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.1!'—._3 i�1�.v L .� n . � . .e_ . ._ r, .� ....,� � f c`:.� . <br /> a.....0 - —'�3 r ._:! { {ii.-Xw <br /> � � +�=.m°.�(�� �_ 1 _t�...i. 1 ��'----4 :{n.?fS`Ye� _' ..+rr�.'--v�v� ,n, r v+��3h�lt,ilL�--•w .�-... <br /> "---r.{�.'-.'�s-.��°Y_v.:r3..L••=•s.•�-.L.,..a��'�..Z-. - ...6 ..n.u-n�_ - <br /> . .. . �.. '. ._. � � .n-._„r <br /> ' <br /> _:�.� _.__ -___ <br /> §:ati� r� ���gp� n...i�_. .,- .._ <br /> ^��i� Upoa teootpt o! p�ymont o! tLe prloe bdd, Ttuatee ehdi deliver to tha�QDic���"II�iM�b'e daA -- <br /> � �� wnveyiag the P�oporty.Tho realale io the Truetw'e dwd sho116a piim�taoio evlEoaoe o!the trutL o!tho ��.-- <br />_ -:'tE�:•�:9 eutomonte mado therein.Trwteo sOttl sppty the proceads o!the eale tn the toltoxiny order. (o)to ell wsro r_�.°�__�., • --- <br /> '�' �nd e:poncoa uf oseroia{og the paeor ot ed0. �ad tLe eala, laoluAin4 t6o p�yment ot tLe Trostaa's tus ��ry: <br /> f�' <br /> � ,- wtn�lly lnourrcd,not ta osaod TF�pFI�NP 9b of the ptlnolptl�mount oT tAe aote�t the Hmo oT �,; , <br /> �r' ,+ tIlo QwlueNou of deleult,md raeocablo�ttomeye'tees se porm(tted by I�m,(b)to dl�ume swured by thla ;� ",� � <br /> �� 8wutity Iaatturaent;ond(o)any ezoesa to tho poreon or porsone loYilly ontitted to h. '' � ' <br /> jU��;___ 4Y.Reconveyanco.iJpon peyment ot ell eume Racurod by thia BsouAty Inatrument,Lender ehell requeat Teuatw � ���, ,s,� <br /> � Y, m reaonvoy the Pmporty end sdell eurrender thia 9eourity inserument and elt notea evidenoing debt eeaured by thte ku ; __ <br /> `t ��:�• BecuAty Instrumrnt to Trustoe.Tnntee eh�ll rcoonvey the Property without wamnty and wittwut ohuge to the person t'i t�,n ` ". <br /> �, -. or persone Iegally entitled w It.8uoh porson or persona eAall p�y�ny reoardadon ooste. 1 „ � <br /> �{ 93.BubsHtute Trustee. Londor,at ite optlon,m�y trom dme m tlme romovo Trusteo�nd eppoint e euaoeswr "°�-;`°r n <br /> ''�,`� t�' trustee to a�y Truetee appolntod Mrcunder by en inatrument reoordod in tha munty in ah3ch tAie 8xudty In+trumrnt le r; h,�1 tf�f`' <br /> �y�;w �• r000Med. Without oonvay+noo ot .he Property, the euooes�or twtee sha11 Bucaeed to ell the tfqe, power and dutla .,�� <br /> n zi ��': oonhrted upon Truatu herein end by appliaablo lew. y; , <br /> .,>r,;cti,;r3� Z4.Requeat tor Notica. Borrower requeate thet copiee ot the noticea ot detault and eale bo sent to Horrowera .c5�:;,�, ,; <br /> ;� addresv whlch Is the Propnrty Addras. �:��,�s . <br /> '�"` 73.Aidere to tLls Baurity Instrument.It one or moro ddera are e:ecuud by Borrowu end raorded togathu t` ' � <br /> �y,�� �v with thia 8ecurlty Inattument,tha covonents end egreementn of wch such ridet ehall ba incorporate0 inw nnd shell �^'�,'u', �: <br /> "r�z� �*`� nmend and supplement tlia covenenta end sgroemmts of ttiie Sxudty Inatrumont ea it the ddu(e)aero a part ot tNa ;}jk -''r k � - <br /> ; � `;. 