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. �.._ _.'?,._ A. � -� –ti i�' ;`.'_�'1'. � }Z ri� ��m � - <br /> ;.�a..•a:�.:. '-���a.;:,:s:..`. .1��-. <br /> :.� ...... �rw!1'+:�.`.��5'L''':��..".-..`.T..i:1i"3Z.-.::�!'J _� . a -.._... - — f-- <br /> ' �..,....�...v.�.�.���,�i `�r.S <br /> Q0. �.�a�a ��. - <br /> F��? : � 19.Tranater o1 tho Property or a Ftaneflolat Intoreat In Bortowar.n a or any pon af'm� Propary or x � _� <br /> ; ,Z,= my btcrest H R N aold or VanelmeE(a M e bmeM7N hltren In Bqraxer b�Wd or franperted�n0 Bortower I�not a nelwel � 1 ,,�f�f . <br /> pereon)xNhoN landeYe D�or wdltm oonamt, lender mayA1 tla opllon,roqWe Imma�eto paymml N NO ol eA euma�ewred {� � t-�S•11 '+ � <br /> `�, r--_:� tAb BoauAh InaWmen4 Hmvever.Nb oD� ahel not 6e exerdaod 6y lenda tl oxudao b Drohmlte0 by Iederel lew ee ol the �it���r.`r�/l', . <br /> " i -' dato ol tlJe 8ewdry Ins�umenG C�'' �' '' � . <br /> -- I tl Lendsr sxSrWSS thb optlon, lenda s�ef�+e Borto•rra notlee ol eadaeUon. The rrotla e�N proMEe a pMoA ot � �- y . <br /> h�' � .1 not lem than 90 deyo from No date Iha notlea h AeNereA or m1Ead wIlAY1 wIJCh BorrmvN rtuol pny N wma aewred Dy ��k}��} p •:. <br /> ,j���1 tNe BecuAry InaWmmt.H Bomower WW to pey Nesa�um�O�or W Ihe emiratlon a1 thb D�d• lender mey Nroko eny 5 i, �,�w r �. � <br /> ��- 1 7 ranemes pamVited by thie BewAry InaWment wAhaR Nrthn nolloo or demend on Bortowe. • .}�°l � <br /> � I; S�t- } � �rr.'. <br /> i �- �1 1B.BorrowePe Rlpht to RHnatat�.n eonowa meeb aAWn aondtlone. Barm'+er sheA hare me dpht to heve .�,�s�3��� <br /> `� mlorxmmt ol IIY� Seadry Nswmem Aaoonlinued el ony Iime pAw to Ihe eaNn oF. @)E daye(a weh otha pwlod oa �� t;,�,t i �e.,r."- <br /> - i: appEeebla kvr mey spedry tor relnalalamenU bNwe �ele ol the ProDe+�Y purouaM to eny power ol ule oonlalneE N Nb a , �r y�„�a r: <br /> ,� :� Seadry InsWmenk or @) enory ot a pdyiwnt enlxdng We BeaAy InsWment.Thoao oond�tlons ue Ih�t Bortorra: tal peYe ����_;k <br /> .'E; len0er e0 aums which Ihen woutE be dua wAer Ihle Sewrly InaWmmt end Ne Noto aa X no accelereUOn hnd oocurtad; (b) _ ��,• f , ~. <br /> ;' �a; wree any deleutl ol eny olhar eovmant or eycammis: (o) paya e7 e�enae� Nartad N enlordny �hb BewAry Inawment. � H -� <br /> "+�r�' Ndumng, bul not BiMed to.reaeo�uDla eliomey�'1ees: enA(�take�aueh ectlon et Lenda msy roeao�uby require to�asure ; ��t�; �-( �x ,� <br /> F �f�_'+' thal the Im ol thb SeaAty IniWmen4 Lendefs dghU In Iha Ropvry end Bortawer's o6tpelbn to pey the tuma seared ��i�f 1¢ �Q� <br /> - :,.Y,� by Ihie BeouAry NsWment ahc0 conWue undanped. Upon rdnstelanrnl by Bortowe. thb SecuAy InaWment entl Ihe ;'�p-��vft�^,--.;_. <br /> �k ,�;i` obAg�tlon�sewred hereby ehe0 rmehi N7y el(ecWe es tl no eooelmtlon Md ooartad. Howwer,thle dyht to relnslele eha11 zf��.�. � _, , <br /> �I�I �i:i� not eppty h the eaae ol aaeleratbn undw para�ph 17. +� :r�y;� �'� ' <br /> : <br /> ....,_`,. 19. 8ala of Note; Chenga o} Loan Servlcar.rne Nao or a a perud htereat In the Nole poee�he wnh � � �r�zE, �.�;.;� <br /> thi�BewAry InnWman�may be eold one w ma�tlmea wMoul pdor notice to Bonmrer.A sele mey resuR N e chenge h No ) �'1 �S - <br /> r �-- enuy pmorm ea tha •loen 8avloer') Itw[coVeUS monlhly paymmW due under the Nota end Nb SearXy IneLUmenl There [�t�j,�"�:5��(a{V '�� <br /> r �" etao may ba one a mae chanpea ol the Loan 8eMeer unreleleC to e eala ol Ne Note.II there la e ehenge ol ihe Loan gf�}�ct;pV��'7a��v" - <br /> "" Smker.Barovrm sr8 bo gNen�tti!!an m&o ol the eh9nye N naordenoe wXh perepraph 14 abore and appYeebla Iaw. The � k����� �* <br /> t , �.