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p� r.::y�- .. . � � '"'. . __ v� . r� rLL[ -_i <br /> 1f . ;.� �' . n °i .1�t,7�,Sf.[�::i . .. _.. aet3 k`i?: _� <br /> C,�;,x t. �_ -s- - _ 4T' �, s"�_"4"'t-rc^�-%:.`":,Ta ;:f ,s� r-r <br /> - .._< �-a n4 .t� �... _ <br /> (cC� _.._._...,_, i- ..�...-....�._... _ . _.......i.:• - •••_.-�..,y;.:.::4:_ _ _._ .�._.........w �:r.:.�.'.�:3"c..+::'u`:e�3 �" p:s }�lGgFM .,r_ <br /> ! I I � t <br /> �r�,�;"=is 99a30:��50 n°��f��� : ,.,, <br /> n �r; • ' � �,� xG=`, :. <br /> ,�t � "`--'r ' 16.IIotrower'eCopy.DorrowmehallbegivononeconformodcopyotthoNouandotthiaSecoritylnetrument. .:��'� � -�� <br /> 1� n"�'„� • 17.Tran:ter o!the Propottp or e Deneficial Interoat in Honover.If all or any part ot the Propeny or eny %. � �'s� �;;j - <br /> �3 F �'�,y� intereat in it te sold or treneforred 4or it e bonetidal intareat in Dorrower ta sold or treneterced end Horroxer te no[a ;,� x�� j; f. <br /> roturd persnn)without I.ender'n pr nr Nrftten ennsent,Lender may,at its option,require Immediate paymmt in tull oT ri-s} <br /> �to, t�" ell suma sxured by thie 3ecudty lnstrument. Howover, thle option shall not bo oxercised by Lender it exorcise ie ;_�, r ?� t'! <br /> ,":�: prohibitedbykderaltewesotthedateotthie8ecufltylnatrument. � '����t' : ' <br /> y ,, �}, If Lender exorcisea thie option,Lender ehall gtve Borrowar notice of eaeleredon.The notice ehell provide e period �^r*����, `qy .�.` <br /> „� - :,;- ot not le�thnn 30 daye trom the date tho notice is delivered or mailed withln whlch Dorrowar mus[pay al l eums secured ,r ,,� <br /> �. ; by thia 3acurity InstrumentJt Borcowor taila to pay these sume pdor m tho e:o iration ot thie pariad,Lender may Invoke �;„l`t ; ' ,�ti,��{ : <br /> y -�;�� enyremediespermittedbythieSecuritylnatrumentwithouttwtheroodeeordemandonBorrowee « <br /> �: !8.Borrowor'e Ri;Lt to Reimbte.II Horrowor mcete ceru{n condidone,Borrowar efiell hsve[he dght to hrvo f., f ,+y�� # s ' <br /> enlorcement o[thia SecuAt y Ina[rumeM disoontinued et any time prtor to the earlier oC(o)!days(or euch othorpeAod �r" , �i„ . ., <br /> ; . ,;.;;::'. ee epdicable law mey apecdy for rcinetatemend beforo eele ot the Propeny pureuent to eny Qower of eale contemed in �°.,j„r..'._�d��;�:.i'� - <br /> � , , " thie&curity Instrument; or (b) rntry ot e1'udgment ontorcfng thia Securi[y fnatrumant.7Lose condiHone nro thet �. � �, � , <br /> ` �'•,�` Borrower. (a) pays I.ender ali eume Nhtch then would be due under thte Security Inetrument and the Note es if no ; h „ � � : y ;_ <br /> , , ,�; eoceleraAon hed accurred;(b)curee eny de►ault of eny other oovonsnts or egreemome• (c)pays ell oxpensee incurred In . <br /> entorcing thie Security Inetrument,including,Gn not Nmtted m,aasonable enorneyerfees�end(d)tekce suoh eodon es � � �` -; r <br /> ` Lender may