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., : �-ras,s+m-ni�rsmmm.....,.y�;r..-�--1 � _ _... ...___ . ...._ _ . . _.. <br /> . � p. . .. . Y � -:� _ <br /> -�a.1.� ' - i��«���}�/�fn�_:dh " _ "_____ <br /> �^"N Barawa m�pr art�euch �daNu11 md rNnsht6 na p�ONA6d M prh�ph iq by Cwthg N� �CVdn E��id6�YiQ'�to Qi ' - - <br /> �.-�;�➢ • d�mts��d rAth�iu5�p N�6 N l�Adef�pood fNh detrm�h�COn,pradudc�IafNNn ol N�BprtvxW�htaast in N�FMp�t�l pY. <br />-°°�?� othx mNaW Impdmiml ol Na len aauM by Nis Biourlql InsWmnl a UndWe aaanlry btaonc BoRawe�MO aho bi , . <br />.,.�'�rf;;=i� M d6U.ul1 tl BortOx'N,duM0lhe lom�pplutlon praoeea,plvs m�tl7Nfy fCfs d htOt(n1y N►OrtNqdtl a aS11MiN�1�t6 IMtlN '- <br />-'„�y--.�� (m ISad lo provld� Lmda wAh my mtlxW hfamttloN In aann�ctlon rA1M1 th� lo�n MdenaO by Ih�NoM hcWQep, pN .. <br /> ne� tmm��d to. rprut�trdan� aanarm6ip aar,aw�rr aowwwr �uw aooab w a w�na� resw�ea B NA7 B:att� �__ .. <br /> +„ �r NfWmant b on�laaehotd Barowa chaH aompy xM af tho D�oN7bna ol the laea II Bon6wa aoquYoa tee Utle to Ne <br /> ,f i�_� RopMy,ih01et6MoM m0 Ne 1N P�N ehtE not mRpf UNaat UndR��el0 lo NO�nHpbr N W�Ahq <br /> r Y �.. 7. Protaotlon o}Londar'e Flipht�In Uu Propaty. 11 Bortowor lata lo P�um Na oovanente anA agaemenU .._ <br />�_.Y�s4��� aoMihad h lNe B�wAy IntWmen4 or thx�b�I�pil proa�dny IMI ury stpitliconyr Nsct LendeVe dyhts h No Property _-----.�.. <br /> °,4' �do end P Y Im rrh�wa le narni�wy to Proteot the�reNe ol UNe RoC�M uM Lmdsle IgAW N IM�eDOrly. Londar'e eeUone � �------.--_. . <br />:::�^`%`%i7: mry Ndude paynp rny wma eaared Dy■ len whkA Me qlatry rna Ule Bawrtry NnWmenl, eppaMnp N oourt, p�yN9 = <br /> f'�;•f� <br /> - -:�r�� rwsoniDle ettanayY�ee�and cntaln0 on tAe P�opay to nuice rape4�.ANwugA LanCa m�y Wce actlon unCer We Puagoph 4,.�.-_... <br /> {_n�; 7,Lendot dooa nW hm�to do w. '---- <br /> + n; My unounk EI�Mmod by londa unda pu��ap� 7 ahal beeome aA6qonal tlabt ol Barowa eeaure0 by thle �i, „r <br /> -� 8ewdy M�Wmmt UNe�s 8arow�e �nd Lenda ��ae to olher tam�oi prymant,Nesa�mounte ehe0 6eer qtereat Ban �� � .. <br /> �-_���-�=�� tha dete o1 mebursanont nt Na Noto rate end ehel ba payablo,wllh ht�rut, upon notloe from Laidcr to Barmva raquaqNp F..:.=__��-=�-- <br /> � - � D�ait - � <br /> s �;_._�__: <br /> _.�l;�� B. Mortgogo Inau►unae.II Lender raquted mortgago hwrenae ea n can�llon ol moldn9lho loen seartad 6y Wo <br /> �;t,�. BewAty In�INroent.80trowW ehuG pey ihe D��«WYad�o melnleYi ihe mo�lqego N�uronte N Eflaot N,�ot any rca6on.lhi ��z!���:±.+;:" <br /> � -s mongego haumnco ooverego requ9ed by Lander kpeoa or eeaaaa to be N eHec1, Bortowa she0 pey tAe preMums requ4ed to j�SXU� - <br /> o- � i obleN oovaage tWSlentloGy equMdent to Ne malgepe Na�renw prerbuay In elfecR et a eoat 6�6atentleQy equN�t�nt to tho � , —. <br /> � . .