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. _ , ..t:: ra. t r. .. . .... .. ._ r r r <br /> __ � ':. . . �__ -r.._:� nm�ra�.+.:���i T z _.. <br />. -_ . . � . . f - - . <br /> . . _ � -+ '_. — <br /> A '. • ' <br /> ��,4�- --�-�- � . ��-�- - . .... - <br /> _ .,, � i :t..-.a :'�t..��.�+, .� -�t.nn...,.rpbJ.'4lGAf�b�'.'�,sF�L._ __ — ___-�..�+.wn�.: _ <br /> ,Ni� 1 .� __ — . .,. <br /> ; �' , 93��o��ao - <br /> 3nt ?� perlod�that Lcndcr requfrce. 71ro incuronce wrler providing the inswance ehall bo chosen Cy Bortowcr�ubJul lo I.enderti ��-- — <br />.__«��y� approval which�hall not be unrcawnebly wi�hheld. tf Bortower telb to maintein rnvemgc dacrl6ed n6ovo,I.endcr mny,m ����«. ---- <br /> �t,`. • I.ondtrb upqwi,oWain mvcraga to pro�cct landart righn in tho Ropzny In accordnnca with paragraph 7• , -- ___ � <br /> � Atl Infurance policies and renew�la ehall be acoeptabb ro Lendcr end ehall Include e ctanderd mortgnge cleuso. Lender <br /> `�� aM1all have tho dght�o hold No policlu end rcnewals [f I.cnder requirc�.Hortower�Aall promptly give�o I.endet dl rucipte ,,;, <br /> " `� of paid premlums and rcnewal noqca. In the evmt ot lou,Borrower+hntl give promp�noNa ro�he insurance carticr end �=-�r si� >+rt - :••.. <br />°`�� Y,�^� Lcndec Lendcr msy make prooto(loa tt not mada prompqy by Bortower. ,��. <br /> r',_� Unla�Lendcr end BoROwer otAerwiw egrco In writing,insumnce prosads ehall bc epplied to rcstoretlon or rcpair oi �i`m�drrrFr<< <br /> �sa } thc Propeny demaged. if[he rcsiomtlon or rcpair is economicilly Rasible and LenderY secudty B noc lesuned. If�ha e `= -- <br /> ���y<. resroratlon or rcpalr is mt aonomicalty leasible or Lenderl ucurity would bo lesscned, �he insureace procerda shell be ��'*„}�� _- <br /> ' t� applied ro Ne sume secured by�hta Secudty Inswmen6 whnher or na�hen due,�vith eny exceu pntd to Oortowec U � <br /> � . ''� Uortower a6nndan+:lio Proputy,or doc� no�answu within 30 dxy�a notia fiom Lc�er that�ho insuranco certier has �- -, . Y;} '"' .. <br /> U -.��' o(fercd ro�uAo a claim,then Lender ma�collat tlw Insurena procadx Lender mey use�ho praceeda to R palr or rostoro SS,,���;�ff , ' <br /> J,�+_ -;� tho Noperty or to pay aums securcd 6y th a Sceudry Inawmrnt.�vhether or not�hen duo. 7To 3Gday pedad w ill bogin whon �,��t���� ,,_ -_ <br /> „ [� the no�icc ia given. �[+�{ f! t'x : <br /> A ''e Unlw Lender end Bortower othetwise�gree in wdting,any eppliatlon of prouWs w pdncipal ahell no[oxrond or " '���'F +, '� <br /> �`-}'- postpone ihc due date of the monthly paymenta rcferted�o in pemgrephs 1 and 2 or chmge�he emount ot the paymcnts If '�,+r 'Fi 1 si�u'm w -� <br /> , ut r x;� Nk �e�r". <br /> , - J_ under pa�egwph 21 �he Propeny is ecquired by Lender, Borro�verk right m any insuronw polieies end praceeds resnldng N F v„ u <br /> ,�r �'z; from damage to the Property pdor ro the acquisiflon�hall pau ro L.ender ro�he extent of the aums securcd by IAis Security �7 ��sAp�,r'�t�E .