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. �� •��} - iy�•t-.�sIJ._°�rr.�'..�a. ,��l,r+"-'Si,-vwiuin....�TM....�siwuVSYi.. ��1� �� _ - ..rc� v _.__. <br />-" ��. 10�t50 <br />_,._� condemneHon or otACr�eking ot any part of�ho Propeny,m for convaynnco in Ileu ofwndemnatlm.ero hcrcby nsalgnsd nnd --�-� <br /> �hetl be pnld�o Lender. <br /> � lit Ihe ovenf of o tolal �eking of tAa Ptopetly, the pmceed+ ihall ho apDllcd io rtw aum� acurcA by �hii &aurity = <br /> ,-� Instmmen6 whc�her or not then duo,whh eny ezcw paid w Oortower. In tta ercnt ot�yattl�l taking of tho Propeny In -. <br /> r wbich Iho Polr market velue of U�o PropeMy immcdietely ba[orc the�akfng le cqail�o or grcnttr Ihen�ho omount of�he�um� E . <br /> - sxurcA by thB Sewrl�y Incnument imme01ate1y beforc�hc taking.unleee Bmrmrer aM I.sndar o�herwl:e ogna In wrlting, __ <br />'����� �ho wm�«cured by thf�9audty Inswment sAall bo rcduced by tho emount ot Iht Dcaced�awltiplled by tho following -- <br /> traction: (e)the lotal nmoant nf the cume cecurcd Immedintety 6eforo�ha�aking.dirfdtd by(hl ihe fair mndcet velua of Ihe �__ <br />"„j Ropeny ImmWietely beforo ihe eaking. My balmcc ihell be paid ro Bartnwer. In th¢evant of e portial �aking of�ho v_ <br /> -- Propeny in which�he fair mnrkct velue ot�Ac Rvperty immcdiately bcton�he�akiqg i+kee dnn�he amwnt of�he sum� a�_-:: <br /> f cecurcA immedlntel betoro �he�eklng, unless Bortower end Lender othernim egrce (n xTRing or unlau opplicable Inw q, - <br />'`�;; othe�wise providea,ihe pracerds shall be epplied to ihe sums.ecured by thb Sceudty Inrtmment wtwGar or rmt the�ums aro �h_, <br /> then due. �,�%-. <br /> '-z� It tAo Propeny la�bandmed by Oortower,or if,efier notiec by 4:ndcr to Bwrowcr iMt�hr caademwr oficn ro make �� _ <br />:._:;� an award or acttle n claim for demegee.Borrower feil�to reFpond ta Lender witLin 30 dayn efltr rtk date the r,ntice is given, t �_ <br /> .,� Lender ia amhodud to coiiect end epply�he procads,a�its opttm.ehher ro rtstmuim a rcpair of the Propeny or to tha ` <br /> :ums seeurcd by this Saurity In:uument,whc�her or not ihun dva. <br /> `� Unless Lender anA Bortower otherwiae agrce in writing,ony�pFlisn4an of proceedi to principal shall not extend or : <br /> :� postpone the duo dato of the monthly paymeeus iefened ro in perngrnqn I aM 2 nr clanga iht nmount of such paymems. � ,; <br /> Il. Oarrower Not Releazed: Fbrbenranm Oy Lender Not n 4{1ti�cr, Bzt<ncim of �he �ime for paymem or ��-,. <br />_?;�5� modification of emonizadon of the sum+x�curcd by�his Secudry In+lnvmnt pnnud by 4endcr ta any auoceswr in intercst [;;:: <br /> of Borto�ver chell not opernee ro releue�hZ liabiliry of the original Ooernxrr or Bmrowerk succeuors in interoxt.Lender t.,:"- <br /> ,j �hall no�bercqulred ro commence pma�edinga against aiy successor ia id�rcrt a rcfiuc ro extend time tor paymeN or k ;:; <br /> '� othuwim modify emonfzation of�he wms setured by this Secumy(mmmtnt by�tason ot my demand m�de by�he odginol . <br /> ' Dotrower or Bortowerk fuccessors In inreresi. Any forheern�e by Lender In sxercising nny right or rcmedy ahell no�6e a (�1:�� <br />�.'n"� walver of or preclude�he exercise ot my rigin or rcmcdy. "�;-_ <br /> ::__, <br />,,;�„ 1]. Succecson and As+1gn+Bound;Jatnt ond Severel Llabillly;Caslg�ere. 7Le mvenmts end egrccmrnts of this sr.