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�' , i K.{/�. 1--.i�� 1 .- _%_ it� �_�_ F � .�. � a.k . _� 4t <br /> ' --c'�'�S�%- t SZ3 — f. ` . <br /> � x + <br /> . .,� .. . ' `-� . <br /> ss -.r+�r4._ ...,,,. ,v, r:�r�-,��.#}3�: Lt . -_,`.'�`r.�_""'Y��'}SL'* .:...�..� aYS�r.t'.y.- ,e�.n4d�3""� . �- <br /> __ :> .�..-.. <br /> �<�>,� , . , 930�a�tt�s <br /> + �'`�s<;` _ <br /> e'"`�'` S. Niz�td or Property[n�urmce.Horrower ehdl keap the improvomcnre now e=letin�or horatto�eraoteG on <br /> 7 +7* � "� , tAe Property insurcd�g�inst los9 by tiro heuM�Inotuded althin tho term 'ertended cover�ge end�ny otha�haurde, �. , <br /> �i �;. inoiudiny tloode ot(looding,!or whioh Lender roquiree Ineur+noe,Thle Ineunnoe shall be mdnklnod in the�rttourte <br /> ,r�� '�-; and for tAe peAod+tMt Lender roqultee.The in�urenoe wrrler ptovidlng the Insuanoo eh�ll be ohoeen by Rrtreor+er t ' <br /> � n :��. subJwt to Lender's�pprovd whloh ehill not ba unrasomDly whhhotd.I!Borrower tdle m maintein oovetaye desoribed �` '+ �. <br /> k ,�u r+;• tbove,Lender m�y,�t Lender'e opNon,obteln caverogo to protaot LendePe rlghte In tho Property in�000rdmoe wlth �f�:�-° t <br /> '�.� � �': perogre h7. ,� '. ��4i�,a� ;- <br /> t�.,� ; �; Al Pineuraooe pollalea�nd ronowale eh�ll be�ooepuble to Londer end ehell Inolude�etondard mon�eye oleuee. �.Y=i�t�"" " <br /> � ;('! Londm ehe11 huve tho dght to hold the policlee end ronenals. It Lenderrequlrrs, Horrower ehell promptly gtve w �, ; ��, �� <br /> r � �r;�,;;,j Iandor ell rooeipw ot paid promiuma and ranexel nodaa In the ovont of taa+,Sorrower ehall givo prompt noifco to tho , �, ,, <br /> �y��s_� Ineuranoe wrrler end Lendea Lender msy mate proot ot losv it not mada promptly by Sorrower. , <br /> {�<<ra s;,S: Untcse Lendar and Borcowar otharniso agrw in wridnQ,inauronu procade ehall b,i epplled ta tesmmtion ot it �;f=� � •� * : <br /> ot the Pro g • ' ��"- <br /> ��j,q �;:` pertYdema ed,itthetestoraAonorropelrleeoonomtcdlyteaefblomdLendcr'eeecurityianotlesuned.I tha ��, }��� <br /> r `. �e rcstorotion or ropsir fe noe ecotamiully teasibla or Lender e sxuAty would be IeaEencd,tho insurence proceeAs ehail 6o f ;�� , <br /> � +t'`�� �pplied to the eume secuted by thfa 8eourity Inetrument,whether or not then due,wfth eny e:oes9paid to Horcowea[t ` ,; <br /> �, �Y:��"�. Borrower ebandone the Proporty,or das not anewer wtthin 30 daye a notice trom Lender thet the Insunnce urrler hes ,r��� {R „ : <br /> k?� <�;��e s x <br /> c ;; ot[ercd w cettle a claim,then Lender may co1(ect the innvence proceeda.Lender mey use the proceede to repair or <br /> �,t.i 1� � , _ <br /> c+ �':f� reatorotheProputy orwpeysumaeecuredbythie3ecuritylnetrummt,a�hetherornotthmdue.Tha3Rdaypeflodwill r;{4'l'� �""` <br /> `�.t��j�: bogln when the no[ice le givon. as'�:�''}�€� " <br /> y ti -r` Unless l.ender and Borcower otAeraise e rce in wtidny,any application ot procude m princi 1 ehall not ertend ot (', �;c z <br /> ,.,L,_� �;i'� post pone the due dete ot the monthlypayment8e roterrcd to inpnrogrepLs 1 and 2or change the amount of the peymente. � ^ > �'� , <br /> , t��ta It undm perograph 21 the Pcoperry ie ncquired by Lender, Borcower'e right to any insurance pollcita and procads Si.