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. � -��5m� r ��-;�,�t� �T i 1�.J � 'i sR°e� - - ` . <br /> :n , 7 y a tt !'ri ts cv,_F�.,' }✓' 1 `.,Y <br /> . .. �' vYYli a..t_'AT[. 'F4'1�/{��P. � �15��m� R..�Jr <br /> \11 ' f. ....�..iJ Ic6sL�.}�4 a�G �l �.�) f�.if!� .ie� �'YY'�r.rM�.�.._ __ _.— . . — . <br /> .ri� � c� <br />_;� ' 93-�o�eso _.�_�. <br /> `� appUceble law mey�paify tor rclnsta�emenU befort sale ot tho Ropcny punuent to eny power ot eale contalned In thl+ _. <br /> -`"-•3 Security lmtmmcm:or @)cntry ot e Judgmcnt entorcing�Ai�3ecudty Instmmrnt. 'Ihoso anditlon�aro that Borrowu: (a) <br /> '�'"� oceurted;(b)eorea y dcfaull o!ury o Aer co enanu or egroemrnn�(c)Ipay�all oxpensw incu�rrtd in mtorcing thl S�ecudiy — <br /> � J InstNment.Inciuding,but not Ilmited eo,rcasonebte aROmeye'tees; nnd(d)teka euch ettion a� Lender mey «asonabiy <br />_c���,� requi�o to euuto�hat Ihc Iien of thts 9ccudty lnswment.l.endcrh dghn in�hc Propeny end OortowcrY obllgation lo pay tho �.,,_--� <br /> ry eume cecured by �his 9ecudry Instn�ment �hall eontinue unchenged. Upon reinatetement by Bortoxrr, �hla 3ecudty <br /> -,�l tmtniment ond[he obliga�lom cecured hereby�hall rcmnin fully e(kcUve m Ii no uceleretlon had occurted. Howover,tbie � _ <br /> �� Nght to rclnstarc shall no[apply in tlw caso of accelereNon under paragraph�7. <br /> _� I9. Sale ot Note�ChAn6�of Loan Servicer. 'Ihe Noce or a partiel imereat in�hc Note Ro�ether�vith chl�9ecwity _� <br /> ,,,,�� Inswmenq may be rold one or morc timca whAout p�for iroqce to Bortaver. A anle may result n e changc In�he omily <br /> ,,-._i (known a��he"Loan 3ervicer)thft rnllub monthly payments due under�ha Noto end�hl�3uuriry Instrumem. 'fLuc nlao a;,,�.,�,_—� <br /> mny 6e one or morc changes of ihe l.oan Scrvicer unrcleted ro e selo ot the Notu. It therc is a chenge of�he Loan Servlcer. � � <br /> ,�_:i� Borrower wfll be girrn wri�ten notice of�he change In accoMana with pamgreph 14 above¢nd epp8cable law. 7fie noHce ���j��.. <br /> will�tete�he neme end eddress of the new Loon Servker and ihe eddress�o which paymrntti should bo mede. The nmia wUl ����,;..�;� <br /> �-.�.� elao mmaln any othu information rcquUed by epplicoblo law. - <br /> ,} 20. Harerdow Su6stnnce�. Borrowcr sh�ll not cautt or permit�he prcaena,uu,diapose6�toragc,or rcleau of any <br /> - Hazardous Substar�cea on or in ihe f'ropeny. Uortowcr shall no[do, nor ollnw anyone elu�o do,eny�hing otfceting the . <br /> ,- ] Propeny Ihat i�in violation of my Environmental Lew. 7Le preceding two senronces nhall not apply�o�he prcunce,usa,or �` +— �, <br /> ,'-`•� s�orage on�he Propcny of small Quantiiia o(HniarAous Subsmnas ihat orc goncrnlly recogniuA to be appropde[e ro normd �, _ <br /> �: rcsidcmlal usoa md�o maincenmcc of the Properry. - <br /> ' Dortowcr ahall promp�ly give Lenda wdnen no�ice o(nny invostigetion,claim,demend,loweui�or other ection by any ,`,,,;--� <br /> r�''! govemmental or regularory xgenry or privalc pany involving thc Property and any Hemrdous Subs�ence or Environmental �� ' :,_ <br /> ��; Lew o( which Bortower hea aaual