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�/ . .4`f� ., �i� zSL.._ ' . .. ��r)h �.Yi�,.�X�bna��� �15:r.��1�iF.�C.... . <br /> � .. - - . . .�.. - . - _ <br /> : <br /> � .:. �<.roa+�+•+.. - <br /> --"-w•�.��cffl _ ` j ."�, � � xl: � f�� . r,,.r.e.niK/�enTS- '�?�Y�'IYSx��`" - ' __. <br /> ...�.�_......1.._.��......A.._ __ . .. .. - ' r"ra7rt. . ,_. . <br /> �.�.s� .. 93: ���g ,,�„ .. <br /> Tr '�' - <br /> u_sY\ h ' <br /> ���,� 16.Donorvor'e CopY.Borcower eh�ll'x�ivan ono oontormed copy of the Noto end of thie Bwudt Irmtrumont, ' ��'� °- <br /> ;� 17.Tnnalor ot tho Property or�Dene►iold Iateteat In Uorrower. If ell or eny part ot th �roperty or any ,t �_ i+� <br /> �+ interest in it ie sold or tranetorrsd(or It e beneticlel Intercat In Dorrower le sold or tramterced end �lorcoxer le not e <<�,� . � :_ <br /> s t� � nntunl person)wlthout Lender'e pdor written consont,Londer mey,nt tte option,roqulro Immedlate paymcnt In full of � y�=�r r'� " �' <br /> �;s�; r, all sume eacured bp thie 8ecurity Inetrument.Honever, thie option ehni( not ba eYarcisc-0 by l.ondcr if emrcise le <br /> 4' prohlbltedbyfadarallaweeotthedateotthla8ecudtyinstrument. �s � > • "`� ' <br /> f,�r ,�: It Lender e:erc(see thie option Lender ehall give Borrower notice ot aaeleratlon.The notloe ehall provide a parfod ` ,,c+F�* �,r� '. <br /> ' o!not leas than 30 de a trom thedate the notica ie dolivercd or metled wtthln whtch Horroner must psy�11 eume seaurod � <br /> �``�` r j j� by thfe8aurtty Instrumrnt.It Borcor y falle to pay theseeume prior w the eYplratton ot thie perlod,Lendar may invoke ( ��_*1�; �+ :-I " <br /> �, anyremedieaparmittedbythle8eourit InstrumentwithoutturthernoticeordemandonBorcower. � <br /> t F,3 � I8. Dorrower'e Riyhyt to Rolaatnte.It Horcower mayts aruin conditio�Borrowcr ehell have the dght m have �y=; _ <br /> � S= m eorp�ltcable larnhmny apecitY���e1 e���°�ti)�betore seletot the Pro p�artye u8reuant to eny pdoaNei ot ale nk�n��in >`1 r., �' ,�d �,r� <br /> � -,: tNapBecurity Inetrumer�t;or (b) entry ot a iudgment entotcing thia Secunty Instrument.'ITiose wnditiona ara thet 7'� �� r.�,,` -' <br /> Horconer: (e) p�ya Lender al� eums which tLen would be due under thte&curity Instrumont anA the Note es it no �. � <br /> {+,�S s;' ecceleretion Aad aaurred;(b)cures eny detaut[oi eny other covenante or egreemente;(c)paye all expensea incurred in � �'��`�'F, ;A:. <br /> ��-1, r entorcing thie Sceurlty Inetrument,including,but not limited to,reasonabie etmmeys teee;and(d)tekea such action es ` � �;�{t r a ,,,r -i ). <br /> , - � Lender mey reasonably roquiro m esauro thet the Imn ot this Securlty Inatmment,Londor e righte in the Property end �sfi � j v , -, <br /> � ; Horcower'aobltgattonw ythesumssacuredbythiaSecudtylnstrumentehallcontinuaunchanged.Uponre(nstatement �����, ;,�7/: - <br /> ,i�t„ byBorcower,thlsSecurit�yInetrumenandtheobligsilonasecutedherobyshallremaintullyettativeesilnocealmacion �'�`�'.