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.yvl {s_���-��"'i��ie s -. .i.ii 3 -r �3,i � _ ��x �'i-.�✓T;, c '� ' fi t .rL=.]... <br /> ' .E t��?..�.�`�s' �T„��t�bl�����,�_.r � ��ias�in_a +�"' v _,.__..� - _ , .�tC.-r'�`st�`v�. £> . <br /> 1 _ <br /> ..n� � ���• _ . <br /> 9 � Y� �. <br /> ; 93��o�RSO °�"�;;; <br /> '4� �+, ,.� <br /> � olsate snd�hesele,inctudin lhe mentotthe7YusteeMfceeactuall incurred,nottoexaed 3.0 Aoof -��' = - <br /> `�"� t 8 P+� Y E zz, .. <br /> � .� the pr nelpal amount ot the nota at t e time of lhe declerntton of defaull,end reeson�ble oitorneye'teea m erm(ded s, ��. . <br /> s�L� Dr lu�rt lb)to oll rum�secured Uy Ihle Becurlty Instrummq arsd(c)any aceae to the penon or persans IegnlPy eNftled , t�r �.'h>:� <br /> FR,'� tOIA S� h >}t . , <br /> r��?� 2!. Reconveyance. Upon paymenl of ell �unu sceured by�his Sceudty Instmmem, Lcndcr ahall rcqucst 7iustce to ,.-:,�: <br /> i`�= reconvey ihe Propeny and�hnll iurtender Ihis Savdry Imtmment nnd all naca evidencing deM accured by this Securhy �`- -��- <br /> . Inswmem to 7tusua. 'llusmo�hatt rccanvey�he Propeny without wumnty�nd wi�hout cherge �o the person or persom _�5�,��`.�;.•:. <br /> r' Iegelly entttled ro 16 Such penon or persons eM1ail pay any recordaiion costx. � ,� __„ <br /> �� 2J. Substltu�e 1Yuatce. LendM,a�ite opuon,may from�ime w�ime remove Thiarce and appoint e successor trus�ee�o i r..,C- <br /> �dt any'Owteo eppoin[ed hcrcundcr 6y en inswmcnt rccorded in �hc rnnnty in which �his Securiry Instrumem is rcmrded. � �� � �_"' - <br /> Wilhout comeyana of the Ropeny,the successor[rustee chall succecd ro ell Ihe iitte,power and dmies confencd upon , <br /> ¢'' � 7tustcc hercin end by appIluble law. 1'R Y � � <br /> .�.��� Ll. Rtqueat fo�Notlm. Bortowcr rcquesu�ha�wpiu of ihc noticcs of defauli and sale be sent to Borrowcrl addras r �?> .: <br /> '' which i+�M1e Propeny Addreu. , •r r<r.' .' <br /> ��::�I 21. Rldera ro thla Saurlry Instrument. If one or more riders erc executed by Bortower nnd rccarded toge�her with i n <br /> ,se�� Ihis Secudty fnstrument,lhe Covenenu and esrecmenta ot each such rider shall 6c incoryornled in[o and shall omend nnd ¢� q��-�� <br /> X R^ supplement�c covenanta end agreements of�his Saudty tnswment xs if the rider(s)wcrc a part of�his Sceuri�y Insm�ment. ,� ���, 4 � <br /> �J f �Check applicable box(esp ; � : <br /> ._.,Y'Si :�,, ,, •-:.'. <br /> '..._i., '`,y,,,; _1, -. <br /> �,S'� �AdJuttablc Retc Rider �Condominium Rider �I•i F�amily Ridcr i � j_ . . <br /> �t.� y �s ef .: <br /> °�� �Oreduated Peymem Rider �Plenned Unit Development Rider �Biweckly Pnymcnt Rider ` 5 '::-;- <br /> _-f£�fM �4P --.-. . <br /> ^l��i �BelloonRider �RetelmprovementRider �SecondHomeRider � � _ '":�j�•� <br /> ��� .n <br />,3a,�,;s: ❑% O�hcr(a�(apectry� pLKNOWLEDGmENT, ASSIGNh1ENT OF RENTS , .?r.:,,_-_�, <br /> > •' <br /> , '�f, r�;.�_ <br /> - BY SI6NIN0 BBLOW,Bortower eccepu end egrees ro�he�crtns and covenents rnn�ained in�his Sccuriry Instrumem �j -r . - <br /> s }� and in nny dder(a)execuud by Bortower and rccorded�vhh it. / r-'Y ' <br /> a�`:.d'� �{ -�_.. <br /> t q'� Wimessa: �i7'��'d i . <br /> Jirs/ t`R�'��Sr �>- _ <br /> {�i �--� 1��1� :, <br /> ='rtir:�. � �L l.r.�L�/"'� (SeaU dAi.'!st��;,a�,.r <br /> � � f DU5TIN E. CHHISTEN5EN -�•« � �� =- - <br /> �� Soclel Securit Number - - _ `�,�•� ' ' <br /> r- Y )) '�S dy�n�t.r '. <br /> Y�'irv�' '���f• ._.����$C8�) �l�Ql�f�y_aa.-. <br /> �{ <br /> ��SAI INE L. CHRIS NSEN -oomwa �}ft � _ <br /> 1e��;� IalSecurityNumber 50T-56-1881 )��'1�'?:: .;: <br /> ?� r . <br /> 7��.