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i F i � � . <br /> "_ ' � ��i; - .W[R - Y X t -as�„�vf-, - n t �. _::.i:l.� �-� ... <br /> � '�''G �_a�.._.o '��=i.:_L.�.ic -8�' 1fi-f�N�c 4'�.:�v _ ,..eow , _eesal3'N. .�7`t'x!:u.�lib �c� . .— <br /> y �q �p�{�{p —^[._.. ,f. <br /> ,a� TC7i7� �, r.. <br /> ����5 93- � ,� <br /> �A�hlr � � � �� <br /> ���" � ,' A TOOSfHSl1 WITH ell the improvomonte now or horcatter erwted on [ho proporty, and eil easemonte, *;f <br />�v a � . eppurtenanors,end flrtures now or hereafcer e pan o!tho proporty.AI I ropleoemente snd additione shnll atao 6e coveted �� � <br /> �`r - bythfaBeouAty Itutrumont.Allotthetorogoing1eroterredtointh1e8eoudtylnstrumontesthe Proparty, �}� _ <br /> -••�.�t�5�: BORAOWBR COVSNAN'i'8 thn Dorrower in lewtuliy sclsed ot the estete hmoby conveyed end das the flght ro '.�'�' � <br /> ��,1�,6 r� grant and convoy tho Properry end thet the Property ie unanoumbercd, e:capt tm encumbnncea ot raord. Dorrowet K„ `r, . <br /> � xq -�, aatrante end will defend generolly the tttle to the Proporry ega(net nll olalme anA demands,eubJeot w any enoumbronaa �,� -r_ ,�r, <br /> > ;� «<t ot reoord. <br /> `+ '�. TF[IS BBCURITY INSTRUMIINT combinea unitorm covenante tor netionel use and nonvnitorm covenents wiih �r�;+�° <br /> ' „ E• Iimitedvariutonebyj�risdicdontoconetltuwaunitormsecurityinatrumentcovoAngrcalproperry. �',}U��,� ;�„ : <br /> uj � {. UNIPORMCOV8NAN7'S.HortonerandLendetcovenantandegreoesfollow� ,�;Yr ,' <br /> r �tj� 1.Payment o!Pdnclpd�nd Intorest;Ptepayment�ad Gte C6araee.Borrower ehell promptly pey whon due ` ' � >� <br /> the pdnolpel of end Inteteet on tho debt evidenced by the Note end eny propayment and lateeharges d�a under tho Nou. `'t��u n�.� '-: <br />��i �;� � ]. Fuade tor Te:ea tnd Ineunnce. Subject to applicable Isw or to a wrttten waiver by Lender,!Sormwer ehall � - � <br /> t�{ i_� pay m Lender on the dey monthly paymenre are due under the Note,ontil the Note ie paid in luil,a eum 1'Funda')tor. �5;�j� <br /> (s)yeariy tazea nnd e�easmente whfoh may ettafn prlodty ovor this Security Inetrument�s s lien on tAe Pmpca�;(b) ,_ 3� <br /> i dt_' qcarly leasehold Feymente or ground ronte on the Property,it eny;(c)yearly hezerd or property(nsurenu promwme; ' 7. ' <br /> r --,.`� (d)yearly Ilood�n9urance promfume,it any;(e)yurly mortgage inaurance premiuma,it any;and(t)eny eums peyeble ���Hn K <br /> �?rF��' S� by Borcoxer W I.ender,in aaotdance with tha provlsiona ot paragreph 8,in Ileu ot tfie poyment of mortgege inaurona ��t'�p 1{r� ��- <br /> ,:'�y�4f `�• premiuma Theso itema ere calied'Bscrow Itema'Lender mey,at any time,collect and hold Funde in an emount not t��`�,�','�_, . <br /> �!