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.'i:•� SY.� l .-.. . 1 �4 = - . t.� y .i i1 "� ��.r�� :"791�1 " <br /> - �... .-�: Pf ��S�i'�"•.6...t�:LJ.3:12., '�aau�'�"�w+'....� _. - _ _— ._.. <br /> l89:.=.=N.GI.-r.:`..-_". <br /> ;1�.�� <br /> : �, $O�A(i3 �-�- --. <br /> n �� gg �: -- <br /> ��� : • <br /> t+„`t''*,r paymenu,�vhkh ora rcterted w In Paregra h 2,or chango the omoum of cuch paymenu. Any exas�procecd�over m � : <br /> ;y1 S ^ , amoumftQuln:d a pay all outstanding IndcBtedneea wdcr�hc Note and�hi�Sccud�y Imwment�Iwll bo{�tld�o�M enllry �..�LA�: ,,, <br /> i S-..- �EQB��y llll�l�241�1iRt0. - <br /> B, Ftea, Lender may colla�fec�and chorgca auchorized by che Scerc�ery. '.��jt-�Y i<<d,.f -� <br /> y�i '` ��. 9. around�for Acceteratlon of Deb6 � s'� <br /> � �. r ' (n)Default. Lenda mey,oxap�aa Ilmlted by rcgulotlons luued by the&crcta�in�he cue of paymem defeuln, ti�,f�!S r)�`�<�� r c ;' <br />:.;.r;�:,.; rcquim immcdiata pnyment In PoII ot WI iuma ucurcd by�hi�9aud�y Insuumcm F. :� �, - - � t . <br /> i "st 0)Borto�ver doteulu by failing�o pay in PoII any momhly paymcnt rcqulrtd by�his Saud�y Insuumem pdor � ',� ;f��(�1S;y ; <br /> , to or on the due dnu o!�he nezt monthly paymen6 or �� � �'T "� <br /> �' (iq Bortower dofnulu by feiling,for u pcdod of�hiny deyi,ro peAorm any other obligation.+�rontained in this ,t�Sy�y, itt v <br /> ��{i�- °� Saud� Instmmem. '. <br /> d r �4 ���r� s�f`" . <br /> 1rax7t �. r <br /> ,._;P�_�.,_�: (b)Snle�hout Credit Ap Pr�al. Lender shnll,if pennillcd 6y ap�reablc la�r uyd w{�h ihe prbr approval of�hc �ti,1-�y�xr„=.�if;��-. <br /> Sarewy ulrc immedia�o a ment In PoII of nll�he iums secmcd b thh Securit Inauument if: <br /> Ef s`-�. (U All or pan ot�he Roperty.or o bencliciel imercst in u wst o�vning ell or put of�ho Propcny,b wld or 7',���dt/�,t�r{s��` :. <br /> �.;; o�he�wiu transfernd(oiher than by devf:e or dcscem)by�hc Bortowcr,and , 'e � ,i� y; <br />---!„--- - (Ip 7M Ropeny is not occupied by the pureheur or gmntx a�his or her pdncipxl rc�idence,or the purchuer � � �'�;St(t °� <br /> �'. <br /> �r � or grenta doea ao accupy �he Ropeny bm hia or her cndi� hm not been approved in aaordance '�'k-�- `O(rt1T� ` <br /> {j��,��' with Ihe requlremeots of the Secmiery. �''fl'�1�{lyfsn <br /> ,t (c)No Walver. If eireum:tances occur�het would pemil�I.ender to rtquirc immedie�e pnymenl in PoII,but Lender h -���> >�¢i"z <br /> ��,`;W. daa na m`e suchpxym enla,Lender daes no�waive itx rights wi�h rccpecl w aubsequent evenla. 't`��t'Er /y u <br /> $,k;i-,;�_ (d)RsguL��om of HUD&ecretary. In many cimumsimces roguiations issucd by the SecRtory will Iimi�Lenderh � .