{: aost to Barower ot Ne mohge9a Inaurenee prMou�pr In eRed, hom cn dlemale malpe9e Yuuttr epprovod by Lenda. II ' . <br /> �,i�z -,�� aubetantley equMNmt mortgege hsurenoo eovaeqe b not araOeEie, 8maver ehY pay to Len0.+wch momh�wm equel to �y, ,_ <br />..�s..�s�%h.� onalwotlih ol the yeM�moNyape Inemenea prerdum bNnq peld by Barara when the hwanee oovveyo kpeod a uasad to ���:.:.�_ <br /> �t '�r° De N ellad. Lende�x9 eoxpl, ues en0 reNN Nwo peymenle af o bp reaerve In Cw ol morl�BO Naumnu. Loas reame � -: --- - <br /> °r.J f. peymmU may no bnper be�eQWed,at ihe optlon ol Lendd,M morlgege Nwfanw cwttepa (ti ihe emount end for th0 pMad t ' - <br /> F��(�� Ihnl lenda requtree)provldeA by an Nsuror epprorod by lwder egeh beeomee aw0able end B obWNaO. Uaroww sAeO p�y � <br /> r�fl;�f Iho premlume requlrod lo melnleN morlqogo Nwfenca in orteq, or to prorida s bse reaene,unU the reQuYanent ta morlgeya rr 5h�•_ - <br /> ,�a��. Nau(anca enda N eotordance vA1h eiry wMlen a�eement balrrom Bortowe/�nd Lmdtt or eppCceble 1m. ;3 ' )}r: -: <br /> .-{�`43� 8. InBpBOtIOn.Lmder a Re ayent mey meka reeeoneble mWe�upon end NapecOone of ihe RoDNW �e o d e r a h e G p Y e ��.,, p: _ <br /> „- Borroww no0ca N tha Wne ol a pAor to en hepectlon spedyNq roaaon�ble ceusa for tha hapedlon. -�,� , .-. <br /> E� 10. CondOmndt10t1.Tha proeeeda ol eny eward or ddm(or demeyea, Areq or oonaaQuantlel.N oomitdlon�Mh eny ri� �,f _ <br /> m <br /> ' ^,�'�1.� eontlmnaWn or other Wdng ol eny pM of the Propeny, a tor eonreymeo In lou ol condc+matlon, me hereby aeelgned�nd ,�}y,£ -. u� <br /> �,f t. shaA he pald to Lendec .���f . ' <br /> .�i� N tha eronl of a lotel taldnp ol NB WopMy, NB proeeeda t1u0 be eppGeO to Ne aume �aoured by Ub BewrRy <br /> '�-��� InsWmen4 whelha.a not Nen dua, wllh arry exwaa peW to Bortowx. N Ne event ol e penlat W W8 01 tha Propcty h ��i f.;'=- <br /> -.:..?L?�iStYl which Ihe fetr mNkOt vW9 0l ihe PronMY 4m�emeleN 6olora ihe teidnp�equal to ot 0teetM Ihan No amount of iho auma {/.��,'?': � <br /> 3+r �k neeured by t�b 8eowlly IneWmmt Immedietey 6ebte tha laldnp, unle�s Bortower and Lentler oNavAas eyree N wAtlng, th� t � ,�t, ,�_, <br /> � ���y,s sume bearod by lhle Becudly In6Wment nhe7 6e feduceA by iha emount o1 ih0 pfoued!muNpLOd by ihe IoAwMy heetloR �pi�:� <br /> ;t/ci� (e)the tolal amount ol iho eumf eewred Immadlelely 6Noro tho teldnp,RAded by (b)1ha ktr mmkel veluo of Iho Roperty ��Y �!�` - <br /> i�7 S Nunodlatey 6eforo 1ha uWng.My belenea she0 ba paid to Bonaver.In Ne evenl of a peNel Ieidng ol tne P�opMy In whleM1 �}�,t <br /> -y.