�J�Fjrx, �n jf - <br /> > � • hedoocutted.However,thierighttoroinetateshnllnotapp lyinthecoeeoteaelerationunderperogrophl7. {f :l},� f d� ,�, <br /> ' ''�'� 19,S�lo oetyNoto;C6ingo ot Loan Servicer.The Note or e partiel intereat in the Note(together with thie Security ��,4�; (�„ s _ <br /> � �, }� (knownesihe'I.oenSuvicer')hatattlactemo thlyrpaymon'eedue ndertheNotea Jihie3ecuritylneuument There `r��i%�i'���-�yr,� ` <br /> --..� also msy be one or moro chengee of the I.oan 8ervicet unrolated to a sele ot tho Nota.It thero ie e change of the Loen ��y f r�t�4�� �'� " <br /> - }�k? -' 3erviar,9orrower wil I be given written notice of the chenge in eaordenw with paragraph 14 ebove end applicablo lew. a i 3+,�y3i« � � , _ <br /> J� ' The notice wUl atete the name and nddress ot the new Loan Setvioer end the eddreas to which psymentaehould be mede. t�a vxy w fI�`k%'r' � <br /> y;�klj���, Thenotiwwlllelwcontainsnyothetintormetionrequiredbyepplicablelew. H��7,1f �y�y _ v <br /> ir{ � � s.� 70.Hasardove SubnUnces. Sonoaer ehall not uuse orpermit the presence,usa,disposel,etorcge,or release ot .����r,�i` .-_ __ <br /> „��� -�3d';" eny Hezardoue Subetnnaa on or in the Property.Borcower ehail not do,ngor allow snyone Nse to dop,eny[hing altecting � � S{�Riikp�+� :- <br /> �; � ti sePoretotegoeTOn+the Protparty�oty mall que t tiaes ot Heurdo�Substaneea that�ero8gene allyPfrecogmied�tonbe ��t�i�`k����;��%'��` <br /> -;� appro�PdetetonormelreaidentieluaeaendtomelntenanceottheProperty. - �Si��s�'� _,�:K,?- <br /> -5- HorroNer shetl prompUy g(ve Lender written nodce ot any inveatigedon,claim,demand,lawauit orother ac6on by t t;j� y`J` `�,�,. <br /> ,.,�fi.�, any govetnmental or reguletory agencp or private perty involving the Properry and an� Hautdoua Subetance or � i' � <br /> '"�%%�t:`��s Envltonmental Lnw ot which Borrowtr hea actuel knowledge.It HorcoNer learne,or ie notit�ed by any govemmentel or ����',�'((�f�.'(��?;;�������. <br /> '�� �-- " roguletory authority, thet any ramov�l or other remadietion ot any He�erdoua Substence attecting the Property te ��;:t „ - ;:- = <br /> +-� '; neoesserp,BorcowersfielloromptlyUkeallnecesaetyTemedialeetionslr�accordancewithBnvironmenulLaw. ��t4�tt�s'�f�.�""";" _:` <br /> � _-_ ,� Ae used In thie paregieph Z0,"Hazardaus Substencea`ere thosa sabetnnae deiincd as coxic or hezerdouseuusienaa t -�•.