- <br /> y,� Security Instmment shall bind and benefit�he succezsan end assigns of Lender md Bortower,subject w the provisions of � ;_. <br /> paragmph 17. Oorrowerk covenams end agreemenu xhell 6c joint and severnl.Any Bortower who co•signs this Sceurity i;�-� <br /> �i Insnummt bw daea not execme ihe Nate. tn)is casigning this Secumy lnsuument only to mortgage,grem nnd comey thee i� <br />-_,�;� Dorrowerh Intercsl in Ihe Propeny uncler�hc�em�s of�his Security In�lrumenr, (b)ia not pertanally obliga�ed ro pay�he sums �i,`-: <br /> _-_t'� ucurcd by this Secudty InsuumenC and(c)xgrees�hat Lender end any other Bono�ver may agroe to extend,modi(y,forbeu e;�-: <br /> -.� or make eny eecommadntions wiih mgnrd �o the�emu of ihis Security Inctrumem or�he Note without thet Bortowerk r �,. <br /> eonmm. ct'; <br />�'� 13. Loun Char¢ee, if tAe lonn ucnred by�his Securrty Inswment is xubject ro e luw which icets maximum luen = <br />;-,t;;.� chuges,and�het law I�finally imeryreted so ihat ihe imerest ar other Ioan cherges callate6 or ro oe coiimcd in conncciiw F�=:. <br />.;:+1! with�he lo¢n exeeed�he pemih�ed Iimiis,�hen: (N my such loan charge shell he rcduced by the omount necessury ro reduce - <br /> ] �he charge�o the pem�incd limft;nnA(b)nny xums olm:+dy collected trom Uortower which excceded permined limhs will be ��'.-� <br /> .?� rcfunded ro Bortower. Lender mxy choose�o mnke�his refund Ay reducing the principal a�ved under�he Na�e or by moking a ;. . <br /> �y'� df�ect payment fo 6orto�ver. If n re6md redurex principal,�he reduc�ion will be irwted m n paninl prcpayment�vnhon[nny ! - <br /> prcpayment chvge under thc Noce. �; <br />�_-{�� 14. Natica. Any nolice to Bartowcr provideA for in �hix Sccuriry Insnumem xhill he given by delivering I�or 6y F._. <br />, ;., meiling i�6y firs�cinv mail unleas applicable Imv rcyuirc.�ne ui unwLci mcthal.'flx nmice shall be dirccud ro the I'rapeny �__: <br /> Addrcc+or any o�her nddresa Borrower designntes 6y notice to Lender. Any no�ia�a Lender shall he given by�rst clas� <br />`'_��� mafl�o LenderY oddrcu ata�ed hcrc6�or nny othcr uddreu LcfMer designatex by na�im to 6urto�ver. Any notice provided for �`=`'_ <br /> N in ihia Secud�y Instrument shell be deemed �o hare bcen given �o Durto�rer or Lcnder when given m provided in �his <br /> I � P�B�Ph A.:� <br /> 13. Govetning La�v; Sererabllfly. This Sauriiy Inatrument shall 6e govemed by fedeml law und thc law of thc • <br /> Juriadidbn In which the Propeny is Iau�M. In�he evem thnt any provision or cluuse of�his Security Inswment or the No�e �:-: <br />,[;:�5� eonflicta with epplirnble Inw,xuch eon0lct ahall not affett oiher proviiions o(thia Security Inswment or�he Noie which cnn ��,_ <br />;';::� be given e(fat wl�hom�he can(Iicting provision. To�hic end the pmvisians uf this Securiry Insnvmem und �he No�e ere r��- <br /> dalarcA to be mvemblc. : :. <br /> 16. Qorrower'e Copy. Bormwer shnll he given ane confomied copy of�he Nme.�of this Securi�y Insuument. u,,: <br /> ,_f� 17. 'I�ansRr ot Ihe Properly or e Oeneticial Inkreat In Horrosrer. If xll or any pan ot the Propeny or any inttrest in .