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. . ���� ��-p. � ..^(3 .� _ '_.��';} }iv_�_.�.�; �. C�j`F,�� x� _ .t ,,:s� ,:F i }... _a : <br /> -r ::��._ ° 1 .ui14�s�1��,..,in.�� � _...,._�,��+c�ar�m1aa.v�«». _'___.�. ' ' ' '=-+»� + � �' �-�"�� + s -.�.' _ <br /> t��' mu..._.i i.t•s e�e� <br /> �_.`_`�':� .,r�.._. <br /> �� ,. <br /> "A� et tho o�tInn o1 Lender, II mon�ego Inauronoe oovaego pn �ho emount end tor tho porloa3hnt LoOnd�,e�r�r�u�i�ree) ,�3�;���}�; ,,! <br /> provlda0 Ey�n Ineuror�pprovod by Lender��s1n beoomes evdlablo�nd le obulneA.Donowet eheli pey the promfume .�` <br /> , ;, raQulrad to mnlnteln mor�Y�o inaunnoo In etlwi,oe W provida �10;.9 reearvo, undl the rcquiromont tor mongego i �r�',�t <br /> Insuronce anAe In�aordanao with my wrltten�prcomont botwoan Ilotrowor�nd l.ender or app1lcablo lew. T ,)� ,�f+=?� _ �� <br /> ; 9.Inapootlon�1.onAa or Itn e;ent mey m�ke roaconablo envloe upon end�nspeotioneor tha Propony.Londorehall ,*x ff�t s�f R . <br /> r QivoDarcoHmnatlaaeetfiadmoofor prlortoenlnepealonepocifyingreaaoneblacausatorthelnepooNon. ����i�J�i�an_;y�� <br /> r`�t,� 10.ConAomnntlqn.7rie prao�de ot�ny�w�M or olalm tor dam�Qr:n,dlreot or consoqueMl�l,in conneotlon with �'/vt�z t,a;� ;s,ra,r <br /> �1 s+j any aonAomnr,tlnn or mhar teking of any put of the Proparcy,or tor oonveyance In lfou ot candemn�don,aro heroby �y;. ��} ' 4 � <br /> i,j amiIInad anA aAell be p�lA m Lwido�. 'f���',ni >}��,�� .- <br /> ln tho avcnt at o tntal talcing at the Pro p orty,the proceeds ehall bo e p plied to the sume necured by thie&cuAry r <br /> ''� Inctrumont,Nhathor or nat then due,with any oxaa9 peld to Borcower.Io the event ot s panial teking ot the Propjny in f�1�`''�,`,-�" <br /> '�rr� whloh tho fnir mnrket value ot the Property immedtaulr betoro tho taking te oquel to or greater than tM emount ot the ��"�+1 t��s ;. <br /> �'` suma secured 6 thla 8wuflty Inetrument Immedi�uly boforo the tekin unlese Horcower snd Lendee otherwise a ee J "$� � `!,''' <br /> -v Y 8. 8� ;�{ysar�yfi i <br /> � .. in wrldng,tho suma exured by thte 8ecuriry(netrummt ehall be reduced by the amount ot the procadv multfplted by ���tv,� <br /> 4��� tho tallaxing traWlon:(n)the toul amourt oI the sume sxured Immedietely botoro Mo teking,divided by(b)ths tair ,��'>ay!t5,,,`, <br /> �' mnrket value ot the Properry immcdieuiy batoro tho ukfnQ.Any belanco ehdl be petd to Borrowee In the event ot t �`,y q5"r�bi+ <br /> � p►rtiol takin8 of the Property in eNch tho Iair merlcet vdua ot che Propeny immediamly 6atoro the uking ia les9 than � �,�>s'� <br /> r ;;: tho emount of the eume secured tmmedtetely betoro the teting,unlosv Borrower and Lender otherwise egree in wAting R��'� �,��1,� <br /> i�`�.f; or unlnss eppliwble law otherwlse provtdrs, tde prooeede ehall be applied to the euma securcd by tNe 8ecudty i ���::f : <br /> ;'+ ]nstrummtwhetherornotthesumserothendua a r �� ��'' <br /> ;��`S�.. `.Y., %= <br /> 3� It the Propeny is obendoned by Borcower,or it,etur notice by Londm to BorcoNer tAet the eondemnor oticrs to �r � <br /> ��; meke en award or settle e daim tor dameg�, Horrower feile to respond m Lender within 30 days atwr the dete the �rt; iK;u ': <br /> -`. noHce ia given,Lender ie euthorizcd to collect end apply the procoede,at ita option,either to reatoration or rapair oi