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.n�. } 6 t �r,;t r f t .:�.l. . <br />. ,=.t�. �- . }.__ . L . x-�2 C -n[ + ,... . ._ ' _ _ rrx�P-•v _. <br /> . ��"', � _ _ . <br /> L' ..,.. �'�«� ,4C.1�.1�+.�i---st��-�_S:. i _ " ._. - lt ,�—. __ _ <br /> 1 _... <br /> . ia -- • u � _ . _ <br /> I. �[ ,�Y 11 — <br /> �+ �.1^� • . �C7qt{I1�i?$ s f -- - .. <br /> �r, TOfiSMEP YATH U th�Ynprmxnenro now or Axatl�a areatW on ffa propary�Nd e1 aaommb� antnot�,'81Q <br />_��.-�:o;�;�, • 100.waa now o�hKaaRar�pu1 of Ne D�p ��epYUtnentl tnd REdltlane 8�L7 d7o bo covcrcd Dy Ih[f NaUUmmt - � ---�-�----- <br />-��*�;:' A7 ot 0e Poropoy�p U rHrrM to In W�6 IMVUment�e N�'P�operty,' , <br /> � „� _� BOMOYfpi OOYENANTB Ncl Qortowa a YwNy aelned o1 ihe esula AHtbv oarveYeA �nd hae Ihe Apht to�n1 snd , -- <br /> oonvry Iho Prapay�nd ttul tne Vropelty b uncnaunEsed, muxF1 tor mwmbrenooa af�000rd. Bonaeer wumnte end :Y._:-._. . <br /> �}�;;;; r�detmd YanmFi Iho Utle lo Ihe RoD�Y�9�at d ot�lna md demende,suDJad lo uy mWmbrenaee W reo8rd - � <br /> � n` Tf98 BEOUitI{Y IN9TNUh4ENT wmbNee untlam oovment� ta neVOnU uae u�d nawnNam eorenenle wllh <br /> i S 1�f'�•� GMed rulWOne by NAa�otlon to oonsNute�unNam eaw Inawment covcMp real propery. <br /> �� r�t^,'�� UNIFO(ild OOVENAMB. Bortaxn�nd tanda ooven 1��nd e�t9 ne fo0owe: �-% � -=. <br /> �"�,�`��� 1.P�ym�t�t o}Prlaoip�l end InNncti Praprymmt�nd lab Chupa�.8arowa she�v�u+�r wY�� ` <br /> �'�,'SZ',`�ur`� due Ihe pMdyat ot and Interast on Ihe dc6t oNdmoad by Ne Noto and eny prepsymml and kta sherOw due unda Ne - � <br /> i . J�_ Nota F :- S . .-.. .. <br /> ^ k�f f'��Yi�. 8.Fund�for T�x�s and Insunno�.BubJeel to�yp0able law or to�rrtltlen weNa by Lmder. BMOrrer ehe!pry . _ <br /> ��ht �x�Ar to Lenda on the dq monthy psymenu me due unAer the Nofa unti the Nots b pUd N NG,e sum�'iuntl�')tor. (q ywy ` :. <br /> �`���;`tt_ taxoa end aenoaxnente whidi mey aneln pAodry wer thla 8awdy Inawment es e!en on the ProDG7.@1 Y�N lasehold -r <br />-��n �ti�y�� � paymmU or ground rcnb on Ne Ropdqs M my, (o)yeazy hemrd or propay NIIUranca prerNuma; (�yeuy Eood hwrence ,�� <br /> {�t�k(��; '1' P�emWm�,tl enY•(e)Yea�lY mortgepe Inawance PreMume�M�ny,end(0 any ium�VnYabls bY Barowe�to Lmdw In a000rGnea j-.' _. <br /> 0 <br /> �b�„f `fi_ wRh the proNSbn3 01 peragnph 0,N Leu ol t�e peyrr,ait of mo�t¢�9a Nauwke ptemFime. 7Ae�e tlem� ere ceCOd 'Eaaw� [i <br /> ,� n . Ilem�' Lmdcr mey. et vry Umo. ooleet end hold Fundt N en amount nat to exwaA tne m��m emovM�lendm for� . - <br /> } � -F� �v kdq�Gy reMled moRgape loen may reyu4e tor Borta�c�'� eeamv aaount undor Iho IMertl Hwl Eetate SeNanml Procedura� ��� _- <br /> �-. <br /> _ --�` �J �,"e,� Aq of 1874 ae amended trom tYne to Wn0.12 U.8.0.