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�.� �_F-9�fi f (X' <--s` � .ty) _! � ' ,. _ - �,�n� �2 .. . <br /> - !' 1 . '2 t L:�• <br /> p�'±�-.wy�ay� �_ "�[:T '"^"T*"_r'__"_'� r . -'yt ti..m.w..a.�� .,,�..._. <br /> �F.. ,w, ux...._.'._.7+-JJ�_�.�.�_�-5 � . .�_:._� � <br /> W_.r_ _.r.sSYn]n-r,FM"€LW6i!'�TS�E'__._ — __..�..U.aa.ett�ttv�.'4.'C�.'4 ^� <br /> ����:� gg.:�o�as�� -._ <br /> t `���. � !.Haxard or ProDerty Iueurance. Horcoaer ehatl�eop the improvemente now a�isrin�or horeattar oreoted on <br /> '���� •� tho Propmty ineured egeinst losv by tiro,heranfs inatuAed withln the term'enended covorege end any othee MurQs, � �, _. _ <br /> �1 a•1 Inoiuding tloode or floading,tor whloh Lendor requlres Ineuronoa.Thla insur�noe ehall be maintnlned in the amounta <br /> L '� end tor the poriods thet Lender requiree.The insuronoe carAor prov�ding tha ineuranoo ehell be ohoson by Borrowor �' ' �"- <br /> y d,,,j.;� eub)cot w Lender'e epproval ahtoh ehell not be unreasonebly l i orrower fe lie to ma lnu ln covorago deac d b o d �� ���y,`�,; <br /> � 1�r�1� ebovo,Londer may,et Londer'e optlon,obuin oovoroge ro proteot Lender'e dghte in tAo Propeny In a000rdnnoe wlth <br /> r� n ., Pategreph 7. � '�`s�tiG.-.. <br /> �ct ;+�� All(neuronoe polictes end renewale ehell bo eocoptabte to Lender and ehall inolude e etendard mortgago clausa. <br /> � „i� Lender ehall have the rigAt m hold the polloles and renewala It Londerrcq uirea, Dorcowm ehnll promptly glvo to �'z,S��` ; <br /> ,j z Lender etl reoeipte of pnid promiume nnd ronewei no�iae.In the eve�it ot lose,Bonowor ehall givo prompt notice m tho _. <br /> ,p ,� lnvunnce caerier md Lender.Lander may meke proot oI loss it not meda promptly by Borrowor. �fl qK <br /> ' � Unless i.ender and Aorrower otherwise egree In wdting,insuranoe prooade ehall bo applied W reawration orrepeir ', `� : <br /> L 3 f;' ot the Property damaged,if the restoration or rapair te oconomically feaeiMe and Lender's sxurity te not la�oned if the �i;'- <br /> ,.,3,�1'� reatoration or ropair le not eoonomically kasible or Lendefs sxudty woutd be leasened,the Insurance prooaeds eLeil6e �,� ���", <br /> `�t applied to tha sums sxurcd by thie Security Inatrument,whether or not then due,with any excesa pald W Borrower.It k�t!,�.i -- <br /> Borcowa abanAm+s the Ptoperty,or does ewt anawa within 30 days e notice trom Lender thnt tha 3neuranca cercler hae � si . <br /> --. ',+t�� oftered to cettle a claim,thsn Lendw may collect tM inswance procecde. Lrnder mey use the proceeds to repa ir or ; „t.::�:. <br /> ._:;;r;�e� testore the Property or to pay suma sacured by thia Sceurity Irettummt,whether or not then due.Tha 30'dey perfod will `�'-}c. ::��_ <br /> ��. , begin when thenotice le grvea t c � `�i; <br /> 4�, Untesa Lender end IIorrower othuwisa agrce in wdHng,eny application ot procaeda to principel ehell not ertend or (�, ,F}rt„. <br /> r 'y;;s post pone the due date ot tha monthlypeyments rcterced to in peragrephe 1 and 2 or chenga tha amount ot the psymenta. +q r.,�, <br /> . It underparograph 11 the Property ie eaquired by Lander,Borrower'e righ[to any Inaorance policiea and prooeede 4, +,,;�; . <br /> r `r� rcaulNng trom demage w ehe Properry pAor to tho ecqufaition shall pasv w Lender to tha ortmt ot the euma secuted Uy y i ;?= <br /> �'"Y ir thfa9audrylnntrumentimmaltately priortothenoquieiNon. � y =� <br /> '�� r � 6.Ocoup�noy,P�eserv�tion,Miiatenance and Proteodoa ot lhe Property;Oorrower'e Lom Appltutton; ' r r�,_ : <br /> Lase6olds. 8orrower ehall occuPy,eatebliah,end use tho Prapony es Dorrower'e principal realdonoe whhln el=ty daye s ?r, - <br /> .'