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. , <br /> • <br /> . �"]!�5-'+-�' .. .:,-. :, -R ;i,X_��' .:�__ .: r i .'. i;.x r _ :`^_ <br /> �L'�:�.:r••-.� ....�+L��'�r' 1J�r'��"' ^{Y���W w.++�....u'WdfJtl(i! ��U{11a - .�-...��.�— .. <br /> >>1 <br /> - _S_y�! <br /> z � n�,a g3., ao.�eaa � _ <br /> <�'H , <br /> .'<��'��" FAIA MULTI3TATE ADJUBTABLE ltATL�RIDER ° ' �= <br /> s:ri�..Y . �.-.�.:.i__.�... <br /> r�( i�s`i �-. . <br /> ��� . THISADJUSTABLBRATBRID¢Rlimadolhl� 19th dayol 1� ^ °^ <br />...,�„•�;� HDy, 199� vnd is Incoryomied Into and�hall bo dccmtd io omcnd and�upplemen� �5 �..� <br />`.;�y;��'�`3^�� �ho Mongage, Decd of'Rusi or Sccud�y Dad ("Stturi�y Insimment') uf thc mmc dme Iren b �he undeoigned 4;'.��?.=',.- <br /> ��t 8 Y � , c ,� ,. <br /> ��i ,�t.� ("Bortnwer')to cecure Oortowert Nute('No�a")io {„� -;, <br /> . F 1.?t COLUMBDB PSDSRAL BAVIN08 811ItB 1r�'n ':e_ <br /> f-S.r. ..:-,,-: <br /> rt ,A{ ,i <br /> t r �. _ <br /> � <br /> t ffi`. ' <br /> �S�� (�he'I.cnder')of�ha some da�e ond coredng ihe pmpcny deaaibed in�hc Saud�y Ins�mmem and laaied ee � n �,i "_'. <br /> e��?`£ J ] e: . <br /> r; 2�08 BRl1lRIP �n ,r` `_ <br /> ,_;.;_ � OAAND I8L11ND, HS 68801 'u��',". <br /> , . . <br /> > <br /> Fas` ` +` <br /> ,P: �7 !F}��"�,. <br /> t l; ��r�wmrc.q .r I.�. <br /> q�Y i tt . <br /> 1 r rt ,}� t t' : <br /> �-�� THE NOTB CONTAINS PRUVlSIUNS ALL0IYINC FOR CNAN�ES IN THE �� , -s; ' <br /> '� "t9 INTER631' RATB AND TNS MONTHLY PAYMEMP. TNS NOTH LtMITB TNE <br /> .:,4jsk? f�rA{,� [:: <br /> AMOUM'THBUOAROWBR'BINTERF.B'i'RATECANCHANC6ATANYONBTIMB �+�,i;';ct;;,,._ <br /> ' ��T�,: ANDTH6MARIMUMRATETH840RROWERMUSPPAY. f n�;�.�. �_: <br /> ,Fl � '� : <br /> < —•�i-� a�.,.ik *. <br /> i h: lit �.'+,��: <br /> -�,^` � ' ' tyrl � : <br /> � ,F � � 3tn F; : <br /> l ._'�I ' IS3��fc�s. <br /> r'� , {�iF°� J .. <br />,.{� f.-r_+1, ADDI'f10NAL COVENANTS. In addilion ro �he rnrenams and egrcemanu made in lhe Secudty InsuumenG N� a, <br /> _;,n..:: st <br /> ,.,.t,zr.f,S Oorto�vumdL'enderfunAercovenantm�degreessfollowe: +5:;��:'.^��;:;:'�. <br /> v{�.�i•s f�� "r:;-.�. <br /> �� a f�t INTERBSTRATEANDMONTHLYPAYM6NTCHAN6PS �(fi}�v�`�i ;�. <br /> ♦.-, s�ii r:. <br /> 1�4+ 'i lA) ChangeDatc October 1, 1994 i��}4is�� � <br /> ,�i( The interea�rele m�y change on ihe fint day of .and�hat duy of ench succeeding year. »�, j-- ', <br /> �• +•!,••- 'Change De1e"meena eeeh date on which the interest rele muld chanye. ��.��.r=' <br /> `ys=lli <br /> �_� T f_ ,. <br /> ' �'.�' (B) The lndex �f, `zFf�?�"'•, <br /> ��}:f '! Beginning�vi�h Ihc lirx�C6ongc Dmq�hc imcresl mte will t�c bused on un Indcx. 'InJcx meons�lio wcokly nvemge F t�.��� <br /> :-- ��� � <br /> ^;, �,, yield on United S�atca'Itcesury Securl�ies adJus�ed Io u mmfom mamri�y of one yeoc oa made ovallable by �he Feduel �r , <br /> � - fi, Rcurvc Buard. 'Curtcnt Indcx"menns thc most recent Index fisure ovufleble 30 daya bcforc�hc Change Duu. If iha IMex ' w,; `•. <br /> •r_;,:r.eS (ee deMcd ebovc)la ao longer available,Lcndu will use ns e ixw Index ony Indcx pmacdbcd by the Sarc�ery. Aa usod in :_t��i._;y_:�-; <br /> � FE?,i thia Rlder.'Secrelery"n�earo Ihe Secrctery of Housing�nd Urban Devclopment or hie or her desiantt. Lender wlll give � �i _; <br /> ,; <br /> _,1< �c +� Bartower notice of the new Indca. � (r ;.