�,�lr{�ix "- <br /> - c� �S�ly• righla. in ehe case of paymen[defouha,to `eyuirc immedface pnymeM in PoII and forcclose if not paid. 71dx �y -;�5{@ o -. <br /> i,��,i���, Security Inswment dces not authorize aceeleranon or fomclosum If not pemiitted 6y reguloiions of Ihe Secrctery. +� ����+ <br /> ,i` - - (e)M1lortgege Not Inaurcd. Oortower agrcea�hat should ihis Security Instrument and�he nac securcd iherc6y not � ,._,.'('' tr - <br /> +'' h from�hc i� <br /> •,i,c. t-; be eligible Por insumntt under ihe Nationel Housing Act wiihin 0 m0 t e � "�;�'�"'��'+�� - <br /> � � �'� de�e Aereof,Lendcr mey,a�iis option end notwiehstending enything in Peregrep�4,rcquirc immedie�e paymcn�In ��,n •�'� '- _ <br />..���"-p]l�,f� ..y..;i 1 c S•t.c.d;r,y;. <br /> d �-w+-` ; PoII of all�ums secured by�his Security Ins�rvmem. A�vrittcn staumem of uny authorized agem of�he Sarciary �._.�,- s 4 r',�.; <br /> 3- �f�y#�. datcd su6uquent�0 8 montha from ttie date hercoL dalining to insme this Secumy ,.�t-; � � <br /> '' In:trumen�end the nou cecured thercby,shall be deemed rnnclative proof of such ineligibili�y. Nawi�h.vandfng " 4 ",;'r"�'_ <br /> "�` ��{ _ <br /> �r(�+.� �hc forcgoing,thi:optian may na bc excrclud by Lcnder when ihc unovailability of incuwnce ix misly due ro �r--��!'a,���� i" � <br /> , 4enAak(niluro to mmit o mortgage insuronce prcmium ta�he Secrciary. � � ' � <br /> - �t � �:` l0. Relnstetemen6 Bortower hm a righ�m bc rcins�etcd if l.endcr hus rcquired immediu�c pnyment in PoII beeeuu ��_;� 1� �t,..�. <br /> -.;x.t,�t, �`% of Dorrowerh failurc to pay an amount dne under the�Note or thix Security Insuumrnt. This right applies eren eflor -- �., tti <br /> �Ni'y A��i fomelosurc proceedings ere ms�imtcd. 7b rcinsiate �he Saurity Insuumen4 Domowcr shell tcnder in e Inmp sum ell -. : ';+ �{�� '- <br /> ;�Y q -� emounls rcqmnd ro�6ring 8orrowerY accoun�cumem including,ro�he exlent thcy arc nblige�ions of Oortower under this �,� #� ___ <br /> �a��I �tiiiiui,ivfl7.fG�':�.'viC:aSF.'.:'A::�'L'.M..9�JIG9n�l:�a��i�rve{�n�e�i(eesanQeaMnsea pm�1V1VESWC18tCdW{1�1 � _ <br /> �*'S�3 �he fo elosurc roce¢ding. U n rcins�atemem by Uofrower,Ihla Security Instrumem anE�he obli eHons�ha�II securcs �-- �°,' r'� . T <br /> '�','{ ` shall rcmdn In cikc�es it Lender had na�tcquired Immedin�e paymcm in full. Ho�vever.Lender is not requfrcd�opermit {i���, ,� }� � <br /> reinslatement If: (p Lender hm acctp�ed reinsiatement at�er the cammencement of foreclosurc proceedings wf�hin two r 1KT���� � <br /> � � �t; penn immedfncely prcceding the commeneement of a curtmt forecbsurc proceeding. (ii) reinstatemenl wdl preclude .Y+�����.'