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. -' 'u-..i -. - , t ' _ _ 't` __ .` 6Ary r - <br /> r �Yy + r f� .._ _ . ;.y _ .. i a l � <br /> {n�.. * � > r v��.��M1s}t - i i4.iYYWa+nLSi..a i _ _ "_'_ t c� ...a"yf`nt..✓ ,_�_ �_ <br /> � �:..:t.0 ,ae t p i.I vS�y.s-.�i...u'..�.:1TI:.i1'?/If*St A?n,r n tC � - -�"�Z-:_u' ^*e- �.i:;i . <br /> !:°;°:r..`..TP, _ <br /> ��9��� 93-`�o�s �.��. i - — <br /> ` at the opNon o! Lendor, tt mortgage inauranoo ooverage (In tAe amount and tor the period that I.ender requlres) - <br /> /: c.� . <br /> ,��4, .,`� provided by en inaurer epproved by l.endm ageln beoomes evailable and Ie obuined.Borrower shell pay the premtuma �` _n*r , <br /> � y�cy� roqulnd m maintain mortgage Inaunnca in etkot,ot to provide e los9 reserve, untll the requlrement for mortgage �'"��'r"�, _ <br /> Ineuranca ct�dn in e000rdenoe wfth any wrlttan egresment 6atwwn Bonomor and Londor or appltcablo Isw. �_ <br /> � v3°r�` 9.Inepwtion.Lendar or its agont may meke reasoneblo ontdes upon and Inspections o�the Propeny.Lendor ahel! �, ;!` t r �' , :---' <br /> ,s fr �4� give Horrower notlee et tAe dmeot or prlor to an inspeoNon epecftyfng reasonable cause tor the inspeotlon. [, n.r .; ,y <br /> 1F�'-`sk? 10. Condemuet{on.The proceede ot eny ewerd or olaim tor damegea,diroct or consoquentlel,fn oonneation with [ +".��'` �'� <br /> t,t;�'sY; eny condemnation or other taktng ot any pen ot the Property,or tor conveyence in lieu ot condemmtlon,ero heroby �„1^:i r � � � -'` <br /> u asvlgned and ehe11 be pe3d to Lender. r�,Y ,t� - <br /> '' �� In the event ot a wul uklng ot the Properry,the prooeeds ehetl ba app]ied to the s. ,a secured by thfa SwuAty kr r�;r< < ,s'�t a� <br /> r�,��_;� Inatrumont,xhather or not then due,with eny exass paid to Sorcowar.In the event ot e partfel uking ot the Properry In �,�o � ,fi'f,�s� ��`: <br /> k _�r:� which the feir mnrket value o1 tha Property immedieuly bafore the taking ia equal to or greater than the nmount ol the r,TM�����,r,�,�1 r _ <br /> '�,a,�.� sume eavred by thfe Security Inserument immediately 6e[oro the teking,unlas Borroww end Lender otheraise agrca },� ��j�i�4s� 4 <br /> in ariting,the sums sxurcd by this Security Invtrument eha11 be rcduad by the amount of the procuda multiplied bY "'r,' ,z E< " <br /> `{`��,��'. the tollowing ftaotion:(a)tho totel amount ot the aume secured immedistely betoro the taking,divided by(b)the tair {.�':af << �` ' :` - <br /> � porty immcdieuly botoro the uking.Any balenco shall bep id to Dorrowar.In che event ot e 'y� = <br /> matket valuo ot tho Pro � •� <br /> ' '{r+rt+si� penial tnking ot tho Property in which the teir market veluo ot the Properry Immedfauly beforo the uking ie less tAan }?�n;''�^ r ;� `'� <br /> �'�k }� oreunlas�a�tlicablatlaew�ot erN eo rovid btherethe�n hell'be e� ied to tho eum�a�saured by ttJs�&auritg """Y.