�` <br /> __��✓�f .,a.:__�:;._.:. <br /> �y� �3 �t..--�. <br /> --.-�ef�;� (C) Catculatlon of Inlereal Rele Chengw F, 'rr�.:- <br /> -�:',�.:*iyJ Be(ore cach Chan e Da�c.Lender will calculute e new Imercst rete b addin u mar in of <br /> _�.ri-� 8 Y 8 8 �4j����}�t. <br /> 'r,� percemega �,.,„�y 'M�,' -�� <br /> �5} � Po��«(2.0000 �+)�o�he wrtem Indcx end rounding il�e sum w �he nenresi oncciah�h of onc percemage polnt c y �-- <br /> ; ����' (0.12595). SubJett ro the Ilmiu eia�ed in Pemgreph(D)of�his Rider,Wis rounJcd amount wfll be�he new imerest ratc unttl 7 q r'�:: <br /> [; <br /> Ihe neat Chen a Detc. ?i 4k� <br /> x .� r , <br /> � 4� <br /> j ,� _ g �A ''f��� .: <br /> � rZeli '`}i�i (� �: <br /> - �, (D) Llmib on Intereat Rnte Chnnges � <br /> °,'x��+ 7Le imcrcat ratc wlil never Increuc or dccrmm b morc ihan onc rttma c int(I.O�)on m sin ie Che c Da�e. - <br /> r,�,� Y P� 8 Po Y 8 �8 � --,;r.,.- <br /> �;r�ri The Inlerest rate wlil never be morc Ihan five percenlage poinu(S.U%)higheror lo�ver Ihan Ihe inillil interesl mte. -- �:�.� <br />_"??�5r� ' .r•.�3,���s_' <br />�-:�"�;"s� (6) Caiculetlon of Pe ment Chan e `�`��"j',�.����. <br /> "�±�`-li If�e intercs�rete ch gea on e CI enge Ue�c.Lender will calculete�he emount of momhly p�ymem of pdncipai und F �����!j.- <br />'Y.�-%'^'-3 Intereat which would be neceasa �o rc the un e�d nnci I bolance in PoII a�iM mawdt dem n�he new inttres�raie f�•��{j j-- <br /> _ , .:'�t�, 7 PaY P � P� Pa Y 4u , l.is_i. <br /> tluough wbstenlially equal paymenu. In making such cnlculetion,Lender will use�he unpaid principal balnnce whleh would `;,�Ix;j•'�tr"_� <br /> i� be owed on the Chonge W�e if there had been no defnult in pryment on the Naic,reduced by tlx nmam of ony prcpaymenu �S J i „•---. <br /> � lo pHncip�l. The rcKUh of�hia celculation�vill be the emoun�of�lu new mon�hly payment o(prineipil�nd imerest. �d,jA��:' <br /> r.� <br /> -_ (FI IYOIIClOTl:llCnge! � --.'r. . <br /> � a <br /> }{., I.cndu will givc ndia ro Borrowcr of any change in the intercst m�c ond monthly poy�nt an,uunt. The no�itt muat <br /> �� �j° be glvGt m Icm� 25 Jnp beforo tlro new manhly puymcm amoum ie duq anJ mus�r.c� funh (U tlu Jme of�he ndica f <br /> � : (II)Iha Ch�nge Daw, (ili)No old In�cros� rate,(iv)�he ncw intercs�m�q(v) ihc new momhly p�yment emoun6(vi)thc E � - <br /> -=_=1�,;:ir- ttment L�dea end Ihe de�e i[wa�published.(vii)tla mnhad of celcuiadng the ehenge in moMh1Y peYment emount,and ; '--;���-.. <br /> (vliq eny othcr Infortneiion which may be mquircd by lew fmm time a time. ���' .� � `- <br /> �_ .,. <br /> i 3: wi �� - ; . . <br /> -%i aerweauanran�m 1 •. <br /> ' +N _ �rtuueimai rwu��sr��rn mawaeimawus�arn�asn�.���i :j�N : <br /> ( � ° :r.": <br /> �[(�. � F . <br /> —_�P,�"!' ' ' ' / .rl . _ <br /> .,.`f�'_,' _ " `�1������ �n)_;...._; <br /> ' F. <br /> � -.. .. <br /> y. -..t," , ' 1 <br /> e_ <br /> r .. - <br /> .�_ . .. -.-. . . . . . . . ._ _ . . . . � f " � <br />