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. � i ���F a � . __ _. -- :�wiu yn• .._._<- . <br /> `� 1�Rr•'�T l..fn .;�i:f�,� •1.�I �.n am-.innrvaa...k.�14a�w'. <br /> �'���1 <br /> +� 93- ����o ..�_�.. <br /> ;t;Y„<"-� Tppg�}�►�g NtTH atl the impmrcmem�now or horcaRer erccted on�hc propeny,ond ell eaxmcnte,eppunenance�. _....__ <br /> �� and Oxcurc�no�v or hacaRcr a put of�ha propeny. All rcpincementn and nddiUon��hall also bo mrcred by this Sccudry ._. <br />,,�3.`+j� Instmmcm. All of the Porogoing i��tu��o In thiz SauA�y Inswment as the'Proparty." _ _—_ <br /> OORRO\WR COV[iNAN7S ihtt Hortuwcr I�IawPolly scittd of�he cstnro hereby conveycd nnd hm the dght ro grenl <br /> -�, �"� end convoy�ho Property end�hat iho Fhnpeny Is unencum6ercd,cxttpt tor encumhmnccs o!rccoM. Bortower werrentt and ���.q --_ <br /> ..;,:�ti y� wili dcknd genuNiY�he tlile to�hc Pmpeny agninst ell clnims and deme�s,aubJai to eny encum6rena�of rccord. �_n_,�?�?.""- <br /> Y '.� THIS SBCURITY IN977tUMJiM' combines unlfoim covenantn for na�loml u� end non-uniform rnvennnta whh - <br /> t°{Xri� �an,,.:...__ <br /> «;;h� Iimited veria�ions by Judcdiainn to constltWt e unifortn security imwment mvering nal propeny. _. . <br /> _�� UNIFORM COVG+NANI'S. Dortm�w vnd Lender covennnt nnd ngtee m followr. t�'� _ _ <br /> r � L Poyment of Prindp�l anA lntm'eslt Pre➢nyment end Lete CAnrges. 6ortower chall promplly pay whcn dua tha _ _ <br /> pdnciFal of eoA 1nlcrost on tho dcb�ovi�knced 6y ihc Nota end nny prcp�ymrnt and Iem cherges duc undcr ths Noio. #f„�i��i -� <br /> +rv �� 1 I�tmda tnr 7Lxes enA Ineiirance. SubJect to epplirn6lo hw or to a written waWer by Lendcr.Dortower�hall pay ro ¢ -, , <br /> Uy�.� Lender on tha dxy manihly paymrntt am due under�hc Noic,untfl the Noio is paid in PoIL�xum('Amds")for.(a)ywly }; e�,;, �' <br /> r i_�:_ texea md axsessments whid�mny enPin prio�iry ovcr this Security Inxuumem m e Ilen on the Pmpeny;(b)yeariy leaschold �� s�r _ <br /> ; 4� paymenu or ground renta on thP Prn�rty, if any; (c) ycady hezerd w propeny insurnnce premfums, (d) yearty flood � ,�X.�Rn - <br /> �>��. Insurxnce pmminms, if noy: (nl yeady mortgxge msurence premiuma, if any: and(q any sumx peya6lo by Bortower lo ��.- - - <br /> "`i:`- eocorArnoe wlth ihe pmvisions of pangreph S,in lieu of the paymem of mongaEe insumnce prcmiumz 7Tese ('ZS '* tf b _,: <br /> items era eatlod'decm�v�it+ns.' LenAer may,e�my time,collea end hold FLnds in en nmount not ro exceed the maximum �r'�;� - .'•' <br /> J tit-',`. �> [•:' __. <br /> ; ' -�1'- emoum e I�da for a fidtmlly releted mongnge loan mey requirc for Bonowerk ercrow eccount under the kdeml Real r �E��.�t,�. ,,- <br /> �_''"'�1`( Esteco Su�1�mrnl�Pmcedures Aa of 1974 u emended Gom�ime w�ima 12 U.S.C.