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. , <br /> aii:.,.- ...., _ . _; . . y,v i .n: .t r , ...^ ., .r .a _ �_�..Ln1 r._ .. <br /> � � ( ^r�•�r"' ' �°.�x�t�� __ -....,.3.:4:- �� . <br /> . . . n. �'� 'SSIS�n�1lS.f`fni � �-' T.� �wi - a .....++.u.u.-n�.o.+e:ron.{p� � �. <br /> r, _...�.��. '�.k..0 Ii1:��Z.9. <br /> _._;�1 • <br /> .- ns�; � ' rrx.ta:-r.°�. <br /> �, ,� AB81Qt�N18NT OR II@tiTB AI0�8 9�0�•A`�� <br /> � Z . ' THIBABBIONMBNTOPRENTBBIDERIemaaeantlexaouroClhle�_deyof �1' 78�._,ontlle __ <br /> ;,�_a'��� IppO@Orolctlint00nd6hAl160tlEEmOtltOemBndantlaupD�emeMiheMOrtfl00e0r0eetlotTruel,horolnattorrotenatltoeetAa "` " <br /> �' ,,,r, "8eoudty Inetrumanf", ol the aema Asto O��en Oy the unAarotpnetl,nerelnat�er refercod ro aa tho"BOrrotra",to neoure ` ' <br /> r,� `� !,� ' Borrower's Indebtedneaa�arolneflor rororrod to ae I�o^NOte",to HOME fEDERALBAVIN08 AND LOAN ABBOCIATION OR ��C, --_ <br /> ��-y�17� ORANDI8LAND,herelnaltorrefarre0roaethe"Lendor",ofMeeamedataendcovednBthOpropnrty0osorlCeAlnth96eourily �. -_ <br /> �_�J InntrumoM end looatad et: " ' <br /> � � : <br /> ,��i,�,,�'i 420p IMNCHESTEf1� GRRND ISLRND, NEBWRSKR 68803 L ut �_ <br /> ^' ;-`� IProDenrAddreeq • ' ''- <br /> ��,-� <br />:���'�,,,`•."',d- WITNE88ETH: `�-` .---.. .. <br /> tc-;+�, WHERBAB,Borrower antl Lendar hava a9���hat any ronte end proflta eltrlbNable to tha proporty ehoulA conatituto R" �_. <br /> - _::?-''„�. BtlAItlOnal 86cudty�o�hB L6ndei IOr l�0 p9yment of the Note; `u.;_N__ <br /> �Rx: �e ;- <br /> -���°�-.�: NOW,THBAEFOfiH,itleapreedthntthaBeouritylnetrumantehellboemendotl�orebyantldeamotltolnolu0othetollowinp _---- <br />�`'��;:�.',j� Drovlalona: <br /> -. ,;"�•.r'4 _.. <br /> -:�;s':;iY� 1. AsalnnmanrofReMeandlenAe�RentalS�±liecnonalaNe.BOrrowarhorabya6eolutolyanAuncondltlonallyaselpne911 =_—__._ <br /> :%r't.�:t <br />� -�";�,..Q renta, lanuoe end proflte of tha DropehY to Benatlolary. LanCUr s�all have tho rlpht, power and authority Ourinp tho `..� _ <br />�;�t.,��:?.�_�� conHnuenco of the Seourlty IneWment fo collect tho rente,lanuea an0 profite of fha proporty fln0 of nny pmsonel proporty =---_- <br /> "�'��^�: looatatl thareon wlt�or without teklnfl poeaesalon of the property effeatetl heraby. Lendor,howarer,hareby conaente t0 �'_:'.� <br />:�'�,[;w;s�?` Borrowa�'e oollectlon and retentlon o}euoh reMe,laeuea anU proflle ae they ecorue and become pnyable,eo lonp ae Borrow8r ��:�—- <br /> �4 r, - le not,at such tlme,In tleleult wlth raSDect to paymant of any indebledneae eeouratl heraby,or In the pertormenoe ot eny ` -- -- <br /> �y t���� agreement hereundor. �u - <br /> r: �F <br /> r i,� 2. A000lntment of Recelvec II eny evant ot OefaWt In ra6pect to the 88curity InetrumeM ehnll�8ve occurretl 6nd bB ,t_ _ <br /> ���4 continulnp. Lender,as a matter ot right end wllhout notica to Borrower or anyone clelming undor 8orrower,an0 wlthaut ,�,rsri;+`� <br />����'�;i,Y`� ropard to the relue of t�e Vuet eatete or tha Intereet of the Bonower Me�eln,anall have the rlpht to nDP�Y 10 any oourt�evinp :?�ti,.,�`:_; <br /> r �-k. i' �urladlotlon to eppoint a recelver of the property. <br /> - �F'�° 3, glaht to Posaeaelon.In oaee ol defflWt In the Dayment of tha saltl princlpal Noto o�IMereet,or any part t�8reo1,ae It r '"�c<r�' <br /> e:. � �:�. Y'% <br /> ,T ti���'� 6hall metuto,or In the oaee of fallure to keap or perform eny of the covenants or agreamente eontelnotl In t�o BeouAry Inetru• ,d !I¢ ;�� <br /> ;, - mant,thon tha LenGar, Ita aucceasore or asslpna, e�all ba and la hereby authodzed antl ompowered to teke Immadlate �., -_�� ;: <br /> 1 j,"¢{;� poeeeaelon of the aaid premisee lhereln deacrlbe0 enA to eoltect t�e rente thorefrom,antl to eppry the procaede thareof to the y�'; ; <br /> Ir'f�,� CaYment ol the Note. � t' � <br /> ��frr.'