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��y'-"' ?t:':� 4..t�.�;i7y�.�i _ . 3+ . .-:1 . ..�>:�f..i�.�`��<�.�-,� ` � .�.1. � •+/'--_ <br /> �� �-Tr �c^+-'°'-'�°�^^,...+--� - —� � . _. <br /> ' 1^. : ..��..�� �:�� t�.�,��2?��. (t i"- !-f� ! �n .'cs" o�vsc�?�t�Al�'""y�`�i - -- _. . <br /> 11 L h".r .,..- . <br /> ei-Q�I�Y �� .. __.-____. <br /> , �,, .. Y ADJUBTAHLE ItAT� �lIDEIt 930'10:�F3(i(1 <br /> h " <br /> ' if . ll , .•a•..,P uvwneuuryt�aex•aauavat -- <br /> ir��� _-_ .. <br /> � TN[BADIUSTADI.HRA78RID8Rlfmudeihlf �TM dryof MpY �19 93 e :-� .—. <br /> '�L�1� ` � uW I�Incoryotatcd INO uW�hdl be deemcd to omend md tupplement the Mortga�t, Dxd of 1Yu�t, or SeNrItY Deed pAe"BearltY E^ *�. . . <br /> v� � ImtrvmenV')ot th�vem�dete 61nn by Ih�undenl6nM(the"Bonower'ry w�nvw Oorro�rer4 AdJmteble Raie Nup(th�^NW�")lo� �7�-% <br /> 5 4• p8 0 0 8 HB 9 (th�"Lender")of th�wme deto en0 ooverlN 1h� � � �� , <br /> f �sa?� DropenYdaaibedlnthaCm1rlrylntwmenlendioeatcdat: h ,a� <br /> �"" 420A MNNCHESTER, GRRND ISLPND� kE8R115K11 68803 � '- �' -. <br /> + t i <br /> °k �1� ,;� (PropertyAddren) � �. <br /> a . �. <br /> u���` iLL� nott coaWm D�odilonf dlowiy for ehtn�a In m� lalewl raU anA W mont6ly �`�tst`-r i�`4 <br /> f >'t� h m <br /> (; pUmfpU.ThIfCOU�li0I10IUtE\�mOYCIm7101tIlJ�f�1�q00EWjIt1�0y00lIIfE1lCA �t�(jj4'� 1 <br /> an�^"� �'� WoW�mlolmam�odW�maalmumnGlmmlVO. �ft Y�` gt� < <br /> r:[ t <br /> {�� r� � � - S`� ��es <br /> < IP\ . � f» -: <br /> ,s r ��r--_,- ADD�T10.`lAL COV6NAM8.In tddl8on m tht coraunu and�ramrnls mad�In thc Savriry ImWmpn.Bwrowu�nd Ltnda 'tY�'r"L'r � ' <br /> `tr �� �<' PonhercorenmluMa�raa�(ollmn: S -5✓��}��J _ <br /> r �, t ' <br /> ��� �' > r <br /> � '*�)'rY�c A. IMPRFHf MTE AND MOMfILY PAY� GFS "`'�� 'j'F j' �-� <br /> } � fi�"` Tha Nas D���+for m In1�W Imuat n�e of �•� 40.Sa+�on s ot ihe No�s o��da for chan6a in�he inttta�rate�nd the i<<"�n � ` � r� <br /> r` <br /> r S <br /> xYe£,. . monthlYDaYmwb.mfollan: r `;d�r �r _ <br /> wk,+t r i:: <br /> 1. /MER6ST RATE AND MOMHLY PAYMfNT CNANOES -;' - <br /> {�i �t n�4 �r t.r t �a'�' <br /> \�+�f Fe} {A) Rtlp Mip <br />_:'t�a�-'i,. ThcinurattttelwillpaYm�rehangean�he0ntdryof _ 7UNE ,19 94 .endonthnderevm ��a`�� .__. <br /> •,v.i .x¢r.,_'. <br /> ( ,{�+ " 12 momhfihera�u.EachdneonwNchmYintuaeratecouldchanSN�wltede��ChanBeD�ie." -`+if�r� ,rr .. <br /> �"yl% ih)-.f• {. �if Y, <br /> ; �� -t (B1 73�fedex + <br /> v�i,Lss '(�; UeglnninbwithNtOntChan;eDau,myimaa�mtewillbebasedonanlnda.The•'Indw"bihcwakly�rm{eNeldonUnl�edSietp �:.i_ � -- <br /> °.f��j.�.` 7Ywury�scurltia adjusted ro�mm�ant mnmri�y of 1 ywr,u made�raiLbls by�he Pedenl Rame Boerd.The mmt renn�Inda Iiguce -?S�!'r�} , <br /> ,�f ,C�� eraileblen�of�hsdntel5day�befweachChangeDateBWledihe"NrtemindaJ' i�''f�`�lT{ t ` <br /> up7�,�{.