@ 2801 et seq. ('RESPA'), unleaa enoNer Iflw thet appYee to the FunEe �f � 4 -- <br /> �•fi,}E�s? =t� eele a lesser emovn4 II aa lender may,at any Wn& oo7ed end�010 FunEa In em m�ount nW�o exceed Na leaE¢r emount �,, <br /> ,c 'r,�;�j�ir,1 Lenda mey eslNUts the omaunl ol Fund�duo on the 6esls of artent dau enE rensoneblo oalYnetw ol oym6Nrea ol Ntura ��i,� �' <br />��r 4'� t i1' Eeuon Ilmu or o�hwrMe M eaordenee wlth appluble law. ,�'v+11tY � . <br /> I; � �}'l_�� Tho Funde sheG 6e hdA In en NsNWm whose EeposN�ue Neured 6y e(oderal�penq.NWUmenlvHry,a enUqr Mdnd^8 ,�t5y���','�tS; -- <br /> �� ,�"-��`r�;, LonAa,M Lmda N eueh en 1ulNulian)or N�ny federel Home lo�n Benk LMda ehel eppy me Funde to pey the Eeaow ��:,��p <br /> vi e.c:�._ ��,���y�ol ehm8a 8ortaru la hol�ng end epplylnp Iha Funde,ennueiy axt�dnp!fie eaerow eeeount, a veril�Mp >� <br /> i`ij���{' the Etaow Iteme, unlese Lender peyi Bortower Ntaeat on the Funda anA app�ceble lew paMla lrndu to meke evoh a ',`3 v "'""`'-�� <br /> �� --a4 chvge.Howevet Lender mey requka Barower to pay a onalMe ehnrpe fa an hdependent re�l eotate tex repoNng awNee %��7 � <br /> � �zS�'�; used by Landv In connectlon wilh Ihu loen, unleaf eppGeuble lew proNdea olhercASO. Unlosa en egreanmt I� mede a j � �-- <br /> }.'i�t��;;4� ePPOeeble kw peld.lender aMt not he roquired to paY Burtovm a�ry Nfereal ot eamN s on Iho FunA�. k�r' :-� <br /> fequ4oe Lllefu3l to b0 9 ,+ <br /> �1+� �� ; Bonower end Lentler mey eyoa N wfA4�g, however. Ihet Ntereat shell 6e peld on the Funds. lender ehd gHe to Bortowe6 t� "+ ;; <br />-'�w,;;=��;-�•�� wilhart eherBe,an ennuel aaounlln9 ot ths FunAS. �hovMq aedXe end dehEe to the Funda end the puryoae lor rrhloh weh h11r ca',�;;:-.. <br /> -'+'�"fi`�'���� debM lo Ne Fund�wea meEa TAe Funda m� oA ed a�adAlliond eew Iw N aum�eewred b Itie 800u NaWment F;'�'?��fiF„ <br /> , -� -�,� II Ihe Funda held 6y Lendu ezoead the amoun4 pemMled to ba heid by epploade lew, LenAer sheG a oount fo Bonowa !� j jr - <br /> �)r l�fl�l P'. <br /> ir.;:.'}`s:���,}tl wne u�a mami io B�the Eeaow Iteme w�hon Euo'LontlerPOabe no.��eono�wWi��m�wnu� F nd� le ur�,h we Borowa j,�' r '>� <br />; ,�.;::. ,�,'�. aer �r tlN a ti,��z,,�:._. <br /> �- ��r .r. , eheG pay to Lender the emowt neeesaery to meko up Ihe delidmq. Bortmre�thell meke up Ihe dellUenry In no more then ,;w F { .. <br /> 1 s v i:751 nveMe monthy DeymenW.nt Lendtt9 eola dbaotlon. �'!}��J:,: <br /> +f � '•'.' UDOn oaYmmt N NI ot el aumf eewtad by NI� Boadly InsWmenl lender ehN pranpty roNnd to Bonowa eny ,�� „_, <br /> ft, v �--�_�1�, Funde held by Lender. II, unda puayepM1 21, Lmda ehe9 eequ4e or eed the Propery.Lmtltt,prla to t�a eopulWOn a eele ���� <br /> i �;.. ol the Property,ehe0 eppy eny Funde�eW by I.ender at 1ha 11me ol apryisXion w ule en e aMN epeNet 1ho auma aecureU �l� <br /> v 'r- i:. bY thl�SewA In6UUmmt. s� � <br /> ;�1.,f��f5 •,: 9.Appl�oatlon ot Peymonta umoaa upp�eaoie iew pror�aea omenwse, e� p.ymmu reechea by�enau under .�'�^},��� s <br /> S r ��� pareprepha 1 enE 2 ehe0 be epplied: Net,to�ny prcp�ymont ehmgea due under ihe NoW, saeond,to emounle peyabla under f;'z1� b � <br /> ��n�+���-��'� pmegreph T.thtr0.lo Ntaeat Eua pAnclpd Uua.end leat,lo eny kte cherpea dua unda tho Note. t, � '�y - <br /> ;>'.