¢2601 e�rr .CRESPA"),unle+s xna�her !! :dl�!,.�?:••:_ <br />-.-.y:c:��2. 9 �'.�it%r,., . <br />�_:,n;�:;�� lew�hu�pplit+s�n tlie�unJ�uts a Icsnr amonm. If w,Lendcr mey,et any timc,mllat end hold Flmds In on emount nel to ;r�-'�}SS,�\_- <br /> oxoxd �M.Icsscr e�nonN. l.endcr mny extima�e Ihc amount o(Punds duc on �hc bnsis of curtent dmm �nd rcuonablc _ �. _ <br /> . i,l;?;. estimitos of exprndimma ot future Fscrow Items or otherwiu in acmrdance with eppliwble law. ;b+fk'k'�... <br /> �`�-s+ 'Ihc Pund:ahxll 6e hcld in nn ins�imtion �vhose deposits arc ina�red by a fedcral egency, ins�mmentaiity,or emity ,t�t :-' <br /> ' �1- 'h- (including Lender,iF 4ender is Fuch an ins�iwtlnN or in eny Federel HonK l.oan Oank. Lender shall npply the Ponds to pay � r� i�; _ <br /> '"(�5�4;: �ho Eumw Iiems. Lender may no�chorge Bortower Por holding end applying ihe Ponds,annunlly ennlyzing the escro�v '}� t2+ �-` <br />.._tr_`�,f�; aaoun6 or verifying �he Eserow liems, unksc Lender pays Borrower mterct� an �Ae Wnda and appliceble luw permiis %�i���- � _ <br /> Lender�o meke such n charge. However,LenAer mey requirc Bortower to pay a one•�ime chnrge for en independrnt real k��M1d tiSt¢4„-� <br /> r "t� esm�e tnx rc nin aervice used by Lender in connec�fon wnh this loen,uNess applicable la�v prov�des o�hetwi.u. Unless nn +,7 4f�� --: <br />. ;_�:>�� tgrcement Is mede or applicnble lew rcquires inlerccl lo be paid,Lender shall noI be rcquircd lo pay Bortower eny inrcrect or iti a�``�t�^.- <br /> � '�{ eaming�on lhu Funds. IIofrowcr end Lendcr may agrec in writing,however,that inlcrcat stull hc paid an�ht Punds. Lender �fj������+.'•��•. <br /> „ r��i` fhell give�o Dartower.without chnrge,an onnual eccouming of�he FLnds,showing credita end debi�s to Ihe f•Lnds and the � t sj,2;° ;._ <br /> a ;�. pntpou for which ench debi��o�he Ponds was m�Ae. 7Le FLnds are pledged na addi�ionnl securi�y for all sum�securcd by r ,x�tt��l� :-. <br /> „� !`';. �hle Setuflry InstrumoN. { S?"a'�� <br /> n - - ` 1i me Funua i�e�d by i.�nd:i c:Cted!hi �o::ec.".!s �'r`!:e!!_M !O !�'Mld L�y emliceFl! 19w, t eMqr ahnll ncenunl [o }�+� �t1;S��.. <br /> ��� � � Bortower for the excea Flmds in accordnnce wi�h�he rcquiremems ot appllcablc lew. If�he nmoam of Ihe FlmAs hcid by � ,{� '�Q����, . <br /> � !�, s Lender et eny�ime is not sutficien��a pay ihe Escrow l�emi when due,Lender may so notify Dorro�rer in writing nnd,in � , . <br /> ,.;a;.�{ euch teu Uortower chnll pny to Lender the nmount necessary�o make up�he deficiency. Bortower xhnll make up tho �n'�„�< j��,;;•- <br /> dofideney in no morc�hnn�wclvc momhly payments,m LenAcrh wle disaction. .�4�s;��1.>>,y;... <br />-;r�.'