.'-��;i dtot the e:aoutlon of thla Seaurlty lnatrument snd ehell oontinue ta 000upy tho Proporry es Dorrowet'e prinolpd ;°�-:""= '' <br /> ,�., <br /> %"� ;: rsaldonco tor et Icaet ono year etter cho daro of ocou enoy,unlere I.ender othoralsn� roes In wdtlnp,whloh oonsent shdl "'''^"`` <br /> P 8 `rµii%';rs r <br /> ' '". '`� not bo unreasonobly withhotd,or untese extenuadng oircumetenoea oxht xhloh uo beyond iforrowor's control.Borrower t;,:..•.;:�`: <br /> ���'��'": ehell not destroy,dame�n or Impair tho Proporty,nllox tho Properry to doterionte,or wmmit wuto on tha PropertZ� C';t?�::�., <br />-_:'f : . ., .. r..R�:L. <br /> : •� Dorrower ehall bo In de(eult 11 eny tortelturo eotion or pr000eding,xhmhor alvil or crfminnl,le begun that In Lender e i�,�,.«, ;, <br /> ' � ��� good(dth Judymont couid reeule In torfelturo of tho Proporty or othorwiee matorinlly Impeir tho 8en croeuA by thie � , ,,:;,:- <br /> r, � �. Seoudty Inettument or Lender'e sccudry Intereat. Borcowor may curo auoh � defeult and rcinstete, es provided in �6��'�'4<` <br /> � ;�.' "., peragnph IB, by wuelng the eotton or proaoeding to be dfemiescd with e ruling thet, in Lender'e good feith '4�,k',,;ybti_; <br /> determinetlon,preoludw tortdture of the Horcower'e interrat tn the Properry or othor metedel imQeirmont ot the Ifen y rJ,,,?�Y:; ; <br /> � �� creaud by this&curfty Inatrument or Lender'e sceur(ty inurcst Horrower stull eleo be in uaieuia�i TwnoNer,during y;q�_� <br /> --_�� :.�� the loan appliudon proam, gave meurielly telse or ineceurate intormation or etatemente to Lender (or Giled to ��r��'. -,_ <br /> _ , ,._; provide Lender wtth any material intormntion)fn conneot(on with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not +, <br /> = t ry yd <br /> ., limited to,ropresentatione concem(ng Bottower's occupancy ot tho Proporty as e principal residenca. It thie 3ecurity � „ <br /> _,_5;:�,( Instrument ie on s leasehold,Botrower ehall comply nith ell the provieione ot the lease.It Dorrower acquirea tee title to }A�::{j`''". <br /> •�. the Propotty,the leasehold end the tee titleahell not merge unlesa Lendet a$rae to tho merger in nriting. ?�;_, <br /> 7.Protcetlon o!Lender'e Rights in the Proporty. It Dorrower ta�le to pertorm the wcenanta and egreemenu _ ,�._�_,�•;� <br /> �� conteined in thia Security Tnstmmmt,or thae is a legal procading that may eignifiuntly eifect Lendx's dghts in tho + ;r;� <br /> ;ti€S-,; Properry (such ea e proceeding in bankruptry, prol�nte, for condemnation or tortdturo or to enlorco �awe or >- -U°��-- <br /> _.;t ,•: regutetiona),then I.ender mey do and pey tor nhetever is necessary io protect the value ot the Propeny and Lender a � ��; . <br /> ,, � /3F righta in tha Property.Lender e actiona may inelude paying eny sums secured by e lien�vhieh hee priority over this ,,,; '-..,: <br /> Security Inetrument,eppearin�in wurt,paying reasonable ettorneye tees and entering on the Proporty to mske repeire. �� �,; ;s�'- <br /> + -'� Although Lender mey take achon under thia paragraph 7,Lender das not have to do so. � - -�;�� -. <br />�'--���' y; Any amounts diebursed by Lender onder thie paragroph 9 shall become edditional dabt of BorcoNer securod by thie �t•--n�:'•: <br /> ::.'(��t;� �i;;!,n.,:�.�. <br /> Saurity Inatrumant.Unleaa Borrower and Lender agree to othar terme at qyment,these amounte shalt bear inroreat i;-_ - <br /> i., -- irom the date ot diebursemant�t the Note rate end ahell be peyeble,with intereat,upon notice from Lender to Horrower , '� <br /> _4� .; roquesting peymcnt. �4 v�;;y-.