� t;�` <br /> + t s/;.i�t�� resulting trom damage to the Properryp prior to the aoquieition ehell pasa to Lenda to the ertent o(the sume sxnred by _1: s+ i, `- <br /> i��, ��:�; th3s 6.Oceu p�a acy,Preser a�on�'M�intensuu�od Proteotiaa ot tLe Properiy;Bonooer s Lom A pltcation: ��ft��'4�" �� <br /> . <br /> , '� ��li�1 I.eesoholds.Bonower ehall oocuPy,ostablieh,end use the Property es Borcower'e principal rcsidence witlun sirty days -�Y� �� ' <br /> ,rj'�'-�f� ,, etter the execudon of thia Secunty Inatrumant end ahatl continue to occupy the Propeny as IIorcowere prinefpal � i,Y�,�a ,_ - <br /> � �f tR <br /> :���;;;;,�;°'�' no be u tnroasonabl�y withho d or�unlees ext nvet°�ingoircumelanaa e�eas�whioh arc be�yo diBorcowe8r'e co�ntrol.DorrowBer �i:';�'�r+"`��:;° <br /> �,- ,`'.q ehe11 not destroy,damage or impatr the Property,allow tbe Property to detedorata or commit waste on the Property. !� '���n°,;a � <br /> s � �r<< Borrower ehell ba in defeult it eny todeiture acdon or proaeding,whnhcr civii or criminel,la begun thec in Lender's .r,, ` <br /> ��� �"s� good teith Judgment could reault in torfaiture ot the Property or otherwlse materielly impair the lien created by thie Y j.��! {�' ` <br /> S,x;���i+��'=�� Savriry Instrument or Lender'e sxuriry intereat. IIottower may cure auch a defeult end reinslata os provlded in ,�;r•; ?�,����x� -.- <br /> .+Va� +S,k't paragreph 18, by causing the ection or prooading to be dismisxd with a ruling thet, in Lendm'e gaod taith � i!�i �t ?'ti `_ <br /> ,;�'`��2:_ determinstion,prccludes todelwro ot the Bonower's Intmcat in the Property or other materlel impetrmant ot the lien �nN-+ • <br /> ,c3 y <br /> �J,� .�-�-,�� the loan eppllcnts on�procese, ge etmnterially telseUOr inaccuratelntr afon�or'sletementettotLonder {urete/ed to _��}F'it��ir{��:-'.:_ <br /> t ` - _ 1.'� provtde Lmder with nny metoA�l intormadon)In connection with the loen evidrnad by tha Nota,fncluding,but not .,:��t r„_:- <br /> �� a�,,', Ifmitcd to,ropraenudona conarning Borrover's occupency ot the Propeny es e principal residence.It this Security *;' , �+; <br /> ' inatrument ia on a leasehold,Horcoxor shall comply afth nIl the provieions ot tho lease.I!Horrower ecquirea tu Nde w '.�'a\ ,.;4{.i'. <br /> ' -?' the Property,the leesehold and the tee thle ehall not merge unlesv Londer e rees to the merger tn wdting. � `7 „ ���N.c. <br /> ' �f`.` 7.Protwtlon ot Lender'�RI jhb io t6e Property.It Borcower(a$le to pedorm the covenanta md egreemente ��__ i� � <br /> �' ��7' conteined In thie Axurity Instrument,or[hero fe s legal prooeeding thet mey signiticantly attat Lendar'e righrs in tho � ;' ,.�> . <br /> Property (euch as a prooerAing In bankruptcy, probate, tor condomnation or tortehuro or to enioroe Inwe or '���:^�:��; <br />-���K' _i.i'i4�- .�.:�ri:.r,.��� ��... <br /> ,, ! ; rogulatione),then I.ender may do end pey for whatever le naeseary to protec[the value ot tha Property and Lender's ( ._ <br /> , i ::; dghte in the Proporry.LenAm'e ecNone mey include paying any sume securul by e Ilen which has priority over thie • �� _ <br /> ' ' :y�,, Sacurity Inetrument,nppearing in courc,peying teasoneble ettomeys'fae end entoring on the PropeMy to meke repeire. �-1� 3 } <br /> ;;,A�,;�;'-:s Aithough Lender msy take action under this paragraph 7,Lender do�no[heve to do so. ;:,;; . ;,�� "�` <br /> � t .