_��j� Opon payment in PoII o(all sums sccurcd by�his Sccuri�y Insirument.Lendcr sAell promp�iy re(unA io 8ortower any yj��i�`�4#'�Z'�y''` <br /> ..,��•.7�;- Wnds he�d by Lender. It,undcr pamgmpM1 21.Lender shall acquirc or sell�he Propeny, Lender,ptior to�he ncquisi�ion or _.5`j_{,=i;�:F{;�:�•�,;: <br /> f�-_��� aale of�he Propeny.shnll epply nny Ponds M1cld by Lender nl thc lime of ocquisilion or�Ie es n cmdit xgainst Ihe sums ��4� V,r�';'(,?�' ;'.- <br /> i ryP cceurcd by�his Sccuriry Insuument. �;t�'1�'"�'tF : <br /> , � �.. 3. Applicnflon oT Pxymenta. Unless npplimblc law provides a�herwi+e,nll pnymems rcceived Ay Lender under fi�{��fjA _ <br />_,i,�,..�,r, peregrephs 1 und 2 shnll bc applled:first.�o any prcpnyment chargex dne under�hc Na�e:eemnd,to omnunls paye6lc undcr � .�+{�j��i�+ �.� <br /> 4-�- �` pamgmph 2:�M1ird,ro intercst due faunh,to principal dne:and any Inte charges due under the No�e. � s ��,. �i : <br /> 1r;��_ 4. Chargea: Uens Bormwer s!:a�l Fr.y� all �axes,acseasmenis,chorges, fines and impositions mWbutable to �he ! iq r1•,�� �' �-- <br /> ,1�� i'Yi.7 5 ' <br /> ��2 � �e�1�P Y�wac bl gmfont In�1 c mmnerh�rov'dM fY Ins�rvmeh,2aoa if no hol d�nih mm�n8�r,�Bortou•er shnllYa Rh m on �,i.l �Lt'e y���k.��:-- <br /> �r:. v a� a v r� a r � �il�x�, <br /> f{, j! timo direnly ro Ihe person owed payment. Horto�ver sAnll prompily fumish m Lendcr ell na�itts of omoums ta be paid undcr ({ 10��<< <1°1 :-` <br /> t�� -.� thls pamgmph. If Bortowcr makes thcu paymcros dircctly,Borrowcr xhall promptly fumi�h�o Lcndcr rcccip�s cvidrncing ��}S���yF it fi�i - <br /> ; ? the P Bortowerahnll promp�ly dir.chnrge any lien whicA hna priority over ihis Secumy Instrumem unless Dofrower.(a)agrces '`Lv,y,U}y�y�� ^. <br /> +1,; fn writing�o the payment of the obligaiion ucurcd by ihe lien in a manner accepieble io Lender.(b)contests in good(ai�h�he ��S�1�i��;J.��� �` <br /> a��;�- lien by,ar deknds ugeinst enforcement of�he lien in.iegul procecdings�vhich in�he Lender)opinion opernre ta prcvem ehe �.�J���y+,rfi ._ <br /> - enforeemrn�of�he lien:or(c)xecurcs(mm Ihe M1older of the lien an ngreement satisfaaory�o LenAer su6ordinn�ing�he licn � ,b, �.;�1p �: <br /> �:'*. +�" ro thia Saurity Instmmem. If Lender dcumiines iha�any pan of thc Propeny is subjm�o a licn which mny mmin prioriry �� , -,ta" _�- <br /> _""t£=�= overlhia Security InatrumeN,Lender mey give Borto�ver a notice identi(ying Ihe lica Dortou•er ahnil salisfy lhe li.n or take 5�=-:'?'>+,�:+u:.`' <br /> > �(�nt.���'^`_. <br /> .tii���r onc or moro of thc actions sel forth ebovc wi�hin 10 days of�hc giring of nolicc. � �., <br /> .� � .