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� ._i_',_.r iIT_ � �tl��m. � eb .'..._;_i.�. - � - .`eN I��'�. - <br /> ir�:. `rs��a.�,•�.E�ii..�,.�'-`�u�i{�.�7...�.x__ � ._...twGrdl�?Aa�ws�. <br /> � LFta-'�'�'_ _. <br /> - �. - <br /> :� 93��0�3 �� ;_n <br /> � � ,� <br /> j l. Pnymcift of PrLiclpal,Intereal and Late Charge. Dortowor nhall pay when due tAa pdnclpal of,end imorcst on, " °`- <br /> --� ihe d�bt ev[AeawW by�he Nom and tam cAarge�dua undcr�M Noro. ; °"`M <br /> 7. Monihty pnyuxnln ot 7Lxeti[nsurance end Oth¢r CAergc�. Bortouer shall fircludc In each mon�hty paymem, <br /> ' � tngahu wlih�ho pdnclpal md IMercsi m ut tonh In�hc Note nnd nny tam chnrQe�,en InstaUment of eny(a)taxes md tY�, f r t,�, <br /> ip�cinl nuessmant*lavled or�o be levled egalnst tho Property,(b)Ienuhold paymenu or grounA rcnu on�he Ptoperty,nnd , ti � <br /> (o)pmminm+tur Imuranwe requimd by Parogroph A. ������ r <br /> �; Each mantbly Imullmem Por imm�(o). (b)end (c)sAail equnl one-[wYIRh ot eha enmml emounu,s+ masonnbly ,„ r.,. . <br /> osNmNOd by Lender, ylu� m amoum wfttcicm co mxlntnin en eddi�ionnl bniana o f nm marc �hm ono-s ixc h o f t he ��1 :�..: <br /> ,!� esHmmod umaunu. "ITe PoII ennunl emnnnl for c�rch ficro shnll be envmulatal by Lemicr within e pedod ending one 1 <br /> mon�A 6ofaro on Item would become dellnquont. Lendcr�hall hold�ho amouma mllatod In trusi�o pny homa(a).(b)and , �.h+ - <br /> � (c)6eforoNey6ecomadelinquent. .��`,� - <br /> <' lt et nny lime thc lotnl of 1ha paymemx hcld by Ler.dcr for itemx(a),(b)end(c),�ogether with the Poturo mnmAly . . . <br />.,,;:_� pnymente Por iuch items payablo to Lender pdor to the duo dnmi of iuch iiemx,exceed+ by morc �hm one-aixih Ne r�,,,�� ,_,��.. <br />::�t:;� ostimmnd amnunt of poymenu rcquhed ro p�y cuch itema when duo,and if pnymems nn the Note arc curtem,�hen Lenner �;;i�,;t_;. <br /> ,j;] shNl eithar mfund tho exa:s orer onas{xih of tho cetimnted ppymente or crcdu�ha excess over one•ala�h of�he uumated fc:�.t.'.:.•, <br /> paymome m wbsequent poymenu Ey thc op�ion of Bortower. If�hc totnl nf�hc paymenla mndo by Borto�ver j,'' <br /> ,�� for itmn(a).(b),or(c)1�insutlicicnt to pay iho itcm when duo,�hen Bortowcr�hnll pay�o Lcoder any amount neceuary to - y�� <br /> ,�! mnke up�he dcfidrncy on or bcforc�Aa dam tho itcm beeomca dua .�s,,?(r �: <br /> •,� M uced in Ihia Security Inawment,'Secrclary'mwna the Secrc�ary oi Housing end Urban 0.ve1opmeN or his a her 7�� � �--- <br /> ? Amipneo. In eny year in which tho Lender munipny a mottgage insmance pmmium ro thu Sarcmry,each momhly payment -`tl ; _ <br /> 'r ahNl also includo cither. (i) an insmllmcm of ihc anmml mortgagc inxuronce prcminm �o be paid by Lcnder�o Ne :f :.. ... <br />_�j•S;� Secrcury.or(IU a mon�hly chnrgc inucad of u mongagc insu�ana prcmium if thVs Sewrity Inswmcnt u held by che �.t3•�'4;:%+',��� <br />- ;r 9eeretery. Eaeh momhly inatnlimcnt of the mongagc insurance prcmium ahnll bo in an amaunt�umcient a eavmularo�he v�;k-`•`-��� <br /> .� full ennuW mortgago insurancc prcmium with Lender one momh priar to the dnte�ho full annnal mangage inaurena !�a�i i -�� <br /> �'��� pmmlum Ia duo�o tho Secrctery;or if�his Security Instrumem is held by Um Secrcinry,cach mon�Aly chnrge ahall be in nn �? <br /> ` 'i amnunt equel lo onatwelRh of onahnlf peRent of�he outstending princ�pal balence due on�he Nota Y��? .e _ <br />-_�' If Bortower tenden m l.ender�he PoII payment of alI sums securcd by ihix Secudry Inxtrumem,Bortowerh account �' - <br />-_=Gy �hnll be emdimd with the belanee rcmoining for all ins�alimenis for i�emx(e). (b)and (Q and my mongage in:urance `7 +i�:� <br />�. �' P 8 P0Y �Y. P P Y �''"-"� <br /> romium Insnllmrnt WN Lender hes nm become obli ated m ro�he Secrcte md Lender shell rom �I �efund any � �:;,._ <br />�--:�; exew Ponda to 6o�mwer. lmmediatcly prior to a forcclosure sale of tho Nopeny or itx ecquisition by l.ender,�ormwerl �.,;•;-. <br /> ;g accaunt�hell be crcdited��ith eny bnlanee rcmaining for all installmenw for i�ema(e).