knowlcdge. If Botro�ver Icems, w ia notified by eny govcmmemel or rcguletory jxy ,�._:-- <br /> _-1�� authodty,th�[any rcmoval or aher remedietion of xny Narardous Subrence ef(ec�ing the Property is necessary.Bortower <br /> 'L;� shall promp�ly take ell necessery rcmediel ac�ions in accordance wi�h Environmental I.nw. �`�'i� ` - <br /> A�uKd in this pan�grnph 20,"Haxardous Subsmnces"ere thosc m�baixnces defined az toxic or hatnrdous subsunces by � � <br /> Envimnmental I.ew and the failnwing subs�nnce+: gaxolice.kerosene,wher ilammable or roxic pe�roleum praducu.toxic � „ � <br /> .;,a pex6cida end helbicidee. volatile solvems, ma�crials mm�ining nabestos or fortneldehyde,ond fadloac�ive m�tertols. As i i ti3'}`� _:_ <br /> +�• used in thi:pamgmph 20."Enrironmemal Law"mrans kdcral lews and Ia�vs of�he jurisdietion�vhero the Propeny is locatod xL � <br /> �{� �ha�rclare ro healih,eafNy or environmcNei prmation. �rn irk� ;- <br /> ���� NON•ONIFORMCOVENANfS. 6ortowerxndLenderPorthercovennntnndagrceasfolla�va: it� . <br /> ,I�� 21. Accelemtlone Remedia. Lender eholl give notice lo Borrox�er prior to acceleration following Borrower'� t,a,,F <br /> breaeh ot eny mvenant ar agreemmt In thla Saudty Instrument(buf not prbr lo ecceleretion under paragrepA 17 �� <br /> unles+nppilcable lav provida olher�visel. The notice ahall apecity: (a)the defeull;(b)Ihe ectlon requlrcd to cure ihe �r�4` ) n�: <br /> -��•- deiaui��icI u u'ata tia:1�thaa 30 d:q�from:h:date!he netMe L:�!••_n!o l4orro�rer:b�WAIfh I�4 Ql�BLII ID�icf tiP 7n"-� <br /> , , ;� wred�and(d)Ihaf failura lo ture the detault on ar 6etore Ihe datc�pxifled In thc notke may reautt In ecceleraAon oi +�'S' "'�- <br />,,,,„ the sumc secured b thb Securlt Inslrument xnd aale ot the Propert7. The no[Ice shall Ilirther Infarm Donower of � <br /> Y Y . �.,.T..,-: <br /> the right to relnstoto eRer accelnqtion end the rlght to 6ring e court action to esseri ihe nomexistence o�a deteult or s y r� . <br /> --t� eny ather defenm ot Barrooyr�o accelerotlan and sale. If Ihe defnul�ts not eured on or before the dete epeci0ed In rr '„ _ <br /> � Ihe notice,l.enderat Ita opiton mey requlre Immedinte pxyment ln full otnll sums secured by tAb Security Inafrument � >�i <br /> wlthout Nrlher dcmand and mey inroke the po�rer of nnle nnd nny other remedla permifted by upplicabtc laa. i,�3,°�;%�- <br /> Lender shail 6e eutfded to mlicct nll expenses ineurrcd in punuing Ihe remediet provlAed In Ihl. paregrnph 21, �FV t r_- <br /> �'•� Including,but mt Iimifed ta,reasonable etlurneyx'fees and mst�of title evldentt. ?; ��t+�" - <br /> � If the po�rer of aole ia lm�oked.7Yustce shell record a nutlre ut defeult In each county In which eny part of Ihe �f�� � ,� <br /> 1,._;� Proputy le IocxteA end shnll mell coplea of sueh natice In the mam�er�rescrtbed by nppliceble taw lo Rorro�rer nnd tu �e2l �� •` <br /> ,,t� the other perxona prescrl6ed by eppliable leo: ARcr Ihe Ilme requ rcd by appliwble la�.7Yustee ahell give public ,�t -� <br /> - notice of aole to l6e perxona ond In tht menner prcccribed 6�•opplirnble Ixn: 7Yustce.�rlthout demend on Ilorrower. ' �� <br />.,,�.;�!.