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- a ' `_r;;� t�- � fT� C r �, ° v /{!=�:. _5�7��-a,�:�,� _ ..}, � _ _ <br /> .j�;.�'_...�_ F: .- � � .l'��/' <br /> -r.x. . �.��..._......L.r�Y?.�o-�3+a��T--��;1:71.,,c_•`F_`7.`,E�LSid 4s:,s'filaz.�'ui..��_ . .�net6n•iA'�"�?—`_...' � Y��; - . .-.. <br /> t-".�.'!��?;,3.�-.__'.__ <br /> ;:� 93a��3��s °� - —_ <br /> ,� =s,': 7'OOSfHBR W1TH ell the improvemenre non or Aoreattor ereotod on the pro rty, end etl oaeomonte, � �� n� <br /> �� �N� eppurcenanaa,end flHUres now or horattor e qre o!tha property.All ropl�oemente end edd tions eMll eiso bo aoverod � -° <br /> + �� y by thla SxuAty Inatrument,A11 ot the(orogoing la roterrcd to In thle BoouAty tnetrumont ae tho'Property' � " -�n , -: <br /> } �'� HORROWBR COVBNANI'8 that Borrowor le lewfufly aeised of the eeuto hereby oonvoyed end hes the dght to � _u,:;_� „��_._ <br /> � �; gmnt an d convoy t ho Prope r t y en d t firt t ho Property te unoncum 6 o r o d,eiapt tor enoom branaa o f raw r d. Borroner r P�� � <br /> �� o-�; :� wattante�nd wili detend generally tho tltie to tha Propeny ey�inse all oldme end demende,subJeot to any onoumbranoce nf•!�° . <br /> {�; 4 9 0��}�� . L•' li �y� . <br /> ` T' THIB BECUltITY INBTRUMHNf comMnea uNform oovenente tot nationai uw end non-uniform oovonants with '•` , � ` <br /> ,�`�;� Nmitedvariatlonabyj�riediotionmconstituteeunitormsoaurl�ylnatrumentooveAngroslpropeny. �',�+�'.�„(� S <br /> � � iJDIIFORM COVBNANI'8.Horroxer snd Lendor covenant and syroe en tollows i,r _ � . <br /> ;� l.P�ymant of Prinolpsl�ad Interoet;Prepayment�nd l.�te Chu{ee.Bortower ehell promptty pey when duc � ��°; �� �,q�;,_ <br /> � s� ' �� the pAnolpal ot end inureat on the debt ovidenad by the Noto�nd eny prepeyment end IoU cherg�s due under the NIou. � ;;�� �y+ u <br /> ` " t 2. Punda tor T�cee�nd Ineurenu. SubJwt to applioeblo Isn or to e wdtten rnivu by Lendor, Dorcower efiell ,rF� -, �, , x ,+e:- <br /> � y y ymente ero due under the Nou,until the Note ia paid in tull,e eum('Punda')tor. t�i u��,�+'A��t r,'j�? <br /> �``° pey to T.ender on the de monthl pa z <br /> t _ �, (e)yearly uxcs and e�esemente whioh msy atiain prlority over this BecuAry inscrummt es e�ien on the Property;(b) � ;<_ ,��,,�, ., <br /> + , � } yeady leasaholdpayments or ground ronte on the propaty,it my: (c)yearly hazard or property ineunnce promtume; ' n� � ' ." <br /> s� (d)yeady tlood Inaurcnce pmmiume,if any;(e)yearly mottg�ge lneurance prem{ume,it any;and(p nny euma peyable �� ' .' ' ` <br /> `3 F,;% by D orrower to Lender,in a000rdanoe with the provleiona ot p�rogroph 8,in Itau ot the psyment ot mor[gege insurence �}�'� : `t{ r` -" <br /> { _�--,'i promiume.71�ae iteme ero ullod'Bscrow Items.'L.onder mey,at any time,collect and hold Punde in an amount not " ;�;` ��'� "��,;=�,. <br /> �a�`"ys� to e:cccd tho me:imum emount e lender tor e teder+lly rol�ted mongage loan may requiro tor Borroxer'e escrow ±-��� �i,�j ` �j°- <br /> �;+,, eocount under tho tederal Real Bntate 6ett�ement Proocdurea Ac�ot 1974 es amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. s-, :v t �'�•n � <br /> ti ` r 8ection 2601 et aeq.