� i�, s� - <br /> �� -. by Hnvfronmontal Lew and�he tolloning substancea gasoline,kerosene,other flemmeble or toxic patroleum producrs, A�,f'��4�-� <br /> . to�ic �wadc(des end herbicidee, voLtilo solvmte, meteriele conteining wbeatoe or tormaldehyde, end rediaactive �r; . + y; , <br /> -.- .� metonele.Aeusedinthfepnragraph20,'EnvironmentalLaw'meanatWenllaNeandlawaotthe�uriedictionwherothe _ �� �° ',� <br /> ' � ` Propertr lelocetcdthatreletetohealth,setetyoronvironmentalprotection. '!+!;i�`�.,r••`1s�,y�� F�� <br /> ' " NON-UNIFORMCOVBNANfS.BorcoNarendLendertunhercovenantsnda reea9tollowa �; � *.t� � �. <br /> F '�� 8 ' �i �!L tlYl�l ��L�� <br /> ;� 91. Accelention; Remodiae. LeaAor ehall give notice to Dorcower prlor to occelonHon tolloRlag �, , , x-_�f w • <br /> ' Dmrower'e Dteac6 of aay eavenant or sg�ument ia tbie Securitp In:trumeat(but aot dor to eaolerotlon ���'�---���•-• f.. <br /> _ . . P ,,.�-.:,: � .... <br /> , undet panynp6 t7 unlees nppItca6lo law provides othorwiso).The notlu s6a11 epecify:(�)the dot�utt;(b)t6e • ` ' S+ ° ' <br /> t ;+� wdop requlred to ouro the defauit; (c) � dste, not less thm 30 dayo trom the dato the notice ie givon to �' `'; °�� ��! <br /> • IIotroner by wLicb tDe detault must bo curod;and 4d)thot Idluro ro curo tho dotault on or botoro t6e d�to � , 4 � e�; <br /> epecItied ln tho notico m�y roault In accelentioo ot tne sums eecured by thin Sccur:ty Inetrumont�nd eale oI i , �9 ,.� <br /> � i• the Proporty.1'ho notice thaU futthet in(orm Borrowor ot ihe dght to rolnatate�ftor eaelentioa ead the '� ' F• <br /> dj6t to bdng� court action to �uort t6o non-e:letonce ot a det�ult or�np other dotenso ot Borrower to :{ ` r d, �yj�.��.�.: <br /> , -;#_ ti �ocelont{ou�ad nlo.II tho doteult le not curod on ot 6eforo t6o dato epecllted in tho uottce,Londor, st Its �t' .. __ <br /> opt{oa, mq requiro immedi�to p�ymont in fu l l o f dl euma eccuted by t61a Security Insgtrumpont vitUout ; F,��` �i� <br /> _ '� Londer 6nll be entilod to coll ct�I erp nees incurr d n puieuiog eho�romodtoa provtidod in tbls�par�gnph '�e.� r} �,.- �.:.'- <br /> � 3� �� 21,including,butnotlimitodto.raaouebleettorneys tesaandcwteoftltleovidonce. �.,`-; , �,�y ��' - <br /> �� II tho power ot ealo Is invofced,Truetee shall record a notice of defsult in ach couaty io w6ichaoy part ot �;,�-; ,J �i -:} . <br /> _ � ; the Property ie loceted�od ehsll mail copiea ot auch notice in tho meaner prescdbod by epplic�blo IsR to � �.y tti �� +-�.; + ��- <br /> �9 Dorrowet aad to the othor persom prcecdbod by�pplicablo law.After t6o timo required by�ppHcablo I�w, - ��.