- <br /> , ����; Inswment imme4ieroly priorto�he acquisi�ion. 5}�,�kiS�g�SJ y _ <br />. ,,r+r, �� 6. Occup¢ncg Preservalion, Malntenance end ProtaUon of q�o Propert yt Oorrower•e Loan Applicailon= ., r�x$e} � <br /> r t;}r Leauhotd�. Bortower shell occupy,este6liah,end uu�he Propeny as[iortowerh pdnc ipal rcsidence within:ixty deys aRer '�S�'�-�� '`z�" -�� <br /> i ,-�+.- the examfon of thi�Savrity Inummrnt md shall mntinue io occupy ihe P�operty m Bortowerh principal residerrce for at --�z „� <br /> ;, lease one year efter �he deto of oaupnncy, untess Lender oiherwiu egrus in wrhing, which mnsent shaU aot be �,,�•4 " <br /> - �t �-:� unrcasona6ly wi�hhcld,or unlou eatem�nting cireumstentta exist which a2 boyond Bonowerl comrol. Bo�rower shell not ��s:�� . .�- <br /> -�'''•-���i� deatmy,damege or impair�he Property,ellow ihe Propeny to deteriorele,or commi[waste on the Property. Dorrower shall 'yfr'i;,��;•�m;p�� <br /> ,m : t'i /%,fkT �+ — <br /> -.�_t��, be in def�ult if eny forkiwrc ection or proceeding,whether eivil or criminel,is begun�hat in Lendert gaod Poith Judgment � :, z � —' <br /> n t��',r could aralt in foAciturc of the Propeny or othenviae matedally impair thc licn crca�ed by �his Securiry Inswmem or '` ��u; � n --`� <br /> } Lenderl ucuriry intemst Bortower may curc:uch a deteult end provided in paregmpM1 cauxtng the action /'�:��t �. <br /> ';, -; ��-,* or prceccding a be dismtssxd wi�h e mling Ne6 in LenderS good faith deicrminetion,prccluda fadci�urc of the Borrowerk '%?• 'ii, 3,i .-. <br /> d <br /> �,. .�, <br /> 1.- +�y }o, imercs� in the Propeny or oNer maudel impairtnent of the Iien crcoted by ihis Security Inswmrnt or Lenderl ucurity S�,r K ��v� P <br /> * 1 ; imcrcae Borrowcr shell also be In defaul� If Botrowcr, during ihe lo�n application procets, gave metcrially telu or s{ �- � _- <br /> r; ' tt�.. inaccurnte info�mation or stetemenu to Lender(or fe[ted w provido Lender with eny matedal info�metion)im m�nection with .y{'"_ - `�� -.-. <br /> ����f;�' �he lonn evideneed by �he No�0. Int!uding. 6ut not Ilml�ed ta, reprecenletfona concemfng Barrowerk occupancy o(the ?'�-�+°�"�� '— <br /> V��j n,,,�x,i�_���.. <br /> ��y���j;( Propeny u e principnl midence. If thle Security lnumment is on o leauhold,Bortower shall comply wi�h all�he provisiona p'.������t�.(,?-:-=- <br /> r�— oi tho lensa Ii bo�roaveracquims fce ti[ie w me Fopeny,�he ieasenoiu md tfio iec iido aholi not merge unless Lender ngmes �� `c,� <br /> t`?�Z Y, ro the mcrger in writins. �{ =�y"�����5 "� <br /> ':;,'.