•.; <br /> (�s noUee nID sUle the neme end eddreae ol fhe nex Loen SeMCer end Ihe aOAress lo whkh paymmte shald be mada Tho r5{�(+.S��h r %� <br /> ,. '.�i,. mliae vA Wo wn1eN enY other Mofinetlon rM�cd by eDDYeable lew. J�j�i��•�4���� ^- <br /> �`'"+��`:-�' 20. Heze�d0us Bubateooas.Bonowa she9 not eause or artYl Ne presenee,ute. tlLSpoad. atwage. a rekasa ot -((�e'� �x�}�ti;"�'--� <br /> "r�;��+'�`�t e1ry Haautloua SuEafenees on or N the PropMy. Bortower sheG notdo, na eGOw en e else to do. m hh etleWn the ii;r5js�fj^}<j��tr'_-- <br /> ro� N a 9 J�� <br /> . ''����' ProD�O'�1 b N vloletlon ol my EmkonmenW Lew. The preuNnq trro eenimw� shal not aDPN to Ihe Preaence. uae. { .� .-,. J n� _-: <br /> ::�.t..�.,t� a sforape on the Property ol smeG qwnWee ol Haxerdow 8ubatenaa ihal ma yenereYy reeognhed to be eppropdele to t,,,,�i�-1+��7� ?_ <br /> v�> >� nom�al re.Adentlal uiee end lo meNtenanea o1 the Rope`ly. i'lr� Y s�.. <br /> 4 � Bortowe�ahel promply BNe Lender writlm nolice ol eny Nvestlgalion. daM, demend, 4muN or oNer eetlon by eny f�`yy'. E `�� : <br />'� , }-� govemmenW o�«guletory ngenq or pMafe party InvoMn9 ihe PropMy end eiry Harerdoua 8ubslence or Enr4onmcntd lew ol . y�i�y� .f� . <br />` '��;:Y�i� whleh Bartower hee aUUal knowledga H Bonower Wema,a la nolMed by e'ry gwemmental or �epuMlay eulho'Ry. Ihal eny ,. �h;�; i;S, .;;; <br /> --�_'�rt� remrnal or olher ranedletion ol eny Hmmdow Su6afuwe eMeWnO PropMy b necesxry. Dorrownr �he1 prompty take e0 -� �: ���� :° <br /> H - ��-..;e;sari r-�af a:c.:o:::ca.�n���h Er..irar.-m!�ln�. . ', - <br /> � 1 ,<, Aa usad N thle pere9mPh 20,'HexarAOUe SuCStancea'ero Ihow aubslenaa deMed aa to�do ot hssmdow su6alana3 by ���f�� ';�. -_ <br /> � Y �. EnNronmentel Le�v enA Ihe foEOwinp wbslenoer. paeoline, kcrosena oNx Aammb�e a totlo polroleum protluob, toxla � - � � <br /> 0 <br /> t � / . <br /> �� pentlUdea end hc+bldde�,roNtda eoNenle.meteA�U wnleininp aa6estoe or lormeldehyde, end mdlonctMe metalele. Ae ueed N _ f <br /> � � <br /> S parayrap�20.'Em4onmenlal Lew'meena feAenl Ywa end lawa ol Ihe WMdklion where the Propehy b loeeled that reble to �y ' ¢S ' _ <br /> t'-��;. heallh.eelety or emironmmYl proteatlm. �`j s ; ,KS��y�,.. <br /> ! �% NON�UNIFOflM COVENANf9. Banower end Lender 1uMer eorenmf anA agree ae foDars: �t�l}�? __ }` <br /> ,-�� 21.Acceleratlon; Hemadloa. Londa� ahall give notiao to Bonowar prtor to aooelowtlon � + <br /> '}�"'��t followinp 8arower'e breach of any covonant or egroemont In thie Seouriry Matiument (but not - . <br /> �r.�,`y�t.-_ I <br /> . ic;,�5.a�; prior to a000la�ation undor peragrnpl� 17 unlasa eppllcablo lew provldoa othervviae). The notiae -:_ ,iP.�..: ;. <br />��.rx'��=J;!� ehall spaoify: (a) tha doteuN; (b) the aotion raqulred to cura the dataWt; (c) a data, not losa lhen ' t`,:_,;r:, <br /> }rl �t.. SO daya irom tha date the notloe le glven to Borrowor, by whloh tho defeult muat bo oured; end � ,�� --`.: , :- <br /> �-�;� (d) that failure to cure the dotsult on or 6efae tho dato epooltied in tho notioo may rasuit in f' Ft'-. q --• <br /> < < t� e000lowtion of the sume secured by thia Security Inatrument end eala of tho PropaRy. Tho notiuo t�` . _, }� <br /> .1�.