�;_;.;�a`,,�;< to uued the maximum amount e lender tor e tederally rolated moftgego loan mey reqoiro tor Botrower's escrow �=s�'{'y{��i!,:rc:;-_ <br /> r.lY�! �yj.,r <br /> �A �?�( eccount under ihe tedarot Real Betate Satlement Proadurce AM of 197A es amanded trom time to time, 12 U.S.C. E;�� r�y - <br /> , �,rA����t�� Section?b01 et aer/. ('RSSPA"),unleav enothet lew thet appliee to the Punds sete e lesur emount.It ao,I.ender may, t�tt�; t�rt> ' <br /> i i:u�1'.(?..;, at any time,wllect and hold Funda in en emount not w eiceod the lesser amount.Lander may estimau the emount ot ,, r- �'�r`_ <br /> 5��,�' Punds due on the basia ot eunent detn and reasonable eatimates ot expenditures ot Nture Bscrow Iteme or otherwise in tiry��t�� ��y t;,: <br /> t�.�.«-,s� eecordancewithepplicablelew. !t�;t`•%i��i�:?�,"�;=�: <br /> '`' -�`�- 7'he Funde shall bo held in en inetitution whose d te ere insured b e kderel a enry,InetrumentaHt or entit ' - t,<�� <br /> :?:;:'S'�r°t`+,.: � Y B Y. Y .,:�.;1�;,,., <br /> ;°,�,;�F�;�r pnoluding Lender,iI Lender fe euoh en tnstitutfon)or in eny Fedenl Home Loan Benk.Lendersh�ll apply theFunde to �;. ��- :�:;tT,,'.; <br /> a k ° pay the Becrow Itema.Lender may not oherge Bnrcower tor holdin�gend epplying the Funde,ennually analyaing the r <br /> ,, ? Y;; escrow acoount,or vertt in tho Hscrow Iteme,unless I.ender ye Borrower intorest on the Punde end e Iluble law � ' '� ������. <br /> Y B Pe PP �..,.:. <br /> ;;;�`;';�y pormite lander to make euch e cherge. Howevor, I.ender msy requiro Borcower w pey e one-time cherge tor an ;i.-� ��%,::4';;:?• <br /> ` ' Independent real eat�te tax roponing servfce used by Lender In conneatlon with thle loan,unlesv applicable Iaw providea � ;ia,t �' ��• <br /> "�r y otherxise.Unleas en egreement la mede or epp1lwble lew«quirea intereat to 6o paid,Lender ehill not bo roqulrcd to t� � �. <br /> � >'�'���• pey Horrower en fntercat or earnin on the Punds.IIorrower md Lender mey egrce in wriNn ,however,thet fntereat � �••. !s;` "'>' <br /> Y Bs 8 •:.'tt,`...G.,. <br /> 2 y " �' ehsil be peid on the Punde.Lender ehall give to Borrowu,without oherge,sn ennual aocounNng ot the Funde,ehowing ^`t� '� ; :: <br /> ` ` ' credlte end debits to the Funde and the purpose for whtch each debft to the Punda wes mado.7Lo Punde aro pladgod ae *�� j' � � ' <br /> � �� ti . �ddit���ho PundsYheldabyBLander�escad thofamounte pe m�itted to bo heid by appIiceblo lew,Lendor ehall e000unt to �u��;7� '�,�' <br /> _ ,�,�'�,�e;� Borrowar tor tho e:ceae Punde in occordanco with the requiromanre ot epplicaMe law.It tho amount ot the Punds held r�,: ."t'�z' - <br /> , ylt�+ �._; by Lender st eny time le not eufficient to pey the IIscrox Iteme whon duo,Lender may so notity Borcoxer in writing, �� �'�?