•i�;'+����'�A�;- <br /> �3 � �y PQ P Pro PP Y � • � 1�v,r,i, <br /> i� f,�!�; Inatrumontwnotherornotthosumserothondue. ' : � ,; �4 ,,r ; <br /> -;. r�,, f! If the Pro «y le�bendoned Ay Dorrower,or it,atter notiee by Lender to Horrowm thet the condemnor ottere w 3�:�,.?!;,. , ..,H�, :_` <br /> .�..i.� .--..i..tnai'r.'..yr.:. <br /> �,� maka en swu or eente�olsim for damagea, Horrower►aila to respond to l.ender within 30 daye etut the dete the �.. , �, �/!'a;�.�•,,_: <br /> � �;:- notloe le Qlven,l.endet la authodzed to cottwt and epply the proo6cde,et ite option,eithor to rcawretion or rop�ir ot the ,„�t, �,� � <br /> � �, Proportr or to the euma seoured by thie 8eoudty Inatrument,nhether or not then due. `� FzA�{,`�;� ' <br /> '� ,�� �; Unlese I.ender end Dorrower othorwise egrco in writing,eny applfcation ot prooeeds w principel ehel l not extend or � � ,j�4 y+��.� <br /> i -�� v postpone the due dato of tho mon[hly paymonta reforred to in perogropha 1 end 2 or chenge tho nmount ot euch �t �:, ,F�),� •y4 • <br /> � �y •.w pnymente. ;;-,,:; i `hY i��i,;)r.�- <br /> �,��,�l+�q, 11. Borrower Not Relea+ed; Forboannce By Lender Not a�Vdvor.E:tension of the time lor paymont or _t �t� ��r�r.� <br /> ,5� a�, modilicatlon ot amordzedon ot the eums eecured by thte SecuAty Inatrumont granted by Lender to eny succ�or in r �St4� ^ <br /> ` �!t`"�t Inurcet of iiorrower ehall not oporoto to rolosse the liebility ot tAe originel Borcower or Horcower's suaeasore in ° ,,r,�"1 ti; '�!t"`- <br /> inurest.Lendor shdl not be rcqulred to commenco rocadin e atret nny euccessor in intereat or retuse to excend � ���gN7�f'C �� <br /> i ,: , ;�' time for peyment or otheroise modity amortia�tion ot the sume se�curod by thfe Security Inserument by reazon ot any r„rff'^y)r��zi;`�`�t.s�`° <br /> i �C r�df�tF 10r°"-.. <br /> y� '. demand mede by tha originel➢onower or Borcower's sucoe�ore in tnteres[.Any torbeeranca by Lender in exercieing ,���yt,,�� <br /> `Q, ;-i; eny dght or romedy ah¢II not 6e a waiverot or preclude the ecercise ot eny right or remedy. ,r..- :t(�� �r`a-- `: <br /> ,��S,F�-;- i's.ecuccoeaors�ud nsai;ns nouuo:ioioi�ud Sevor�l Lisbility;Co-signera.Tne wrrnania end agrwmenis ' �--��a,� <br /> tf :v � a <br /> hrf;xt4�� ot th(s SecuAty]nstrument shall bind end benetit the suocessora end essigne of I.ender and Borrower,subject to tha -2F+t� �,�� 't,�� <br /> ,,���t�5f)jyk!! provieione ofparogroph 17.IIorrower'e covenante and agreemants ehell be joint flnd ttveral.Any Horrower nho co-signe f-�'�f�r °� �vf� '� -._ <br /> )� thfe Security Inatrument bat daa not e:ecuu tho Note: (e) ie co-signing thie Sxurity Inattument only to mongege, S�°*{�,j"JS �^� <br /> �U��t'��}7 grent end convey thet DorcowePe intareat