�i„f�ti ;. <br /> { -z :� foreclosum on difforcnt ground+in Ihe Polurc,or(ili)reinxutemem will odve�sely xif�re the priority o(lhe lien created by `yi��'�C4?y S��k)a s�-�� <br /> :"' - �hisSaurity Instmmcm. <br /> r � � y,t� ,�� g =. <br /> i i} <br /> - -,y 11. Uorrmrer Not Released; Forbearance by Lender Not e Walver. Gxtcnsion of �he �imc of peyment or }- y, t��',fr� _ <br /> :;;v modification of emonimiion of�he sums xcureJ by this SecumX Instmnunt gramed by Lender to any successor m Inte2st � , r`.,; <br /> x + '� of Bormwer chall not opcm�e to rcicasc�hc linbility of ihe origmnl Bofro�ver or pomowerk+uaessor in imcrcst. Lcnder �., , • <br /> >ff +'n�?. �hnil not berc�uired�o cammenee praceedings ngainst uny succeswr in imercst or mfuse ia extend thne for popmeni or x� �� � =� <br /> r�; otherwfse madify amonimlion of Ihe sums securod by�his Sewrily 6fswmem bY reason ot any demnnd mnde by the s, ; H Sr_ <br /> /,iu> odginel 6orto�ver or 6ortower4 successonc in interes�. Any(orbenrnnce by Lsnder m exercising any right or rcmedy xhall -�r ; ��� -- �+•� <br /> :�:?�;,'y.�:>';. notbeewaivttotorprecludethc exemiaeofanyrigM1torrcmcdy. �,C.S%.,^.�'.i> ::.�;=�3=: <br /> �'+;�'�.4?ir� 12. Sum�esme and Assigna Qound;Jolnt nnd tieverai I.fnbil�ty;Co•Signen. Thc mvenants md�grcemcnts of _„_p+���t`��.!r,�-,: <br /> ����;;- �hl�Secudty Instrumcn��hnll bind ond bcnefit iAe suauxon and ussigns o(Lcndcr a�u1 Uorrower,xubject�o�M1c provisions � i: �t , �- <br /> r1� L+i�r' of Pemgreph 9.6. Bortowerk covenamx nnd ugrcemema shall he joint and asveml. Any Bonmver who co•sg�gns �his -� ��i �; <br /> + �+ff cnnve,�ha�Bortmverkim�rctinthc�Pro�n undcrihc�icmnofehrsSecuni�InsYmmcm(bli�n'oi��onnllxobii�}�edw . �`3`t�"4Y�?�, <br />.;,a:`=c'o' 9 P� Y Y PC� Y f �:it?�. I L . <br /> E< ��i� pay�he sum�aecured 6y�his Securi�y Instmment:nnd(c)ngrces that Lender and nny o�her Rarroxrr mny ngree w aiend, �� � �{.., -+-,: <br /> ' x_ ?,�a modify,forbear ar meke any nccommada�iunc wi�h regarJ�o ihe tenn�of�his Secumy Ins�mment or ihe No�e wl�hout that -- � t•° , �] r ��� <br /> , ,s4x��h_ 8ortowcnc�onacm. � -�- iN s rl <br /> Z'� v'u`��� meI11n3�it boyt�class nmi�l unicss�o�Plicatilclaw rc�uircx�mc uf uno11 c�rsn e hml.ShThe n�ri c¢ahnll 6c�d iecled�mr he �Yx(��Sk�'+f qjri r-_� <br /> r:"�--�,:' Prope„y Addrcss or unp a�her addrexsP6orrowcr dc.igria�a Fy nmice m Lcnder. Any noiice m l.ender sl�all 6e given by .�h}��t��+ . __-� <br />_--^ti�4�:r?3`;?� ilrsl clnv mail to LenderY ndArcss smted hercin or eny addrc+s Lcnder Je+i noiice lo Aortower. Any nolice 't}•.!,'?'y,71'-'_.��:";,.::r: <br /> 'S', , provlded tor in this Securi�y Inx�mmem xhall be decmeJ to Inve 1+een gi.rn tn�arn��rer or Lender when given as prorided ,{ -�- � -.; <br /> inthis engra h -�t' � � ., <br /> � 't .i P � � �� -: <br /> rT+°1 - ;g !4. Governing Low; Severabililg Thi.Sccuri�y Inammem.hnli M gorcmed hy Rdcml I:nv und�he Ixw of�he - -. > ,.- <br /> �i r <br /> �_,w -st Juriuliclion in which lhe Propcny ic lacaled. In lhe evenl Ihal nny pmvixion m clau+e n(thia Securiiy In+irumem or�he i �,,: , � �'•- <br /> � �- 1 `?