�± iha te4 meikel vWe o11h0 Propay Nvned4tely bebrB Ih0 Ieldng I�b6a ihun Ihe amounl 011h0 eume teoured Immedlelely �� '" 't <br /> �Fyp beloro the leidnp, un6se Bortower and Lender otheivAse eyreo in wdAny or unteaa e➢W� � olhmMte pavWee. Ih� T�nt}.�� �y ; <br /> t,u�+.;. proeeude sheE 6e eppGed to Ne eume aeared by thie Sewtlly Inilrumenl whetha or not fhe eum�ue thm dus. ��_}��r.A� ' <br /> i-- +^ 11 iha Property le�Mndoned by Bortowp, a N, eRa noliee by LMdm l0 0onowa Ihet 1he oondpmor oRera(o meka en �qir �:-� . <br /> .�, i`y% eward w aotlle e dain lor demegea. Bortower Wa lo roaponA to lendu withln 90 deya eflar No Gle t�a no0ee b gNen. 1,t� -F,T'r�''- <br /> e � .it� � Lender b�ulhwlzed to eo�od end eppy the proceod�, et Ne opLOn. Mher to rentoreWn or repe4 0l l�a PrapMy or to A �� :�R <br /> ,t 4 Ihe a�me sowred by IN�BocvAy IneWmmt,wh�Nar or not Nan dve. f�, _,r�� <br /> `) 's�- UNeaa Land¢r end Bortower olhmMe ograa N wAWq, eny epqwtlon ol proacda to pAnGpd eh�A not exlenA or �S�_ �. � , <br /> --r: poatpone�ho due dala ol the monlhy peymente rMened to N paregnpM 7 entl 2 or cMnpe iha emounl of eueh paymmW. '� -�(rt r,r : <br /> i- 11.Borrowe�Not iioiaased: Forboarnnoo By Londo�Not a Wnlvor.Extenean ol No Wno la payment or ��-v r. t '- <br /> ��r�,�� moCipoellon ol emohtralbn ol lho eume saured by thle BeaiNy Inawmml granled by lmder to any evaeaeor N Ntaest �1��S � .. <br /> 1��"��'�� ol BOrtown eheE nol opeMlo lo rNeanu Iho EadGy ol Ihe o�IgNel Bonaxet or Borroweft 6ueteeaori N NteroaL Lender 6haE ��4'��C,7,tr'�Fl,�-� <br /> e�ly'�j�,� nol ba requhad lo wmmanee proeoadlnpe ugeinsl vry nueeesaor in Inleresl or roNSa to exlend 1Me tor paymonl or othemise t3��3Yl�l �� <br /> +,�,� modlry emoNUtbn ol No eume newred by Ihia BewAry Innwmml by reason o1 eny dcmend meda by the o�ipHN L ��f�;� �� : <br /> � t Bortovre or BanavoYa suaesw�e N Ntereat My fo(bwmnco by Lunda N exadainp vry flpht or remody she0 not bo a �y�y is��; �i+ ; <br /> �y i� wektt ol or Precluda Ne axcrdee ol anY dpht m remeQy. , -z�: .y..-- <br />,_R,';;?�v.� 12. 8u000asore und Asslgne Bound; Jolnt and Sovorel LIahlliiy; Caslgnare.The cormenro end �,::°.x.;r•a-.,-: <br /> r �'�� egroamente of ihl�BecuAy InaWment ahal bind end 6ansfit tho�uccesfon enA�aeigna ol LenAtt anA Bortower,wbJect to the � � �"-� <br /> ! ��i�i; proMSlona of � h 17. BarowM'e cormante en0 e roomonta nhaC be oNl end nererol. �' �' <br /> Pu Y�P 9 1 Nry Bortower who a.aqna Ihio y - i-. � �_: <br />_-:.��i,1•.,. .'.��,^.3,;...:'_- <br />-_.i;ti�q- 8ewdry Inawmont 6ul doea nol ueane the No1x (e)b eo�aipnhg lhis 9eariry InaWmmt ony 10 mortgage.yrant enA comry c;_. ... .