� If�hx Index is no IonEer ardlable,Ihe Note HoWer MII thoose�new iMa wM1IcA If 6ascd upon mmyutble in(otma[lon.Th�Nole � 7��,��1�n� :_ <br /> �y� � }�� Holderwlll�rameno�iaofth��hoia. } �,�r �{�e �" <br /> x�'�,7'� 'i (C) Qkulitl000tC6�uta <br /> � 7HPFF 11Nf1 ONE-H11LF s� <br /> ,� &Pore�neh Ch�n{e Oate,the Note Noldn will Wculate my new Im<ra�me Oy aECIN pa.smaso <br /> � Yj��T polnu( 3•50 4�)w�ht GY�rtem Inda md rounNnt to�he neerat!/tth of IA.�ubJect io�he Ilmiu imed In Savlon t(D)beto.. �; '� . <br /> A< <br /> � h ���.,, ThB roundN amoum will be mY MW Inurat nro umil�he neaCtunEe�m. r`1r � - <br /> �x 2 j�i7(_} The Note Holder will then deeermine�hr emoum of rtK moNhly paym�nt�hu would be sufOdem�o tey�y in NII�M1e Ddndpil I un �4��r ��+�� <br /> expected ro ove on�hat CTnng Date In�uDSUntlNlyequal y�ymmn by�he mnmi�y date��my nev imaat rne•'Ihe m�ult of�hb calwl��on T�i;j y i;� <br /> `�!i,(� 1 wNbelhencwunountofmymomN <br /> 1 101�j � <br /> _��"'�'r'+��I Y WYmtnL � aw 5! �"' . <br /> >�i�. (�j �1mIbO0�01tfd1{V11��GjN o : 3� r ' <br /> .ln)C�3 r Q'.' <br /> ,�Y t pq The imerest nte 1 un requUed w paY �t the @u Chmia Dam will nm be breata ihan a 75 SY or Im thm } <br /> n�n jt^ �rc <br /> �Y� '��`d'i �� �5 4Y.Thareatter.mYlmerwrnewillnererbein�ruxdordccreaudonanydndleqinnEaDa�abymorc�han ;`!.f �,rak.n�_ <br /> jr -r1�-:z -(�2.,OR.�.—fromthen[eotln�e�aUhanbeenpayindfonheDreeedinit�velvemonth�.ThemiNmumimcra�mieonthhloanw11lnerub ;�7.}:;!,l'r�" <br /> -,;,t.;*�.� �y�h� 4.75 9�aMt�emulmumlmK<itmtewillneverbe8rp�a�hm 11.75 7�. :�`;`°;� r4�A,.:`; <br /> r%•� -/K°I,: Ct ; , <br /> Y ir�S.� --. � (� E7IceunD�uofl��ete 2 � �� t3I}3' '. <br /> r ;�' ` My new intaat nte wlll Mmme effenire on ueA Chan[a Duw.I will pay�h�amoum of my ne�momhly p�nnent beynning on the 4nt �ti j�ST(�f4 . <br /> �-- r��fi: monlM1typipMntdatealterthtChmieDaleun�illhtomountofmYmom�lYPaYm�teNntnegain• r�(,'�",, .+� � F ...; <br /> ' W� '� v 7 <br /> .% -?� (il NoilaotQ�u;n �S1R-,`'�rn��'f,r n_. <br /> �< < t� .` ThCNOIeHolderMl1ma11orddirertomeenaittDe(m�achCNn6eDate.ThenolkewilladNUmsof: If�,�F�ia: �f� <br /> �� �..! (p ihaneu�intera�nteonmyloanuoftAeQuntsDatr, F��ji*fS'x�%7�'4tt : <br /> }f�'��.�4�j� (ip thCUnountofmymonlhlyprymmtfollowin6iheChen6eDate; �'` ' �'\ <br /> Rt f �t, piq m7�ddidomlmatttwwhlch�heNaeHoldnbr�qWredtodlulou;and �,�i'�s�+��� ,�_� <br /> (ly �he�ddrwoftheeuxi�tlonyoucouldrnmaaregnrdin�anyquesilom�boutthe�djustmeneno�la. ��I�d�"�4 �`y� <br /> Iry`>i; i �.ti�al 1 ? <br />..__t�.f:AS,.Ij� !.(.;,r'{,<. "_._ <br /> 2 <br /> � !i�. C �� a�AQrs�i u�'1$ Y' ,} ��i`. <br /> �ni`t'�i� UNformCorenmt4oflheSecurirylmwment0emendtd�oradmfolbwn; '�� ly`'r <br /> t{'�u.