{ r}�`�-�; <br /> , y�1, _� r md,in euoh case IIorcowar ehell pay to Lender the amount ncceasary to meko up the datielenay.Sorrower ehall make �t"�'u, ,rr�?`- <br /> �� �, � up the deticiency In no more thnn teelre monthly peyments,at Lender's solo diecrotion. ? ,t;;: t� -. <br /> �+ t,__.; Upon payment in tull o[eIl aums secured by thie Security Inetrumen�,Lender ehnl I promptly roPond to Horcower �' � �'y r,r� . <br /> � � � eny Nunds held by Lendee It, under petagraph 21, l.ender ehetl ecquiro or sell tho Proporty, Lender, prior to tho 5� � <br /> , �r�t'- acqutsitlon or sele of the Proporty,sAall eppiy any Funde hold by Lendar nt tho time ot ecquieition or mle ea a credit �a S3��� <br /> art�;�.f�j, againvtthesumesxuredbythiaSecuritylnetrumm[. }affz�jSt��.-- . <br /> S ,,,,�, 3. Appliutlon ot Paymepb.Unleas applicable lan provides othernise,ell paymonts received by Lendor under �?�k�t �� ,. <br /> a ��j,:; � perngephe 1 end 2 sheli bo epplied:tiret,to eny prepeyment chergea due undar tho Note;second,to emounta payeble .: s �r , . <br /> _is� ;� undet peregraph 2;third,w inureet due;fourth,to pr i ncipil dw;and leat,to any lete charges duo undor the Note. ��'i!! , ` ` <br /> ! �(.�? {\�t.J4 � <br /> ;� s\ �. Chargee; Llene. Uonower shall pay ell texea,esuasmente,chargea,fines and impositions attributablo to the �_+ _� �.4 '-. <br /> � r.hi+�,o Property whieh mey atuinpn ority over thie Sceurity InatrummS,and leasehold pnymente ot ground rante, it any. T{ i > ,� _. <br />��._'.l,�T,�_, Botrower ehap pey these obligetiona in the menner provided in peregreph 2,or if notpeid in thet manner, Horrowet �r��;`. ,s,ya,;.._ <br /> shall pay them on time directly to tha person owed payment.Dorrower shell promptty furnieh to Lender ell notices ot r ,tr, ��t > <br /> i z�;;r�`,1. �mounts tc�,bepryd uqdat thia Horroxer makca these paymenta dirxtly,Borrowar sh�ll prompqy tumish ._ �,S, ;�'j;_.. <br /> � �'w. tol.endert�oeip6�8viddiieingthepeyments. ,_s <br /> ' ��` ->tF�` IIorrower ehall promptly discherge any lien which has priority over thie Security Inattument unlesv Borrower. (a) � :t,�}'+ �, , -: <br /> s.,S�{„.; egrece in writin�to tho peymonc ot tho obligation secured by the lien in a manner eceepuble to Londer,(b)conteats in F- e r�;t�+� <br /> �,���� -'t, gaod feith the lien by,or detenda againet rntorcement ot the lien in, legai proceedings which in the Lendor's opinion � ; ', °�' ` <br /> �° opereto to provent the entorcoment oI the lien•or(c)securea Irom the holder ot the lien m egrammt mtistectoty to � `r � - <br />-`-Z�'`"'�'-�- Lender subordinatin tho lien to this Sccurit Lender detetminea that an n o�the Pro � - "'�" '=l'� <br /> e.� .y 8 Y Y Pa P�Y ia subject : �.�.,r:,i��. <br /> -r;�I:?..='`� .