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1 �.��W �i'F ���Inf!_St+1ro-?^4i3w^��t.TS-'iT'S'-ai-.�t�mv..efn\tlYiSNSiF•:.t-_ .. _- -- <br /> -.iSl —. _— —.. ._. , .. . ' ._ <br /> �y <br />_- 93� �e�2 <br /> 9 appllenblo tew mny�pccify foY rclnuatemom)6otoro�ato cf the Propeny purcuant to ury.pqwcr ot eale¢ontalaed In thU � <br />. _ ' 6aud�y Im�runwnu or(b)cntry of u JuABment entoroing Nis Sauflry Inummcm. 'thoso eoa4lcloro era�hat Borto�ver. (a) <br /> _;� pny�LenAe�ell �um� wAlc� Ilrce aroulO bo Auo under thU Securiiy fnstniment and�ha Note a+It no eccelerntlon tud <br /> __= a.virmA;(b)cute�any detaufi of any ahv mvcnanu or egrcemems:(c)peY�dI oxpensoa I�wred in enlorcing�hla 3ecudry <br /> �- ' tnct�umeni, Including, 6a1 nat Ilmltad tq reas�netla�ttomvyi'tew; end(d)takee �uch�ctlm ea Lender mry rcasonably -- <br /> � rcqul�o lo mwro IAn11ha Ilen of�hh Security Inewmenh Lcndul rlght�In the Property aul Utcrower�obligetlon to Vay No <br />;,-� wm� kcumd by IM� 8ecurl�y Inewmrni �hall wminuo unehenped. Upon rcinstuem¢nt by Bortown, thb Secudry - <br /> ___ Inurumenl end Iho nWigmlum pcwn3i hcro6y ihall rcmaln fully aftectivo aa If no accclemtlon CaA occurtcd. However,tl� <br /> == righ�ro rcln�mto tnail noty�piy In IAo caw of eooeleratlon undu paragnph 17. <br /> --= lA Bale o!Woin C@aago af I.atn 6ervlccn The Nota or e pudat intoreat in�he Noeo i�o2t��wtth�Iti�Sccwity - <br /> � InNmmenq may ba wid ono or mnro Nmo�without pdor naico�o Bortower. A sale may r�sult.i�.R chenge in the enttty ` <br /> �� Ilcnawn e�iho'Lo�n Bervlcar')Ihai collau momhly paymeme duo under the Nata end�hls Scewiry(mm�ment. 7Mm alw <br /> r may Do nne or moro changei nf iho Loan Bervlca unrolated�o��alo ot�ha Nao. [t thero i:n ctuuge ot we Loan Scrvlar. <br /> , 6artowcr wlll bo giren wrlllen nntice oi tAo chango In n000Nance wIN peregreph 14 ebuve and appurable lew. Tho notice =__ <br />�-`=-� will�tato Iho mmo and eddrcu of tha na�v Loan 8erviccr md tha addreu t which paymenu�hovld bt mede. 'ILo nopce�dp <br />��._�� olw mnteln enyothcr Infomtclicn rcqulrcd by np Ilcabla low. <br /> !A Hatnrdau�Rubftpnce�. FSorcower ahaRl no�ev�ce w pertnit mo prcxnce,uu,dbposel,atange,or ttleaee of eny <br /> _7 Hswdnua Rub�tnnee�on or In �Ao Rupeny. borto�vtt�hdl na do,nor allow anynne elao�a do,enyG�ing aftectinp the <br />,�'�� Pro{xny�hm 1�In vloletlon nt any Cnvimnmcnml Law. 7he prcading two se�ttcnoes�hatl nof apply to the presence,use,or _ <br /> ctarago on tho RupeMy of mmll qunmilic�af Hazardou�9ubrtana��hnt ere generelly rttwgnksd ta be appropdate to no�mel <br /> :f-j rc�ldemlol uK�md to m�imenanea of�ha Propeny. <br />,.,.