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.f:: f.c,.:..-...f: .i . :e ..u.s_.4L � _insvsac�'_-m-� -;.:.£ l . -.� . y _ ___ <br /> ,..'r-n�` �. -�.rtv....o���T''r J'��-'_ "'a'I'..�1� ��� ue��,=,:v:H`°'1`fyi•v: .. . __— . ._. _,,. .� —___. . ._ .' .. <br /> Upoa rocolyt ot paymeut o! tGe prloe b1A, Truatee ehe11 Aetiver to tDe pu o�a�er�rQua eea dae0 _._�.—_— <br /> conveyin�t6e Arop�riy.7'he reeit�l�ia tDo Trusue'�deeA aDdl be prlma hole evidenee ot tbe etutD oT tAo <br /> �t�tementa made tderoln.Tro�tee ehdl�pp1y tEa proceed�o}the ule io the Iollowlaj order:(a)to�11 wate ' '�"-`-_° <br /> �ad e:peares of e:erol�ins the pnRer o! eala�nd tho uio, iaoludtn�tbe psyment ot tho Trustae'� tee� � �-_-- <br /> eotu�Dy laouned,ant to eiaed '1�pSBCPHP � of tLe pdaolp�I�mouat of the noto et eho Nma o! si� ,� <br /> tho Ceol�tatlon o!dotvult,inA rowoa�ble attarae B'fur�a rmittad 6y law;(b)to�11 suma seoureA by thia � �l`� <br /> Y P6 C �..,_:;,,_:.:_._ <br /> Beoudty Tastrumoat;oad(o)�ny e:oose to the perooa or poreoaa!e=ally ontitied to i� 1�t�_r.:=:z.,:-i�-.— <br /> 17.Reconvey�nca Upon p�yment ot ell sume scourcd by thie Bwurity Ineuumont,Lender ahatl roqu�s�Truetoe �":�"'`:`�-"`� <br /> w reooavey the Pro ��:-- r..-.-. <br /> perty end eheti surcender thie&aucity Inatrument end ell notcs evldenolag debt swured by thls r: rn � :-- <br /> &cudty Inehument to T�uatee.Truetee ehdl reoonvey the Property wlthou�wamnty end without ohatge to ehe person e --- <br /> C 2w <br /> or pxnaone legally endtled w IR Suoh person or penrone snetl pay eny reoordatlon oosts. 3 _ �,� W. <br /> Y1. BubaHtute T�ustee.Lendor,at ite option,may!rom time m tlmo romovo Ttuvtee end eppoint e euooessor ;, ����sN+���''-,,'�� <br /> trustee to eny Trustee appolnted herounder by an instrummt reoorded in the county in alloh thls 8ecur(ty Inatrumentle �s•, �r, � -F <br /> ceaorded. Without oonveyance ot the Properiy, the eucceesor truatee ehall euooud to ell tt�a title,power and dudes �; ' � : <br /> oonterred upon Teustae heroln end by applicable laa. _c;ta,__',"`�., ' <br /> 24. Requat tor Notioes.Hotroiver requeate that oopies of the notices ot datault and aele be sent w 8orcower'e .,%","sr;5;;;s�;=«" <br /> eddtessNhiohietheProponyAddnas. "'��`="'a t-�"s"-; <br /> 71.Riders to thie 8eourity Iastrumenx It one or moro tidore aro e=eouted by Borcowar and recorded to othar �`'�'�'���t:�;:�''.�' <br /> � s�±";:(-di_:t{,n,,,r... <br /> with thle 8acurlty inatrument,the covenente end e;rcamente of eech auoh rider shnll ba inaorpomted tuto end ehall :_,;;���;G;�.+�(jr.�;;• <br /> amend end supptement the covonante and agmemente of thta Securtty lnstrument ea tf the rlder(e)wero e part of thie ,�i�`;';tc>>s;�t�(r:�'° <br /> 8eautlty Inettument.