•.i-�,;:�_. <br /> { f-, to a lien nhieh mey attain priority over thie Security Inetrumrnt,Lcnder msy give Dorcoaer n notix identifying tho - <br /> ` ,- i- %�' lien.Borrowcr ehall setiefy tho lien or uke one or morc ot tho ectione set torth ebovo within 10 days ot the giving ot '?,�' � j <br /> �-'•,�4i_:'�s notiw. :`!+��-�:. �. � <br /> +:`;i _c�_ 'c-',.= - . <br /> '_�� <br />„tt^;ja5`i::-� . Fxm ]02! 9lCO '..� <br /> - ' e�ursr. . �-6BWElnuaie� rm�.�� inn��i� '[j�, <br /> -'ic;it�: �<,. <br /> =i. r . <br /> �r'.S.'i.�.�' ' <br /> —.,�- _, ,._ . <br /> >::"i.�{.'.;;%:;. <br /> ry - F_ ar {r �- : _ . � � -m�s n y_:�il"�3�"_hv lf. 'r z , r - .. . <br /> % ♦ . _ - W�.` f � . - . "e ! . - _ }yri_ .. � <br /> t g• 't- 'f r?�Fi _ .:� � t.. 'ta 4 � . ) : ' '-_i r� _ '!' v. -il -. �. <br /> e v Y:. :-Y. .) -� � u3i: <br /> Ft _s . _.y � 5 ...�� _ l � _ h� � .; - � - _'� �-" <br /> 3u } 5 ` _ n _ 4 r' (._. i > Y -.� 4r z .3 J :F <br /> r . �, � l <br /> s -" _ S }� Syl�r _�{� _ _ e . ' c ' r '�i4 � _ �"'tt. '� � _ ' <br /> � '�� 1 `+r - t bii,2J � �Jt r r +_ -� t ��, -- iF�� T� � rs��t�t _ ! a ( � <br /> t . 5 ,�5y�, 'a- ' � � + 'L - �!S il <br /> � :-� "' r 7�Tt�S�1 7 },G t! � �'3��� i�t !� u ` §_- - �,A '� t � � �z <br /> f ' f����a '�C�c'i+d . n ^ If . � '+d� � ", � .. . � r vS r ( . <br /> � �k¢..J � tFyift,' {i({(3'� L� ri ✓� f r� '{ 3i�vi'�'���t���� <��< <aS��i��. �'�./r � tva - cj}.F+�'�,S!{�� C/n�r4/,b�� � ;� . <br /> �t�'�� { �-t.,. � PAk4 �Y y .4 (,: S y�.tt , . f.' tr! C.. yY Y :r t/ �6�A i�Zerc•F, ! t st <br /> +ra .v t 7`f� -�f -� S� c �ag h3 - � /�i+F� -r <br /> { l S i ti ' � f >�� js � y �5f �fi C � \��� ,+1. 4 / ) �� }� T � �� . � Y��{ 4) y � ) �„Fy 5t��Nh,r�.{�4f1 - � . <br /> Y��;S!fy���Prt�i�it J �y� f��jii�,7�<r��i`S'�i(j� r �s! �S� �yt/� .s16 S.Y.1+����4�1C { �� ' f�Ar�y�� � +r)rSfi�l'��?`Y�ti4� �fn_� <br /> . � ii7f,. /� } i � p [� 1 E���`'( � } � r �>( T�i.Xf3g�y.�gttct4� -'r4ai ��ty i �,i fy �ySyYr�'`��� 4! ����j,Wt Y4 -5i } <br /> �f� �/� f,.. ';. .5.� � r eh�'S i F aY {��x`�a�2+� fi �y tpf �r ff ATI � t'"�. \?�'rd 1� I,rS � 1 4( i�'- <br /> . W \€! �i 'S''Lit:x`�Y�)S,��l1y��q�<i'ri3F.F�¢�i,'�e.•f•jh�{ �. h�l�„n�r�rx'f'L��e"f{.�/�} { ;Ft t.2tf7�X3� ai S'.CSY'�r�).��..`S��„R�a - �t <br /> S �'� c! GrI' 1 1 �kD rt ('{'� y r- i � .F2� � � 1 i f i ���,{�!L �t � � 1 Y i�t t <br /> tn4r -i�f b1r 41�'� � "� .�fi�K'� ffy�Ji-/'t>`if-!'t5'�t�k,�t'`7y�Y�� l� t�{'�F,'�,��RFrf f'� h �7 �� .5 z �r v�ly�s'����j' d�'�^Y�t'cj5 r <br /> .d /� r r i' CR _l- i � rY r< r � ,� 7 i � t .-_ i�f� � .1 y . ;f zJ- c � � <br /> �+� ' `r�r .�}�''�*-:f a F� f .r �y 7lt�c=Y Sy�xi�,�jj�� r S -.,, �„�a . r r.rr .�,, . ju- . <br /> 31) !'�9- i-_> .h�� e t i� - iu t {��- . fi � 1 -?! -fr - !'-t r � � ��. 3�.- 3 <br /> r _�_,.ci,�U .. .F._- l_..�. . ;:t... if.!-. :^•'� ", :...i: , � , .., - oqJ ,c 'f -r'T . _ Y :, .. 59_.�� . <br />