� she0 sell the PropeHy at publlc uuctlon to the hiFhest bidder et Ihe Ihnr xnd plxce anA under lhe term�designated In ti����,,v�_: <br /> --i� fhe notice of sole In one or mare parceis end In nny arda 7}ustce determinn. 1Yustce mny postpone aele of eil or any h � ;� <br /> ;j.;;� pnrcel of lhe Property by public announcement ef Ihe tlme and ptnce ot nny prcrtuusly scheAuled sele. Lender or Na t �r ,_" <br /> ?► dexigace may purchose lhe Pvoperty a1 eny xele. y <br /> �y Upon recelpt of poyment o►the price bid.7Yustce shall drllrer ro the purchnxer 7YuxleeS deed mnveying �he � <br /> ' J Properly. The recilaB In the 7Yustee'a decd s6e11 be prima fecie evidmce of the lruth of the alatemenb made therein. � � � ' <br /> 'J� 7Yuslce shell apply Ihe prutteds of the sele In Ihe follmdnR mder. In1 to all casM nnd expensea af exerctsln�the power R�� ' �4 - <br /> t R:� sr���: : <br /> � .{„ _ <br /> `' qt'r r. <br /> J i'� r <br /> tva r t�.< <br /> � r . <br /> y t� i <br /> '} ! � `- <br /> il � j r1Pr,:� <br /> '!i'(� Fwm 30A1 9N0 � c� n .I•.�4,,.�.. <br /> I�K. �I NSru ::=r:;i.: <br /> �-� :'� �f� � iF.:. <br /> ' '' . <br /> l� � {P:; <br /> ti �} i$_ _} —I'� 1 �.Jif{ . ' ti�t?.,>-v1j'� -t��)� �} 4 I� y�i y a .��P{ �J Si7 i r fj .-.'.[ ; r' <br /> �"CP f r� r `Y 'S S �>��~��j'il� -i� �t�i.f1�- - . �,(";ia��,l5h, -ri �� ����'C+,y'}{ t. > S !� y(i <br /> r 2`r�i 1,�� J'�J �Y.-- � '-S} d In��S�ri.�f! 1 fi i a ��4 [Yr��l'4� 5 i �s . i <br /> � - as 's--s,_. ..�(-;,,f �:��as`i - `��'� --„i��- kv, riS' yT1� {1;,5}�t?ik' 'V>„itii .,t'.".�j <br /> *. . .- -- j - rf i�.i �2:-� � t� - • r r �� ip -r r.t --- I- _ <br /> i e` d 7 t - c. 1 - ? r r �i a. � <br /> � '- • "k � � �r `S�;aYt f V� ? ft}'X'{�Ie� � �� -.4/;iTi�t ;jPt -i 1 ,'�.�ji!' i - � xA _ <br /> � n� t .1Y�f rc . \ � . }U a� ! A��� 1� �tT � 1 t !�L�i � .l I � <br /> f b > S t- � <l � �tn j t -- ui � r l � e ; <br /> `�' am r� � � i Y `,�� � t - i + r � S - t � <br /> ¢ ��.[ a r �v3a �� ."i 7 1 ( � �Yi 1 ,l i fNi(�� r � . ) �� k� vi'. � , t . <br /> �f - f� J = t � i � i" v�F - .ni .�r a � i If e t _ .�n3-s j� 1 � i <br /> .- �„_ l ._ x S�k _ '� Yr'i .- � _q . , ) '�t�/i y �;s ( T??'.. +-'r. -� � f) �ltU i F � �- � t <br /> v t3 � _�r Yt�{�.r�. vl.�r �. �1 �._i�l� t�S_ t� 1���`i, � � r --I� SrL -- t )�� s•1�`i�l): � � � - ��t�li <br /> D � 1 r - . ( 4.' I . k� h �� r. t <br /> t . s�. � � b � .� � � jrro" r/ � {� l� ,! n� ._" Y• 1i�K�t��' � t .4 s <br /> 1 ' j � ---� � t Fi - � si - -�?t� f�t : ��S s aS _ i t � 5 � iF . . �tt <br /> <�- � ��� F ., i �i -, t� s . v Sa�K� �-�� . t , _. �. � i� �ti f�l y_. -� ' ♦ <br /> � - - \i �tr � _ti_ Jf J -� 1 Ltij� }- � .� . i➢ j ?EY�I � - ' �� ��7 <br /> .---f 4 .i-- i- J . � � }J'tr l�"( '- ..i t> > -� r(r ��; rJa .f 1., r- i`[ �� i <br /> -�l } �- � t l ���h4.� - A x �c y�� v .{, a -�� t f f � —T - y) ♦ <br /> �� -�-i �"� a �- 31 y F 3r j�2 l+ Y�+ -i" y h S 1 N� � r+ t x [ (i."y is � �+�}+,.� <br /> � .t'..'.� .. D'. . .r � -. s. ` . . ; '', u ..! ' . ` •„; � ..�.� � �1 x .c., i� �' �. <br /> l y.. ;� 's �{.:5j� 3 �. t C C� c4.:: �-Y_�. }��f. <br />