-Z••�.�,;�i�� 4.Chargos; LtBt18. Barowtt sheC pey ai lezea. uaesunmle, cherpea. Mea end Mpoallbna etulbumbio to 11w �� ;i�-. '-: <br /> " - '-'- PropNry whkh msy atldn qlMy ovx ihls Becudly IncWment. wd leaeehald paymmis w g�ound rente. tl eny. Bonown �,p,�. rt <br /> � fu,� theY pey Noae o60gs8on�In the menner provided h pereyreph 2, or R not paid In 1Mt menna. Bortovrer s�e0 pey ihan on ' � <br /> },ty H�i�5� Iime mrocUy to the peroon owed peymenl. Barowcr�haY prompUy Nmieh to Lender eG notleea ol emounle to be paW untler '? � r <br />::k.:.��".,�t�., lhle peregreph.II Barower makoa thasa paymenla&eUy, Barower ehe0 promptly Nmlah to Lmder reeelpte ehdendnp ".�._�.��: <br /> -:;t.i.<p`'i%Fr� theWYminie. :)•::�,'a,...,_: <br /> !� `Y.'�;,:.,,f, <br /> -- f - Bararrer ahal prompty maehmpe�ny len whkh hes yio�ly wer iN�Soadry InnWmonl uMOSS 8arower: (� eyew i:_ ]h <br /> �'� `r. ,�',,� N writlng to Iha peymmt ol Ne obGpetlon searod by Iho tlen N e menner aaepleble lo Lender. (b) eontoate N good Ia11�Na -� ' t :�- <br /> + f{K -_S 6en by,a tloPontls egelnat enloreemem ol the Oen N. legel proceedinya wNch h the lendef� oDNlon opaeto lo prevent '�M1 f u� <br /> 'YV'�'•G�:? Yen o Ih Bow�' neWmen�ll��ender del�ivmin aBlhetlN ol t�e uen m a9�am�e wlisladory to Lender eubordneling 1he �, + . -��; <br /> , my Y PeR ol iho WoP�Y�wb�ecl to e Aon wl�lch mey atlaln pdoiRy •lr K� <br /> J .iv.�•.. <br /> :5. '�. orer thU 8oeuriy InaWmmL lendq mey gke Bortower o notlee ItlenlM�ln9 1he Iim fbrtower ehell eathfy tho Im or take �� � ` • <br /> �' _•. <br /> ^ Y5 f,: Ono of mofa oi Na HcUona eel toM ebOYe wMN 10 deye OI Ne gMhg ol notleo. �? � } - <br /> 8. Haza�d or Pro o Inaurance. Bonarer ehan keep tho improvementa now etlsw a hereaner erecled on the rt' <br /> t -� � j�--" Prov�Y Naured egeL�at beaby�Ne.hewd�hduded wI1hN 1he tetm 'mGendeA wvaaya' end ary olher�azarOa. IndutlYy �;f r -. <br /> -�'^ �"+'.� �k� 1loode a Ibo�iy,la wNeh Lenda roqu4o�Nsurenea. Thb Nnuronee sMl 6e malnWnatl N tho emounte end for the pwloda =- ����- -� <br /> � tt ' <br /> r i�s�.r�:�� thet lenda requYOx fio Nwranea eeMer Drovl�ng Ne insunnce ehell he chosan 6y Bortower euD�ttt to Lmtleh epprmN _5�. �`�y - <br /> � ` ` whleh eheC not be unreasona wllhhdd. 11 Bortma WOS ro meNlein oorere a desulbed ebwo, lmdm ma at Lentlef� ' �f <br /> r. t': :� �Y 9 Y. w: i <br /> `l. ,)t oP��.���+'�ye to Proleet lendefe Aghle N the PropMy h naordenoe wIN puayraph 7. •.;i il�5:-=` <br /> �� "����'��t M Nautanw daa enA renewd� s�a7 be a ��f"�' <br /> ,.�r�[.,.�.�<j poG eapleble to Lender and ahe0 indudo e stenEarE mony�ya eleaie. Lender (t;•:.,.:+`'•;; <br /> S� '�,r'`il;�;r ehoE Mve tho tlght to hdd tho poodee enE�maw�a. �I lentler requtrea, Borrower nhef prompily gNe to lenAer aE reoMpte oi f '� ,�- <br /> - J - pNd qpNume ond rer.uwal nolieoa. In the mmt ot lose. Bortower eheA gMa prompt nollca to tha Msuranee certler enO F r�! : <br />.r.,,�-1r�',;.4'�,�•:� Lentlee Lmder mey meko prool ol lone N nol mnao prompty by Bortower. !'