{.:^�� 1. CT�qal Umf.Horrower�hall paY dl tun,usafmtnU,end olher chargn,Ma,�nd Imposllions nttdbuuble w�ht Properry.rhich maY �.,=ta � - <br /> ' u 7.j}�� �ttW e DNOdtY�r lh�SecudlY Imtrummt.and kasehald piymrnts of tround rrnu.if mr,in��e manner prorided mMer peng�ph 3 hereof -.� 'Z R 5 <br /> •�`�;�,�;-;t or,if not pa10 in mN m�nner,by Oorrowu makln�paymm6.hen du<,dimctly m�hc pnyee t�ercof.Dorrower shall promptly fmnish Lender r j; -. � '' <br /> it,. e� <br /> r�� ��: W nOika Of emounli due under Ihlf pnpjr�ph,�nd In ihe dmt Dorrox'er sluli mnke WYm�nt dirally,Bortower thall D�ampllr(umish lo � + <br /> �����.`: Lenler raeipu evidmcins wch pnymmn. Botrower fhall D�omD�ly di�chnr6<mY Ilen rhich Iw PriodtY orer thB Stcudry Instrumem: --�� '�S�+ <br /> en,.r�t_-�:' - � }� <br /> homerer.Borro�ver shell nol bc rrouired�a dixhuQ<mr�uch Iien w lone m Borrar<r.(q�hdl deree in.Tiiing to Ihe Wrmem of�AS . . t <br /> �� �,h,��:; oDtigatloo�ewred by wch lim In�he mannu�ecepuble to Isndar,(b7�M1all in{ood fe7tA mmut�uch Ilen by,or daf<nd ogeimt mforammt o( � _:• R�� <br /> cw <br /> r i� tutA L'm In,le;d prxxdirya Khkh in�he opinion of Lendcropante�o Drerem ih«nfo�ttment of the Ilen or forfdmre of�he Property or anr r� �.: <br /> t��r,:.. <br /> � ' put thereoF ot(e)chail�ttvm from the hoidsr ot such lien m esreemem In a form u�isfactory�o Lender wbordinatin�such tlen�o�his � � , <br /> �i�h '-',. SavNrylmwmtoL -: � t +•� ;� <br /> � �c'-� <br /> n °.� If Lendu dauminq that tll or anr D�of the Proptrq i�wblK��o e Ilcn whicL maY n���n�PriodlY��w���ry Ins�mment, ,y� «�'+4r;SV_•__, <br /> � `;-: Leodet tha➢glrt Dortowtr e no�im IGentlryin6 wcn Iien.Oa�ower Mu��absir wcn fien ar mi<one or mort oP irc.c�iom.n iori�aw.c -: <br /> f�; MINnlwday�oftheyMnyotthenotla. �' � : Y1� � <br /> e <br /> n <br /> f��4>�'?�t C. HO7iCE ' �1orl�� <br /> :y <br /> ^��° ..`'� UdPormCo�mmtl4oftheScavtlrylns�rvmrn�hunmdcd�orwdaffoilovn: � a . <br /> ' � � 10. NotlR.HcaD�fOf tny notla ftqulttd mEGr aDP��'+ble qr lo be�IKn In moiher mennu.(a)Mr notice to Bortower proHdtd[or In tMf _l� � -`� - <br /> - � SttvHry[minwenttha116a81vee6YdtllrerlryltorbYmdlio�llbY�nldwmNltoBorrowat�hePropertYAdEteuora�su<hothendNm --�,!;:v+?'t;•�.� �. <br /> ^ '�;-��' of BottOwet may Caipniee by notla to I.sedn tl DroMded Audn.and(b)mY�otice ro I.endar�hW De d��M'�rat dw mdl to LrnderY <br />---�.���' •�.'`� ldAZaeie�Mhetelnortomcho�henddra3ul.endermaydnpmtebYnotla�o0orroruvOroMdMl:vdn.Myno�nProdhdfoHntAB �..::� :'�{•',- <br /> ��-�'!`,_ SceaAqlroinmmtthWWdttmWtoAere6eenglrrnro0ortoxerorLeodrrwheoqvenla�hem�nnerdesl�naudhudn. -`'�` �� - <br /> -��_�!R.,� i -.:. 1 r <br /> a <br /> �`� '�k{f i j( <br /> �t t �.. <br /> ' 1 }.� 1 <br /> A �, <br /> � . . <br /> � �11i,_ .. . .—__ . <br />