in tha Pro "`:";��'� � <br /> party undar the terma ot thia Security Inatrument; (b) ia not , ,., -��1��-�': <br /> 'i �+��rs�i�` poreonelly obligauA to pey the auma secured by thie Sauriry Inatrument;end (c)sgrees that Lender end eny other � IF���tj�t,�'� ,�f�;- <br /> �t11,�1�,� Borcoxer mey egrce to ertend,modity,torbear or m+ke eny eccommodatione Nith regard to the terma ot thte Security ;u�'+„ }<s ;. _, <br /> v t� InstrumentorthallotewithoutthstBorrower'econsent. P�:'�+� �+ti,,y,i�a,� ��r� <br /> u J�{?,�� chargca, da th thlaw is 1 natly�nterpteted soythet tho intereat or o h r�loan�argw wllected o�W bo�collx[ed in `�{i,�'aY�'J,S t n�i`a1i�"� <br /> '�Zi��y xl connation with the loan e:ceed the rmitted limita thon: (e) en euch loan char e shall ba reduced b tho emount - ��''�%1�r ,c_.. <br /> i, 714. P� Y 8 Y '� '1�y�i y _fRs <br /> s�y�ti+,1�;� . nocessery to «duce tho charga to the permitted limit; and (b) eny sume already co11a[ed ttom BorroNer which {; c��'+j qt' , <br /> '¢;l(�f1`Y-: exceeded permitted limits will be retunded to IlorroNer. Lendor may choose to meke thia retund by reducing tho '--t'' ,} ��.i1.3 3,': <br /> r '�+1�I +: pdnolpal owed undar the Note or by making a dirxt payment[o Bonowee It a retund reducea principnl,cho reduction - e;,� �r � � :` <br /> ����� �s; willbetreatedenapartialprepaymentwithoutmyprepeymentohergeundertheNote. �- ,, +- is�y .. <br /> °{yyy� ` � ` 14.Notieoa.My notiee to Borcoror provided for in thia Security Inatrumrnt shell be given by delivxing it or by }t:�"�*< �- �!.: -- <br /> 1 z� `�u � mailing it by tiret cless mail unlesa applicablo law rcquiree uso ot anothar method.Tho notiw shall bo dirated to the - �� '` `A " � ",{- <br /> � ` r�^.�� Propeny Addresv or any other�ddresv Borrower designatea by notice m I.ender.Any notice ro Lender shall be given by -- .L,S 4 +�;t �r o�. <br /> y ,-„ --� tiret clasv maii to Lendors addrae stetod heroin or any othor oddrae I.ender designatea by notiw to Borrowor. Any �� } .,`.-�; ,�_-- <br /> ,��t �' ,• notice provided tor in thia Security Inatrument ehall bo deamed to have been given to Dorrower or Lender nhen givm {�?i�la T ���+, (o ,:. <br /> �`u�d�_^{': asprov�dadinthieparograph. '� �F t�3„ ��;''- <br /> � t< x 15. Oovorning Lev;Severebility.Thia Sxurity Instrumant ehell bo governed by tedcnl Isw and the law of tha - �- � xr�,,,� ,LS:..�. <br /> �r- -�S� juriediction in which the Property ie located.In tho event thet any provieion or clsuse ot thie Saurity Instrument or the -�'U��f�''� I�tl��me�� <br /> :��*�;�,E Notocontlictawithappliceblelew,svchcontiietahellnotetrcetothorprovisionsofthiaSecuritylnatrumontorthaNute � '�Y��','�`��;�yG�•;'. <br /> u�,?° which can be given attat without the contlicting proviaion.Tu thie end the provisiona ot thie Securiry Instroment and �� 7�+��.