�: <br /> , ��, 8.Mottgago Lender required mortgage inaurenee aa e condition ot making the loen recured by thia � _ <br /> -- Security Inetrument,Borrower ehall pay the promiuma required to maintain the mortgage insunnco in ettect.It,for eny - --�=• <br /> �_ r��� reason,tho mortgago insurence covenge required by Lender lepsea or eeasca to be in ettect,Dorrower shell pey tho , `�tiS�;:':-. <br /> �%,� promiume required to obtein coverage su6stantielly equivatent to the mortgage insunnce provio�ly in eHect,at a coat � .: -' <br /> � , - subatantially oquiva�ent to thc coat to Borconer ot the mortgege inaurana prcviously in ettat, from an elumata i-, �' �� <br /> ' - �" mortgage inauror approved by Lender. 11 subgtantially equivelrnt mortgege maurance coverego ie not available, : �,•;��.�;;�;-�_ <br />;';:<J:;r;1'r <br />�,.;.,_,�„(�� HorcoKCr ahall psy to Lender each month a eum equal to one-tweltth of tho yearl y mortgege inauranw prcmium being <br />''''c:-..`..�^�}� peid by Borcowu when tho inauranee coverege lepsal or ceased to bo in ettect.Lender will accept,ase end retain these <br /> ���'�i• paymente as a losa rescrve in lieu ot mortgage insurence. Losv raerve paymente may no longer be rcquired. �' �' <br /> ,7?`..�:,-, i.Y-,�r� . <br /> �_ <br />-: x+;t::.'„" Fxm 7021 9/90 I. . <br />-.: r•'i•,'-� �—BRWEi�a�euo� r.�.�u e •. <br /> In1�i�lc � ,�� . <br /> t �r/ t� _ + <br /> � ' ( 1 <br /> �' -- i - l:+Y.4i ' �- . <br /> t11 v <br /> � � <br /> L `' ..�"�'-y�'^ ."�;,y o'^'�.—.-r'..R,-•--"+�SiFi_ . . � � . ^�y .. <br /> t . 3 <br /> }�'4- ir �S—lz trt- " .l��r f_. I '• , r ' . f } - _ � t �s i:f. <br /> � i <br /> _ .: •.l <br /> .. <br /> . . x : �..f . . . iLr,.-.-_ ... ..�.. ... i � i ... ._`.v. .. -. . _- �� 5. - .l > —�.__ <br /> _ ) .. — _ ._ _ _ _ _ - <br /> .. <br /> � ' ��.s.: _ {l rt - � . ..i`. � _. _ .. .' , _s_ y Yi- t ' '_ -. . <br /> � 4 . r i � - � 5 . --� > <br /> f : �� r } � t _f! � _ ' -_ c,r ` � ; . <br /> �5 i -.. -_ � �. _ � �-� -- _ - y 1�J i / p �'- � �._i <br /> }i in'c ..' 1���- U �s K-' ] tt�f�if.t e � �i �s h`Y _ s . . �i�- 5 t - - . <br /> l i�;5r7 l fc' �i � . -- � r� }`a` f°� Yff S-� `I� ..:- { �§d i r �-ct a . <br /> l�F�"J'{531�3p'�'�'d� R�i i' --<' t it � �� �f�fl�}r�r5 -Y �f / srl ''''''CCCr '�� �!4 � i r .�ci� T r�' � � !. t . <br /> �,)�4�y1t��9�r�3,�n'�y�°fi i�' ♦ ..SY�/��� 1.1!'r � Lt��j�l���tfYt����f�S���iirlr�l�.ri �{� �l � S-�iUlwf �r�f7illaia�+ <br /> r �7 { �iF�l' $i l �tf���r a(h�:iSL �tfr �h� � F, X td' ��r7v� Y �, �~�•il p,�� i5� i � - 7as.i, ��r - <br /> >_.f t t v t 1 s pqr � l � i ��x, ti.rr .i,�1 ri5.�.�� �� • 2 �{,�1 < < A <br /> 4�`�?i�s 4✓-.�Ir. ��y.}'�tin{/ti nP+l`�frk�'.'��Yin�� -!r�� Al{r�+.z��{s���,"Z'��j�'`f�i��''i��?I`rTi4f`bt ��`�� Sf'�S�'fi�i��'yx�v'Yfk'��J�It`tR' ti>i Yi� - }t <br /> i�fth'tS"�� � 1��{� t�>t� j: ��� r�$�6� ,�r 5q� ��} } �Tf'!;'�r < <i �' �1 `�1')'$ { cw}_ hj+t � ,Ft%�� a� t �{;� <br /> �.i �. i�A Y�� �1���� � - cfa 4� rj� kr�4�� ��,)��fJ��!i ``74F��'}ra1�f��r1 t¢'��'�'�{-�`}tf'��'���tr��y�fa t 4v4 �f�'t �f ,i <br /> �ii}`,� r } .��t� �Yr i�1r�{l�!?ri���3�� S�l r{' lly �,11 . lit t-£`w� + � i y�' �Ss <br /> � Y�kt+ HJ� 1 ;tt f i (J l �j rt� f �.k i� � lcY� i�� rf`l Lt � I��� ��t f <br /> r t(Y �3fy tY�YJ� . L Ft tsl�� 7'l� �'f/ � t y��`{jl_ 1 �f \�! �1 tr 4C4�. �( } Jt�l _ _ f�T4 <br /> � ��f.�?� r� i�l�S�t � ; � { �t. t� ' t [r i�n L �� _ .t {, } V; k - ' �i 1_ ' S )ri � <br /> 1 �7 A • J � J - � � _ �� Y _ - �3, 3 � w � �4 � , � - ti S4 <br /> - _?+,� : i �fi t s i r. 1 �l� "��'_ ' � � � if�C' ����_ �rf L . y{eMr �` c. <br /> <-. rv� ',< .� � r x '�. <br /> � � . ':341zX S . . . .. � .,1. il�i� Ld_�. _:rf.k .`:_ � . i... .�Zf - ,. '('., _ . L.� � , ,_.i � �.., . <br />