reasonnbly rcquiro to essuro that tho Ilon of this&curfty Inatrumont,l.endor a rlghw in tha Proporty end <br /> .:, Borcower'eoMtgatlontopa tAesumasecuredby thieBaurltylnntrumentnhallcontlnueunchanged.Uponroineutemem � � � k f� .. <br /> + ; b�Dorrower,thleBecurity�nstrumcntendtheobllgallonesecuredherobyehdiremain(ullyeftcetiveaeifnoecceleration . ` <br /> � •:.:I • hea�,thie right to reinntnteehall not apply fn the case ot acceleration undor pnragraph 17. ` "Es�. .°+;i•;j' . <br /> ':;� 19.Sde oT Note;Chsngo oT I.oan Sorvicor.Tho Nme or�paniel interest in tho Note(rogethorwith thls8aurity 'f..�k�,i ;j . <br /> � J � ' ,� Instrument)mey be sold ono or moro Nmw nithout prfor notlw to Borrowor.A eala may result in e chengo in the endty �t, ,, f , <br /> . (tnown oe the'Loen Servicer')thet collxte monthly payments due undor tAo Note md thie Seeudry Inetrummt.Thero ; � } d;t'x` ,,; <br /> ; "_ elso may be one or more cM1angoe ot the l.aan Servicor unroleud to a eele ot tho Nota.It thero fe e chenge of iho Loan = r ��, <br /> ' ' • Servioer,Dorrower will be giren wdtten notieo ot thc chnnflo in eccordance with pengraPh 14 ebovo nnd eppliceble len .'���r ' i �,y �'t� ': � <br /> ` �� Tha notice will etau the neme end eddreav of the new Loan Sarvicer snd the eddresa ro which paymanta ehould be meda �, / `�i JI�.;�,"- <br /> �� Thenotiaowillalsoconuinanyothorintorm�4onrequiredbyepplicabloleN. � } .., <br /> i{ t"� � 30.H�avdoua Subetnvcos. Borrower ahell not ceuse orpormit tho presence,usa,disposal,storego,or release of �. y - �, �- ' � - <br /> - ''. eny Heurdoue Substances on or in the Property.Horrower shell not do,nor allow enyona else to do,enything attecdng +: } �- - 3 5';,� t-�-- <br /> n r -' `� the Property thet ie in violation ot any Bnvuonmenul Lew.The preceding two sentences shall not a ply to tho presenw, 1- ��,- ti- j�t'4ij%:- <br /> u :� use, or storego on tAe Property ot emall quandtiea ot Hazerdous 3ubstancoe tM1et are goneralPy rxognized to be ;;+� , - �rir,.� . <br /> t - �-',•`. eppropriatstonormalreaidentialusaendwmeint¢nanceottheProperry. �5�'��( -�-�i; �y,;' <br /> , � - - ! norcowetehallpromptlygivel.enderNrittenno6ceotenyinveatigation,claim,demand,lswauitorothoractionby i, ��t;$ v- <br />...-:,,�s.�;:,�_.�; any govemmenul or regulatory agenoy or privou perty involving the Property nnd any Hezerdovs Substenee or j•Ls�r�i�� ��_:��l�p�, <br /> i,) � �,.:�� Environmenul Lew ot whieh Borcower hae ectual Dorrower learm,or ia notiGed by eny governmental or S?sfF � �q � * a.--- <br /> ^.�•= regularory authority, that any removel or other remediation of any Hazerdous Substence affceting tho Proparty ia �'•�t f�d� �,+y+y�r��' <br /> � nea�ery,SorrowetehallprompuYtekealinxemaryremedielac�ionemaccordancowiinPu�.iroa�,o��wlL'e». ,�..