� S. Hezurd or Properly[nsurance. Bortowcr shnit kecp tl�e improvemems now exis�ing on c�rmfter erecled on thc �ti�)�`i _�� <br /> i�- Propeny insur�ageinst loss by�re.hnzard�included wilhin�he Icmi"ex�ended coverage"and any o�her haards,including r s �. . <br /> z��t C ffaods or flooding, for which Lcndcr requires in�uranca This insuramc .hall 6c maimained in �hc amounts nnd for thc �:+f`��s�� � <br /> i H , <br /> �1'�.c-. +n.,/.:..: . !. �. <br /> -'::i:f:.4y Farm,l079 9A0 �NF�27apxni 2,..'yr�':�,i "_�Y' <br /> t �-�T �3.W r , <br /> Y T���}� �• . { <br /> _ i..r.�if ,� �c. . <br /> 3 - . rAf :,-i•• <br /> ... .. . ) <br /> .3'f.� � . }jti�;.::."' ; <br /> F �t$ "a�r - - <br /> C "Y l L L � L' .". T S Y 1 . - V' YY J - I =f-3 a �- ��l I�5 <br /> --r�� .. z� �� f �- i f � ir-3 _ (•Q�-u - �' : -< � 4'1 s 1 d i } e. '-�-�F f� ��r�IL l�i�,��f ��_q 7 <br /> T'� _ ` �, ..._ i . _ < F. ! 4-tf i "i } _ .1 +�4' r . / ) F����} K . <br /> , C �l u .i� � i �. -7 i - �u 1' . � �- �L + _ <br /> _ _. . .", . .... ........ .. ..!. �-�'.. d.r _�✓ i_ 1... . ..:Y.. � �f --..�: , .itt'.ue .i., i �✓arvl�dl��::4� <br /> r� -(� ' � a.i- 3 � }� � .i r`�ts) -�% - c Hc;r �6i. .. r : <br /> �i� � 4 t af � t l a ir qf 4.�p � - '� i � - } tF S -!,ib ,��! r��l L7�][ / <br /> J �\ - t - �� - I J 4 Ff/ffs � s l 4. } I . f f+ f}� � u <br /> v 1 1 ,� t i� �Y i S _ S �A�' } p } h l . � N . 1 1 }1�>) �j�] � )1 (( � <br /> - � Y �i�i. . l� � - .1 s � -i w F Q11'L ;n� !f tj t!{.. �� i - 7e'�NJ'/ ty��ln�.l�j �l1� �y � <br /> � r 1� - � s f i 4�.��5 t e� j . � �� S��i jIR>7J��ji�Y'it r'�v t�)Y� -it�� t^� i ! �r 6. � ��i-Sii;�� t�4t 1 � ! <br /> a/'�-' T h-'.r S - �f 1. .�- r e bj � �- �'b�j}�k it � �i31, rIf li � � i y - Fij� C/ �(Yf'�/�(��4�f� �I <br /> � i"� }., s �.� ?it7,l '� a��//++�" f� li '�`t . F ��>- �� h .rw� �� � � 1 <br /> � 'r i -.-3- s � t +��K(y Y _ HS iF 7 \�'�� � �, sy " <br /> . .�?l -.� li Jn . i ) > � } 4 � T �- t t Y- �F C�� } - . <br /> fi -} „h�?- r iS� � r � f liif �drirf 4 L r � `v - 7y� + t . , a.�,�j�,9Gi r ��f�'t<``, 1� _ <br /> �X t � e"t, .r ( L .��it. --5 r� �} tv � i +1P-' _i t .� ... Ss'j(t rr f�r,ti� : <br /> � _f � � _ �, ` ` Y � �i`y _�. � �� �T t` � �,f � �_. . .. <br /> r - i . >�f --.� � �- t , ��,�t� s„ i � _ t . <br /> .y�, �/+ Y ��� <'" 3 -i _ i b�`S� � �i c< _ + - i.Y ��- Y�. i �!4 / r '. .y � ��+ . <br /> `� `��` LM� , . � ��`.`" `� � .s' '}�{���rf� f�,•�v�� � i � . T . rt (r � � ;� <br /> � Y ._y"i � f y it 7 ��r1�S��fi r '� i f _ .1� 3 i - i �. � f/,� �,. <br /> fi , 4 � _ j a a4 r y� k r S' r Pr v fl e }e � } 1 - �. <br /> � � � , �" ` ct ri t��r,{��,1��tlsti� at i �f ��=r t a crs i, i <br /> -ia�a�SID_�r _1 t .> > li.4 l+� � s� T{ f� C ��LX ti i{ - � u !t �. i s V S�. � } r�E 1 i i4t. ; . <br /> N�` f u. 3 . y � � i`r . __}� lr s)� d i.. -it Y � -:Yl w y _ i "� ( <br /> /T �.•� v _ t � ��r.�� �t�j'.� iL� 1� ti ' i } ! i��f-- � .�. 1.� .:j <br /> .. . . 1., . ,. .. . ., �3:�t.. .. ,ro . ,4 ; � tc... . � .. .,� . .._ �I, ?.` 1 7 �..: �.i. 4 �.! .. . ..t.. . <br />