.. � � wo.�ma e �e�n n w. l` .�f�.',,.i <br /> 4. A- IIt-Pm e 4u�N I^-w-�n I!ta.^..___Ilect_Q by l_nQe�ertnw rncalvsr ahall eo apnlloA Ilret to payment . <br /> ii}�t'?i ol tho coete ol managament of the propertyanU colloctlon of rente,Including,but not timitad to,reoeivor'e leee,premluma on G� _µ � <br /> "', +��,'� reoolver'e bontla end reaeonabla attorne 'e feee,antl thon to tha eums securetl b iho Bocudl Inatrument Lende�and t�e ' - <br /> ;;.).c.i:✓ Y Y y R��'r-'.l�F�IyJ. <br />�'ii�;�.,,;sg,;,, re001ver ehall be II¢ble to flcwunl only for those rente actuallY racelvatl. -::!� �:,..:_. <br />',:i:si%�c?=� g, 4onatmctlonofPrwlslone.EacOOHheprovlslonscontalnedlnlhleAesl nmantofRenteRitlerandihe800urit Inatru• ��'=�`"` <br />.r�5.•r•..t, 9 Y t'`J",'�'_� <br /> :-jY��. ment 80a11, unl08a otharwlee eDec�HCa��Y reqWred,be conetruad In eccortlance wilh NeDreeka law, end In the evont eny '-; -�.;,f ;. <br /> •�!��-�f Otovlalon�e�eln or theraln wntalned ehall Do tlateiminetl Dy e court ol wmpolent Judsdlotion to bo unontorooaDle,the eame y -�=,;�,._ <br /> ��r�zi,�. ehail be wnatrued es t�ough avoh unenforooaDle provlsion wera no[a Dflrt haraof or t�eroot. � r� ';-., <br /> ` .Ix3a;�� 4• E11��of Nidot.Except ae eDaa���cally moClfloC by or inconsletent with tMe Aeaignment ot Ranta Nider or by eny other ���1'�.%:�� <br /> epplloebte dder,all of tho terme and provlelone contelnotl In iho 8awrlly Inetrument ehau continoe in full Poroe antl affeat ti+�: •- <br /> �l y -�� -. !�i .. <br /> i. <br /> �y�f +,�I tN WITNH88 WHEREOF,Bo�rower has execulatl thle Ase nma uol A�te Ritlor�irat noted above. � � ; : <br /> k�lr�t"` i��'-X� �-, <br /> � > �il iI lN - - tc. <br /> � ti� ' (IOtrawOr <br /> y/���� _ � � !r-_ <br /> �`� D�C�T/1 in� / y_ `, r <br /> r?�rmi5 e»ot.� ' r�i�.,. <br /> � <br /> _-���.-!-<?:� ' JENINE L CHRISTENSEN •`+��lr=:_�' <br /> v'' x+ryt i BTATE OF NEBRABKA) �k'�Y -�� <br /> ti�c (ee: . ' , <br />._r,�:iri:�:t� COUNTY OF HALL ) it..v•;`::.. <br /> �� .. ! 1 1�4(. <br /> - } �� On I�Ia�dny of mAY 18 9�.Deloro mo,tha unAereipnotl,a Notary Public duly commieeionetl end .jr�.. <br /> r <br /> ' � �.,:A, quali�lod for eeltl county,powonallY cemo ^��STIN C RISTENSEN lVNO 7ENINE I [FLRIGTENSEN HLSBR�ID � �y 9 k�� <br /> � .�;. <br /> v � - -` aun i�iTCV .co ne me idonucai oereon(e�wnose namas)ietero aubacnooa 'a�.' � <br /> +/�s�` ��� to ih010rogOInO InetrUmfm4 ana na�ena�mer acknowiea0e mo o:oc�no��norooi�o oe memomneir.mumery eci ena aeao. * ;#�'� <br /> _'r'-�,;j:,- <br />--i:-`;�;-�t� GRRND ISLPND. NEDRIISKl1 ��';��'` <br /> , WllnBSa my h9nd anA Notarl618oa1 at 6��ti` '- "� <br /> �j, . <br /> ` ��`: (1r^/�y-�A eouMy,tha deto ebt eeld. �4+�` - <br /> s �u�i���_ �_r , <br /> r�6 d <br /> ' �1 <br /> -�jJ���� UryPUDIic i� l�'. <br /> 1 �7�• �IS4WfAAY.IabNlAraf� '- ` <br /> cf f/'/, ' <br /> - '`' My Commisslon axylres: r�Fv-�t'- <br /> :,r:. t t "x fa6l�1945 � 0 4 �: <br />_ .�4.1, �� � . <br /> -�� � ._�..� � -.,_�`. <br /> �� v . <br /> dn� {, r <br /> � ,,L,� { �t, , <br /> {� " <br /> Y � _ . <br /> -:Nqs ! `:.(••� <br /> � _ . <br /> - .iHtAl M�'�' ? � <br /> 'l.,'ttA' , v�''• <br /> �,�,�') <br /> — ��"_ -ji;ti(../�� <br /> Mt�- �� ' ��� <br /> �� � <br /> � 'Y <br /> 4 <br /> ].b.�R ' .' ..`. : . .�.f-. . � _.. ___. :. <br />