� p �ti <br /> ' f^ '_ TruateeshallQ�vepublicnoticeotesletothepotaoas�adinthommaorprucribodbyep�Iica6lolax.Truatee, � � � ' �+ ,,-j�:, <br /> � .;r': without dom�ad on IIorrowor, edell sell the PropcAy at ublic�uction to tho highost b ddor et tho dmo end y�-;.� �� i,, <br /> ,�'- _ `. <br /> „ -.� pleca�nd uader tLo torme deilgnetod in the aotice ot aa o in ono or mor¢parcela and Ip ony ordor Truatee , .., <br /> - -- 4 detotminee.Truetco may poatpono salo of ell or any parcel of t6o Proporty by public annouacemont et iho ,*' �� <br /> -�:� timo�nd plau ot any preWously rc6eduled sate. Lendor or ita duignee mny purchase iho Property at aey � . <br /> -,�.,:..:�.�. ealo. :.i;.,•: . . <br /> .. '.a , <br /> '?i:,:'_:t'.': . ' . <br /> ''I-'rr ferm 70i! 9I10 � . .. - <br />.. �',':i2r�.'�%�.�� 1'�'BRWElnueioi r.�.�.�e imnnc � • _ <br /> � e .1� '� <br /> �.. � <br /> -•;��•'"� ` _ <br /> ..-c.:syi`s?, . <br /> t �' ^ . .. .�..—�;-;.�r.�----------'_r"-- '�'^....""�'�-'-^-----•O:v�zar.r;.�.,�._ _ <br /> ,S�r; 4 � n `� ' . } � - - - _. <br /> _:u_�� _ . . f1 �_ . r _ - .. . _ _, <br /> M .,rF , r�f,_:.T.F. '-� - . . . . _ . <br /> � t �._��r L �i}t`r � _. > . `. - _ - . . . _i __ . ..__. <br /> %i 'fE'r f S4a�.' 3i � . - > > . . {.. Il . i -In . , . _ . <br /> � t �,{�+F,�,{c}r �tji� t�Sl y1S� � � � -t��t�t � - .�. � � ,-_i�, _- � -`r ! - . <br /> * lt `�U)x� � 7��)'a��15A� �fi rttrin -Y it� - r l. 1 ;<�� � � r�t , a- `� . <br /> n. i Y it 1 J in.l !r <br /> ll -�7N.31'1� iritiY/�r'�/� 'l} lf�'b%> >"7i f .Cy{ar U f/i11f1 <YS��(, : .� � s�� '' � � - � �. r <br /> t g4 i �t t i�� Y 2 S ttrf 4 .r I � 9 � > S .. <br /> F Y7J � �,2�1 _{fR'8S'/{l�f�i $s -��, --y'(t�,� � -Sl�ky, id�'J4 � t �!1 . t . f :'_ �, <br /> ' F tY v�)}{� �YJ (��.� .i /�(r .�4 . y�F�t(hj}�.fr l 1� w t ... _y . <br /> �{ -:�t r�il;���t� I1 - N,�4 y��$}A11.'�nn(7 i <t�r)L� Y t . 2Y ,��/i1f J ��._ '�}a�1 � . ' <br /> s , .., �� $��b`i�s .(,�< <S_t1k>�/�it�i+� fii v a '1 � 7 � f3�i � <br /> ! : t1 �i vY IJ � , f - � . � ' 1 _. �1 � ( <br /> j .7_� ii.t�its �51 A��Iini�+�_�SY )1y r3�a1 ��y1 4,��/�it4 ^ �_ .' )� lti � 4 -r � 4 � ' . t ,.: <br /> � o� '- .1 t A���. Fri . -h���� 4� 4� � ty .]A{`�> 1tfy�S r`{l�� . ..�- ti - �r \ � ''� _ <br /> � - �} --� fi�.e i 1 t"k'�s1��'F n 6 t4� i� i� .-1 e � o 'i r +� - r�i ti � . <br /> - .� a t .-r'''�,1 _ - ti ? F r. 5 i �-� �n,� �..f' � 4 a� -_ i } 7' . . { Yi�a <br /> �� ��}��' � ���\ksk���i� s �. T lf >. S.�r =!�J�' �t N tl t{t � � it � � �I �• �St i. �. } r �� { <br /> f 4 � ,'��'`�t -. kk t �,.4 . i- r� n ---rr:, ea "�t! : - ' .(t '' <br /> ,� .r . :-�"- :�yY,y' ,��.k.° . ,. '�,-_-.�t�f4.a "`.�<r",�'�? -, ':}.<:,,_ . .._ r,t �.,. :"t ,_.c�-�, `= .t 1 ••: : _.-;�:. _ j <br />