� Oorrowet�holl promp�ly give landcr wducn notico of any Invos�igetlon,eluim,demand,lawauit or other aMion by any <br />��'�! govcmmcntal or rcguiatory agenoy or privato perty involving�ha Propcny and en�Huazdmu SuCseen«or Envlronmental <br />'-'>:� Law of which Bortower ho� aaual knowicdBo. It Bortowcr leama,or U na fted by eny govemmental or regutetory <br />-.;::i authority,thet eny removal or ahor mmedlotlon of eny Hau�lou�Substanca uffecting�ht i'mparty is necessery,Bmrower --_. <br />�-�;� �hall promplly�ako all ncaifory rcmedlal acflons in uocordance whh Environmentnl Lnw. -- <br /> M uxed in thle pnregrapA Yq'Hamrdou�Subetaneo�"en thou subs�ancea deMed as tozic or hvnrdou��ubsroncat by <br />-,;.;� Bnvimnmcnml Lew and�ho following wbs�ances: gawlino,keroseno,othcr 8emmable or ro■ic petrolam producu,roxic �.- <br /> pcaticldc�end herblcldo�,rolatllo�alvom�, metctiah contnlning eabosta+or fo�maidehyde,eiM mdioncqve metedele. Aa <br /> used in thi�pomgmph 30,"Cndonmentnl Law'meani kderal lavn and lewi ot�he Juddicqon whrro[he Properry la IaatW <br />_:i� that rcluto m hc�lth,�eh�y or envlronmenml protcetlon. _- - <br />_ _ NON•UNIPORM COVBNANT9. Oorrowcr end LcnAarNrthcr covcnnm and agrce ea fallowa: <br /> ;;� =1. Accelenpant Remedieh I.enAer�holl glre natice to Dorrower prlor to nccetueNon tollowing Qorrowu•e =-= <br /> Dreach ot any mvenont or agrcemenl In fAls Becurity Inatrument f6u1 not rior lo acceteretion under paregrapb 17 <br />,,i;:� uniea�appllcablo Inx prorldea otherwl.ul. Th�notlw eApll�peclfyi (e)the Sefoulh(b)Ihe ectlon requtred to cure the <br /> .,-"r� detaulry(c)a datq not Ma�hnn JO doJ�hom iAe datt�ha notico ta glven to Darro�rer,by nhlch the defeult muat be __ <br /> - cured�end(d)�hot tallure lo curt tho deihull on or 6etore Ihu dnte cpeNiicd In the notice mny result In ncceleration of — <br /> teb cuRL�6¢CUrM Dr[nl7 Be¢urlt)Inslrulneni an0 eeie of Ine P►operty. 7Te notia shn11 Nnner Inform 6orrowu of <br />.,� tha dght ro relnstete oRer acceleraUan and Iha rlghl to bring a wurt ectlon to amrl the non•ozistence oi a dctauit or a,,.-- <br /> _ any other dehnse ot Borrower to acceleration and mla If lhe defuult la not curcd on or 6etorc the dete epeciiled In Q;.,:� <br /> ;� tho noqce,Lender nt Ite optlon moy rcquln Immedlnh paymant in NII of e�l sum��ecurcd by thb SecurHy Inatrument � - <br /> �9 wlihout Nrther demand and moy Inwke Ihe pmrrr ot�ele and eny other remedin pamlttM by applicnbte le�r, �' <br /> 1 Lender shall be entltkd to wliecl all apense�Incurrcd In pureulnQ the rcmedin provldM in th� paragreph ]I, ; <br /> `�� Including,Aut not Ilmited tq reawnobta uttomor�'fee�nnd cosu of tltle eridence. ���� .:_ <br /> � If the poxee of sale Ia Inroked,9Yuxlee Rhull record u nolice o�defnult In each rount9 In�rhk6 any parl o/lhe <br /> ti� Property u lacated end chutl mnll wplci of Ruch no11n In Ihr mannerprescri6ed br epplicxblo In�v to Borro�rer end m � t" � <br /> `_� the olher penona preatribed by oppilco6le law. ARer th�Ilmr reyulred by ap�Iicable lu�r,7Yurtee ehell give publle � ' <br /> notla of eale to tAt penana nnd In the munncr yreurl4ed br oppilcuble le�r. 7}ustce,�rithou[demand on 6orro�rer, <br /> �. sAail seil Ihe Property nt publlc nucllan ro Ihe hlghal bidder ot Ihe Ilme ond pince nnd under the terms designeted In !