�•f_�1;�� 7. Proteclton ot Lender'e Wgh�s In the Property. IC Borto�ver fails to perfomi �ho covenants and egrcemrnts ,�,b��(„;-si�;�;'�5e_=--� <br /> --jf�W�. rnmained in this Secumy Inauumen6 or�herc is x legal proceeding Wa� may signi(wntly n(&ct Lenderh righis In the ��f�y;t:•t{`� �� <br /> ;v}niM1�` R°P�ny(auch es a proceeding in bxnkmpicy,probate,for condemnntion or fodeiturc or to en(oree lavn or rcguletions),ihen }��,'�_ �. a ,� � <br />.,,}��;,r�:s Lender may do and pay for whamver is nececsery ro protect�he veluo of the Pmpeny and Lenderh righta in ihe Property. h�:.�t�,r�`i��f.�.;�.. <br /> t'�� Lenderh ac�lone ma include n an aums secured b a lien which ha� norit over�hl�Securit Inslmment,e <br /> s.s Y PeT 8 Y Y P� Y Y PP���B (,�Y ��,i`{ :_ <br /> `� ` <- in coun,pnying reawnable atwmeys'kes nnd cntering on�he Ropeny io muke rcpaire.Alihough Lender mey�eke eaiea rY' --- �. - <br /> ,��-�� under this p�mgmph 7.Lender das no�6nve�o do so. r y�� � U �: <br /> <' �3� Any umounts disbur.ud by Lender undcr this parogmpA 7 shnll becomo aAdiUonnl deb�of 6ortorver securcd by�his 'r - �_ <br /> •.. i. >�;,� Secarity Instrumem. Unlest 6ortower o�Lendcr ngrce to aher tcmis af paymcn6 thosc omounu ahall bcer interea�from ihe ,���t-- -� +�.��=� <br /> -��✓'F, dn�e ot disbaraement nt the No�e�ate and xhell Ix pnyable,�vith imorc�t.upon no�i��e from Lender to Bovo�ver rcquesting t f 's? '��fi "` <br /> '' i�`y�.;�� payment. -- ���',.��A� ,tr;. <br /> �{t��� 8. Morigage Insurantt. If Lender rcquircd mongage insumnce as a condition of making ihc lonn cecurcd by this -+ -��,����M r � ,- <br /> f2 r 1 Securiry inxwment. 6arower ahall pry�he prcmiums rcqmrcd ta meimein �he mortgege insumnce in e(fece If, for any . �f: ������ ;_ ` <br /> , 4�,,- rcawn, �he mongxge mcurence coverege requimd by Lender lopms or ceases to be in etfea, Bovower ahell pay �he 'I i7 � n;- <br /> � fs ,. premiums reyuired w obinin coverege aubataminlly eyuivalem w �he mongege incurence prcviously in effa6 at a cost �T j � '(�yl i' .- <br /> -si ' suhctamially equfvalem ro the cnn ro Qorrower of�he mortguge Insumnce prcriouxly in efke,from nn altemaic mongege `� <br /> +' !1� , -lxti dyy�l f . <br /> � tsk?� 6cnder each m n hy um equal�o ooe tweltth of ihe ycarly mongage insurance premium bcinc ipnid by Rorrower whenihe ' ���t� �'Y.t -� ` <br /> ' "x �i insumnce coverage lapud or cenud�o be in efkct Lender will nccept,ux und mtain�hex paymems as e loss rcserve in lieu Zvk^ti< '�7 L� � : <br /> - ot mongage insurancc. Loss reserve paymenu may no longer 6c rcquirod, at ihe option of Lcnder,it mongagc insurancc j+•trit;. "�'rj+ < <br /> ;�i`�4�.�r coverage(in ihe emoum md for the period�hnt Lender rcyuircs)provided by m insurcr approved by Lender again becomes ;-',;F�°.;n�';;%��Y?.-�;;_-� <br /> I B available and is ohtained.IIorrower+luli pey the pmmiums rcquircd to nmintoin monguge inmrance in efkc�,or ro provide a x .,� �t <br /> �f^`,t��.