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_ ..�� " '_r.r " - , - . . . <br /> .._�.. . ... .� .. _ . . . ... . . . ,__ . .:, ... <br /> r�...._.. _ � ,:n.^:.: e--•�-_M+.��i.—"::_......._ _... _ . .__. <br /> . ._ . . .. . .--. _ <br /> . __—_ _. <br /> - � �—....... <br /> �J3m! �.0���3 �_�-___- <br /> NON• N�tFpR{41 COVBNAM'9• Borto�ver ornc4d al.ender Nnha covyemnan�andaSree m fVowllo�wSra: Pch �o — � -- <br /> poWCI�r 6fllb�en0 enp�oih�rcumWlca��aW Dy e811iemsbte low a7.en�r�hui�l bo�en Iticd to�l at ell Shp�enYSOetd:umA •"-.—--.. <br /> In punulnp tAe mmeaw provided fn Is puagreph��Ineluding,but no�Iimited ta rcnsoneblo oaomayi [ese eM eaau ot �:-_,..r- <br /> tlUOevl�noo. � , -: <br /> [f 1he�ower of snte b Inrokc-0,7Yuat�o eheil record e nmica oT detauit n� epeb cout1ty ehkdat�yW,�t ot.IhF t , <br /> ProDert)Islaated end e�ap mail coplca f�uch not(ce in t�e mn ner preac�0ea Ay aC}�t11n�c laaLLLto uurrqsrf��s,n a , : <br /> to me otQ r person�prescelbed by epD1 cxple tow. ARer the t�ma reqWred b�appl�pUk�r,rr,�•�utro�htdl:asw ', <br /> �uDllc not�n of eata to tGi percons ena�n Ihe manner pres�eribed D ayplicaEl�low, adivutm.�r tAm+t dtmcw9 om � .-. <br /> dr.�.s�lgn�ted 1�t�e notic0�of sa�e�n o n e o r��m o r e e r ce U a n d�f n a n�)ol r�dd e i 7�ld i e d e i ei�m�nP c t xt 1 h�i r s�t w m K fl y'P a��t�� ����' �? <br /> �sa a orWI P�an pqreel ol ihe Proputy by�pu�announeemeat ot the Ume and pkso of anr pmvlcnetlr scAt �dt }�tr; � , <br /> a Lenncr or�lts aeslgna mnyDurchnse t e perty et any sale. <br /> Upon rccelpt ofD ay mtot oit6e r!ce bld,7YUStee sha�l deliver to the purehaser 71v�st[ok dead conveyln8 thr t� , <br /> Properl�. 'Phe recitn�+In tha 7YUStea�detd s�aU Ee prlmn facte evldence of truth ot the stotancn s mMx thtmJn. � <br /> 7YUSfee shaU eppiy thn proceede of the saie In tha foliowing orders (a) lo ell msts and exptntes o�ex�al[� the �' ; <br /> o�ser of enle,end the wie,lndudin the pnyment otthe 7Yuaiee'e teea ectuell IncurreA,nM to exoeeA La�� 96 `r'�'`� <br /> 01 the prindpnl emount ot the no�e et the itme oi tha declarntion ot detiult,anA rcasonAhlc eltnmeyn' tma as t`` w � <br /> �rmlited 6 law (D)to eil suma escured by lhls Seeurtiy tnatrnment;and(c)uny uces9!a Ihr prrr,oa or PtrcAn+ 1+ � <br /> egfllyeatlt�edto;b ��` <br /> I& Retonveyanca Upon payment of ell wms securcd hy�hi�Sceurity tnswment.4erchr�MII reqvaRt 7tuna�o ,+���;`� . <br /> reconve y tNe Pro p erty und shall sumndu Nfa Securiry Inauumem md oll notea evidenci�g dxbc�auml by ttia Securiry ��,;,.;�.`;�,_� <br /> Inawment ro 7tuaa. 'llustce chall reconvey�Ae Roperty without wartanry nnd wf�hout c trarge to tht porsan or pertom �;,r.y,; <br /> legally mtitled to iw Suchperson or pusons ahdl pay any recordation cosn. �+ "w. ` <br /> I9. 8u6s4Rute 1Fustce. Lendcr,at(u opeion,may from Cune ro time remove'Rustec and appoLUa aw:cessor tnutec ik ; . <br /> �o eny 7lusta appointed hercunder Dy an inmument morded in�he mumy in whic6 this 3ecurity/nsmv�xnt is raro�ded. �y V, .:._ <br /> Wi�hout conreyanoe of tAe Propeny.�he succeuor Wstee ahall auccad ro ell Ihe Iitle.power eM dv1.i¢x costf[rnd upon f_,, _ <br /> 7}ustee herein and bp nppIiqble law. f� , �. <br /> 30. Rtquest for Noticea. Oortower reques�s tha�copicc of�ho notices of default and sde ba sent to Bomower� �r/�.