��:� Any emounte diabuteed by Lender under thie percgreph 7 ehall baomo additionel debt ot HorcoNer sxured by thie � �.,- } .; <br /> r �-.;%• Socurity Instrumont.Unles+Borrower nnd Lendor agree to othet terme of peyment,these amounte shdl beer intotest ` - + (' i . <br /> +3 . ';� trom the aete ot diabursemene et the Note rete and ehell be payable,with inmrm[,upon notice from Lendor to Dorcower +'} t J� { <br /> :, i� <br /> i�� , -r: «questingpeyment. � -„ } , � . <br /> f - :: 8.MortYago Ioeunnu.It Lender required mortgage insurence m a condition of ineking the loan ucured by thie �i .�t ?+ � <br /> �r r�r, --�s,' ��ty Inatrumenc,Dottower ehell pay tho promiume requircd to mninuin the mortgage insurcrroe in ettcet.l(,tor any � _;. , �' -: <br /> 7,��� y�: «ason,the mongage insurona coverege roquired by l.ender lepses or ceas�to be in eticet, Dorcoxer ahall pay the � �._ �,t . . <br /> promiume tequired to obUin coveroge aubstentidly equivalent to the mortgage inearance proviously in ettact,at e oost � <br /> � t�G -•;::. - .i <br /> - > �� sutstentielly equivalent to the oost to Borrower ot the mortgage insunnce previously in ettat, trom an elterneta <br /> --�."�'�.;``� mort e inaurer a roved b Lender. It substentiail uivalmt mort a e insurena cavoro e ie not eveileble, i:`.,;'.,-:: ,��'":- <br /> - . i� - 88B PP Y YW BB 8 r- : . •?:. <br /> � ,v�- -"ti:�� BorcoNer ehall pey to I.ender ueh month e sum equal to one-tweltth ot the ywrfy mongage insurence premium being <br />-;-�.a,}�} 5 � "' paid by Borcower Nhen the insurance coverege lapsed or ceaxd to be in etfect.Lender will aacpt,uso md rcuin theso �� ;'"• • <br /> -��r, 4��'..}�,�C. "I.:qJ� <br />�-=:�•{5�r� � peymrnts av a lasv reserve in liou ot mong�ge msunnce. Lasa reserve paymente may no longer bo requircd, �.,�•. . . ' . <br />..-.�•`k,�.'Y�; <br /> i ��_-�a - . . . <br /> � . <br /> i� '�( ;= hrm 102� !/90 �� � - <br /> �1�1 <br /> .�5 s �i;: �-BRWtlw�enei .a.�.�e mnb�. � ' ._. <br /> nE...I.�:C� - . ' <br /> _•?k'''" . ' ' -. . - <br /> _ >�'`f,.-';;, � <br /> _ ..._t„ _.�"ti � - , <br /> i >--rt�yf; L _ ,-; ,'r,i^.._.�, .t�-^ .--..._._, _.. . <br /> ;x_y i i. }�.. � . i - - _ <br /> t'. -.r 4 f jy ._i - l . . - _ y . ._ � ... . <br /> �;..��a_ ,td _ i1 an_ .�� �:�' i �-. � i� ��z_,_.. � .5 :..� ..�F� ! . <br /> _. y __. _ r�_ .. . --: "p _ _ l` Il- _ - �� r .- _ <br /> 4� ` , - � ��1�� �1 -- , , <br /> '�' � i � r. � . <br /> r+ �i i r� 4< �{{((�f! t ��-! < � � �i r) \J� L ��i i t { .. . �i�t r i i � . . <br /> �� e --' r' {t;jjI/ t t; � i e �- +. �.yry,/i F r {vrp�y� _Aj.(�4 /-i �-�`� . +1, r -, � . <br /> iiI +F��• S �' 1�- - r �� �� �{C�{ L �G�1�]s t( ! Ir�/bY,� � S . l 1 hl�� 1 � <br /> '��kt� S-�}�.{.e�_ r rzi'J n g 3 S'�.�3� fi tS7r� 3.! (`�f 61� 1T�! 4 � > - .1r � [} ti� � .i 4 - <br /> Ls 3 � �T' iy C-"'J -�s-�5N'3T 2 �j�1��71 _ ti.Y/ E7t � _ . �r v . 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