot ihe Property,shall npply ony ILnds hcld by Lendcr ut �he�imc of acquf:ition or salc a+o crcdit agafnst thc wma 45}l{J�r:�. <br /> w �'' euurcdbythiaSecurilyfnsUumenl. <br /> 3. Appllcatlon of Peymente. Unlesi epplirnblc la�v prorides othcnvixe, atl payments rcceivcd by Lcnder undcr �* , 1�i; -,-. <br /> � �"��i, paregrnphs I and 2 shall 6e app11M:Orst,�o any pmpayment charges due under�he No�e:second,ro amounis payable under t}� <br /> _�t,�iy; parogmph 2;third,to intercsl due:fourth,�o principal due:nnd IasL m any lete charges due under ihe Note. ?{, :� ; , <br /> -- �,g 4. Chargta; Uenx Bortotiver shell pay ull lexes, uscssmenls, chxgee. fines and impositione atiribumble lo �he 4 ��<,';_:.. <br /> at�:Y Property which mry uttain pdodty over this Securiiy Ins�mmen4 and Ieaschold payments or ground rcnu,if any. Bartower r . „A. <br /> �°- shell pny�ikae obligedons in the menncr provided in paregmph?,or if not paid in�ha[manncr,Oorrowcr ahall pay Ihem on � + J_�t-. <br /> �S rt. time directly to�he person owed payment. Rortower sl�all promp�ly fnmish�o Lender all�rotices of emounts ro be paid under �5 ���y �3 ,-:,. <br /> f�� thB paregreph. If Bortower makes thexe payments Airenly.Bortower shall promptly fumish�o Lender rcceipta evfdencing t }r •_ <br /> c , . thc paymenq. :E'c.4�'_�. <br /> Rofrower shall pmmptiy discAarge eny lien which ha+priuri�y over ihis Secudry Inswment unless Dortower.(n)agrces �y�t�5.�- <br /> i 17�5� (n writlng w thc payment of the obliga�ion ucurcd by the licn in n menner amep�nbtc to Lendcr.(b)contcsts in goad fei�h�hc r}��� ti ��- <br /> ca.sX=t� Ilen by,or deknde ogeins[entorcement of�he lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion opern�e�o prevent the �S - <br /> cnforament ot the lien:or(c)aceurcs from ihe holdcr ot thc lien an agrcemcnt xmisfac�ory�o Lendcr subordine6ng the lien ���-�'.� ��� <br /> rr ',_ : <br /> ro thii Sxudty Instmmem. If Lender detemiines iha[any pan of ihe Propeny is subject�o e lien whicA mny attein priority �V�f,, -_ <br /> Ay�� over�hB Sccurity Inswment.Lender may givc Rortowcr a no�kc identitying�he lien. Bovowcr ahull sntisty tAc licn or�eke �� �r ; - <br /> � one or morc of�he ee�iotu ac�forth abovc wfthin 10 days ot thc giving of no�ice. � ` -��: <br /> '��� '"` S. He�ard or Property Inwrance. Uorro�rer ahall kcep�he improvcments no�v e:is�ing or IicrcaRer erccted on the ,.: •y r>, ;�!_,-: <br /> ' -i-;� Property insured�gainat loss by firc,hazards inciuded wi�hin�he term"extended mvenge"and any o�her haznrds,including i s:;..;; <br /> ��# flooda or ilooding,for which Ixnder requires insurence. 'Ihis insurance ahall be main[ained in the emounts nnd Por�he -���� �-, <br /> � a: - <br /> '2i�.'•.: :11!'�,., <br /> �� �: ' _ <br /> Y Fh: '__ <br /> _;..�'i'� Ntm1028 9/90 IYdlnJbryFni �I.�:i Ji��:���. <br /> i _..(: ifi :X:_'. <br /> ��ti_275.,-?�:.r <br /> .v'.. "`t::.y`t <br /> � o-.- <br /> / _ 'F i' . <br /> � � it F <br /> � Y - J r,iu 3 tsiln_lt{ -ili . x � 31 .��7 3--vy r� r'� f�J)JpS 1� t :'}�,� 7_l �: f# � , <br /> + }z lrtl r`r rt ss t �°-. �iti� Xt v � -.- � FS.Tr� �... j v. - P� - -- . ' ` . . <br /> _:;� h � ..I:. � -.c'G k 1' 1'` r�� i -�L>�5=• r. ar �L � -_ `fr'Y'�i 1 - � Er- . <br /> :�t'Y� � r �.U... SYii2 � i =.�c •::IZ � ��.�lY .i-{� t _ <'an __n_f; i <br /> f '(' }V e .. ` �.__� �,FF` 4 i --_� ti� �� o .t --s n� y�, r�i� - l -� � } . -j�� � _ <br /> � a - ��r 9� 7 _ h3rrc . t4C r st --x It ���/� S.� �y � �-_-�ri e cv . } '. <br /> � �' ti1 r �'y'tt Y � 'L `� � � � ! q } ���tY - r !�} e .�i� i .�e ���(!F � ,+ i_. � S . � � � . S � ; / <br /> ��,5 . L � - h. �� -- �_ �� � { :. '31xt�-�...1.��r.� r�� l, ...._. y�f.�. �.kuttaY�i.-i,.S�ta�� ��� .�.,i�'-51,'-:y_fi�V i"r ,� .a;: i � . <br /> i t�"�-.:v a .-., c s -- i� r T* `i - o� � - i <br /> ff�}. D- ! n K .f - --2 H 1 � � i '4 }�e t -. ; . }t � � [ ..0 � . + y <br /> R. � r ttf r o . `j i P 0 f-.- ( r � <br /> + Q J l.i^ �'I�-t.' � f� S � r �'�� � ivfa _.J r .� 1 � _ <br /> �` L1x \'� t . aZ . _ lliti� --.� yJI �. V � ,] s� �. v �� -aS � i .. �' �: - ` :5 �t(`i )y' � . <br /> -� z � U Y {_ � i : N -�+,.� �°5� �. -. 4 � > �2 .-.Y+ � l �' i � .� i _Ltiy -k '� 1 <br /> � �{"lY - . F � 11 1 31 . i - L J f5 "Ir �� {{' _ <br /> ��5�.�[-`yzC� F " ___� kJ)'�1 J 't rt � N-.� �f'�' y .. ��rc`I�_-��4 pi3_i""t } J _ � y ��r rtf�� t�.t{. �-- , <br /> ?x rn ��'F s�P1„� al �'` f�j S d i6:5 i -- wi,r i � ,r � r�i�' 1 �' 2 .� -ui ._ �'r ._ <br /> . �j/ , f _ }�, _ J 1 - . -h � p r 4 . c t � � <br /> . _ _�' - ... ' ,_�;" _ .+�_ts � ' A�ti "7� r �� 1S. --- - �;ti�' � : cT-' ' .Ir y i��. <br /> �y� • �} ::.,.; <br /> .. x fiC��_._��I��Y�` � _ /�.'��..aa�]Y�T_�t.a5\ . . <br /> � � . ...J � " i�...:_ • a� � '.. ry •�.l� . ..�'". � .�. ��. tl .� <br />