�r �p , � y�_,:. <br /> ��' - � As used in thie parograph 2(1, Hezerdous Substancea'are those subotances datined ea mxic or hezardous eubstencros �n�, � �.� <br /> � � '',t by Hnvironmental Lew and tho tolloxing eubatencca gasoline,kerosene,otherilammeble or toxic patroloum praducte �,re�f <<ti . <br /> e .���t toxic pesticides and herbicides, voletile wlvmta materiela conteimng aebestos or tormeldeh�de, end ndioective ��,t��� » +�}i;a� 1- <br /> EB <br /> ��( J.-, metenels.Ae used in thia perograph 211,'Environmenul Lnw'meane kderol lewa and lena ot tho�unsdiction rhere tho �r��{ _, ��!::y;._ <br /> r Property ialocate0thatrolatetohealth,aefuyoronvironmentelprotecqon. y ,� J +r, � -- <br /> ,� NON-UNIPORMCOVIINAN7S.HorrowetandLendertunhercovenentendagrceestoliowa. I:.r ; r <br /> . ...� -.. �l. Acceloratioa; Remcdioa. Londer ehall glvo noHce to Sonofter prlor to ecwleration folloviog j;;f��t� >>' ,;�•i�„�L-: <br /> � - �;,'-. Borrower'e breac6 ot eny covonont or agreomeat in this Security In�trument (but aot prior to eccolorstioo {�,,� ��M�- , ` i),F.-� <br /> uader qmgrsp6 17 unleee app0cablo lev provldes otherviao).Tho notieo s6a11 spcclfy:(e)t6e default;(b)tho � r� 4 . L '" <br />` -' � �i��. ection requlted to cute the dofault; (c)a date, not lesa thm 30 daye trom t6o date the notico le givoo to �., y i`t � 'f�'_ �,_, <br /> - ��-��• �orro�ver, 6y which the de�ault musl bo wred;and (d)thst Iallure to cure t6e dehult on or br,toro t6o date .:, -- .r �.�� = <br /> -� +?.-,•.;. -•i�." epocified In the notico ma rosult in eccolereHon of tho suma secured by thiaSecurity Instrument ead eale of t" �?^ <br /> ��� � _ ,;�. tLe Proporty.The nmicu ehail further tntorm dorroaor ot the right to reinetata eftor accolcration end the si,�' '� ��� <br /> � . ���. right to bring e court action to easort l6o non�oxletonce of e detauH or any othor dotonse o! Botrorver to .- �(` � - �-- � � � <br /> � ��.q'�,; accoleratlon snd aale.If ihe detault ia oot cured on or boforo 16e date spacified 4n tho notico, Londer, et ita �..+i r ;, �, <br /> i} �+ r-�•: option, may reqolte immediate psymcnt in full ot elt aums securul Ly thfs Secudty Inatrument w{thout � �,, � :_- <br /> __ � ;i ;'.: turther domend snd msy Invoke the poaor of selo end eny otAor tomodiea pormitted by epplkoble lew. ��7,�f - .�1 - y �-'- <br /> --f,-.�,.,;���..,;r Londer ehell be entitled to collect sll oiponsoa incurred ta purauing tho romediw providod in thia paregraph S`.{�.°�;-.,r'���.'�'••;.j�,:�_�_ <br /> _� �• ll,includiug,butaotlimitedto,reason�bloettorneys'fcoaendeoataottitloevidouw. �y��v _ <br /> x -�- '- If tho power of sele ie invoked,Truateo shall rceord e aotico ot default In eac6 county in�rhich any part of }� � #,i. ,- <br /> 'r `,-_5� t6e Propotty is loceted and ehell mail copioe ot sueh notico in the manner proacAbod by sppliable law to '��� �' " -� <br /> '�` � , - Dorroetr end to the other porsona prascdbad by appticeble laiv. Atter the time required by eppticeble larv, ..,•� ? �� ; <br /> Ttwtaehallgivepublicaoticootaalotot6o pereonaandinthemannerptescribedbyeppIicablola�s.Trustce, Et%' � -•- <br /> > .,.