- -_ <br /> +;,�� 11 is sold or lransfertcd(or if n 6cneficinl imcrcst in Borco�ver is zold u�Irnmferted nnd fiormo�cr is not a nutuml persoN �._>`. <br /> ;.�,y without Lenderh prior wrinen conxen4 Lender ma��.x�i�s option,rcyuire immeJiam pnyment in full of ull sums secured by ��- <br /> a �hif Saudry Inswment. Howevcr,thix op�ion shali not be excnixJ by Lcnder if exemiw ix prohibitcd by tcderal Inw aa of �;��' <br /> .- � ; <br /> �i- �he dete of�his Secumy Inswment. r <br /> a1� If Lender exercixs this option,Lender xhall gire Burro�cer notice uf xccclermiun. The notice xhall pr�vide a period of • -. <br />_.,,,� not laa than 30 days from�he date�he no�ice i+dclivemd or mailed�viihin which Rarrower mmt pay ull xums ucured by this r t- <br /> Sccurily InstrumrnL If Bortowcr (ail+ to pay theu sum. prior m Ihe cxpira�inn nf thi.period. Lender muy invokc any <br /> rcmedia permitted by this Security Innwment wi�hom funher no�ica nr demand on Oorto��cr. �,..� <br />', `� 18. Borro�nr'e Right lo Relnatate. I( Darm���a meet. cenain condi�ion+. Burmx-er shalt have the right w have ;' � <br /> -;,� ' enforeemeM of this Secnri(y Instrununt dixontinucd:n any�ime prinr m�he mrlier of: (a15 days(or auch other period es �:° <br /> �)°� SInEkFunI17..FtonleMadFYaddkllael'YItY)P\11\bTRI'�il:NT--UnifamCmaunu 9N0 pw�NnJnMt�n ��-' <br />:r}:ij , _ <br /> �Y <br /> - ;�.:.. <br />..�(I'.'�. . t•A:'. <br /> f�� �, : <br /> �� � t � < _ - ]tt ti r-. iF �.I ._ 1x_vi�i 1�`' S�y ��� v_.. l '_ _ _ 1 T S � ;��<<I iYti- Yf� ; !; <br /> �a.-s,s.,�� �t ` 1 r�v�' _ `�'^'i. .�i �- i �- --.5 [ t -.i�s r �- c: � - 4�- . �t � .! y�.�� <br /> -- 6A. . .�C.. �r': ..� . -� • i�/- �� �-_��- y• Ct�' <br /> � � i1�#� .(_ [ �_ 'i v �5f_- .'' +a ' .:ti _} -. - .. -tyr - r i3+ ��•'? t �'�:x i(] _.t .; <br /> ' 11 C y.• v�___ !r3 Y s ( f � '_ f�Il _ :y. r� 1 . �i t } t�' r . } G - <br /> - t�-. .i n rt �- ��i �t L !.i � - r �-4.'c 1 it_ _ j -1�i_ _J? o � --3 _ ( . � <br /> �i$ � 1 e� . -r _ � i� - .i- �N t \. >-!J ys {i_ 5 } y-- � � - t - <br /> P4 : £ � i- .-iA. . L � �) -��° j 7 -. .L. � � - � r \ r�} ",� "� "�'�` .�� ..,_1� _ 1 u '-.. <br /> -Si � _' e ��_. � � nr . i . _ ` S° r -- .,5: !,i"� � � '�_r?.,., <br /> 1 � �� >� i �1 i .�� - _r� i� � -��t't? >�� i�` d�b� � � S t-- . <br /> 51 �,ay� Lt .+� � ;v _.% t `\, .-�l. }> � i 1 � �{t' � �� r i_ +t ��f� iv��ii - i t� � � <br /> .��� 5 �3 �' ,. 11{ .iiy H�i . � t. h� 4s - t-. � � _�.�H� 1] � - � - �S � �tr 1t - I <br /> - � t� Y > ai � �J� vr i._-', f f � :, - y� rrv �il i - Yl � : Rl �- : f{ ♦ _ � � _5ti��. <br /> +YiL . . - � Sy i � f++ f <br /> Ot �14 _ � . � Y i� m� � � � . a - J` � Jl-'�ti a- . - � ! 1 1 a - i-. <br /> � __-- :� N � � It l� io� J ,� . i{� ty. .y y.,1 s Y a - i y .( <br /> '�°G'Y_ �_ � f f ir � ,._� t -� ,.r� 5 ` - �rif _.t�r )�r �'� t -h Sa--. �l t - ..� fzv :: <br /> �`� � 'r X .u�.-� iM_ _ + i !- YS re�.� 3i Si_ nr t _ � � . `Y.� � i .,v. "�j: ,-. t -_P:'. <br /> ' ..-: �5;' ��- ,- =.�H r�� �,� '' t^ - , ' - > ` �...-r� : ��. „ . ��y �� . <br /> . .�, ti - L y. ;#„� <br /> . �.:� .. .,n _._ -. .,., , ,. . ... , . ,�_ . ,. `,.�.._, � --- ir�., . _. ., . .� . . .. . -ik.:.. .. <br />