(b)and(c). �-r `�- <br /> -!� J�.�AQpIlcatton of PeymenL�. AII prymenh undcr Poregr�phs I nnd 2 sAall be epplicd by Lender es followa: �y'Y?+rn: <br /> , E]g,gT,ro�hc mongegc inaurana prcmium to be pnid by Lendcr to�he Sccrc�ary nr�o tha monthly chnrge by thc �., ^ <br /> -t;� Secrcta inetcad of�hc momhly mortgagc insurencc prcmium; rl`x ����� <br /> �,� m any tuea,spocial azxssmems,leauhold pnymema or ground rcnta,nnd firc,tlaod and o�her hxzard -.a . <br /> ���•:; nsurenccpmmium�,eercquircd; `�z;•"..-� <br />�'�;'�� ]'t(1$Q,IOintehstducunder�heNae: [:;;�;�r.--� <br /> .?.s tyuKffi,�o emonization of ine principai oi tne rio�c; <br /> _+� �{,lo leta chnrges due under the Nota ' -: <br /> � 0. FYrq Flood nnd OtAer Naserd Imurence. Oortowcr sh¢II in:um all Impmvcmcma on ihe Roperty,whether now �'��a;, , <br /> ;� In existena or subuqumtly crccted,againsi eny harards,cacunhica,and comingencics,including firc,for which Lender �i� + -- <br /> �--�� rcquirct insurance. This insurance shall be maimained in the amounte nnd for�he periods that Lender rtquircs. Uortower 1 f,��t�Y�,�,. <br /> shell elso insure ell improvemema on�he Ro ny,whciher now in existence or Rubsequently erce�ed,egaimt lov by ftoods �,, <br /> F`� to tla extent rcqulrcd 6y ihe Secrcmry. All msuronm ahnll he certicd with compumes opproved by Lender. 'Iho inwtence rh`�{e ��.. <br /> .F�j policies nnd�ny mnewals :hall he Add 6y Lender and shnll include lou payable clouees in favor of, und in a fotm �ji�`,�i�Y �-� <br /> � acceptabbw.Lendec ' t� p,� ,. <br /> • In�he evem of los�, Uortower shull give Lender immcdime no�ice by muil. Lender mny mnke proof of loss if not y� � , <br /> '�` mado promp�ly by Bortower. Each insumnce compang concemcd is he�eby amhori�ed nnd dimcteA to make payment for i@lr <br /> .-;' euch loss dircaiy to Lender,instead of to Borrower nnd io Lenderjointly. All ur ony P�rt of the insurance protteds may De I�`��,4j�+?_,�. <br /> `:,� eppll¢d by Lender,et ita option,ei�her(n)io�he reduc�ion of the indeb�Wnes+under the Note and�hla Securi�y InstrumenL �y�jf�' � <br /> 1; first ro nny dclfnyucm amounis applied in the order in Paragmph 3,and �hcn m prcpaymrnt of principal,or(b)ta �he bV � . <br /> -��a matorotion a rcpoir ot the damnged propeny. Any epplication of the proceeds ro�he principol+hn1i nat extend or posipone •l� �� <br /> -;;,� Ihe due dme ot�he momhly pnymenu whkh arc referted to in Pnmgraph 2,ar chnnge the umoum of such paymenh. Any , � � � <br /> - � excess inaurence proccede over an xmoum requimd to pny nll ouumndinp indeMednecs under the No�c and this Security �r.,,_3c ' <br />; � Insttument shall be poid�o�hc entitp Iepxlly emi�lcd thcmto. `�°:h);;___ <br /> ,'; .+ �,::'�;. <br /> ; j ln the event of Porcclosure of ihic Seari�y Inqrumcm or oth.r�rsn:ter of iiile ro�hc Pmpcny�hni cxtinguixha the �;f,.-��.�,-: <br /> __.�� Indcbtndncas.ell righL lillc and interexi o(Oortowcr in onJ�o Insnrance policicx in force shall p¢ss w ihe purcheser. "�� . <br /> S. Oetupnncy. Preservatlon. Mefntenunce and Protecllon of the Property; Oarro�rer'a Lonn Applimtion; � � l :� <br /> �`�� 1.eaaeholUs Bortower:hall occupy,cs�abliah,and uu�he Propcny m Bo�ro�vcr.principal rcxidentt�viihin sizty days ' ;*t <br /> h nRer�he exewtion of thie Security Insuumen[and ahall mntinue io cecupy�he Propeny m Aofrowerk principxl rcsideirce <br /> !