�.t f ;; <br /> address wAich is tho Propeny Addresa �;.;v;;,�_;;•°•-- <br /> enrr ---%--. <br /> Riders to tbL+Securiq Instrumenl. If onc or mora riden arc cxecutcd by 6ortower end recorded roguher wi�h thiR +n�, -;_.. <br /> Setudty Iniwmcnt, thc wvenants of eaeh sudi rider shall bc incoryore�ed inm end ah�l amend and aupplemcnt �hc xt.,;,i„--. <br /> covmnnla end agreemenls of th{s Security Instmmra�t as if thc rider(s)werc in e pvt of this Securily Inswment. ;{v,,',�!�r!� <br /> [Q�ak eppliuble box(os)1• ��''??'�=-� <br /> ,y,r'.,,. <br /> �Condominium Ridcr �(haduatrA Peyment Ridcr �Orowing Fquity Ridu � �����=-- <br /> :�'�•.� <br /> ....::t�._. <br /> , 'II;..Ci'i.� <br /> uPlmnedUnitDevelopmentRidcr uO�her�Specity� AUdUBRABL6 RAT6 RiUKit ��k�ay`Y"_ <br /> �qli; <br /> BY SIONINO BEIAW, I3ortower accepu and ogrce��o�he temn wn�ain�d in paga 1 �hmugh 4 of this Secudty �t���m.:: <br /> [nslmment end in any dderte)exxutcd by Bormwer end recorded�v it i x!�e��;:s <br /> ��t?'x,,t�V•: <br /> ,r,��f: <br /> %J ^ ,� ,Y. .: <br /> �� /•�r.,// �x ..°� - <br /> V�CJR� —(Scel) �F 'ik•� ;' <br /> 11 AN J H MAN ea�.er �.�..;::�_,. <br /> ;Y�4=:�ar,,.;. <br /> :i`h�t„-; <br /> (SeaU ,� _= . <br /> I6 II ��H em,mar r:,,tt;3�•-� <br /> #;t¢:,..., <br /> (Soall r.k\Y'S`. <br /> n_, <br /> u«,�.<. :;::,.,.:_ <br /> �:.-xia.i;:;.: <br /> •I�ri'J�a:_ <br /> _ (Scaq �`N!t;c;;,:'.. <br /> o«io.rr �`fii'�;F;:-- <br /> k`r.":'_;,.:;;-. <br /> HnLL ;��.-,.:.. <br /> $TA7730FN8BRASKA, Coumyxs: t,�� ;;,�:",__ <br /> :,��;t._.. <br /> On thie 13th da of Hay, 1993 ,beforc me.�lie undcrsigned,a Nmvy .�`�`'�r"'' <br /> Y ,n�����-::'.! <br /> Pobiicdulyeommianionedmd qualificdtorauidrnunty.personall camc . <br /> AL11N J N�YNAN 011D JULIB dBYlUN HUB�AND N1D NIPS "'�?.�hy='�� <br /> .10 mc knonn to 6c�hc ;'�;'�`°'� <br /> .r�,ri.. . <br /> tdcnt�i�son(s)whou nwnIXil aro subscribcd to the farcgoing irowment anA xknowlodgcd thc exaution�hrteof to be <br />�- volunury uc�and d '� ��- <br /> \4ltncsa m hand end nntarial tcnl nt �RA11D IBLDIi➢ in said county, tAc - <br /> dnteetoreeWd. Y ��, '�- <br /> /� �{R �f .,. <br /> Uss p , itcr. �l��' �6L. : <br /> �6(Y4PA BOtAAY3q�N SA�uh �R�L��—, Noury PuDLc }['i u J . <br /> neeErte�pCtlf [��I�•. <br /> FhYR:c-<` <br />_ - f E�s!tl Comb E+0.Mf 3Q 1991 I REQUEST FOR RE•CONVQYANCE �;�-i:"- <br /> .l . �-,; � <br /> • 7Re uoAenigntd 1�the holdu ot No note or notca necured by Ni�Dxd of lluse Seld nae or notc�.�ogphcr with all ti ` <br /> - � otha IndebLLdness secumd by UJf Deed ot'[hiat,have Cxn pald in full. You ere hercby dirceted w cencel sid note or �y '� <br /> f�.�., adq iufd thU Deed of1Na6�vhleh ere dellvercd hereby.and�o reconvey,witha[werrenty.NI the eatetc now hcld by you ��r= '�- <br /> : ,„•- unEUtNeaxdof'IjuNlothvperconorpcnomlegallyemitted�hcrcro. .:^- <br /> xd _ <br /> � ' '. ' t, . <br /> �_{ �}�o� . ✓ �,_�; <br /> - , � . � <br /> �, , .>r. ::.•s,':, : <br /> � . . IWlNoJlpapnl i,� �- -- <br /> Yr_'.i"; <br /> , _ d+ :.c.., � _ <br /> 'r�_ - ;:�', <br /> ,:: <br /> , .. .. , ::, <br /> � . . <br /> � ,._ _ _. _., , , , . . _ -- — — `" <br />