(Cheok eppticable bo:(es)1 r'j,,.� a�'"" <br /> Adjimuble Reu Rider Condominium Ridor �1-4 Family R4der �f;"� <br /> �u <br /> Qraduated Payment Rider Planned Un(t Davetopment Ridm Htwxkly Payment Ridar �{rM1�� '�"�� - <br /> Belloan Rider Rate Improvement Rider 8aond Home Rider ��+,j?��',�� - <br /> V.A.Ridet Othu(e) [epxity] ",SrF��P <br /> s:.<,t�A. "- <br /> 13'�r �<�}� -. <br /> �1?�r t�i�i ;�_ . <br /> � � ��r <br /> ';��a�r.•s�:,� <br /> >.:., <br /> BY BIUHINQ BSIAW, Hotrower acapte end agras m the terme and covenante conteined In thla Stcutlty ���' sd��;_.' <br /> Inatrumentand in any rider(e)eiecuud by Borrowu end raorded with ii. t=Sr,Q���t�, <br /> Witn� 0 r*�•�� c % � <br /> � � it ' /l�n �Seal) �'1- 'it���..:--. <br /> I111VID J �i� 'Borrower �p"fi ` � s -- <br /> .. r,,, e�- <br />_ U 'f��'r:id''}2;�'�±i1:=� <br /> (Beall : t' ; , 3 <br /> i„ �S§�' <br /> � -Oorrower �'���` �a v�f.� <br /> bARI! �70� _= <br /> ,�p:�sr't:.;,�'•,M:-��:� <br /> .}i%a.r.q;1P.. <br /> --.,�{ •, ��y-���.. <br /> I$lAII �$lL�I '�F t !� <br /> -� � _ ,._, <br /> w's,M;;�.:..>: <br /> -8orrower -lfotrower %,i;.,.L�� fry(ti}�... <br /> }'.f5.q•,f?��,F(i�,r;.' <br /> .t �1��._ Pil4'""_ <br /> �j'4J}'yi�%j5blf'`�''�=N:_� <br /> :�I,S.I:�i�l i���_i:: . <br /> BTATSOFNBBRA6KA. Countyee:HIlid. :;:;'y;;,.:�;�;�,� : <br /> Thelarogoinginetrumentwesacknoalodgedbetoromothte B�t dnyot FAY , 1993 , :;'�<";;!;`:�:,ia�!n,- <br /> by �ff '.Sr..�f 1r�G�"._ <br /> Witnae my hond snd noteAal seel et in eaid County,the deto atoresaid. _r�,t;.!4'$:�:1;�,�.:�x:- <br /> '^°"^" �%� /J 4�il!�?�rt��I�zL�x �_ <br /> My Commission Bxpirea: 6FAFMl IMJIAhY•ha:e�i�!�r.•:� (�.lh/n //,I/�,(� K. �CJ_9p.H/ _ F+'�}�'7�Yi .'�ix." �'_ <br /> CONSiMVCF.K�!G,1'7 - <br /> I�ry Wmn.F�p.ka i:, !_,5 Nourl Pu61io +E:��9�,lrh��,t��.: <br />_ �1 '1f�lJ <br />_ e�� D�AVID'`�J I,I`O��iC���Np pATD FAtU! JO tAFC�287. P/K/A I+II�A1! JO ffitTAII'. S''� �`�+ 'd�-F - <br /> N�V (YV �IYi� �(� f � <br /> ,;n .ra-..5�;i{c''.C. <br /> . ..� .,. ,- <br />- .-s" �fk.4 ':u*: <br /> '���:p{?`.,:`S'•.��i 4 <br /> �'>.:^Y. ..! , <br /> ;r�-ji:.R`V.'r.�. ' <br /> . i�7 ��F�� . , <br />� �-611Qfflmeuw � ��� I �.-.� . <br /> Frm 702! U�0 : ..>' ,i�: <br /> � :C�•;�,, '�_a°,.iiS_ <br /> ' x�'.- ''t, ' <br /> q - � � _ _ -�kre: - •, <br /> ��: . i� ��lY� ' - :..:ri�:i,.:. <br /> "LS' ' -�• _ __- - r+ _ . yNv. - .�. ,�__, . ,—. _.T�d jrr i' 1- � <br /> J� _ . Fsf.� >`S Y .aE- -. �Y � � - � ���j- rt�� �F- � � .. <br /> -� 3� t L f1 i ".� 6 1� - � t 4 1 - } e t � � n • : a .- f � .:1 -. <br /> _ .. r xrG b 1� t � - S a d 1 � . . - Y ?' �t �i'� a � . . d <br /> ' y. �'^ i _ ('.' ' a /tJ'} - � t ; � I� < -�RI _ <br /> ..� ,� - .,-•i�!!� '74 ,�. 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