('RB9PA"),untesv enothar lew that applies to the Funda sete e leaser emount It so.Lender mey, �1''j';' la.tj3�a,,j��i%' <br /> ` '" r a[eny timo,collect and hold Funda in en emount not to e=ceed the lesser emoun[.Lender ma eatimate the amount ot ��:�'� T <br /> i s�� 0 1 t r_...=. <br /> �i,��e_ Funde duo on tho basia ot curcent date and reasoneble tatimetee ot e:ponditorea ot luturo Hserow Iume or otherwlse in +5� �--_�°1' ��'� �--�� <br /> � F1�f' eaordancawitheppltcablelaw. �� *, „1i4Y t� - <br /> a ; The Funde ehall be held in en inatitutton whose deposite�re insured 6y e tederol egency,inetrumentality,or entity "' ,{!:�F k����� <br /> ��,t �yludingLender,itIanderieauc�eninatit�on)orin�nyFederel8ome P�ey�nk.Londerehalleppy the'F�nBUo� ��4�°,j� {��t;,X-E..' <br /> � �{� the Fscrow Itama.I.ender ms not ohet e Honower tor holdin and e 1 i the Funde,annuail enel�z - <br /> },�jv4;i escrow eccount,or vttifying the Bscrow Itome,unleae Lender peya BorcoNU intarest on tfio Punda and eppltcabla I�w j>��.{;s+t}[Yi+:F f ����, <br /> �,l "�V,v.; permtts I.ender to melce euch a cherge. However, Lender may requiro Borrower to pey a one-tima cherge tor en � �� v'� �`= <br /> �'�i�,^�!�� lndepondent real estete tai roporting servlce used by Lender in eonnxtfon with thia loen,unlesa eppliceble lew provides ,�����5_ �,��r�'Y�'�;;:�;._ <br /> rf`„�;3 othmwise.Unlese en agreement te made or appliuble Iaw requires tntareat to be paid,I.ender ahell not be required ro '- -e ; 8� <br /> �r `t�r'� pay Honowcr eny lntereat or esrninge on the Punds.Dorcowar and Lender mey agree in writing,honever,thet intereat �,it q;ry;���"�'y���_ <br /> �.: ,ic•'.'� ahall be id on the Funde.I.ender ehall ive to Horrower,witAout char e,en annual eccountin ot the Punde,ehowin °'��' <br /> `y } � Pe 6 B 8 @ ��t :i�f ��� tv��sa,. <br /> _ 1,�(�t�. credits end debita to the Funde and the putpose tor which each debit to the Fonda waa mede.The Funde are pladged ae � h; ��L _- <br /> ?f1�.v`-�tl additionalsecuritytorelleumeseeuredbythieSecuritvinatrument. t i�`�i.nyr"r " <br /> +;�f' . it the Funds hetd by Lander exceed the emounts permitted to he held by epplicabla inw, Lender ahell eccouns W +r'-+.�`f���vi --� <br /> �t�`• Dorcower tor the exuss Punde in accordance with the requircmente ot eppliceble lax.It the amount ot the Funde hold f��� ,�{�t«�� "�t A- <br /> -..a�.