�!'^"'�� <br />�'?�� t�e nottce of sate In one ar more pnrcels ond In nny orJer 7}ustec delerndnes 7Yustes moy poslpone sele of all or eny �'�"`� <br /> '� pnrttl of Ihe Property by pubilc unnouneemeN ul ihe tlmt ond plate of ony prerlouxly scheduled aale. Lender or 14v ' <br /> '� dnignce moy purchau ihe Property nt on�exle. �' <br /> ."� Upon recelpt of paymenl of the prlw bid,'6uske eholl dellrer In Ihe purchsser 7}usta'e desd mnveying Ihe �.,,._:- <br /> c.� Property. The rccllalA In lhe 7Yuxtee'e deed■holl br prinm hrle evidence af Ihe Irulh ot Ihe atatemenG made ihereln. ;. <br /> 'Rusiee ahail appiy ihe proceed�of Ihe aute In�he fullowinp nrden �al lo a�l cade ana expensea otexenising[he po�rer �,� ` <br />`'s 1 i%`::=::: <br /> `:i � � _ <br /> :� � <br /> ' ��'_ <br /> ��;� �;�:s._ <br />,;,� r��;`: <br /> Yorm W}l 9A0 �ry�r[.,Inrys�il <br />. _,� "r: <br /> ::i <br /> :� _:;.�', <br /> = i�:`_-:. <br /> e�.^�'�.^` ^'s..�+ny- T' : t : 'i,s : .,-_ v - .,t � , , � > . <br /> -'�.a� i'f �:L �G ( _4� .n � . ;� ! C. . . . t. _ � _ r ., <br /> 'ry,GT ) - _'u s - ._ ., Y �'. i;: <br /> ''' r ' t �.. ° � D . . . x... ,� t 9_,� <br /> s '4��.L w � . ��f � a� t _ _'"' rY" 4 .. n L) f - > t 7 �.. <br /> .cn . � . c:a - i � �+"i.- . .y� J '� 'd�. <br /> y _a • t _ ._ : . •..o �. <br /> ., . :4 . 't�_, s' �: <br /> ii..�i. v! ""� I 5' _ �" i � c - "�� �- ' ' Y� t --"� x _�i t �.� iti '.. t� �- i..�"-. <br /> .`i, s`i_,i�t�7�rF - t. - f 14 - -� j � - 'r ��- �"t 3, i� 'A i _'t ;F i •, t ��K:7..'- <br /> � E' � - - t, - i. <br /> { Y y r i f . 11 -.-t : � <br /> sr,r a � f� ` L , . { v r -` r . _ � r ._ : . .. ,s , � - r ii, <br /> ♦trl _ 1 �F ": {` ' r�f! � � t _ f - t �i� - r 1 l - y� +.;{ � - �r <br /> t� -�' t s ��i JI .-� L —�,'S1 Xl � .�: f ' �, '`"_;a' ' , r .. _ i ts +�1 , ; � ,_ 1 . <br /> � r . `��n ,e 1 �e il , `-': h . ` i . x t. f.` • � . <br /> Q / a <br /> *t .i' . y �. .NiA . t- c `�YS.r - � r � .� '�ir i. i k 1 � <br /> £t {t - :h n . j �: ! r. r y. . t i( 3)� -L.Y F�S -.e 1 ' � - 7 -� 24 �li � V .�s e - �'� ' "r <br /> � � f/.�1 4� luli C� T� J, _ , t j .� . V a ' it y .{ (' � ri � ) __ -.� y�" . �3 � ` <br /> �at� , � Ir - _ � y� - .t � . 7 i' 1 .?i 1G " ,�i, � <br /> - .r.�x -o...s! 1�+�� <br /> - r - '�Y - ; a� � { r �r.y L.. J v rliY� ,f: r � y - v� .IS � a[ F� � .+ � <br /> o� <br /> � ' . . . 1 � . --. q 1 ,t v.{. "�� �-c <br /> - .. i tyr r. ( � - l �{- -• f r .. �Tvf- - : 0 - l.i �\ . <br /> t Ji <br /> - 4Y , tl ..t��.N.4 . '�i d . .. 1 . . .41n5 <br /> �. 4 <br /> . . . ,.. . il/ r.- . .. : ti f.1. 5�•.. airr i . 3. i .�'� . <br />