�, STA7EOFNHBRASKA. HRLL Coumyss: ����` � ;°i�.: <br /> m nn, r t-�Ll,3r.,. <br /> {`5��� On�hU 7TH day of mpY 1993 ,beforc ma�he undenigned,a Notery Public ; �-'°' �` <br /> � '�s�� duI commiaalonedond ualifiedforsnidcount raonall came DUSTIN E. CHRISTENSEN AND 7ENINE L. �{ro <br /> ..r,�v�, Y 9 Y�P� Y J 5 :.:,5=; <br /> �T.¢p CHRISTENSEN� HUSBAND AND WIFE ,w me known�o be ihe t{ �'+'. <br /> f4'nf i Idenqcal peteons(i)whoae name(a)ar¢cubscribed ro the torcgoing insirument nnd ecknowledged the executlon�herwf to �a, -• --- <br /> T�;,t�, ` � TFiEIR votuntery act end decd. � �`tY- -t j � <br /> h;� Wlmeaa my hand and notedel seal et GRIIND ISLi1N NEBRASKA in seid rnunry.�he � � y -"- ` <br /> , {��j dne atorueid. ^� t+,.;+:- . <br /> f�}_� My Commtssion exp' ���`� t `! � ;__ <br /> NdulPuWk i7 -. <br /> -y ��,1�' OR RECONVEYANCE n+ t-�+ _. <br /> ' ;,�f?„� � 'Ihe udroignW la thc holder of the no�e or notes saured by�his DeeA of'Itust. Said nae or notes,together with all �} � fi"�` <br /> '�";1r> olhu indebtWneas xcurcd by�hia Decd of'Itust,have becn paid in full. You are hercby directW m cancel eafd nore or notes -':`t'�_-`t�:-.:� <br /> ^'��=�r and this Dad of 7Fust,wAich ere delivercd hercby,and to reconvey,wiihout warremy,ell the esmre now held by you under ,'ee(��_'��-�;i�- <br />�=°;;�,1`r� �his Doed of 71ust w the person or persom Icgelly entitled thercta ,•;;I;:;; <br /> .K�� Datc: �_t�-5--�: <br /> :ks:'Qy.:- :_,.,.': <br /> �:..i�ps;•:I Fblm]07a 1I90 fP�Rr6o/npa�ru �-'.ti:ni*. <br /> "{lp�`:a:'p • �S�s'F�::�;�. <br /> _ =>`3: �i 1�_� .. .c'L_�. <br /> _ t ' <br /> fh;'3� , � �1�� _'.._ <br /> � t�� �� . <br /> �t:t""C'a'�'� � � i v ' �tx. .� t _ _ ..� 1 �[n,. <br /> E y�( t� 3z- �1j� �,`+ 1T•1 a..u .c 4 � f . . dit� r j uia.� f <br /> V6�'�� i.-!!`1�C1 � � 5 s � t .r t di}yi<i7F� it� .r. r t .ii'- �s{! � > � F 1 . �t5 � -. . 1� e� f at it� f� !'- ' <br /> r ��l � 7{; ts r - 4 -h' F T.; <br /> --_Rllihfrr __�� FYlt�Yr�'�� " i a�� ii9j����(y .:r T J'�rb f �� '�' .�!Y�FrrI �� '�� .:��di'��� } e_.. <br /> x•..:5 � ^ .i.3 fUa(�::t�'1Jn 'R�� � •Y_L'�_-�.�L L_"� ,�iJ� �.-J�.: tYi _ .� <br /> n � rt +� S� - sY I _ 11 17PY�f(i�3'a � � J ]. _ " t l8�ym'h �.+h�- - I r,Ye` _� :. <br /> .f�r s, - v 1[ nif 7 Cr �r�� v ryr .. -i '1 Y - �'"fil{{�� fSJi�� � ti���Y'� t�Y�- i� 3 v' �} . <br /> / ,��H_. _ �r Y} f(y m -. r E7 ��� � � ifF h�.�(��� f4 �� ` 7 ar i C - � r . <br /> r . i f cfy { � �r !��'`+) _ ir r . 1�E} � f�f� i ' S}�,�t��� S�r� > i � s <br /> r �f f t � - . vl � x i� ��� � �_� � i U LVY.iC _L L?L I��yf�� �" r L t .� 11 Z } i ��1� <br /> .t � rv 1 i r � x`� - I� s _ � i � � '�-S r�°' r - ��- ) 1 _ _1 f <br /> (. 4' Y t/ . 1 t � ?e .1 _ JP � i l -i�r _'iT'Ij _ <br /> ;••�.�J! t � !. �!- t t- - - r -: <br /> - C I�n �., t h : n � /ity trt � 1 }y. � 2 -t� . yti -1 <br /> '�+ r r. n r_,.�.r. : , t :: r.n -n �,t� � - .,� -�e. '4 �}t91 u� �,; ' +T tr �.+ '� ' _ �S�tf 4it 3,�; t^i� ,�- �.+'�, <br /> � �s.�i _� y* v�� � i �} - . � / n �. e„ ��: t i 'f ' - r �- 7t e� f � <br /> "`"cM t� 1 t � s -.. 'i�� r ir4,J�{Jj�. .�i-. �i}o } -'t _ --Y 5 � '� - ' <br /> yy.�L - ��' r� 1 i > > a _ .rl- <J� t _��� I ) �� j,.- . <br /> ✓� 4tS' L-. � _u a . . ti�� � � J - �, � � �J aJ�` Y �,G.y 7 � Y . � n . � �l j�S-�N <br /> +r arrti:'` lj 4l +' � � � ;y�+ � r4. . a Y.. ��yss3fZ f �s y i i .�-� � Sbr.r 'x _ � +t}( t_� . t J� i -. <br /> �.i� - _ � - a. � j � r � ;. , � �y ryri :4 - -, tk, �..- . pr � } --: <br /> .aw�' � �5 - -� 3? +#., t :,�3 ' q # . - r. �r` { +a J'' , <br /> _I,_ .,tl_ . . _.-.�9".f_�.:__ .._�. ,.. >� f �. , . .. _ !:`, d . �-Y. . , ..< 4sn.:, o'r�. ) , . . <br />