�� by Lendor at any tima Ie not suHicient to pey tha Becrox Imme nhen due,Lender may so noUfy Borrower in ariting, ,��.��-,n�,_��;,�.g::=- <br /> * ��1 and,in euch case Horrower ehall pay to Lendor the amount noussery w meko up the doticionoy.Aorcoaer shall make -r.5 - '• :}- ti. � <br /> iP�i' up tho do(icienoy In no moro than twelve moNhly peymonte,et Lender e wlo diecrotion. ; �T"' f�'�-:--. <br /> , Upon psyment fn tuil of all eume secured by chie Security Ins[rument,Lender shall prompdy retund ro Borcower � �`- � �i��p��.`; <br /> �, T. any Punds held by Lender. It, andorparo gtnph 21, Lender shnll ncqutro or celi the Propercy, Londcr, prior to the ., �: { .yy aa_�, <br /> � 1 eoquieftion or aele of the Property,ehell epply sny Funds held by Landor et the timo ot acquieition or ealo ae a credit � �, � ,,.�,.�,_�.:! <br /> t t�, • agelnat the eums exured by thie 3ecuAry Instrument. g t�, :. <br /> " �� 3. Appliutlon o!P�ymonte.Unlesa epPlioebla lek providea othorrise,ell peymonte rcaived by Lender under � £ � r 1��' <br /> .�-�� peregrepha 1 and 2 eh�ll be applfod:flret,to any pro�flymont cM1argcs due undor tho Noto;second,to amounts payable � - ,:; t, '�-�• <br /> i+ti� . under parogreph x thind,to intarcat due;tounh,to pnncipel duo;and lavt,to eny leto charges duo undor tho Note. , . . �S - jr"�'`�' <br /> `�, � �:. 4. Char�es; Ltous. Borcower ahell pey ell ta=q,as+esamonte,chargea,tinm end impositione atetibuteble to the �< -;�� �tl'iFi e?�=,: <br /> �)5,; Property which mey ettein pnority over thte Security Instrument,and leasohold peymonts or ground rents, it any. '� } ; `>� `��;<,c <br /> ' ���, Borcower ehell pay thcse obligaeians in tha menncr provided in paregreph 2,or it not paid in thnt mannor,llorcower � `'`- <br /> iy�,y� shnll pny them on timo dircctly to the person oaed payment Horrowor ehall prompAy turnieh ro Lender oll notices ot ' � '� ')� ` ,;r � <br /> �s��,�: amounis to bo peid undor thia peragnph.It Borconet mekes tharo paymanis d�reetly,Borrower ehall promptly turnieh -, �� /��� � .? <br /> '��,�+,� to Lender recejptepvideaoipg the peymente. s 5 ��,5, 5��'i` �' � ' <br /> � 1 y� IIorcoweiehalFpromptly diechatge en�lien which hes priority over thie Sxurity Inatrument unlesa BorcoNer. (a) �'- s � ���:�,T t�4ii�. <br /> "�?�} a taee in writin to the e mont ot the ob1� ation aecured b the lien in a mnnnar acoe teble ro Lender,(b)conteats in -�- r �`'�t`• r�ftui'��.,•!;-- <br /> -5����� 8 ¢ PY 8 Y P lv._�>.���I���ni, :^ : <br /> � �it�} � good taith the Iwn by,or detende egeinet antorcement ot tho lien in, legal pracoedinge which in the Lrnder a opinion + y , - : <br /> ,� openw to provent tho mtorcemont of the lien;or(c)saurcs trom tho holder ot the lien an agreamrnt eatisfectory to �, - �fR��,,AS - - <br /> -:;•,..;�v'` 8 Y Y Pert ot the Property ia aubjat �'•�;r.