��-�4 �vithout dcmand oa Dorrowcr,ehall ae0 the Proporty et publle euction to tho hig6cat bidder�t tho time and {�.,i- --�-a�'.,.• . <br />--r��'�� •_':1;-! plece end under the terma dceign�ted in tho notice ot saie in one or more parcola end in any order Truatee �' � ;�,'e.�'�. _ <br /><`.•�•i��,°'�.�':�:��: detcrminea.Truateo may postpono eale ot all or any parccl of thc Property by public ounovucament et the �•`.� . �_ <br />-���-�'.�:-'��:�� time and pl�ce of eny provioualy schcdulcd aata Lcodcr or its designee m�y purc6esc the Property at wy 'r�� _ '� � <br /> ,;"` " eala }�. . <br /> ;��'�ri�`� r'�`• h�-� . . <br /> �.i:l.. �' _ <br /> .._.��� �� � (. <br /> fam 302E 1/f0 � <br /> } ;:�.i�ri �-BflPiEl��mue� ..nn«e r ;l�5�+��*_ - . <br /> _...:u!�r:: � . <br /> :<ti..:",'l" <br /> :�:re:.y:d <br /> i ) � <br /> �� +' t31f {__'.i .-^+*c^... �i 1�C..,-.r^.^^'—'�._..:�..� ..Q...�,.;.-: <br /> -i-i..�ti v i n _ -_ �i_ ". <br /> � <br /> i :f < _ -: -_ ' ...- -::.- . . _ . . -. . <br /> L . JL . -"� - _•___.4�.--� . _ . <br /> � _.. �ti. U ___� _. _ . ' _' -_ . .� .I. — '_" _'_- <br /> *+fS.F,i� r a . £ l�ti r,rii y _ , i_ . - _ . . _ . . . <br /> �. t� ).-i ti � } � �. - r- � . . . <br /> [ Al�tl) . - �'f, } Y�/ - ! . - <br /> � J . l ♦ - ' � - �S, r <br /> a r RS f_'" G � �] . V� . G � � ' _ _ <br /> z e �-' t � : ��� �� .3 � .r ��yr 7' }- � t - ._ . + z - } �. - . <br /> '�;�� f4 k` fS�y/�J4'��5�l��iZi���l�1�ljkt.���f, � . � ��r�t {'� 1� �Si�Fr��t ����a l:?i4i 5:..f �)� ll r�� -t .� <br /> � - i� 1! -f'} �t�r�y��'i�- � f}i�i i r � �� �ts -i� 5( e � t � . . <br /> s F- � �i?r rf nj>.tAT .i -�iL (g�fAktj<b'/ �(lSiP !<if i � . - �i- �� t � :� <br /> r rl _ � l5�'j3�}�/2T� 1t;,z�Tl i _ � - �T-E/ti'a'37�y''� jlry°��1 q t{ t 1. � e a� i�' � � .-. � ' } .:� <br /> } .- 'Y t��_ ,,`l3f�tn y ' 1: i�r' - rt �x�t J1�%}'� ' � iJ�ti ���< < � !�r_� -_Y�Yt �. �: .�: <br /> A�i t r �� �. -� r i 1-rr: t �4�•' Y �/. �vt i�K �s !� i}./ t y �1 � = : � r r <br /> - t � / . r . _� j- � _ ♦-� � ._ ' i � i <br /> � i -y� {�` (����-t r ?y � .� ', � i :1� Y �ik�- �{ t r�� � ��i}r� Ij -a' � � iy Y( *> ' ;s �'� c a 7�yt F� � � ct � <br /> i L- ut �a � �1 � �E l . - i�,: 1t� -; t -x � - i�, ..�`t'Z - �' r � - - <br /> �+If.�: k .��� -�d - 't S }�p y fixr� .� ��tr f��t � >i.fY �� � . l . � � ;Y.t f � <br /> �. �� i . ! t v t . l� t . ,.1 -o ,� 1 i`( e <br /> t e i ' f u y � i�' � h r � . tt i - �� -G �- � - r r t _-r `�t f <br /> . .. .(. . . -.,i n ., i . . __ .... t �.�i��-. . � ., _ f e., , � .1 ... . .�:.. � ... _ .,: � 7i.( t: .p) •h. 1 ,. _. ..., �.... <br />