����'�%"'� <br /> y� •`^ `� theNotearodeclsredtobesoverable. s Si'rR, .�'�; __,_ <br /> r , . r�� ,; _ <br /> � '-, s'�«rs , � �' <br /> �, Y . <br /> � � 1�-BBWEh�+osio� Ferm 702t fllD �'� . <br /> � j+,- , , ..n..�e <br /> In11i014 . l <br /> � �. <br /> 3;: a �y�� ! <br /> , , - <br /> j t ! _ <br /> � ' -��a _ _ Y � -, � Iw -> x . , Y. r�, t 1 ' . } . i -t""T'1" ` ^^^T`ei �^^—...^-^��.�.q__r,^'� __ <br /> ..'�1 l �' ..ja . � 1 _ :! - --s - : �. � L . � i i .,� N�- - � <br /> � r t+ <br /> � �� v, i : -..� ' � i� = 3 r.-.': - �� ; j� �� ` -i� _ /� "..4, � ' � ` - � . : <br /> c . � -s;�� L-�:'%_ r .._��( --_-. � __ „�-, -.J,�- -' _ '_�_ r _ ___•±r - - .• � . <br /> t �s -�_ -}''� n-. Il.i �t vr Y, a e t } _ .i t �"T �_ :_ _ . <br /> ..:�1 a1 ? r b1 1 ' ��(!}}t n - � S 5� ✓1 �i_ _ _� : . 1 � - t P - r � �J <br /> UV 1 f €� 1 5 . Y;F�b� i i � t _ �l i � f 1 u r _ ��t � 1 �-.- � � i ..A � . 1 � . <br /> 5 'F� f - r1 J J! � � <br /> 1 Yv j -1 ( w �-4g li7t � _l�� �� Vx � - ,1 c � tU�("�y y-4yx �tr i � � >i � o . .4�1`� <br /> � r�Y 5�,. t} 1 t �t�� r.a � - � 1n3 t� ♦� �- �1eY..°�i�'iT�Ye Jrc..��J �d- b�f Y t _ ,�.��h�t Si�r <br /> r e --. 4 ..o ---. I a.. �... T ft. �-� � _ .A ttf�*�� �v�'P� ],�� ZP _i Y � - �v �i �� r - iir s �� -- <br /> J� ly� � � i� lFPNJ�tf3_ � � .__ 1 5 �� 4. < - �lr'�5t1�,, '7 � �� ' 1 t♦ � . <br /> ,�1 ' p,5r ,r ... �,1�)q 3 ��` s , r Etil�ti' � f t� �, 1t i �ih k1}� i ,'t'. <br /> -'Y` --� i �r rr�� �13t t9 � re .x f�J�-l�l�Ci � n� > tii f.t i 1 <br /> l�r,}r }. ill .. }ZsF S IW,�.� ^/��.4j�'}1 l'Y (^��y�.�y7�Z�;,�y] s r� ��Y � � 4x�l�r�ii.��if- A�S�xE�:iih6 _atF itQuu. __ �r`� i .£i i 3 +i t <br /> r {t h i C �W - � ��X;-,T`�/ri��ih,rit�''�r,t��4�,�y �� E. tns� ''Ffr'_} �t<����y� l4i'xt��E ���j9et�'�ifyt�Sa - -y��i�r ��'� -- �'�a"Sf�N���n'jft,}C ��-. <br /> 'li� fCt! � -_' � - . r� � '� t�Y �;��t�+fl.i�JL �u s ie7 1. 9}>> ���Z7�at-.ra Y7 +` � . <br /> z tv t { _ < .��3.��?��L,#jq'V�Cys�y f �S t< r }t � (2��k� �3 L�r _}��Stt i c . . z� � _. � � - �.5 SI �J <br /> y` ,'� ,. c 'r+ 'Fr� i` � f � JN 1�fS��f�i l�t� '{7�.5� � � i '"A -AFlj�v f{�Yl� � Tt 1 � - A_ SS � � 5 . ��s �t -- <br /> �,�!-Ji .�i / .IYi �t�. d � 1F}i`i -�i +, � etf :;� r <L �'!f TF � .f� � r L et, ..+ <br /> �' vt '>I-� � i4v l� t .isf P -f -1 r'�5. j� / - _ !_ <br /> �k, � S -'i� ~ j 4 i �5 3j -��/ J __ 't �l� t1�5��� ^ ��i te< � � J t �t sf ` �.l x.�= it v Z Jt iry � . } ` , <br /> > xy) � f� T+k c ^.h I .� t>tliw' a ..ff �y'f �i f t - .- iY "'�Y �-� 1 .in� ��J -.. tt' <br /> al .- r � �9i't ix =� "i _ ilxc;'t Y } 1. A� � -.�.� ul _ -. . A� 1 y� �, fys . "s ` i. � {{ii - -�r C.5 t .':T � � -� .'•R <br /> �,. ..'�. z- � u_ ?t :...�. '� :�:'`...� K 4 w. �._ <.. ._x��.. .. . i.�, �. .. .. .. {� 1S . 3.\_--'it . .S `3'.� � ._/',k.��: <br />