�-���'•' shell turther Iniorm Borrower of tho ripht to rolnatale aftor aooeiorutlon end the rlght to bring a f.),"r- •ti.�;�,=- <br /> ` F��G� oourt ectlon to eaeort tho non-oxletenoa ot a dotault or eny othor dotenae oi Borrowor to i'.•. o' � 7'- �� <br /> .,,,.��y;::y aooe�oretlon and eale. Ii the dofault Is not cured on or bofo�o tho deto epoclfiod In tha notloe, r��l�+'p4��y3���a� .�� <br /> l-. '�• Lender et Ite optlon mey requlre Immedlete paymant In full of all oume eecured by thla Seawlty t d+__ti +1 +i::. <br /> _SS.r,-',{Jp Inatrumont without turthar domend and mey invoke the power o} salo and eny other romodioa �.,n,t�y)',.f�`,�_._,'�,_ <br /> , T �� - pa�mlttod by applloabte law. Lender shall be entittad to colleot all oxponeea Incurrad in purauing S �,.- ry� , , <br /> ��•� the romedioe provldod In thla parag�aph 21. Inaiuding, but not Ilmltod to, �easonabte ottorneye' } ' "t�;�,;_"� <br /> - �;�Sc`.;. ;, 7r: '+:a;_;.: <br /> �`` tooe end coata of titlo evldonoo. ' <br />.�z�:`:�`'�,; If the powor of salo Is Invokod, Trusteo ehall �ecord e notico of defeuit In aach county In ��{'����- . ' ._ <br /> =�`:??•;�'=' whlch any part of tho Proparty io Ixated and ahall mall coplos o1 euch notice In tho menner ' - - <br /> �::�+`�����=: proecri6od by eppllaehlo lew to Borrowar end to tho othor paraona praecrlbed by epplicabla law. �� - �_ <br /> ��"�%.z:v��rt ARor tho timo roqul�od hy eppllca6le lew, Truetoa ehali glve publlc notico of Balo to tho peraona � .. <br />�-.�,'r:,{;�.`It� end In tha menner p�eacribad by epplicebto law. Truetoo, withoW domend on Borrowor, ehall eall ` - <br />�-��`_itr�::';-i;� tho Property ut publlc auctlon to tho highast bldder et tho Nme and pleco end undar tho terme y_• :. <br /> "�5��"�"� dasignatod In tho notico o} ealo In ono or more pa�cels end in eny o�der Truatoe detorminos. <br />.�''f_l:':",:�,; (:.. <br /> - �:s Truatoo may poatpono ealo of ell or any parcel of tho Proporty 6y public announcement et tho � . , <br /> J ��fS� timo and pleco of any proviously schodulod selo. Londor or Ita daelgnoo muy purchasa tho . <br /> ,r Proporty et any ealo. : <br /> ., . l Upon receipt of payment of tha price bld, Truetoo ehall deliver to tho purchaser Trueteo's ,_ :, <br /> � ' >q dood oonvoyinp tho Proporty.Tho rocltata in tho Truetoo'e deod ahall bo prima faclo ovldonce ot ;�.: �� <br /> i--?�..}.�tii1A ��„.�w ..� �M a�e�e...en1e �neAn lhnrnin Tnm}m nhall mnlv fhn nrmenda n}fhn min In}hn tr_ " ' <br /> • -Y.�f:_ _ _ <br /> -��;;;-��• toltowinp mdar. (e)to ell coate and oxponaos of oxorcising tho powor of sato, and tho ealo, � . . � <br /> s�4��� Inoluding tho paymont o}tho Truatoo'e looa actually Inour�ail, not to oxcaad throo !-.: - <br /> u f3��� 96 ot tho princlpal amount ot the noto at , : <br /> ' "r�'�z�__ tho Nmo 04 tho doolaraqon of da}ault, and reasonabta attmnoy's tooa ae permilted by law; (b) � ' <br />-'�;��.�;�'.� to all suma soourad hy thls Socudty Inatrumont; and (c) any excasa to tho poreon or ��� -� . <br /> �-`'�-����, parsona Iagaily ontltlod to It. �� i, . <br /> - .:��: ��� <br /> .-4. �_(." ... . <br /> ..' v.a.�as <br /> _ �- �+»auao narn � <br /> �.n>. <br /> :y:' <br /> _=..Y:.�p�;., - <br /> f1• ,• <br /> - YYII].IM � _..J- . <br /> �S <br />_ . . .. _ - ___-_. �....c___. .... . <br />