-- <br /> -'M Ihnt BOROwM'n NtorOat N tl�e Property unEer the 1Mna ol NI6$Beutly InatNmmL' N)b not pef6onaEy obYgeleO to Dey Iha ti<'. :' <br /> :-°;"�. eums eaarea by �hN Secumy InewmonC enO(e)egreoa 11wt londer end em� olher Borrower mey eyoa to mncnd,moGy. ��� � ' <br /> �{,+„{!9l�S totbear or muke airy eaommaGeWne wllh reperA fo the tttmn of Ihia SecuAry Inswment or Iha Nota wllhoW t�e1 Bortowefe '�^�"�`t'���'� <br /> i.�.i� �_ <br /> � o0naml. <br /> �'s j`� 73. Loan Chargoe.�I the�oon sewreC by�Me aewdry mawmom u we�ea to e m. wmah ae�s maz�nwm wan �y,�f ,x � �� <br /> ti fi f r oherpee,enA thet kw u Ene�y inittproted eo fhet Ae Ntereat or olhor bun oher9ee wOMOd or to b¢ eoCeNM in connecllon � v,,t� �, <br /> �:;")�'i',' rrph Us loen exceod W PermllleE WMe.1�en: (a)eny wch ben chatpe nha0 ba reduwd by ihe emounl neeeneery to reduce "'�r' -�'��r:�:-.-�: <br /> � �"•:, Iho eherqe to the Deimllled 6mR en0 (D) enY sume eUCedy eo�¢aled frpn Bortower which a[oeeAeE pmMIM GM�x91 }�� i : • <br /> �`f��f{ be rolunded to Bortown. LenAer mey ehooso to meko thie reNnd by ttdudng iha pindpel orred undM Ihe No�a w by iii��=e,',_.��-,';�;�. <br /> �F��r� meldng a 0lraet peymmt to Bortaver. H e relund raducea prindpel. Ihe�edudbn m7 be Vealed e� e pnrlial Prepeynun! <br /> �._L... • � <br /> r.,, r wNhoul emr Prepeymenl Mmge unEtt 1ho Note. .- �• x•..- <br /> ' f�+� 14. NOtIC08. !vy notloe Io Barowtt proNded Itt In lhia SewAty InsWmml atw7 be gNm Uy deltraNp R or by me�n9 Il � - . <br /> by Ikel daae mel unites eppECabie kw teQuYOa use ol another melho4 Tha noUCe sMY be dveclad b the Moperly Addreae � �� <br /> `.,;�t' or ery oNm nGCteea Barovrer Eesipneiea by nolice lo LmAtt. My noUOe to Lender eha� bo pirm by Mt cle:e men �o g`` - '�� <br /> - � lmMr'e�ddrav �In1M hnrJn or nnv olher adEross Lmder deWarutn M neWa fo Benaun Mv nnum orev�ace /er h �f,.•.::�: ��t.�::��. <br /> �vL� Ihb BeaAC/InsWmenl�ho0 6e doemed lo heve Decn gNen to Bortorr[r or Lond¢r w�en p.Ym aa provl0ed h iNe paragrnph. � `—"T ' ' <br /> � t. - f <br /> � 16. �oveminp Law; Severabllity.rn�s eeainy innwmom anap be yovomea by iedaa� iaw ena the lew ot the -� :i <br /> aw <br /> n . � �uA6dIWq1 N wNGh th� PrOpMy le beetM. In Ihe evonl Ihet e�ry qoNtbn ot dnuso ol IhU BecuMy Inswment a lhe �Y 1y� .'� +��-�.. <br /> �i x�} Nota oonmcU rAN epp7mble law,sueh oonlCa MoC not etl¢d olhtt provlsion�of fhle SewMy Inawment or the Note which i, -� <br /> an be gMan arted xAlwut U� aonlOaNy provisbn.To �N� md tho pror4slone ol Ihla 9awAy Inawment and 1he Nofe ere �J' <br /> ., ��� dodaied to bo�muaMO. �n��..-��`-;. <br /> -K,'`'-�'"' 78.BOROwBrB COpy.Bortowa ehe0 ba pMm ono oonlortnod copy ol Uo No�o enA ol lhle SewAty NaWmml `f�'�s�'<y���-�� <br /> J` � , � . <br /> #" ����"h ku -rs" ' , <br /> -,,-;; ;°� nanu+o c+o�ao wa o a s � (�M ' .? r, <br /> ,: < , _;. <br /> ' ti: <br /> �;? �` wou.w <br /> .,. .,. <br /> .. . .. , <br />� ,r: � _ +.�. `", <br />