�; foret Ieest ane ywr nRer the da�e of occupnncy,unleas ihe Secreiary demmiina thi.rcyuiremem will cause undue hnndship �d�r � - <br /> �-'� for Oortoww,or unless extenuming circumxtances eaist which um M1eyonJ 6orto�veri comml. Bortox•er ahall notify t ' <br />_°ii%� Lendenc of any exunuating circumsmnces. Bortower xhall not mmmii wo.m m de��roy.Jamnge or su6stentially chan e (�'-`0-�:�. <br />�=_�'�� �he Propeny or ellow thc Propeny ro dc�erinrata masonablc wear anA�ear czcep�cd. Isnder may incpcct�hc Property if�c :.(`�..;'a-. <br /> _;y+� Propeny is vacenl or aAandoned or�he loan is in defaulL Lender mey lakc rea.nnable aaion�n promct ond prcxrve zuch ; � _ <br /> vannt or abmdoned Propcny. Bonower shnll also bc in Jefauh if Bovoacr.during�hc Inon upplica�ion proccxs,gave ^, <br />� �� malerielly felu or ineccumte infomia�ion or sta�emenn �o l.ender (nr failed �a pravide Lender wiih nny ma�erial !��_ , ' - <br /> ;� inPomiauoN in eonneetion with�he loan e�idenced by�he Nme,including,Am noi limiied to,reprcsenmtions conttming �t� •: �' <br />:,_i�� Bortowerk oaupmey of 1he Roperty as a principal residentt. If ihi�Scrurity Inumment is an u leaeehold,Bortower shnll E: , ,';'� <br /> wmply wi�h thc provision+ot the Icace. If Bortower acyuirce fcc ti�lc m�hc Propcny,thc Icaachold und ftt title.holl im� �. �- <br /> Q;1�1 be mcrged unlcas Lcndcr ngrees ro the maper in writing. t , --� <br /> -�? 6. Chargea to¢orrou�er and Protenlon of Lender's Righta In�he Property. Bartowcr xhall pay ali govemmcntel ,- <br /> � `a or munfcipel ehmgea,fuke end impositions that ue nol included in Paragraph 2. Bortoxxr}hnll pay Ihe.�e ublipniions on ' ' :. <br /> Nme direeil y ta thc cniity which is owcd Ihc p e y ment. I((ailum to pa y would advcrsely a(fetl Lendcri inicrcz�in Ihc t,�-.. <br /> � �� PropCrty,upon Lenderk rcquesi Uonower shnll promptly(umiah W Lender receipis evidencing�hece pxymentx. F'� <br /> _=Y�� 1f DonowM feila lo mnke thesc paymcnta or ihe paymcros rcyuircd by Patagtaph 2.or(ails to pedomi any othrr : . <br /> corenanls end�reements mmeined in Ihis Securiry Inxuumen6 or therc is a Iegal praceeding thet mny significantty aftect � �� <br /> _-'},"+, I.eiMetb dghu n ihe Propeny(avch at a proceeding in banlwptcy_for condemnntion or to mforec laws or rcgula�ions). �,.�, ,,•.-.,�,.`. <br /> .,� d�en i.ender mey oo nnd pay wnatever is nccessary to pmtm me vame of[ne rmperty and i.cndcr's rign�s in mc rmpeny, �p+1 �-� --, <br /> `j� induding payment uf texw,hezerd insurance and o�hcr itcma mcntioned in Poragraph 2. (t y��� <br /> My emounu disbursM by Lender under ihis Pere$mph shall baome en edditionel debt nf Borrower and bc ucured �i�� <br /> by�if Suuriry leatnuncnt. Thex emounu shall bcar mtercst fmm the dmc ot disbursemen4 at the Noie ratc,end ot�hc �. <br /> y o updon of Lcoder,ahall be immediatcly due end payabia �'`_ . .; <br /> - 7. Coademnatlon. 'fha p�ooeeds of eny award or claim for damagea,diact or con x connettion with en y "=-�'_-:=j�-� <br />. ' condemne�on or othcr teking of eny pan of the Ropcny,or tor comcpancc in plaa of wndemnetion,arc hercby auigncd �--:.�= .= <br />- end cAell bo paid to Lender ro the extent of ihe PoII emount of the indoMednw�hat Rmeins unpuid undcr the Note end this ?;A,;.::.-� <br /> -` Searity GttWmcnt. Lcnder�hell epply tueh p�oceedn to�he rcduc�ion of thc indebudnw undet No Note end this Security ;/;�•:�•,..- <br />- -��' ' Instrumen4 fusl to eny dcW'quent emounta epplicd in �he order pmvided in Peregreph 3, md thcn lo pmpaymem of -.:�=,-;:.:, <br />-' prinelpel. My appllea�on o(Ne prooeede w�he pdncipal ahell no�extend or pos�pone the due date of the momhly �-,�:n:.;., <br /> ,ir:, `r@.. <br /> .=> y^`.'�:`a�,-. <br /> _�._ rvoa�sq�p,�cra z� ,� :: <br /> _ � <br /> } .. <br /> _, �, .: <br /> . ' � <br />::,..-_ �,-- . . . <br /> �' ---- - ------_ _ . . . . .,.�:.,. <br />