the �,�v `�� �t _; <br /> `` Property or to the euma exured by thie Security Inetrument,nhothor or not then due. ,, „��� ;,.; <br /> E �'- Unias Lender end Borcower otherwlse egru in Nriting,any application ot procade to principal ehdl not extend or ' y�t�}��'`� � <br /> ,:y� poetpone the due date ot the monthly peymenta reterrcd to in peregropfis 1 and 2 oc ehenge the emonnt ot such ;f; , �(��rY���r�'��- <br /> -.1 Peyments. P�- k ��ZL`Jr:�: <br /> :%i� 11. Borroeer Not Reiaaed; Forbearaace By Lender Not a Waiver.Extenaion ot the time tor peyment or r�f''``7 k�`°� � <br /> � , t Y� .,�rrz+�1 � <br /> modificetion of amortizetion o!the auma sxured by this Sxurity Inetrument granted by Lender to any suaxasor in �Y� <br /> ,;, 'r intoreat.�LeHdu eha11 not'bo requited to comm nce p��toaedinge egeinet any'sucasaor in Inercst or�mtuse�tos�extend ����j��s';�f��@ <br /> � ��� time tor ymmt or othwxise modity amonizxtlon of fha euma securcd b thia Security Instrument by reason ot a f�`, K ,�`��/ �, <br />'"�'��` demend mede b the ori nel Borcower or Bonowet's succesmre in inter�.A torbearance b Lcnda in eierciain f'�i�'�*��riri-��- <br /> -x�; Y 8� nP Y B I�r , , <br /> . -�; any right or remedy shall not Uo s wilvm ot or pralude the e:ercise ot eny right or romedy. F� 1 j ����--' <br /> ?-- 12.Succeaaore end Assiyne Bouad;Jolnt and Sevaral Liabillty;Co-signero.The covrnente and egreemente .��j .;;a�,Mu. <br /> "'! ot thia Secudty Inatrument ehall Mnd end benetit the sucoessore and essigne o[Lender�nd BorcoNer,eubjoct w the E�� f r a�# t r t <br /> 1+y� provisione o!pero grcph 17.Borrower'e covenante end egrcemenrs aheil be joint end severel.Any Borcoaer who co-signa +$� � }�� ±� <br /> _.��,p- thie Savrity Inatrument but daoe wt e:ceuta tho Nota(a) ia co-eigning this&aurity Insttumont only to mortgago, j�� t , -�-3 -_ <br /> -_��r]� grnnt end convey thet Borrowere intareat in the Property onder the terme o► thia Sceurity Inetrument; (b) ie not �� �' -�,�t+�r .,, <br /> pereoneily obltg�ted to pey tho aume secured by thle Security Inserument;�nd (c) agreta that Londor and any other i { � � -, <br /> � � Botrower mey agree to ertend,modity,torbear or mnka any aocommodetions wlth rogard to the terme of thie Security �!4{`4 �-!�' � ' <br /> �� Tnatrumenror the Note without that Rormwor'a consent. t 4 � :3 s`7" " <br /> 13.Loaa Chttges.I1 tha loen securcd by thia Securiry[retrument fe subject to e law which sete me�mum loan � � ' �f t: <br /> t�,; chargce, end thet tew ie tinally inrorproted so that the interoet or other loan charges collocted or to be collated in ' F „ ''` ` <br /> o= oonnection witA tho Ioan eYeeed the pormittod limite,then: (e)eny such lonn chnrge ehail be reduad by the amount y��E <br /> ' ��% nettsaary to rcAuce tho charge to the permitted limir, end (b) eny eume alrcady collactod trom Dorconer wMch ' 'j� <br /> `:'�: esoeeded pormitted limirs will be retunded to Horroxer. Londer may choose to meke�hie reNnd by reducin the '. <br /> - -• pdncipel owed under tho Note or by meking a dircet peyment to Borcower.I1 e rotund rcAuaa principal,the reduMion ;- ;---;�j ��`.