8eourltylnstrument.[Checknppllublebo:(ea)� , ,�`�" = <br /> + s'�A Adfustebla Rate Rider Condomintum Rtder �1-4 Pamiiy Rider f e� :� <br /> ��" �� Oraduated Payment Rider Plenned Unit Development Rider Biweekly Payment Itlder 'r`:� � <br /> L�7°�,� Hal(oonRider RatelmprovementRider SecondHomeRider ���r ` �y'����. <br /> x���;,1 �V.A.Rider Othar(e)[specityl �%3�s - ?` x' <br /> :�«ut1'cL. �`,+�,✓-%'-;9't a'�'- <br /> ,� E .�;�7��, is�' <br /> �����{."'c� "7{�It�43�fte�i?': <br /> �t7=rl' ._ _�S�Yh�iT(s� _. <br /> `�7+ f" BY BIONINf7 BB[AW. Hortower eaepts end agrees to the terme and eovenents conteined in thia Secutity 2,'v•_tr�� <br /> �st��'��!� '. <br /> �� Instrument end in any rider(s)exxuted by Horcower and recorded wij�It., � � ;�lr�§���r r `� <br /> Nitne� // <br /> ��r� .�� • �` . . , C-K.v- �b'ealj r fi- .. <br /> '"��c�rr' W ffitI •Horroaar r„��'�h#'���' `- <br /> trt s' s a o-3�a-4 G b � ' �,b�si,,rz:-: <br /> Yf i' \ i�p� 'I �� tii:. <br /> � 1Ss, <br /> n , t :� / � �(8wn >,�/a&� g���,:. <br /> �' '�" ` 7!ffiLI�II4l •Hotrover �i����� b . <br /> �;�,Y '` 5or-(n U '�,//v 3 f° 'y �{"% <br /> m �-! 1���3����Yftb�r - <br /> � i <br />✓CfC�Ii�ii ' ($Eel) {8le�� SN��i�TG'ij.:��-.�.. �. <br /> �`d�_+r}; -Borrower -Dorrover idl� -, Ic .. <br /> �! � 4 . 1�2.5. r1t a•�- <br /> wi��F.; �'!' aj��S �+yj�.l. . <br /> .,;jrY� STAT80FNBBRASKA, Countyss:FNid, ' f n4`�yr<f'f <br /> rs' ` The(orogofng instrument wea aoknoxledged betore me thie B7H day o! 6Y►Y 1993 , ��Y•� �3��` • <br /> ;,t er �r w�uau�t niu ao�t��ffivaa�t, too�t�m t�rm w�sa . d �,;;- N fi` <br /> 7 v ,,��, s, Witness my hand end noteriel soal et in eaid Counry,the date atorceaid. �l4� 4,i n�4 � <br /> �,}i y�� ,��' <br /> MyCommissionSipirca C!1/E'+�tl� ��"�'���_ � ,�: <br /> )�e �)��� l �i��i M <br /> �av.e+++sm+�rnR� Notarl Publlo i+r�iM1��I <br /> , wr 6iIfE1S�l COThAY,�4+.�.f NtA�'s� uti�4ifb a` -�� <br /> n�kj.. IdICHELIEt.t.CAlll.iNt! - !y;��v-� .- <br /> '%�- . MYCommE+WRuB-IB.Ika6 - " r � ; <br /> 1 � ya 'c° _ .�{,��( ' . <br /> LY.-� \:. t.i :�I( <br /> --"�'�r,: •:•�r��r': <br /> 't.r � � <br /> > i�� a.�_�;,`,,;.,z: <br /> �a,� • <br /> �F-c re` f;�.�' <br /> . •.1$R.t—SIIP1EI�aioaa� n�.e u e Hrm 80t0 Y/10 i . -' _ .' <br /> �v i . -s`�, t <br /> — L as�:;:� � , - : <br /> C ' .� 1 '' ^ <br /> � f '� Rq 7�T[ 'f7 ' <br /> �� ,F . _.i � �"'S . .E _ . �� o-�y_ � t . � �'_ � i �.:-. <br /> : <br /> . s 9 -.11� 4 ° , ' —�c.r- , 4 -r ' ..-iY" -. r ----y` e�- Yvt— r b. �� r �<4 �t' S}v.. <br /> 0 /�,-. �r nr ,a -�.t ` a ^SJ r� ,'1 ° L�-'I-i .p ii"2'_ •� ! .N i I ±F,� 'i}.. ! _P } ��iS� � <br /> + � � sr � -:,y _$Y � � � i5 < {. �57J� 37��, _ �i e >{F -t �e4 _.�-v- 4-`✓ t .St � -�{ <br /> � i r'• g `- t �u 4- �j _�. 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