-=.`,` ..l'};,`.;:;�'::� <br /> � Londor subordinetin tho lion to this Sceurit Inetrumont.It I.cndor daterminea the[en _ _ <br />�; ;sr•=._c�f- to e lion which mey�ttein priority over thio Saurity instrumont,Lendor mey give Horrower e notice identitying the ���'.'' ' ' ,�'�;,;l�t''i%,; <br /> � ��.,;_ lion.Borcowor shall eetiefy tho lion or uke one or morc of tho actions set tonh above within 10 days of th¢giving ot r -t- ':� , <br /> notioe. <br /> - � t-% � , aq� - .. <br /> � � ..' r <br /> ��o�r: iam]U!! 0��� � - � J. � <br /> ;7:"}{(�:t t�-88�TlDmemm �.0�.�� . - <br /> [:L�'c: Inl�i.�c Y1�fL'•� . <br /> ':.. <br /> _ • �� . <br /> �•" l . � . _ . . <br /> � t � ' _ <br /> i�� a Fi n s� 2t� syT�. ,."`R""�u��iiy'�'yt^r�sm�+*�s7m-rn ,-- '-.-�-'T"`�' � �. � <br /> � y- � y f [ ti ' . , x�i ��'� -- - � - - ,` - s; - y.-Y � - <br /> .wJ�...— i � �J. r w �A - �- i � . '� � v . . <br /> '.�._�. v .�. 4Y >.r+��,°,�+�'� lC-: - ..-.'e j. '�� _3`, - � . Y/t/, _�� °� � <br /> 5 � . . . � <br /> -.: .�15p f�.p.:l 11 - .., p�YC.D. -. V - 1-`_ �" _ _c� '�_ 1't'_L,.i ___ _� . '.. 5 :,' <br /> '�� � x��'( µll r r., �, _.�,' M��i ... . } ` . _ , t 1 _ �_ T" _ .. . . <br /> y �lf��_,,� lir�' �rj J !, �t --t { _t t . --_ i . � f� r� � -. � . t - ji . <br /> �� � l �M1r. r : r�.11 n.G + - -� � y -? ,I�� <br /> t � J� F *� ri51t _'.vtTlf��' lti�� � � r � , tt( � .- i y l�ti � !1`f.Mr�� )�f� � . . <br /> <77 b° � i ra}?L� � i'y��i�^ c � ./ . ! C i 11 � r�l t')� ti �N �r�S l L �- .. <br /> v i -�. - r in e� .i� - ' r '' � ' v :a' f.. - r o�-�` �vl t1+S''_ r - <br /> �t �f � .' i r t� {-� J �� t .� i� �- . �' � _) �} -. '1S 4 f!r . ! ��: t�1� _t . <br /> i � ! Y ! - (/ } -- � � <br /> �y��y �j. .� �t �4 if.i�i j r . .-. �� � ?i� � . `�+>-� rj3� �-. . i f -i i i� f }� � � In,�� ]- � : t _ . <br /> '1 � JU $ i t 1 �.1� f ;! y 1)/ f t R` \ t : a U l� 4 �v IJ <br /> �-. i:. � ��� _'•J�'. 1 hr ..- i f -ry 4 ,y G y. f :t• r yr 'c s- �r d i ,1• .J-�L i rj 5� � � . � <br /> �s e V � �It:� F 'f -- � � � r . l � , l� "�r .. : X . t� ✓+rS _' �' . <br /> y�y; � i� ..i f`��> 1` `+�� :- �a�1 _r- -iflf7.} S.} 2 i _ � � � t)li - ; �f �lJ.-. �r _ <br /> `S�r r t� it 'l� Lti ry' ({ �}�1 �-^C;���it -` : f : {� � _ -� �`t _)L'� t �•� -��, � <br /> � r�i^ �'J r ; 5A �' 'SL t'pl6t 1.�A y f ..,. C � » ��ie t} i�.21i `�'� t,-� f n ��f,r,� � - r �5 f � . _ <br /> s4 - -a r � t � r.- �5. _ a '"^il? �e � _ _ -. t ��StY__ � 4 "hi� ti _ <br /> ..t . ri;'.iIIao � . ...... } "v3. :._ . , at\£K�5_�..t� . . # _... . r .._ ...'U5i $ ���� . �._ ..�� f �`.__ !S C..�.� . ... <br /> Y+3, _ :� .+1. �.- : .. r.. .�:P r . _ ,u- 7._.� <br />