- Note con0icts wifh npplicable luw,such enMia.hall nol at(ecl o�her provi�iane ot�hi.Securiy�Insuvmem or�he Nom .`-- <br /> ? °��+r whiCh cen be given etfect witham tim rnMic�inF provi,ion. To ihi.end ihe pravi+iam nf�hi.Securitr In.vument and�he 'r � ' <br /> ,c; , �'� Noleatedeclxrcdlo6cseverubie. s ` <br /> r IS. Bonower'a Copp Oortox•er shnll I+e givcn one confomicJ rnpy n(thi�Stturi�y '��J - <br /> ' 16. Assignm¢nt of ReNa. Botro�rer uncondi�ianally aaigm:md Iramfen 1n Lender all lhc rem�and rercnua of Ihe . -•• ° 'fF �, <br /> propehy. Botrower Lender or Lenderk agenn�o aro11M Iht rcm.and rcvenue.and here6y dirttlx each lcnvn!of -_ i.i � .. <br /> pJ,��� rl.� Ihc Roperty lo pay Ihc rents m Lender or Isndcrz:�tnis. Hoxcrer.pnur�n L¢ndcr:no�ice �o Borroa�er of flarronrr] � -�:11 ;'.: <br /> �� r, bmaeh of eny covenent or agrcemenl in the Securiry In.trumenL Dormwer�h�dl mllect and receivr all rcms und revenues of � �rU / <br /> Ne PropCrty as Watee for Ihe benefil o(Lender and Do1ro�vec Thi.uo�gnmenl uf rcms conailules en aMolute a�signment <br /> s =-y-A� and nM en easignmem for addi�ional ucumy only. �-� �� �. <br />.,ry�',.,F;e%•i� If Lcnder gives notitt of b�ceeh lo Bortoatr. (n1 all rcnls rtteivcd by 6orto��er shall be hcld by Bortowcr as Itus�cc - ;/� <br /> ��.. ._�_....c��...w. .........1 1...�M G...�d�..I�.mn��!At 1 w�rinr chali M rmideA�n <br /> e__�_.n.v�__a� ....... ; <br /> - rv� �c�n.0.... .......... ....q...,.�.a�. ..............._.._ .�""'_' "" _"_"' ' _.. . _""___ "__ __ _ _ <br /> j y �� � rnllect ond rcafve ell ot ihe rcnu o�the Property;md(U each�enam ot ihe Ropeny shall pay nll rems duc and unpaid w � : <br /> I.cndcr m Lcndcr!egent on Lcnderk ariucn demand to thc mnane � ' � <br /> „�� Uortowu hati not uecutcd eny prior auignment of tAe rcma ond has not and will not perfom�wiy aa that would : <br /> _� prcvent Lender from eserciain�iis dghu a�dcr�his Poragmph 16. ;�t --_ ��� -� <br /> ; _ I,toder ahall not be ru�u rtd to emcr upon,tnke mntml of or maimein the Propeny 6e(orc ar aRer giving noticc of � : t ! <br /> -- - bmech ro[lortower. Howevet,lender or a}udicially apPointed rcceiver moy do so at any time�here is e brcach. Any "� -'--��' �!""- <br /> �, .� applicetion of renb shell not curc or weive eny defeult or mvelidate eny otl�er right or remedy of Lendec This acsignment '���`�'n z = - <br /> � -. ot rents of the Propeny fhell te�mine�e when ihe debt secured by�he Securiry Instrumem is pa�d m full. ���, . <br /> _.. ,hr; • � � . ; <br /> ce, µi�-.<•,�, � <br />-��fP���r �iy�'r�L"(_+:s.����i._'. . <br /> � ,�, ; a � r <br /> . w_ rwe.e�l+rox<u �' ,� I ' <br /> z.iY"A" .. <br /> -�'�3ir F�' . r';ei;t <br /> ' �tL . <br /> f�� . <br /> ,,.=�`;' :� y <br /> F:?�f __ . _ _ . . � 3 .'�.. . <br />