��i�rCn�.;;,;�. <br /> -�n - .�!% Untoss lenEtt en0 Bortower olhmvisa�yree h wfllNy.Namenca Proceeda shel be�pp0ed to rosiorttlon w repeY ol r ar��i�-,. <br /> _,T4 ,,��% the Propwly demeyed. M the realaelbn a repelr U eeonaN�e7y teaarole end LenUer's ceaudry h not laaexed. Il lha `�'n;�e ,.•` <br /> ' ^ rwtoBtlm or rcpo4 b not economkey leofiblo w Lentler'e aeamy wauld bo IeasenM. the Nwranee proeeede eheP Ee '� � <br /> u�� - :��'� eppOaA to Ihe euma nowretl by thb BearXy InaWment, whe�her or nol thm due. wM wy exceaa peiE to Bortowec 11 : <br /> � � u; BWronM abanAOro lho RopMy, or doen nol enswn wRhh 30 deyn e nollee Irom Lmda tlwt Iho Nsurenw �anler has �;� `� <br /> �.�-�- �• otfereC b eeltle e deYq then Lendor mey xeea the hsuranu proaeeds. Lentler may use tM procee0e to rcpelr or [ _, <br /> a } V�� t, roetOre the Propay or to pay suma-nocured by Ihls SecuAy InsWment.whelhet or nol thm Aue. Tha 904ay D�oA wID L ` c <br /> t�.,i,��_y ^:� 6epN when tho notla te BNm. I �� �,f a ��: <br /> UNese Londer and Bortowa oNe�vMa agroo in rrriilnµ eny nppllcetlon ol ptoceeda to pMnGpal ahaG not eximd or <br /> � �- ,`.; poatpOne ihe due dola ol Iho monthly peymrnU relaretl to N parv�aphe 1 enA 2 a U�anye th� omouni ol Na i- ; <br /> rr 11� r{ poymmtt.M unECr pernQaph 21 iho ProO�'ie eoqu4otl by LenAn. Bortarw'�tlghl lo ary Mtumnoo po9de� end Drowcde '� ':.-. <br />��?•� ��'�-�i�'1 maWlNO Vom Eameao to tAO Pronertv orlor to Iho awulsNOn aheL oesa to Lendtt to thc mGrnt ol tho sume Ev 1hL+Sca�ntv ��•�`+'��-•�- <br /> �:'�.;`�.�:'� NsWment Nvne�etety prbr to Ne eopulsXlan. � <br /> i 3�e! �� �` � `,: <br /> � �j � _--,-;` 8. Ocouponoy, P�oservetton, Ma�ntonanoo and Protact�on ot tho Proporty; Borrowor's Wan <br /> �., t .�;`, AppltoaUon; Laasohoids. Bo'mrrer ehae oaupy, eaun!:h, and u:o No vmptty on Bamwete pdndpW roeidence _ - <br /> � {. �'�'---.. .a x1th7n eEAy Cey�Ma Na weatlon ol lhle 8¢wdty Nsumnml enA sha0 eonthuo to oaupy Iho Propcvty aa Bortowele pMdpA �'..'.� � `- <br /> J�'���� �'- roslCmoe(or et leaat ma ydv e11n the d3�s ol xwpanry,unleae lendtt othmAna ag¢ea N w.nMp, vmloh conaml eheG not '_. <br /> i��f�f ---.>;n bo unraeonibly wMheM,or uNws exlmwlhg c4amstanxa adst rfikh aro beyond Bortovrab eonVOl. Bortowa elul not �;;-. - . <br /> .p'F,,�;�7�'' Ynpatr Dc.y, aEOw tho Prooerty to EmMOrate,or eomMC waate on No ProP�+�Y.��aha7 bn <br /> : ���;e�. CosVOy. demrqo or NB Pro .�� . <br />-n=';���o:;.•';,: h Ac1aM M e�ry torteNVro edbn a pr000cmnp. whe�hcr M9 or a4�iai, �bewn Uut N lender'e pooU taltn pdymm�oouiC ;,::;�",�-;. .: <br /> 7 _J-,�-; mwp h toAeleiro ol No RoP�Y «oNCrcA�a ma�MaB�6r�pat Na Icn aoa�ed by Wa Beariy Inswmmt w lmdc�e eewfGy -�:�� -. ' <br /> � -_ NICro1L ��yy ` + . <br /> _s�.��+„ flil0.tAl0(1CAT) OeW4a! •/f I.-'�;��,'�.: <br />_ --;Z;� - ' _ .:ti.. <br /> � ,,, ♦ <br /> :•i - 97013Ve <br />_�.. .R�;Y �ry.. .y-: <br />