-� <br /> �� ��� wtll6etrcatcdes�pertielpropeymmtwithoutanyprepeymontehergeundertheNoto. �,fi� ? _ F} 1.,�,� <br /> �,��: 14.Noticee.Any notice to Dorcower provided tor in thisSocuAty instrumont ahall be given by dolivering it or by ��� -- `+! '-- <br /> malling it by tiret clam m�il unl�spplicable lew rcquires use o[another method.Tho notia ehell bo diteetnd to tho 1,� -- - �ji, � <br /> �-r,1 Property Addreav or any other eddrcsv Ibrcower designntcs by notice to Lender.Any natia to Lendor ehal I be given by - ; , ,,Q �� ;_ <br /> 1,j ficaL clem mnil to Lendefe address etated hmein or any other eddresa Lender deaignetd by notice to IIottonor. Any � � �� � 4 „ <br /> -�, aotioe providod tor in thie Security Inetrument eh�ll be dxmed to have been givm to Bonower o�Lender when given ,r; � � ; <br /> :'i es providod tn thia paregmph. �� ' E; �,+ <br /> , rl�-� IS.Ooveroing I.�e;Sovm�bl8ty.Thie Security Instrument ehell be governed by kderel lew and tho law ot the -._ 7 ,{.: <br /> Jurisdiction in which the Property ie locatod.ln the evmt that any qovision or clsuse ot twn Sxurity Instrument or the � � ;,'.�t . <br />:;,t,�ti�: Nota contliote with appHcable lew,euch wntlict ehill not ettat otha proviaions ot thia Saurity Inatrumont or the Note p - -'+;r;�•`��• <br /> --��� Nhich can be given ettect Nithout the contlieting provision.To thie end the provieions ot thia Secority Inrtrumont and t���_`��_�':•=.`.'��=''� <br /> '�{^�:'� tho Noto ero dcetarod to be severeble. i;.:('� � '�- <br /> -�if� t '� ` . . <br /> . � <br /> --�:� Porm ]OI� Y/f0 ` -..� � <br /> r.�� �-BIIWEIto�onm rn.�.�• mub�� � � <br /> i j <br /> -� • . <br /> ` ` `�r:. �..`,''l{•ry)•_�.. . ,?i.d• �� . . .. <br /> g ` k <br /> +�i�t-S -,� � � .-�l -} ! , � 1 __Y/' �,' __ �, } / _ <br /> �1.t✓ �b -- [ <br /> s jt ° " e �' 'i` � � . _ - ; .. r . -.�� {.tC�}— U .- � _ ' <br /> � : yr t a�JA .r �'—_` Yru�eCi f f�s-� t� � <br /> Yfi� rt} '+._ t -1-� °y � it:ru _ _yi �vlf . i T .. . _ � _ . ..` t t - ' <br /> ��+�i+ S e S`j� � .�� � i f 4� r4 ' {� . <br /> £l, f � r -'] � >- y -__ <br /> {L U� � ����/ � ���}) � � +�yY t. . r r _Si ` � r __ t ;ll( S _ . <br /> L? _��Iv[ (� �� 4# � 5'1`MF f( y'� ����Yd !�i �4Ft � 4 �/ tFt , � � 7 _ - �t{1 ! � �� ! � � . . <br /> of�>< < � - f ^ Fb I v� tl � Fx��f}�+� a e£��)t � t� v� r ?7 � ����1'� i zt-i¢ . <br /> }j�� x aF� a F� � � 4 } � T v J - �� i- +f \ E i r o� s� I�} <br /> y {a i �. FP -S n� � L ff�, r � 4' 2 .5 )r �( ) � <br /> �. ,�4 � L �£ r e _ i cf— s �s t � t S�s � � . <br /> rf } 1 Ya{v'ir at � i 1 , ° r r`;tift ) +, d fKt` qt �i� r . <br /> �- � r i �S t F�� �- L � � - �- _ ' i � F`y - 3 0 - s - i - f �._ . <br /> � z ��7� < l r �t .�'� . �x 'f_rfy _- i . . - i 4 ` - t d <br /> { ( � � f � s � .�<! ` '�-- i� : .�-5 � �� f - � � rr i?s- i i� . , -i .-� t� <br /> J r } da1J�� t by{: 1 � >� +G+" '� � <br /> � Y 4�41����°L i-t"t ?jRv i�'!�� �� ' r -vV� � :H .i1 i _ ! !��-S�� ... � - 5"] / <br /> 1 ' <br /> , �- �i h� ? .� �t � j jf . e _ f i -r� a� �r. � ��r` ��e�� � 1 i+_ 4V�� � _ � . y . . <br /> �� ` �� t' � S ?S .t�t�� � i lf'�,? y �-yJ �� � r-> V�N� _� '� 't>F � 1`Q3 �v -��..' ��+, -� - j ��*� � � �� <br /> �{ (r Jk � -X ti� - Pa a Y r ls s � w ,t � � y i �5� 1 � �" � _.15 { <br /> t -_'_ ! r `i Y h r�tn5� � 2 .1 l'} i 1 r x. t. � y i .ex r rt �Jr� t <br /> .r � • <br /> %��S 1r�'� �.�.. y'� � ...if'-7 ii _.�' �r ��}!F - �n�if r�i:� i 'r�` 5 A��! . _ 3 � t _.S: o - �`i�.� t i i.. : <br /> . . 1 . 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