�z loss rcsene,uNil thc rcquircmcnt for mongage insumna ends in nccnMmcc�vith any wriucn egrcement be�wcen Bortower �s;s- ,<�}�t4�4t' ;- <br /> a� � , and Lcndcr or upplicable lew. . _ r <br /> -- `t��< 9. Inspecilon. Lender or i�s egenl may moke«nwnnble entria upon wd in+peclions of�he Propcny. Lendcr shall '- --��� <br /> ._ ii, give Bortower notice at�he time of or prior to an inxpeaion cpoci(ying rcasonable cause(or Ihe inspec�ion. �}�r .�, } i ; �. <br /> ; -;=L�rT? 10. Condemnetlon. "Ihc pra�ecds of uny awarJ or claim(ar damaga.di¢c�or conccyucmial,im m�ncnion with any -r�' '�,< <br /> 1��f5+ SlnkFrnil FannkMeefi7eddkAlaUYIFOR1111AS17tUlIF.Nf-�UmfamCmen+n� 9I90 r SY <br /> � t l�� I'�lriM�WYrrl <br /> [ `� 1 <br /> �' i }�i wa Wn emmeu Wei��e R � .. • <br /> , f.11. r.nnwu�tarowDwtor�us�smani t7�5�' ';r <br /> xr ��� <br /> �� <br /> �t�i '����`� ,�}���c�;s,� <br /> , <br /> n�w5�7re� � _ ��v�� �� r� f/ i � '�/��'�4g��'��u�. a �- 4- �lf �nf k��k�S � ��r � <br /> Zr � r > b�,jl� i � p • y sr J �� � �/ R rt-=�,}� <� <br /> ,....oKi .,.i �i) __v id'l�.i - �\� � ._.. -r{`54�,1�Y' i" t.-.� t��(�`IS� . —'�T l7�rLs� }rws�( i !t! it . <br /> � �� � � ''�- - � . .�.- _ -' t � ,_ ( - t z7 -'',�e - � t <br /> t , '..� Yd:�,Il.... ,n: .-.. . . �.:-,. .. :.:-�.. . . i. . .--�:.. /x ._: ____ ... ,-t � <br /> r7is� ty -. �`{f / 1�15>t ._i � V � . - t 7! i � ( ,l° �rSt t� lT qC - (- 1 -- ♦ .--'ll . <br /> d� 'r- - i :r- � �y�i . �i ia T �-:3,s;) � __t r dh . Y .c - '�+.�+�}l5'7a urt i� .. -f��; t - t/r i�, 5 �. <br /> 4Y - , a S.�-'�43#� t � t�h}d - S{ 9� i s r i {itG U i - � y _ . <br /> � lk 1 11� .- . l�u QYF �4 "1 t <br /> 4f,�� .a A� yy� r f,r sYj u w S _S a} - -�e r ��' r at 71'T .- � ?S �� �5 V i(i )J� �r v � �� _ <br /> au YF_ e c �> u �� - s' r � c� k `f Y - ttt � �:�♦ d� rs t>�n - �< . � <br /> 1 i�._ � � 1 ax r J � - ., y ar - .i <br /> �- a -�:� u� � N(` � : �r1i� `iri � :- i f�'Z�,. �-n �' � __t _v�Ts }�.4 ` `_ <br /> z �' r�L �i 4 i r U �;�t- _- � `l �t � r�. r -z��S' i a, � _, ri' I. 5 ; . � + r� - � <br /> i s 3�, /1" - �`' t --� S ' <br /> ��(r��'rL. � :I�tt irs �i . ,�' iJ& ir fl:.�y�}�� -��r�ih�, � � ��4 � �� � �'4 vJ.``t•xrJl� �5 _ jr{ rt . st! <br /> FIlY7�� ___ t "JJ . .[� }i �r .f -_ �x( r� ♦ -i. y� . T,y� J - >• t 1- • y +{Fj. �- � � _ J� 1' !: � �., . <br /> Lia, S . 1 ltyi. . !J �� - C f _C Y--/ � ` <br /> ��y _. t� � t . 1 . � 5_ n S. s _. r � y . ' � �V Jf _( -- � > <br /> d.a..-�t:� l t . �< a'. Q i�- . ��1 a�,' � �� : �341 d} - S i � t .� �#�- �� • � - ,' � \ -�t ii tit�- <br /> �t.� i 1� T. �. � ~ ii �l ,i, '�1�� -. {� �-.. r-?F . i ::t <br /> aK yry i � �. tii� - ir)_�• P' l �t� fY� i �'. � } ^t .t4� .._' � ___ `, 1 N-Gx�. 1 4 . <br /> h i, t t . c T- bYL � . , j1 .LY � 1 - � r- 3� _ � � tr <br /> ->- i tj - ( `�> �Y,i� r TN r - � . 3 .t}/' 1. {'. u Y } .�� 3_ <br /> h f ' �1 /tF 4.e-- `�1Y., t� e 1 l hi r 1;lr � A 5 f � r-: ll- 3: �,cy'S <br /> .'�t-r. YY ..� �� � ... �l . . .�l '.1�f' � . .t ' . .C�'w l. �� .S� .�'. . . . . .S S n l J'/.. . � . .�.1. a�l <br />